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IOT Reflection Report

Reflective Report.........................................................................................................................................2
Ethics and IOT..........................................................................................................................................3
Social and Ethical Considerations........................................................................................................5
Privacy in IOT.......................................................................................................................................5
Data Security in IOT.............................................................................................................................7
IOT challenges and opportunities........................................................................................................9
Fog Computing..................................................................................................................................10
Conclusion and Recommendation.....................................................................................................13
Reflective Report


In the broad spectrum of sense, the term IoT encompasses everything connected to the internet,

but it is increasingly being used to define objects that "talk" to each other. In simple words the

Internet of Things is made up of devices ranging from simple electronic sensors to smartphones

and home appliances connected to create a mesh of multiples technologies. As the world of

machine-to-machine communication is moving from vertical single purpose solutions to multi-

purpose and collaborative applications, the Internet of Things (IoT) transforms businesses,

economies, and societies. Internet of Things has been identified as one of the emerging

technologies in IT. It has been forecasted that IoT is currently at the peak of inflated expectations

and it will about take 5 to 10 years for market adoption. This innovative technology of IoT creates

a new industrial era by reforming the relations between products and services as well as between

industrial sectors.

IOT or Internet of things is a phenomenon which made it possible for billion devices from all

over the world to connect over the internet and share data with each other. Each and every

existing device on the planet can be connected to the other devices to make the overall work

easier and more productive. From a simple pencil to something as big as an Aircraft, it is

possible to turn anything into a part of Internet of things. This is made possible with the

invention of super small and cheap computer chips and the presence of Wireless network all over

the world. The unique architecture of IoT made it possible for us to look at the devices from a

new perspective. This perspective is helping us to develop new ways to improve the overall

performance and effectiveness of the work performed.

Ethics and IOT

The growing number of devices in IoT actually describes the change in our approach to

understand the network of communication in this modern era. The idea is to connect sensors in

our devices that collaborate with no human involvement to deliver through applications that have

a big impact on all the aspects of humanity and the way of living. In particular IoT revolutionizes

the way of living and how we connect with the modern devices. However, increased used of

Internet of things and the nature of the work has raised certain serious concerns about the

complicity of the industry ethically and morally. IoT devices work by collecting and sharing data

with each other, which means that the global functioning of the IoT network has to share

personal data of the consumers with each other to work for the betterment in the industry. Ethics

in IoT have following entities that needs to be considered.

o Data Security

o Data usability

o Protection of privacy

o Personal Safety, etc.

The ethical issues in IoT Development should be raised and they need to be addressed properly.

The responsibility related to ethics in IoT are more demanding and difficult to grasp than those

of Internet or Social media. The reason for is that IoT handles huge amount of data that

generated from devices. This personal data is used to understand that how to build and design the

automated systems and how the system will respond in case of a particular input. The ethics are

the important for public and private life of the people. The characteristics that may cause

problems related to ethics are,

 Global presence of IoT devices

 Difficult to Audit

 Excessive-Connections

 Decentralized Data

 Unprecedented Behavior

All of these factors can make ethical issues for the consumers as there is no way to audit and find

the person if anything bad happens. The amount of Excessive connections will lead to the

transfer of data in big chunks which can cause crucial problems and data could be used

maliciously. Also, the operations of IoT devices cannot be controlled by one entity because of

huge number of devices and hubs connected. Data will be transferred faster than ever which is

difficult to control and manage.

Social and Ethical Considerations

The IoT will increase the sharpness among the privacy of the user and the use of their data for

safety and security. The question will always remain that who should be able to control your

data. Let us consider an example of a medical device that monitor the condition of the patient

and holds the information for further use in future. Now, if that data got leaked because of the

medical professional of the patient, it can do a lot of damage on the mental and physical health of

the patient. Social and Ethical Considerations belong to the philosophy of analytics and they can

be distinguished by

 Metaethics
 Normative Ethics

 Applied Ethics

Also, a framework related to the management of trust for mobile devices connected to IoT is

being proposed for solving the security and social issues. The social impact of the data leakage

could be huge, and it would act as a major step back for the consumer’s trust. The solution for

these issues is the responsibility of the government to take control and provide the proper

framework so that no incident can affect the trust of the people and their ethical norms are


Privacy in IOT

The biggest concern people have about IoT globalization is the privacy. They are getting

concerned about the impact it could have on their private lives. The biggest example of the IoT

privacy is the errors and issues people are facing with the Amazon’s Alexa. Alexa is an IoT

enabled personal assistant that can help people doing daily tasks more effectively and efficiently.

People has been using Amazon Alexa to order their food or grocery or to check the temperature

or to search any query on the google with the commands given verbally. There have been

multiple cases reported that the Virtual Assistant was found repeating the dialogues of the user

without being provoked. Some even has evidence of Alexa responding to the commands from

the third-party applications. This leads to the concerns people have about their privacy. This was

just one device that did what it was not supposed to do. Even though Amazon fixed the issue of

device getting started without being provoked but still the issue remains that the dependence on

the IoT devices is actually a point of concern.

The (EU GPDR) or The European Union General Data Protection Regulations added a new

principle named as “Privacy by Design”. According to this principle Internet of things privacy

framework should include the subsequent

 IOT engagement by default

 IOT engagement by design

 Portability of Data

 Minimization of Data

 Transparency across the system

 Privacy regulations

These steps show that the institutes are working together to remove the hurdles from people

trusting the IoT devices and sooner or later there will be privacy laws. These laws will help to

stop the privacy invade and thus the people would be less concerned about the privacy hacks.

Data Security in IOT

IoT applications runs because of flow of data. They are actually made up of data like

 Metadata

 Business Data

 Personal Data

 Information etc.
So, all of this data needs to be secured. The basic concept of privacy and security are different

from each other. Both of these has complex and complicated interrelations, but they are not

similar to each other. People usually misinterpret these two and refers the identification of

secrecy to the privacy. If we look at the views of Wolfgang Hofkirchner, we can explain these

two separate entities based on these views

 Dialectic

 Reductionism

 Dualism

 Projectionism

The basic issue in IoT is data security, that needs to be solved. Independent Firms have taken

multiple measurements to take control of their data security before any external entity exploit

them. The protection of the user’s data is inspired by the following aspects.

 The needs for data between the market and the relation to support innovation.

 The implementation and verification of privacy solutions are costly.

 The requirement of an audit system for Internet of things Applications that relates to the

user privacy.

 Support the user in the context of the region they operate.

For further security measures a bill was put forward to start a discussion at the “Open Internet of

Things Assembly” in London. The bill was related to the data security and it had following

prominent features
 Users are the only owners of their data

 If someone creates the data about users, they still own that data.

 Data gathered from public places like parks, playgrounds can be accessed by any member

of the public.

 If someone wants to get access to the data, this relates to them in any manner then the

data should be provided to them in real time.

 If the user wants to delete or backup their data into a personal disk space gathered by any

entity, they should be given the access to the data to perform the required decision.

 People have full rights to own their data and if they want to share it with public, they

would be allowed to do it with no conditions.

IOT challenges and opportunities.

With the advancement of technology, IoT devices are also upgrading. They are becoming faster

and more reliable than the devices from the past. But there are some challenges that become

hurdles in this fast and advanced era. Some of these challenges are explained below.

 Outdating Hardware & Software

 Weak Security measures

 Virus and ransomware

 Cyber attacks

 Difficult to monitor faulty devices

 Poor data management

 Security issues

These challenges are difficult to overcome as there are not enough systems developed to

overcome these hurdles and provide solution for them. Internet of things is no less than miracle

in itself but as each of these devices is connected to the internet it makes it more vulnerable for

cyber-attacks and security threat of some kind. Big tech firms are giving their best to provide

their customers best security solution to save themselves from these attacks but there is still a lot

that needs to be done. The biggest factor that contributes in cyber-attacks and threats are the

outdated devices. Producers of these devices are so busy in making new devices they have

diverted their attention from updating the previous ones and make them powerful enough. This

shift of focus is what makes it difficult for customers as well as for the community. There are

hundreds of IoT firms that has not yet reached to the level of maturity as their employees are

outdated and have not even heard of the updated platforms to develop and test IoT devices. As

the world is progressing and connectivity is getting faster and more reliable with the introduction

of 5G communication. Soon, it will be more necessary to provide best solutions to these

challenges in order to keep the trust of your consumer high.

Fog Computing

Fog computing or fog networking is an infrastructure in which decentralized approach is used.

This way data can be located between the source and the cloud. This is a way to bring cloud

services closer to the place where data is being created and acted upon. Some people compare

fog computing and edge computing in the same category as both of them involves bringing

intelligence and processing close to the origin of data. There are many reasons for using fog
computing. Some prefer it for security purposes while other use it to improve the overall

efficiency in the communication.

The term relates to the metaphorical word called “Fog”. This metaphor is used when a cloud is

close to the ground and behaves like a cloud. As the Fog computing also concentrates at the edge

of the network so the name relates to that metaphor. Examples of the fog computing includes

switches, routers, embedded servers, and surveillance cameras.

The benefits of fog computing include the minimizing of latency while Internet of things data is

analyzed. It unloads gigabytes of network traffic form the core network. Following are the points

when the use of fog computing should be considered.

 When data is collected at the edge of the device like railway, roadway, cars, shipping, etc.

 When a big amount is data is being generated by the thousands of devices in a big

geographical area.

 And, when it is necessary to analyze the act functions on it within a specific time frame.

IOT Applications in healthcare and agriculture.

Healthcare becomes one among major economic and social issues round the world, particularly

in aging individuals, where it takes tremendous health expanses. In medical aid the IoT is

employed to observe physiological standing of patients through sensors by gathering and

analyzing their info and transfer that knowledge through web. This knowledge is kept into

database server that manages knowledge and provides accessibility. User will read this

knowledge with the assistance of an App. Diabetes could be a cluster of metabolic diseases

during which their area unit high blood sugar (sugar) levels over a protracted period. Blood sugar

observation reveals individual patterns of blood sugar changes and helps with the meals,

activities, and medicine times. During this technique, sensors from patient’s area unit coupled

through IPv6 property to relevant care suppliers. Body temperature measurement is a necessary

part of care services as a result of temperature may be an important vital sign within the

maintenance of equilibrium. In m-IoT (medical IoT), construct is verified employing a

temperature device that is embedded within the TelosB corpuscle, and a typical sample of earned

temperature variations showing the winning operation of the developed m-IoT system is showed.

A temperature measuring system supported a home entranceway over the IoT has been projected.

The house gateway transmits the user's temperature with the assistance of infrared detection. The

most system parts accountable for temperature recording and transmission area unit the RFID

module and the module is additionally for watching temperature.


In Agriculture IoT devices can help by measuring and estimating the growth of the plant using

sensors which are placed inside the soil. These devices will collect the information and transfer it

to the control unit over internet.

Soil humidity device could be a device that senses the dampness content of the soil. The device

has each the analog and also the digital output. The digital output is mounted and also the analog

output threshold is varied. It works on the principle of open & short circuit. The output is high or

low indicated by the LED. Once the soil is dry, the voltage will not get passed through it then it

will act as an open electric circuit. Thus, the output is claimed to be high for the most part. once

the soil is damp, the voltage can pass from one terminal to the opposite and also the circuit is

claimed to be short and the output is going to be zero. The device is coated with platinum to

create the potency high. This varying range of sensing is additionally high. The device is anti-

rust which is lead to the long life of the sensor and the farmers can afford it at minimum cost.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The overall usage of IoT is inevitable. Sooner or later people will adapt this technology as it has

made the life easier. There are multiple IoT applications that can be used to complete the work

effectively and more efficiently. The internet of things (IoT) can be used in a large number of

devices ranging from a number of multiple domains. It allows the user to remotely maintain to
monitor the work progress and it can even help is finishing the work more efficiently. The need

of the hour is to regularly update the IoT devices and develop privacy friendly rules. This will

not only help in building consumer’s trust but also in the long run the whole industry can get

benefit from it. Recent surveys have reported that the IoT users lack trust in these devices and

they do support government regulations on these devices to protect data and security. These

issues are crucial to be resolved because of the pace of the modern development expansion.

 Ranger, S., 2020. What Is The Iot? Everything You Need To Know About The Internet Of Things Right Now

| Zdnet. [online] ZDNet. Available at: <

everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-iot-right-now/> [Accessed 5 May 2020].

 2020. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 May 2020].

 2020. Cloud Versus Fog Computing For Iot: The Fog Is Rolling In

- Iot Agenda. [online] Available at:


The-fog-is-rolling-in> [Accessed 5 May 2020].

 2020. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 5 May


 2020. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 5

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