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School: Pooni- Lomabao Memorial NHS Grade Level: 10

Teacher: Norhanifah C. Romoros Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
MELC BASED Time: September 3-7, 2023 (7:40-9:00 am) Quarter: Q1 WEEK 1


Pamantayang The learner demonstrates understanding of how literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
Pangnilalaman strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication, public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
(Content Standards) reflexive and intensive pronouns.

Pamantayan sa Pagganap The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
(Perfomance Standards)

Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto Use information from news reports, speeches, confirmative talks, panel discussions, etc. in everyday conversations and exchangesEN10LC-Ia-11.1
(Learning Competencies)
Lesson Objective
a. use information from panel
a. use information from
a. use information from discussions that can be used in
various sources such as news
a. use information from speeches informative talks that can be everyday life;
that can be used in everyday life; used in everyday life; b. promote the interest and sense
speeches, informative talks,
b. promote the interest and sense b. promote the interest and sense of responsibility in validating the
panel discussions, etc. that can
of responsibility in validating the of responsibility in validating quality of information needed in
be used in
quality of information needed in the quality of academic and personal use by
everyday life; and
academic and personal use by information needed in academic managing a
b. promote the interest and
identifying the types of speech and personal use by composing panel discussion and;
sense of responsibility in
according to purpose; and a descriptive c. develop the abilities to organize
validating the
c. develop the abilities to speech; and information and construct it into a
quality of information needed
organize information and c. develop the abilities to text.
in academic and personal use.
construct it into a text. organize information and Using Information Sources
c. develop
construct it into a text. in Everyday Life

Paksang Aralin Organizing Panel Discussion

(Subject Matter) Using Information Sources Recognizing Information Constructing Personal in Making Decisions
in Everyday Life from Contextualized Speech Informative Speech

Kagamitang Panturo

(Learning Resources) content/uploads/2021/08/ uploads/2021/08/ uploads/2021/08/ uploads/2021/08/
english10_q1_mod_1of7_usin english10_q1_mod_1of7_usingi english10_q1_mod_1of7_usingi english10_q1_mod_1of7_usinginf
ginformationsourcesineveryda nformationsourcesineverydaylife nformationsourcesineverydaylif ormationsourcesineverydaylife_v2
ylife_v2.pdf _v2.pdf e_v2.pdf .pdf
Lesson or Directions: Read each LESSON LESSON
Presenting the New statement below carefully.
Lesson Write T if the statement is
TRUE and F if the statement
is FALSE. Use the separate
answer sheet
provided for you.
1. Writing the news report
requires answering the
following questions: who,
what, when, where, why and
2. Using panel discussion will
bring out not only excellent
ideas but
solution that everybody will
3.Speech is a process to
convince the audience of some
4.A fact is a thing that is
known and a thing to be
5. An accumulated
information is always factual.
PART II: Understanding
Directions: The statements do
require you to draw on your
knowledge of events, ideas,
terms, and situation that may
be related to
current issues. Write the
corresponding letter of the
correct answer in your
answer sheet.
6. May 5, 2020, amid corona
virus crisis, House panel
issues show cause
order to shutdown ABS-CBN.
Which of the following
executive departments
is credible for releasing
information on the situation?
a. Department of Health
b. Department of Justice
c. Department of Trade and
d. National
7. The following are the
criteria in evaluating the
relevance of the information
EXCEPT one. Which is NOT
part of the criteria?
a. Reliability b. Content
c.Fiction d.Currency
8. Where can you find a
credible or reliable source of
information to get
accurate details?
a. news b. tabloid c. blog d.
9. What office can declare
official public service
announcement on COVID19
a. Ombudsman c. Department
of Health
b. Malacaňang Palace d. Both
b and d
10. Philippine National Police
(PNP) prepares for possible
timeline of COVID-19. Which
information is NOT relevant
to the news?
a. Philippine National Police
(PNP) Chief, Police General
Francisco F. Gamboa,
activated the Administrative
Support to
COVID-19 Operations Task
Force (ASTF).
b. Composed the five
functional Task Group under
the ASTF.
c. Arranged deployment of
personnel in far flung areas.
d. Served the frontliners
through provision of health

b. Establishing READ THE SPEECH IN PAGE Read the following speech Activity 4.1 This time, you will
purpose for the Watch a video lesson about 10 below. Take down important collect information from the
lesson the lesson notes as you significant members of your
Activity 2.1 After reading the go along and answer the family on the issue about parental
speech, answer the following questions that follow. capacity in
questions. Excerpt from Marie Curie's teaching distance learning.
1. What type of speech was used speech on the discovery of Interview the members about their
by the author? Why you say so? radium: stand on the
2. What is its purpose? issue. Complete the table by
3. How does this information filling out with appropriate
lead you to your conclusion? answers. See
Activity 2.2 Based on the Activity Worksheet 4.1.
speech, answer the following
questions. Write
the letter of the correct answer
on the worksheet provided.

1. To overcome personal
challenges shows .
a. Optimism b. courage c. vigor
d. both a and b
2. The last two lines of the
speech express .
a. Encouragement b. arrogance
c. optimism d. warning
3. One can generalize about the
speech is to .
a. overcome personal challenges
c. be grateful
b. bring out the best in you d.
both A and B
4. An effective persuasive
technique used by the speaker to
her point is through appealing
to .
a. Emotion b. moral c. reason d.
both A and B
5. The tone of the speech is more
of .
a. Inspiring b. criticizing c.
defending d. denying

c. Presenting Teachers Discussion Activity 3.1 Comprehension

example/instances PART III: Reading Four basic different types of Questions: Based on Marie
of the new lesson Directions: Read the news speech according to purpose Curie’s speech, answer
feature carefully. Answer the the following questions below
questions that on the worksheet provided for
follow. Write your answer on you.
the answer sheet provided for 1. What did Marie Curie had
you. discovered?
2. What did she find out about
12. In what way did the uranium compound?
District supervisor meet the 3. How old was radium when
school heads? she discovered it?
a. messenger 4. When did she engage herself
b. face to face in working on uranium rays?
c. teleconferencing 5. Who discovered the uranium
d. webinar rays?
13. What processes did the
applicants undergo for hiring?
a. Behavioral Event Interview
and Demonstration Teaching
audio using cell phone and
landline phone
b. Behavioral Event Interview
and Demonstration Teaching
face to face with the panelists
c. Behavioral Event Interview
and Demonstration Teaching
appointed schedule
d. All the above
14. To cope with the possible
delay in the selection process
of hiring
teachers for school year 2020-
2021 due to the present
pandemic, the
Schools Division of South
Cotabato employed
technology in conducting
Behavioral Event Interview
and Demonstration Teaching.
What do you
mean by “employed
technology” in this sentence?
a. application using equipment
or programs to process and
communicate information
such as information and
b. a process of bridging
information using technology
c. a set of technological tools
and resources
d. an integration of
15. What is the best headline
of the given news article?
a. SDOSC goes techno savvy
b. SDOSC uses online
interview and demonstration
c. Technology is power
d. Division of South Cotabato
hires teacher applicant
d. Discussing new Teachers Discussion Teacher Discussion
Types of informative speech Panel Discussions
Activity 1.2 Using the answers
(Activity 1.1) to your
questions, write
Activity 2.3 Below are the
the report and make sure to
Eleven (11) simple ways to care
include all the information
for each other
from your questions.
during the COVID-19 Corona
Write your answer on the
virus pandemic. Arrange the
worksheet provided for you
information to write an
informative speech. Use the
answer sheet provided for

e. Continuation of the
discussion of new
f. Developing Mastery Activity 1.4 11 Simple Ways to Care For Activity 4.2. Imagine you are one
Directions: Fill in the blanks Each Other During the COVID- of the classroom officers and you
with the appropriate word that 19 Corona Virus need to
best Pandemic address the issue on imposing
completes the statement. Greenpeace Philippines, March fines for not wearing school
1. The informs the reader of 27,2020 uniform.
the most 1. Volunteer your time. Construct three-five (3-
important aspects of the story 2. Check in on elderly neighbors. 5) statements about the problem
as soon as possible. 3. Look after yourself, to look about how you will help you
2. The contains the less after us all- flatten the curve. manage the
important information which 4. A cool idea: Rent payment session regarding the certain
is relief for self-isolated people issue. See Activity Worksheet 4.2
often omitted by the without paid sick leave.
newspaper editor if there is not 5. Instill empathy and concern
for our health workers.
6. Fundraise for people
enough space left
financially impacted by
in the newspaper.
quarantine measures.
3. A/an is the structure of the
7. Reach out to people in self-
news report.
4. The gives more details and
8. Combat misinformation
provides more
information about the WHY
9. Share positive news and acts
and HOW of the story.
kindness with your community.
5. a heading at the top of an
10. Make social distancing fun
article or page in
with video chat.
a newspaper or magazine.
11. And stop hoarding alcohol
and hand sanitizers.
g. Finding practical .
applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living

h. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about
the lesson
i. Evaluating learning Activity 1.5 Read the Activity 2.4 Identify the Activity 3.4 Compose a three- Activity 4.3 Fill in the blanks with
following part of the news following examples according to paragraph descriptive speech. the correct answer to complete the
story. Identify what part is it. text types. Write I for sentence. Write your answers on
Use the answer sheet provided Informative, P for Persuasive, E the Activity Worksheet 4.3.
for you. for Entertainment, and D for 1. A is like a meeting or
1. “The million-to-one shot Demonstrative. convention that
came in. Hell froze over. A Write the answer on the addresses certain issues or
month of Sundays hit worksheet provided for you. problems with a group of people.
the calendar. Don Larsen 1. College professor lecturing on 2. A needs to have a broad
today pitched a no-hit, no-run, a specific topic during a class. perspective and
no-man-reachfirst game in a 2.A lawyer giving a closing point of view to discuss a certain
World Series.” 3. A panel should be small and so
argument a court, arguing about
2. Dead Body Found at the that it would
whether the
Museum: Curator Suspected be easy to manage.
defendant is innocent or guilty of
For items 3-5, briefly describe 4. It is much better to plan the
the crime.
the factual content of the story ahead of time to
3. Chefs describing how to
related to the prepare for unexpected topics that
prepare a recipe.
Write your answer on the may arise during the
4.Tutors explaining how to solve
answer sheet provided for you. discussion.
mathematical equations.
3.Who (is involved)? 5. A good panel member prepares
5. Speeches given by maids of
4.What (took place)? phrases to avoid
honor or best men at weddings
5. When (did it take place)? the long-winded and lengthy
j. Additional activities
for application or


a. Number of
learners who
earned 80% of
the evaluation
b. Number of
learners who
activities for
remediation who
scored below
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
e. Number of
learners who
continue to
f. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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