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Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION Jus vocare rex-joao Attorney in fact/ ‘The general executor Email: Thegeneralexecutor@ Postal location: The house de avila Attn. The general executor’s office general post-office ceast main street five five Five (555) suite 22 turlock, de avila province County of Merced registered mail Clerk, Board of Supervisors Claim number: RE 047 883 710 US 2222 M Street, Third Floor Merced, CA.95340 CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE FOR PAYMENT DUE FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Greetings, raul lomeli mendez, et al., and the Board of Supery We are under the belief that you are the man acting as the County Executive Officer for the County of Merced. This CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE is to inform you and the Board of Supervisors of Our demand for payment against those named herein for false imprisonment, assault and battery, trespass, property theft, identity theff, libel, defamation, breach of trust, conspiracy to lof 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. defraud, conspiracy to deprive one of rights, kidnapping, malicious prosecution, and abuse of the legal process to unjustly enrich themselves. ‘Wrong-doers Parties in suit Wrong-doer number one. First name unknown, Enciso, Duputy for the Merced County Sheriff's Office, et al. At all relevant times, he was acting under COLOR OF LAW or COLOR OF OFFICE within the course and scope of his duties in the Merced County Sheriff Office, et al, and was acting within the scope of his employment with the County of Merced, et al. when he ‘committed the wrongs. ‘Wrong-doer number two. First name unknown, Santiago, Duputy of the Merced County Sheriffs Office, et al. Atall relevant times, he was acting under COLOR OF LAW or COLOR OF OFFICE within the course and scope of his duties in the Merced County Sheriff Office, et al., and ‘was acting within the scope of his employment with the County of Merced, et al when he committed the wrongs. Wrong-doer number three. The County of Merced, et al. is a incorporated MUNICIPAL CORPORATION and is the EMPLOYER and Principal of the DEPUTIES as well as the other Officers/ Agents referred to in this Claim, as indicated in the [Cf. Monel] Claim; and is responsible for the actions and omissions of its EMPLOYEES. At all times material to this Claim, Wrong-doers were acting under Color of Law or Color of Office, ordinance and/or regulation, statutes, custom and usages of the County. The Merced County Sheriffs Office, et al. and Merced County District Attorney's Office, etal. is an Agency of the COUNTY acting under the direction and supervision of the aforementioned MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, ‘Wrong-doer number four. The Merced County Sherriff's Office, et al. The Sheriff owes a duty to the Public in all matters of his Office where the Public is directly concemed and also a duty 20f 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. to the individual in any matter in which the individual is directly interested, and for a violation of either duty, resulting in damage, the Sheriff and his sureties are liable on his Official bond. Cf. Hodgson v. Hatfield, 240 P 69 112 Okla 134, In the performance of his duty, the law imposes the strictest accountability. ‘The Sheriff "knew or should have known" that Claimant's arrest was unlawful then the Sheriff is liable for false imprisonment. The Claimant repeatedly demanded that the Sheriff attend to speak with the Claimant and from this we can infer nonfeasance because he ‘was aware of the situation and should have exercised due diligence and inquired into the matter and should have therefore released Him. Wrong-doer nuber five. Merced County District Attomey’s Office, et al. Prosecutor(s] acting outside of his or her authority throughout the process of initiating or pursuing a criminal case, the immunity will not apply to those acts. Cf. Nunez v. Pennisi (2015) 241 Cal.App.4th 861 Liability for malicious prosecution is not limited to one who initiates an action. A person who did not file a complaint may be liable for malicious prosecution if he or she ‘instigated’ the suit or ‘participated in it ata later time. Wrong-doer[s] number[s] six through thirty. Due to the lack of discovery we are reserving the right to add additional Wrong-doers as needed. ‘The violation of Cf. Civil Code section 52.1 is based on an arrest without probable cause, as we have stated. Because GOVERNMENT CODE CE. section 821.6 provides no immunity from liability for false arrest ot false imprisonment. Cf. Sullivan v. County of Los Angeles, supra, 12 Cal.3d at pp. 719-722, 117 Cal.Rptr. 241, 527 P.2d 865, Cf. section 821.6 provides no immunity from liability under Cf. Civil Code cction 52.1 based on an arrest without probable cause. Cf. O'Toole v. Superior Court (2006) 140 Cal. App.4th 488, 44 Cal. Rpte.3d 531. 30f19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Introduction This is an obvious case of unreasonable seizure pursuant to legal process. The claims for deprivation of Constitutional protected rights, inherent rites, absolute rights in violation of The Law of Nations, General Orders No. 100: The Lieber Code, State tort law, “Bane Act and Monell violation” all during the course of a pre-textual domestic stand-by while acting under the color of law or color of office against the Officers who participated in this fraudulent arrest along with the other Agents from other Agencies within and outside the County. We reserve the right to amend this demand /claim as necessary as We have been completely denied discovery by the Merced County District Attomey’s Office and the Merced County Public Defender’s Office who have both defaulted on Our discovery demands and upon their silence they have admitted to certain facts pertaining to the matters herein as they attempt to conceal the wrongs perpetrated. We find this type of interference morally repugnant that disturbs Our social serenity and affects the morals of Our inhabitants. This type of corruption is abhorrent to a civilized society. Where Agents or Employees of the County are deliberately attempting to shield Wrong-doers from accountability. Brief summary of events ‘The wrongful trespasses occurred on the fourth (4#) month, in the twenty seventy (274) day in the year commonly known as two-thousand and twenty-three (2023) (aka. April 27, 2023) near 19960 American Avenue Hilmat, Califomia, de avila province. Public Servant Deputies Enciso and Santiago, Deputies of the Merced County Sheriff Department are charged with the unlawful arrest and kidnaping, False Imprisonment is an indictable offense at common law, and RELIEF by the party aggrieved was obtained by an action for TRESPASS vi e¢ armis (with force of arms). Cf. Meiats v. Huntington, 279 F. 245, 248, (1921), citing 3 Blackstone, Com. 127, 4 Blackstone Com. 218. ‘What was the reason for this unlawful arrest? Could it be for MONEY, CREDIT or the 40f19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883.710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter attachment of liens to Our property? The unlawful arrest of His imperial majesty, herein after the Chimant, was predicated on His refusal to self-identify as “JOHN C. AVILA”, at least this is the facade Wrong-doers want you to accept in order to conceal their true intent. When the Deputies arrived on the scene, they encountered the Claimant standing outside on the side of a private road. As the Deputies approached, He asked the Deputies, “What's going on”? One of the Deputies responded are you “JOHN C. AVILA”? The Claimant declared He was not “JOHN C. AVILA” and announced He was not in the capacity of a “U.S. CITIZEN” And declared He was non-citizen national, non- resident alien. Thereafter, He proceeded in a calm demeanor to inquiry what business they had there. ‘They deliberately attempted to diminish His Status and Standing to a debtor, transmitting utility, peon; under some form of servitude bound to some nonexistent obligation to pay a debt without a bono fide authority, without Due Process of law or Equal Protection of law, consent, or contract requiring His performance. In support thereof, Cf. Wheeling Steel Corp v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L. Ed 1143 56 S. Ct. 773. Discussing how US. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] {residing} in one of the States Union, are fraudulently classified as property and Franchises of the Federal Corporation as an “individual entity”. The styled name in all capital letters is the illegal and unlawful use of personage. Tn attempt to convert the living into a corporate fiction in order to administer them as property and is the essence of slavery. These types of false presumptions and coercive behavior by Public Servant Wrong-Doers endeavored to compel or trick Him into accepting this fraudulent identity and inferior Status and Standing as “JOHN C. AVILA” by placing Him under some form of duress and denying Him the lawful immunity or Inter Regalia, which is a lawfully inherent rite and/or right of His imperial majesty /Claimant. See also the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, Codi ied at Cf Title 28, §1330, 1332, 1391, 1441, and 1602-1611 of the United States Code which provides additional protection 50f19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. and immunity from frivolous allegations or charges from Corporate STATE or COUNTY. ACTORS. ‘The conversation continued on the side of the private road for several minutes were Deputy Santiago continued to press the issue of the Claimant being “JOHN C. AVILA”. While they both. stood in front of the Deputy’s cruiser, ‘The Claimant continued to respond in the negative. At some point during the conversation, Deputy Santiago decided to step away to [s]peak with a bystander who was watching the encounter from a distance; We are certain this bystander provided defective eyewitness identification or information pertaining to the Claimant's true identity. Upon the Deputyfs] retum from [s}peaking with the bystander Deputy Santiago was now visible agitated and immediately thereafter with the assistance of Deputy Enciso started to put their hands on the Claimant and began to unlawfully kidnap Him by forcible placing handcufis on Him for no legally justifiable reason. Soon thereafter, the both of them aggressively attempted to shove the Claimant into the cruiser while He physically refused to board their vessel. Anyone who assists or participates in an unlawful arrest or imprisonment is equally liable for the damages caused. Thus, where a man ‘was illegally arrested by a POLICE OFFICER, and was placed in a patrol wagon in which he was taken to the central station, it was held thatthe two officers in charge of the patrol wagon were liable, along with the arresting officer, for false imprisonment. Cf. Cook v. Hastings, 150 Mich. 289, 114 N.W. 71, 72 (1907). This type of malfeasance exceeded the scope of their OFFICE. An interesting observation, is the fact, that the Deputies never asked for ID or DRIVER LICENSE when the question of identification was an issue. Is it not common practice for Deputies to ask for some type of identity card when they make contact with the Public? However, the Deputies never once asked for an ID. Did the Deputies already know that the Climant did not possess CORPORATE STATE ID CARD OR DRIVERS LICENSE? We can safely infer from their ultra vires actions up,io this point and their lack of asking for an ID CARD or DRIVERS 60f19 ¢ DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Gan ROH BOS Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. LICENSE this was a premeditated encounter that led to an unlawful arrest. As they had some knowledge, in whom they were interacting with and therefore knew the Claimant’s name was not “JOHN C. AVILA” and were aware of His true Standing and Status and His immunity from CORPORATE bylaws. Deputies Santiago and Enciso failed to establish any "exigent circumstance" requiring His arrest. The Deputies did not articulate any crime had taken place or that they were there to investigate any criminal conduct. They illegally snatched, handcuffed and forcible shoved the Claimant into/onto the Deputy{s] Cruiser in aperta-luce were they aggressively used force to kidnap and transport Him against His wishes, as He resisted openly their unlawful kidnapping to a FOREIGN PORT in order to carry out the commission of mutiny to perpetrate larceny and conversion against The estates, His property. “Good faith” on the part of an Officer{s] will not justify an illegal arrest. CE. Manos, supra note 44, at 416. ‘There was no breach of the peace committed in their presence and therefore they were without authority to arrest without a warrant. Cf. Carroll v. United States, 267 US. 132, 69 L. Ed 543, 45 S. Ct. 280, 39 A.LR. 790; Adaie v. Williams, 24 Ariz. 422, 210 P. 853, 26 A.LR. 278; State v. Francis, 152 S.C. 17, 149 S. E. 348, 70 A.LR. 1133. Not only did they lack the authority to make said arrest, but they also lacked probable cause to detain the Claimant for any reason. ‘xigent circumstances” justifying a warrantless, arrest refer to an emergency situation requiring swift action to prevent physical harm to persons or serious damage to property, or to forestall the imminent escape of the suspect or destruction of evidence. Cf. Welsh v. Wisconsin, supra, 466 U.S. 740, 748-753 [80 L.Fd.2d 732, 742-745}; Dorman v. US. (D.C. Cir.1970) 435 F.2d 385, 392-393; People v. Ramey (1976) 16 Cal.3d 263, 276 [127 Cal. Rptr. 629, $45 P.2d 1333]). ‘Once they secured their unlawful taking of the Claimant, they detained Him for an additional thirty days (released from jail May 27, 2023) without probable cause determination, plea being : 7of19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #; RE 047 883 710 US en ere Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. entered or charging instrument being presented (thus, without jurisdiction to detain). Wrong-doers advanced their corruption by making claims (in CORPORATE COURT see duns number 943331467 for MERCEI SUPERIOR COURT) that the Claimant was incompetent and attempted to force Him to be evaluated by a psychiatrist in order to further conceal their wrong doing, all fraudulently. Subsequent confinement becomes unlawful if there is an unnecessary delay in bringing the Accused before a magistrate or releasing Him as required. Cf. Dragna v. White, 45 Cal. 2d 469, 472, 289 P.2d 428, 430 (1955). We have yet to inspect any charging instrument in this matter as none has been provided in discovery demands. Wrong-doers detained Him in a hostile environment, were He had a physical altercation with another detainee in self-defense. The conditions at the Merced County jail were so horrid due to the SherifPs dereliction of duty of oversight to provide a safe place for pre-trial detainees. Drugs were being consumed daily by a large percentage of detainees such as ‘methamphetamine, manjuana, fentanyl, various narcotic pil, were being smuggled around the jail Facility unabated. “This all contributed to an unsafe environment where someone who was never legally charged with committing a crime was left to endure this hostile place due to no fault of His own. POLICE OFFICERS who failed to intervene when they had reason to question whether probable cause existed and physically arrested suspect are under liability in false arrest action, even if they were not directly involved in decision to arrest. Cf. U.S. Constitution Amendment IV; Harris v. City of Saginaw, Michigan, 62 F. 4" 1028 (6" Cir. 2023). They were under a duty to investigate the validity of the false arrest. Cf. Rest. 2d Torts, § 45, com. b. The Claimant repeatedly informed them that He was not a U.S. Citizen and that under Cf. the Sovereign Immunity Act He was 4 requ to be released within 24 hours as there was no injured party and no valid COURT ORDER *. to detain Him? Bof19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Claim #: RE 047 883710 US ie ee eee Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all succes ‘named thereafter. Dismissal of criminal case 23CR-01697 The criminal case number associated with this matter is 23CR-01697 which has been dismissed on the merits for a lack probable cause for arrest and the lack of jurisdiction. If an arrest by a Deputy isin its inception wrongful, itis held that all others who act and assist in the continuance of the wrongful imprisonment are responsible for the entire damage thereby caused, although they had no knowledge of the unlawfulness of the imprisonment and intended to actin the Strict discharge of theit Official duties. C. Griffin v. Coleman, 4 H. & N. 265. 28 Lav Jj, Exch. 134 Wright v. Court, 4 B & C. 56, When POLICE OFFICERS conduct a warrantless arrest without probable cause, they Wolate the Fourth Amendment and therefore open themselves to suit without immunity, Cf. Case v Flinger, 355 F.3d 1317, 1326 (I1th Cir. 2009); Marx v. Gumbinner, 905 F.2d 1503, 1505 (Ith Cir, 1990). Cf. Martinelli v. City of Beaumont, 820 F.2d 1491, 1494 (9th Cir. 1987). Where an Officer lacks probable cause to arrest, the Of er will not have qualified immunity from a malicious Prosecution claim. Cf, Penree by Penree v. City of Utica, New York, 694 Fed Appx 30 (2d cir 2017) (oF claims for false arrest and false imprisonment. Cf. Hall v, District of Columbia, 867 F. 3d 138 (DE. Cir 2017). The use of Section 148 to arrest a man for refusing to identity during a lawful [pat down] violates the Fourth Amendment's proscription against unreasonable searches and seizures Cf. Brown v. Texas, 443 US. 47, 99 S. Ct. 2637, 61 L-Ed.2d 357 (1979), the [S]UPREME COURT held that a Texas statute requiring persons stopped by the police to identify themselves w. Lunconstitutional as applied to a man who was stopped by Officers who had no reasonable suspicion that the man was involved in a crime. Fach Kidnapper exceeded his jurisdiction by either directly, through an Agent, or in concert . ‘With another and did cause the Claimant to be unlawfully and forcibly carried away and imprisoned a J DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US ir 9of 19 eo _—_ Bs Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all suc named thereafter S80rs *gainst is will, without jurisdiction or good faith beliet to justify ther actions as being legally Competent. Fora crime to exist there must be an injured party. There ca be no sanetion of penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of a] Constitution protected right(s] or inherent rie(s Ct Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F 2d 945, The Deputies clearly trespassed on established rights to be free from arrest without probable cause and lacked any authority to make an a rest as the Cl not a resident, Citizen, or Employee of the CORPORATION. Malicious Prosecution To establish malicious prosecution of a criminal proceeding, the Claimant must demonstrate the action was pursued to a legal termination in his or her favor. CE. Brennan v. Tremco Tne (2001) 25 Cal.4th 310, 313, 105 C LRptr.2d 790, 20 P.3d 1086; Sheldon Appel Co. v. Albert & Oliker (1989) 47 Cal.3d 863, 871, 254 Cal. Rptr. 336, 765 P.2d 498. The action had been commence and carried on maliciously without probable cause or proper legal authority. Malice may be inferred ‘when a party knowingly brings an action without probable cause. Cf. Ross v. Kish, 145 Cal. App. 4* 188, 51 “al Rptr. 3d 484 (2d Dist. 2006); Runo v. Wiliams, 162 Cal, 444, 122 P. 1082 (1912), Malici Prosecution is Founded upon the right of an innocent man to be compensated in damages for any injury he may sustain when a groundless charge is brought against him, even though such charge may be [presented] and prosecuted in accordance with the strictest forms of law. CE State v. Williams, 45 Ore. 314, 77 Pac. 965, 969 (1904). The Cl imant was forced to defend these frivolous and malicious criminal charges waged against Him upon the false and misleading recommendations of the Wrong-doers. This type of barratry or champerty by individuals who are overly officious in instigating or encouraging Prosecution of groundless litigation, or who bring repeated or persistent acts of litigation for the purposes of profit ot ha issment is yet another example of malfeasance by Public Servants. 10 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Yee to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to princip: named thereatter. notice to agents and all successors Charges against Him were meritless, He was not held pursuant to any bono fide legal process. Particular Constitutional right, such as the right to be free from unlawful seizures under the Fourth Amendment under the Due Process Clause. Cf, Newsome v. McCabe, 256 F.3d 747, 751 (7th Cit.2001). Violation of the Due Proce wuse—that is, a claim that a STATE or COUNTY ACTOR deprived the Claimant of freedom or property without due process of law. Ct 510 U, 266, 283-84, 114 S, Ct. 807, 127 L.Bd.2d 114 (1994) (Kennedy, J., concurring in the judgment) Newsome, 256 F.3d at 750-51. When a wrong is ongoing rather than discrete, the period of limitations do jot commence until the wrong ends. Cf. National Railroad Passenger Corp v. Morgan, 536 U.S. 101, 115. 21 (2002) The general rule of damages in cases of False Imprisonment is the person causing a wrongful imprisonment is liable for all the natural and probable consequences thereof. The Claimant is entitled to recover damages for what the party wrongfully did. Cf. In Murphy v. C 1 Harr. (Del, 143, in an action for trespass, assault and battery, and false imprisonment, the COURT held that the claimant could recover, not merely for the time the constable was bringing him to jail, but for the whole period of his imprisonment. Cf. in Mandeville v. Guernsey, 51 Barb. (N.Y) 99, the Gn COURT said, “The arrest being wrongful, the Wrong-doers are liable for all the harmful consequences to the Claimant which resulted directly from the wrongful act.” Cf. Knickerbocker c ‘Steamboat Co., v. Cusack, 172 Fed. 358, 360-361 (190 1e Law does not hold the value of a 4 man's freedom in such low regard. : False imprisonment generally includes an assault and battery, and always, at least, a technical sault. Cf. Black v. Clark's Greenboro Inc., 263 N.C. 226, 193 S.E. 2d. 199, 201 (1964), 139 S.E.2d id tha 199, 201 (1964), It has be An illegal arrest is an assault and battery” Cf. State v. Robinson, 145 Me. 77, 72.A. (2d) 260. 262 (1950). 11of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Failure to take proper remedial action Supervisory individuals from the County of Merced, et al. fail to take proper remedial action against County Deputies once it is determined that sive force, false arrest an illegal act, an act of e3 and/or malicious prosecution has been committed by the Officer{s] or other Agent(s}. This practice and /or custom has gone unchecked and has been allowed to exist in the County of Merced, et al. for 4 significant period of time; so much so, that Deputy Officers for the County of Merced, et al. recognize that they will not be punished for committing such acts and that, in fact, these acts are either permitted or quietly consented to by SUPERTOR Officers in order to permit such conduct to reoccur. A code of silence exists, between the O! uunty of Merced, et al. so sand Agents of the as to obstruct the legal process preventing the full disclosure of discovery and/or the suppression of evidence to prevent the exposure of the wrongs committed. While on the other hand, they freely generate false documentation (ie. police reports) to cover-up their own misconduct. A MUNICIPALITY will be held liable under the Due Process Clause when it, through its POLIC! 2 DEPARTMENT, tolerates and permits a pattern of POLICE harassment, false arrest and malicious prosecution. Cf. Amos v. District of Columbia, 231 F. Supp. 3d 936 (D.N.M. 2014). A Public entity is liable for injury proximately caused by an act or omission of an employee of the PUBLI © entity within the scope of his employment if the act or omission would, apart from the section. Cf. Cal. Gov. Code § 815.2. Have given rise to a cause of action against the employee or his Gov personal representative. Cf de §820.4. ...nothing in this section exonerates a Public employee from liability for false arrest or false imprisonment. And since false imprisonment is specifically exempted from the immunity granted Public employees by Cf. Government Code section 820.4 the Deputies would be personally liable. Therefore the County of Merced, et al. would be vicariously liable by virtue of section 815.2, which imposes liability on the Public entity when the Public employee is lable. Cf. Shakespeare v. City of Pasadena, 230 Cal. App. 2d 375, 386, 40 Cal. 120f 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US nd all successors Notice to-agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice 19 agents 0 named thereafter. 770-71(1964). ‘The CALIFORNTA [S]UPREME, COURT has determined that CE. Rptr. 863, Goverment Code section 821.6 was not intended to protect public employees from liability For false arrest or false imprisonment. Cf. Sullivan, supra, at PP. 719-722, 117 Cal Rptr. 241, 527 P.2d 865) Conclusion authority against innocent people is contrary to Public The epidemic of POLICE abusing theie Policy and maintaining a workable relationship with the members of the Public when the Public loses faith in their ability to carey-out the functions of their Office as set forth. Law is the operating system of Our Society and when that is broken Society fails to operates the manner it was intend to do so. 1g probable cause without judicial assistance. Public POLICE OFFICERS are capable of as Servants took the risk to act on their own accord without warrant OF legal justification to deny the Claimant His rights; they should not be absolved for their negligence oF bad faith Those in position of authority have a duty and responsibility of being good Stewards and and alibis by a jailer should not Fiduciaries in the communities in which they live or work. Ignoranc tied to his freedom. The Wrong-doers can not claim immunity from witiate the rights of a man er liability for damages arising out of their failure to perform a mandatory duty imposed by Statute or The Law The arrest and prolong{ed] detention by Wrong-doers were procured for malevolent motives d without probable cause. Their actions were wrongful, malicious and designed to embarrass damage the Claimant. He suffered extreme mental and ‘emotional anguish as a result of their wrongful actions. Claimant's reputation has been harmed: He has been humiliated and embarrassed by being faelfarested by the Merced County Sherifs Office etal. Claimant shows tha the actions of the Wrong-doers reflect a malicious, intention, willful, and ceckless disregard of the rights property were taken from Him without Due Proce of 1B of 19 or rites of the Claimant as His freedom and DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED ‘Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Law. He lost time, inconvenience(d], loss of dignity and disgrace, incurred legal fees, other consequential financial damages, loss of the ability to enjoy life. ‘These trespasses or harms warrant an award of punitive and compensatory damages to the Claimant for these unwarranted interferences. ‘The harms that were intended, or occurred through malice, carel 3 of negligence amounted to a wrong so reckless and wanton as to be without excuse. CE. Ross v. Leggett, 61 Mich. 445, 28 N.W. 695, 697 (1886). This type of oppressive treatment by Public Servants is one of the gravest trespasses they can commit against their Master. Official executorship documents were mailed to the head civil administrator (at the time) Donald Proietti almost two years ago via registered mail. Which included Our fee schedule and thus, have been used to calculate the payment due for the wrongs perpetrated, as Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Remedy demanded This sa binding contract, read the entire agreernent careflly as this is your opportunity to be heard. Your response, rebuttal or objection is required no later than November 20, 2023. Your silence will comprise your (and all Wrong-doers) agreement with and acceptance of all of the terms and provisions in this Claim. An un-rebutted affidavit/declaration stands as truth in commerce. An un- rebutted affidavit/ declaration is acted upon as the judgment in commerce. We demand payment within forty five (45) days. Your failure to respond to the Claim herein is your acquiescence, consent, agreement to the truth or facts to the matters herein and you agree to be estop of any future litigation or opposing claims regarding the matters herein and further agree to release Power of Attorney to The general executor or Claimant. The Wrong-doers are jointly and sum of 2.2 trillion dollars and zero cents, severally obligatétbtp pay the Claimant a gros y obliga pay er $2,200,000,000,000 in lawful money for the settlement of all tortious actions and omissions of its of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE. 047 883 710 US SS —_— Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. employees, damages, costs, copy-right & gepy-fraud infringements. Cf. In re Hoeffin 19 US.P.Q. 2d M74 (I-T-A.B. 2010) Public can’t use the living man name as trademark; George & Co LL Imagination Entertainment Ltd., 575 F.3d 383 4" Cir (2009) Public use doctrine permits trademark owner to claim rights in abbreviations or modifications of its mark by the Public; fees incurred in connection with the above Claim and Charges and any other alleged asserted and unasserted claims arising from the matter herein. Additional Consideration and Terms. ‘This Settlement Payment is obligated to be paid in full when due on the twelfth (124) month, in the fourteenth (14) day in the year commonly known as two-thousand and twenty-three (2023) (aka. December 14, 2023). Wrong-doers failure to pay this Claim is their agreement to have liens placed upon any and all Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, money, gold, silver, bonds, assets, equipment, goods, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, general intangib! things of value, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (ie. property, accounts, funds etc) and all commercial transactions by Wrong: doers/Debtors (all Principals and agents) to satisfy the obligation of the amount due. You and all Wrong-doers are required to provide a complete list and location of all Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, assets, inventory, bonds, money, gold, silver, equipment, goods, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, g ral intangibles, things of value, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens. Wrong-doers herein grant, give, and consent to ‘The general executor/Claimant to lodge or record any UCC 1 of other record{s] into any other depository to preserve and protect His interest in any Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, bonds, assets, money, gold, silver, equipment, goods, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, general intangibles, things of yalue, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value 15 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US RN SSE'ST Cn Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all suc named thereafter. (-e. property, accounts, funds etc.) and all commercial transactions by Wrong-doers /Debtors (all Principals and agents). In order to secure payment or performance of obligation{s] as required to satisfy the debt owing to the Claimant or The general executor. You further agree that Our Lien[s] are Superior to all other{s} current claims and any future ims, encumbrances, liens, or any other debt owned going into the future; You further allow Us (Claimant or The general executor) to hold, possess, and dispose of real and personal property, and to take and hold in trust for the use and benefit of the Claimant. ‘The Liens) is/are dischargeable only by full satisfaction of all debt due otherw e known as payment in full of all debt owing, and is not otherwise dischargeable for One thousand (1000) years, and cannot be extinguished due to the death of the Claimant, or by imant's heirs, assigns, or Executor. Public employees that attempt to modifi ; circumvent or negate any of Our lien|s} shall be deemed common law outlaws and felons or may be prosecuted under (CF. Title 42 USC Sec. 1986) You further agree to re-pledge all future Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, bonds, goods, money, gold, silver, equipment, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, assets, accounts, general intangibles, things of value, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (ie. property, accounts, funds etc) and all commercial tra sactions by Wrong-doers/Debtors (all Principals and agents) until the debt is completely satisfied. Whether held by any Wrong-doer(8) named herein of held by any intermediary. You and all Wrong-doers agree to relinquish, surrender, abandon all interest in any Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, goods, bonds, money, gold, silver, equipment, Funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, assets, general intangibles, things of value, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (ie. property, 16 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883.710 US Notice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. accounts, funds etc.) and all commercial transactions by Wrong-doers/Debtors (all Principals and agents). You and all Wrong-doers agree to provide future notices (or as der \ded) concerning changes o Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, goods, bonds, money, gold, silver, equipment, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, assets, general intangibles, things of value, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (Ge. property, accounts, funds ete) and all commercial transactions by Wrong-doers/Debtors (all Principals nd agents). A security interest in Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, bonds, goods, money, gold, silver, equipment, funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, assets, general & Ys Bi or intangibles, mortgages, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (Le. property, accounts, funds ete:) and all commercial tran tions by Wrong-doers/Debtors {all Principals and agents); continues despite a sale or other disposition unless the disposition was authorized by The general executor, rex-joao (secured party creditor) free and clear of security interest. You and all Wrong-doers contractually agree not to pledge encumber or otherwise permit any other liens or encumbrances on the same Property, Li Real Estate, investment property, bonds, inventory, goods, money, gold, silver, equipment, funds, mortgages, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, assets, general intangibles, chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, oF after-acquired things of value (ie. property, accounts, funds etc.) and all commercial transactions by Wrong-doers/Debtors (all Principals and agents). You further agree that the right to payment has y proceeding. been fully earned ang! any debt owing can not be extinguished in any bankrupt Wrong-doers/Debtors warrants that Claimant’s/Secured Party’s Claim against the Property, Land, Real E te, investment property, inventory, goods, bonds, money, gold, silver, equipment, 17 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim #: RE 047 883 710 US Price to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. Wrong-doers/Debtors warrants that Claimant’s/Secured Party's Claim against the Property, Land, Real Estate, investment property, inventory, goods, bonds, money, gold, silver, equipment, general intangibles, things of funds, fixtures, proceeds, collateral, accounts, assets chattel paper, security instruments, liens, Ag liens, or after-acquired things of value (Le. property, s ete) and all commercial transactions by Wrong-doers /Debtors (all Principals and accounts, fun agents) is lawful and enforceable according to the terms and conditions expressed herein and according to all applicable laws/Laws promulgated for the purpose of protecting the interest of the Claimant against all debtor{s}. Due to the harms and trespasses the Wrong-doers/ Debtors have done to the estate of the Cl Authenticated record You and all other Wrong-doers agree that this declaration ot writing is part of the Public Record and agree that any updates thereafter will also be part of the Official Public Record. We are confident that the Board and its OFFICERS want to follow the Law, and pethaps were unaware of the processes of civil and criminal cases. We expect no further harassment from rogue FOREIGN AGENTS. We hereby demand the County of Merced. et al, Merced County Sherrif?’s Office, et al. and Merced County District Attorney's Office, et al. Notify all surrounding, local Agents and Agencies to put us on a do not disturb list so we do not have to go through this All Wrong-doers are under a duty to act in accord with the Laws and Statues Abide by and ind further perform all and singular such commands by Law as required to be done and expedited: to do and receive what unto Law and Justice appertain. COPIES OF THIS WRITING ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE. 18 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED (Claim ##: RE 047 883.710 US fice to agent is notice to principal, Notice to principal is notice to agents and all successors named thereafter. ‘That Justice and right be done and adming ce By Ree seeo. Attorney in fact/ The general executor Email: Thegeneralexecutor@ Postal location: The house de avila Attn. The general executor’s office general post-office ceast main street five five five (555) suite 22 turlock, de avila province 19 of 19 DEMAND FOR PAYMENT FOR WRONGS PERPETRATED Claim E047 883 710 US. 19

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