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Homework / Devoirs Plan UNIT 0 – INTRODUCTION

(pour la rentrée des vacances d’automne) PART 1: Let’s break the ice

PART 2: Asking questions in English

1) Ordonner les documents de la première unité UNIT 0 – Introduction Grammar lesson 1 + Exercises
selon le sommaire ci-contre
PART 3: Listening/Understanding an oral message
A) Let’s get ready (methodology)
2) Manuel Fireworks 1ère : apprendre les leçons et faire les exercices Vidéo YouTube : Prince Ea – Spoken Word – Life motivations
p283 « H » Les questions : exercice n°30 B) Let’s formulate hypothesis
C) Let’s view the video (3 times) and take notes
p284 « I » Les réponses courtes : exercice n°31 Video :
– Part one (2’49)
– Part two (from 2’49 to 5’20)
D) Culture: Prince Ea biography / Who is Prince Ea?
► Biography 1 (sources: YouTube, Business Inquieries:
► Biography 2 (sources: AAE Names to Inc.) & Comprehension questionnaire
Vocabulary (mindmap) of the video Life motivations (by Prince Ea) NOUNS /
Let’s activate informations about Prince Ea’s video & biographies
- Keywords: write 5 sentences to ask your classmates with those words
- Summary of the Biography 2: reorder 3 sentences (A, B, C)
- Let’s summarise the content of Prince Ea’s video divided in 5 parts

INTERVIEW(S) about the DREAM of your life

2 roles to play * the journalist * the interviewee

Anne POURQUIER – Lycée Chaptal – Classes de 1ère

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