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A Lesson on Perspective and Looking on the “Bright Side”

Pete the Cat

and His Magic Sunglasses
by creative counselor
Objective: To help students see the good things around them and
focus on the positive. Assist with emotional regulation and resiliency.

Time: 30 minutes
Materials: Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses (either a copy of
the book or you can view the video at, a copy of the owl
worksheet for each student, sunglasses, emotion words printed.

Anticipatory Set: Ask students if anyone has ever asked them to look
at the bright side of things (put on your sunglasses when you say
this). Have students share what this means (to look on the bright
side). Tell them today, you are going to share a story with them
about this. During the story they will hear about people feeling
grumpy, mad, frustrated, and sad (put these words on the board).
However, a friend teaches them how to “Look on the Bright Side” and
everyone ends up feeling “ALRIGHT!”

Activity: Read the book

Discussion: Put the words: grumpy, mad, frustrated, and sad on the
board. Ask students if they have ever felt this way. Allow a few
students to share some times when they felt one of these emotions.
Talk about how they can look on the bright side of each day by
focusing on things that make them happy not sad! Ask students to
tell them things about today that make them happy- generate a list.

Activity: Hand out the owl worksheet. Ask students to illustrate

something good about today.
Closure: Turn off lights, have students put their heads down and
close their eyes. Tell them to spend 30 seconds picturing their
favorite part of the day.
Just remember to
look for the good in every day.
-Wise Old Owl

This is the good in my day…

Dear Kindergarten Families,
Today we learned about “looking on the bright side.” We read the book, Pete
the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses. Then we discussed the emotions found within
the text: grumpy, sad, mad, and frustrated. Students were encouraged to think
of times that they felt this way. Finally, we looked at the quote by Wise Old
Owl, “Remember to look for the good in every day.” Students were asked to
think about the good in their day and illustrate it on the following page.

The objective of this lesson was to teach students how to recognize their
emotions and the power of perspective; by doing this we can build resiliency and
tolerance in our children. You can extend this lesson at home by asking them
the discussion questions at the bottom of this letter. Remember, students learn
from modeling- next time you are frustrated, mad, sad, or grumpy tell them how
you feel and then explain how you are going to look on the bright side!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the lesson and
thanks for your ongoing support!

Possible Discussion Questions:

1. When do you feel ________________ (frustrated, mad, grumpy or
2. The next time you feel frustrated, angry, grumpy or sad. How can you
look on the bright side?
3. Tell me about your worksheet and the lesson with Mrs. Bazemore!

Best Wishes and Smiles,

Dear Kindergarten Teachers,
Today we learned about “looking on the bright side.” We read the
book, Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglasses (you and your student
can watch an animated version of this book by visiting my blog).
Then we discussed the emotions found within the text: grumpy, sad,
mad, and frustrated. Students were encouraged to think of times
that they felt this way. Finally, we looked at the quote by Wise Old
Owl, “Remember to look for the good in every day.” Students were
asked to think about the good in their day and illustrate it on the
following page.

The objective of this lesson was to teach students how to recognize

their emotions and the power of perspective; by doing this we can
build resiliency and tolerance in our children. You can extend this
lesson at by having students decorate their own sunglasses (template
on back). Remember, students learn from modeling- next time you
are frustrated, mad, sad, or grumpy tell them how you feel and then
explain how you are going to look on the bright side!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions about the
lesson and thanks for your ongoing support!

Best Wishes and Smiles,

Sunglass Template for Extension Activity
Usage & Credits
Lesson by Creative Counselor, individual license
Please visit my store to purchase additional licenses at a reduced rate if interested in
sharing with others.

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