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The language named: „Ѕурѓисќи“ is a Slavic con language, Its alphabet has 27
letter, and is a tonal language.

It’s alphabet:

Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Жж Зз Ѕѕ Ии Јј Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф
Хх Цц Чч Џџ Шш

It’s accent markers are the ´ ; ` and Ь

The ´ can only be written on the letters Гг and Кк

The ` can only bre written on the letters Ее and Ии

And the Ь only on Нн and Лл

The accents in this language are very easy to understand, 2 of them are only
used in consonants but only the ` is on vowels.

If a word ends with Лл or Нн you will have to add the “Ь” accent marker to the
end of the letter (So it will become Љ and Њ). The accent means that you end
the word with a Rounded sound (like a quick crescendo and decrescendo). And
it’s only used in words without any vowels. The ´ accent marker is used
whenever the letters К к and Г г are before a vowel and after a consonant. The
` accent marker is used when the sentence is in the Genitive case.

This Language has 4 cases: Accusative, Nominative, Dative and Genitive case.

The – тои, таи, тоаи

A (An) – ж

This (These) – ов’

That (Those) – ож’

Many – мнѓа

Few – млќа

Some – нлѓа

All – сет

I/me – јас

You – ти’

He/She/It (Singular) – он/она/они

They/Them/You (Singular) – оние/ониевние/туи

We/Us (Plural) –н’с

It – он

Him/Her/They – Оној/онај/ониј

Who (Singular) –к’

What (Singular) –ш’јк


*Not (un-) -у
*Near -бл’з’н’
*Far -д’лнињ
*Here -вдје
*There -т’м’
*Where -к’гд’ј
*When -ком
*How -хау

*If -ак
*Because -з’ш

These are verb based and so will go where the verb lives. If the verb is always in front, it
goes in the VERY front. If the verb is always at the end, it goes at the VERY end

**Of, Related to -слу’јн’ју

**And -и
**Like -лајк
*At -К’ј
*In -вј’
*With -со

Other Important Concepts

Base Numbers
You’ll have one through ten for a Base Ten system, one through eight for Base Eight, etc.
You might not have Zero. Latin doesn’t. However, it is handy, and most cultures around the
world have a base ten system, although base 20 and base 60 are also historic systems.

*One -еден
*Two -два
*Three -три
*Four -ч’т’р’
*Five -пер
Six -шаст
Seven -седќам
Eight -ос’м
Nine -д’в’т
Zero -нул
The concept of “zero” is usually discovered later, so feel free to have it seem like an “exotic” word

Colors are normally discovered in the order below. Your people might not have all of them
yet. Notice that ‘Orange’ isn’t on this list; that’s because it might be seen as a shade of red or
yellow. Your people will have more words for colors they see often, and less for rarer ones.

*Black -ц’н
*White -б’л
*Red -ц’р
*Green -г’р
*Yellow ј’л -
Blue -б’а

*Right -десњ
*Left -лефљ
North -сервер
East -истќа
South -јуж
West -з’п’д

Just about every culture on earth has words for “men” and “women.” Sometimes they will
have a third gender for in-between, but that wasn’t common in western culture until very
**Man =маџ he/him/his
**Woman =женшиште she/her/her

Nouns & Adjectives

Core Nouns / Adjectives

These don’t often form the base of any of your words but in order for the language to work, it
needs these words to exist. Since there’s so few of them, they are unsorted

‘The People’ (tribe) -

This is the name of your people / language, because more often than not people call
themselves ‘The People. I usually go with ‘the person-many’ compounded into one word for
this one. It is a compound word, so I’ve also placed it in the “proper noun” section down in
the compound nouns.

Person - ч’в’к
This generally refers to any intelligent mortal being
Thing -нашт’
Path -пјатјека
Place -мјасќо
A single location (“The Courthouse”)
Land - ленд
A single area (“The North Side”)
Piece/Unit - м’ст‘
Big - г’лљ
Small -м’лљ
Self -ш’лљ

CoreEx Nouns / Adjectives

Woman - женшиште
Man - маџ
Genderfluid - педер
Agender - педер
Pangender - педер

Other Living Things

Tree - Д’б
Animal - Ж’в’тништ’
Fish - риба
Bird - Л’бж’в
Dog - Куч
Louse - п’чтено
Snake - змуја
Worm - црк
Flower - церт
Grass - трнва

Not Living Inorganic Things

Stone/Rock - кам’н
Water - в’д
Mountain - планујна
Earth - Мир
Moon - Војн
Night - ‘рч
Sky - нјебјуко
Star - ѕезда
Salt - зодиам
Sea - мор
Sun - с’ниж’н’к
Lake - ‘з’р’
Sand - пјес’к
Dust -дќема
Cloud -дѓума
Fog -фог
Wind -в’нд
Snow -сѓенг
Ice -мрањ
Smoke - мраљ
Fire - ог’ни’н’ш’тќо
Ash - ‘сш

Not Living Organic Things

Blood -к’в
Stick -Стрб
Seed -семе
Leaf -лиф
Root - рут
Rope - роп
Skin - кужишина
Meat - мјасо
Bone - б‘њ
Egg - јегсце
Horn -Хочќа
Feather - фрдув
Hair - коска
Head - чешќа
Ear - учќа
Eye - очо
Nose - нос’зо
Mouth -
Tooth -
Fingernail -
Foot -
Leg -
Knee -
Hand -
Wing -
Belly -
Guts -
Neck -
Breast -
Heart -
Liver -
Bark -
“of a tree”
Tongue -
The body part, not the part of the shoe
Fat -
As an object, not as a description

Descriptions of Things
Good -
Bad -
Other -
Long -
Wide -
Thick -
Heavy -
Short -
Narrow -
Thin -
Warm -
Cold -
Full -
New -
Old -
Rotten -
Dirty -
Straight -
Wet -
Dry -
Sharp -
“as a knife”
Dull -
“as a knife”

Name -
Day -
Year -
Correct -

CoreEx+ Nouns / Adjectives

These nouns are base-PIE nouns but aren’t Swadesh nouns so they live here

*Womb -
*Bright -

Common Nouns / Adjectives

Brother -
Sister -
Son -
Daughter -
Uncle -
Aunt -
Deity -
I marked this word in blue because you don’t Need this word. I would add, however, that it’s
a good word to have in your repertoire since most cultures have gods at some point, even if
they kill them later. ‘A person who shines’ is where the word ‘deity’ itself comes from
originally, so you can come up with something like that if you like, or whatever it is your gods
do most

Other Living Things

Deer -
Cat -
Bear -
Plant -

Not Living Inorganic Things

Valley -
Web -
Dead -
Home -

Descriptions of Things
Away -
Happy -

Tale -
Nonbinary -
Grand- -
As per a relationship; Derived from “Aged One” or “Elder”


Core Verbs
To Sit -
To Give -
To Be -
To Go -
To Cause -
To Use -
To Finish -
To Do -
To Make -
To Take -
To Have -
To Come -

*CoreEx Verbs
To Live -
To Die -
To Hunt -
To Walk -
To Know -
To Sing -
To See -
To Drink -
To Eat -
To Bite -
To Suck -
To Spit -
To Vomit -
To Blow -
To Breathe -
To Laugh -
To Hear -
To Think -
To Smell -
To Sleep -
To Kill -
To Hit -
To Cut -
To Spit -
To Stab -
To Scratch -
To Dig -
To Swim -
To Fly -
To Stand -
To Fall -
To Hold -
To Rub -
To Wash -
To Pull -
To Throw -
To Sew -
To Count -
To Say -
To Float -
To Flow -
To Freeze -
To Swell -
To Burn -
To Turn -
To Lie -
“in a bed”

*CoreEx+ Verbs
These verbs are either Swadesh verbs derived from older words or they’re Base-PIE verbs
but aren’t Swadesh verbs, so they all live here. The Base-PIE verbs will have a (*) in front of

*To Rip -
*To Enjoy -
*To Name -
*To Beget -
This is added to end of base gendered word to note if they gave birth or not
To Ride -
To Run -
To Shine -
To Work -
To Play -
To Tie -
To Wipe -
To Fear -
To Fight -
To Squeeze -
To Push -

Common Verbs
To Like -
To Be Like -
To Rise -
To Shout -
To Jump -
To Rain -
To Lose -
To Talk -
To Love -
To Move -
To Protect -
To Weave -
To Wander -
To Have Sex With -
To Have Sex With -

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