Language Guide 2

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1 Read and complete.

isn’t are isn’t are some any some

1. There _______ some raspberries. 4. There _______ _______ meat.

2. There is _______ honey. 5. There _______ _______ pumpkins.
3. There _______ any cheese.

• Read, look and circle.

1. How much cheese is there? There is a lot / a little / none.
2. How much honey is there? There is a lot / a little / none.
3. How many raspberries are there? There are a lot / a little / none.
4. How many pumpkins are there? There are a lot / a little / none.

2 Complete the sentences about you.

never sometimes often usually always

1. I _____________ sleep late on Saturdays.

2. I _____________ eat a sandwich for lunch.
3. I _____________ ride my bike to school.
4. I _____________ walk to school.
5. I _____________ go to bed at 10 o’clock.

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