Pax Renaissance - 'How To' Cards (US Letter)

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Pax Renaissance – How To (Basic) Pax Renaissance – How To (Advanced)

How do I get money? How do I change trade routes?

Sell card: From your hand or tableau for 2 florins. If selling an empire with a Trade Shift (one shot): Shifts the marker from the named location to cover the
queen on it, sell both cards as one action for 4 florins. previous start of the trade route. If there was a knight or rook in the city that
Commerce: Take 1 florin from a card on the appropriate market row. was previously the start of the trade route, repress it.
Repress: Repress 1 applicable piece on location to gain 1 florin. Spice Islands: To play the Spice Islands route you need to already
have at least 1 discovery prestige in your tableau before you play
Trade Fair: • Choose east or west, add florins on card to trade pool. the card activating the trade shift action.
• Add extra florins to pool (1 for 2 players, 2 for 3–4 players).
• Active player gets 1 florin, each concession passed gains owner 1 florin.
• Each pirate passed removes 1 florin from pool. How do I turn a region into a theocracy?
• Each map card the trade fair enters gains 1 levy.
Crusade / Reformation / Jihad (one shot): If you win a religious war in a
region where the other side of the map card matches the attacking religion, the
How do I build military units? map card automatically flips.
[Rook or Knight Agents]: Gained as part of playing new card; don’t need to
match map symbols. If city already occupied, pay 1 florin to repress it first.
Tax: If location has an open city, choose one concession – its owner loses 1
How do I make a theocratic region non-theocratic?
florin or represses the concession, then raises one levy in location. Conspiracy (one shot): If your conspiracy succeeds in a theocratic region, you
may flip the map card to its other side.
Trade Fair: See above.
Papal States, Mamluk: These map cards have theocracies on both sides, and
How do I remove military units? can be flipped by successful conspiracies whichever side they are currently on.
[Battle]: Start a battle to inflict 1-for-1 losses (see right).
Siege: Kill 1 rook, knight or pirate in location. How do I get a republic?
Vote / Conspiracy / Peasant Revolt / Religious War: If you stage one of these
How do I get concessions? actions successfully against an empire in your own tableau, the card is flipped
[Pawn Agents]: Gained as part of playing new card. Play cube into a boarder – from king to republic, or republic to king.
of the location; if a concession is already there, pay 1 florin to repress it first.
May not play concessions to a border with a pirate.
How does an empire become a vassal?
[Regime Change]: Gain 1 concession as part of gaining an empire. If replacing
an existing concession, pay 1 florin to repress it. Campaign: A successful campaign against an empire (whether it’s unclaimed,
in another player’s tableau or in your own tableau) puts it under the attacking
How do I get piratical? empire as a vassal. Note that vassal empires are immune to the ‘Vote’ action.
[Pirate Agents]: Gained by playing a new card. Pirate is placed in a sea border
of the location; any token already there is killed. How does a vassal empire become independent?
Corsair: Moves a pirate of the appropriate colour to another sea border in the Conspiracy / Peasant Revolt / Religious War: If you successfully use any of
card’s location, or in an adjacent location reachable through a sea border. these actions against a vassal empire (in another player’s tableau or your own)
• Cannot move to a border that already has a pirate of the same colour. the target empire is placed at the edge of your tableau as an independent empire.
• Any concession or pirate already in the border is killed.
Pax Renaissance – How To Win Pax Renaissance – How To (Basic)
How do I win an imperial victory? How do I get empires?
Have two more empires on their king side than any opponent has. Coronation: When playing a queen, may gain a listed unclaimed empire.

Vote: If you have majority of concessions adjacent to target empire, pay 1 florin
per repressed token to claim it. Target must be in a tableau, must not be a vassal.
How do I win a holy victory? Conspiracy (one shot): Battle in target location:
Have more prestige in the supreme religion than Attackers: agents from card, repressed knights and rooks, bordering pirates
any opponent. Defenders: knights and rooks on map
The supreme religion:
• has more bishops of its color in play than total bishops of both other colors Peasant Revolt (one shot): Battle in target location:
• has more knights, rooks and pirates on map in its theocracies than the Attackers: agents from card, repressed cubes, bordering concessions and pirates
combined total for both other religions in their respective theocracies Defenders: knights and rooks on map

Campaign: Battle in location adjacent to attacking empire:

Attackers: all knights on map in attacking empire (pay 1 florin per knight)
How do I win a globalization victory? Defenders: knights and rooks on map in attacked location
Have both:
• two more concessions than any opponent Crusade / Reformation / Jihad (one shot): Battle in triggered location:
• more discovery prestige than any opponent Attackers:
• agents from card
• knights, rooks and pirates in triggered location in card’s token colour
• knights in adjacent locations in card’s token colour
Defenders: knights, rooks and pirates of other colours on map (must be at least 1)
How do I win a renaissance victory?
Have both:
• more republic empires than any opponent How do I stop my opponents?
• two more law prestige than any opponent [Bishop Agents]: Gained by playing a new card; bishop is placed on the new
card, or on any tableau card with the same location.
Inquisitor: Moves a bishop of the appropriate colour to an adjacent tableau
card, or to any tableau card with a matching location, with these consequences:
How do I win a patron victory? • If another bishop is already on the card, both are killed.
• If the card is an empire with repressed tokens on it, you may kill one.
At the moment that both east and west draw decks are • A bishop on a card prevents all its actions and abilities being used, except
emptied, have more patron prestige than any opponent. for the ‘Inquisitor’ action.
Behead: Discards a tableau card in a matching location. If used to discard an
empire, the card triggering this action is also discarded.

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