Business Witchcraft (S Rob)

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Business Witchcraft

S Rob
Copyright © 2015 Werevamp media Ltd

All rights reserved.

I dedicate this book to the reader because without readers a book isn’t a book.

Introduction I

1 Chapter 1 Pg 1

2 Chapter 2 Pg 6

3 Chapter 3 Pg 11

4 Chapter 4 Pg 16

5 Chapter 5 Pg 20

6 Chapter 6 Pg 25

7 Chapter 7 Pg 30

It is so easy to imagine when going into business that once you have dealt
with all the normal business matters that, that is all you can or that anyone
should expect you to do. But there are advantages which you can use to help
your business be successful and cope with all the others challenges that will
present themselves. But business isn’t separate from everything else in life
and this includes magic. Magic or occultism can help you, if anyone wants
proof just look at the many hidden occult symbols in many large
corporations. These range from the pyramid and all seeing, eye on the
American dollar to the winged sun symbol of Horus which is the Bentley
logo. These companies all know the power of occultism and so you should
use it too. But just because you don’t have a logo which is an occult symbol
doesn’t mean that you cannot use magic: symbolism such as that is very
much only the start of things.

In fact witchcraft and magic is something which can empower business

greatly. The true power of magic is best seen when used for practical things
such as this, because when magic is used and you see and feel the effect it
has, then the true strength and knowledge of what magic can do becomes
known to you. This is because magic is real and should be used to help
people, and this includes people helping themselves. Therefore do yourself a
favour and open your eyes to the possibilities of magic and what the occult
can do for you. But I want you to know that magic isn’t unusual or obscure
and is just as easy to do as any other skill: easier than many. The magic in
this book is all easy and practical and is here for your use and benefit from.
But also I take pride in hoping that this book will in some way help the
worldwide economy and that gift to the world which is capitalism will
continue on. Yes we all know capitalism isn’t perfect and that it has in it
inherent unfairness, but at least we get technology and fashion and all kinds
of stuff which we otherwise wouldn’t have.

But know this, the magic in this book isn’t a replacement for all other kinds
of efforts, and it is there for you: but there will always be things that you
must do, and decisions that you must make because life works this way.
Therefore think of this magic as an assistant as the most helpful PA you will
ever have. This magic is the PA that has connections to the highest level and
can really make thing work out for you. Witchcraft as a PA is awesome, and
by buying this book you have hired it. This therefore is your lucky day and
the start of a brand new vigour in your life and your business dealings.

Business is a natural application for the occult and in fact few things could be
more natural. It is just the business schools and modern business
methodology that has convinced people that magic and luck aren’t part of
business. The reason they have tried so hard not to mention these things is
that then they would have less to teach people, and they would maybe lose
their position and power. In fact there have even been many ancient Gods and
Goddesses which have either all or part of their domain as business and
finance. Money has existed for us for a very long time, and it is part of the
basic fabric of society and we cannot do without it. I certainly would not
want to have to trade to buy things and just imagine how impractical it would
be for businesses to have to trade things for the expertise and things that they

But of course the best place to start is at the very start, and before we need to
think about business and what to do, we need to think about the setting up
and this is because many people don’t work within existing businesses but set
such enterprises up: and anyway all businesses have to start some time. But
setting up a business has many technical challenges such as learning book
keeping and other legal requirements for setting up and running a business.
First you will need a niche or area in which the business will function. But
also you need suppliers and possibly customers and other things, to try to
make sure that the business has a chance of making a profit because in
business profit is everything and an unprofitable business isn’t successful and
if this is the case this is something that must be fixed. But to proceed, here is
a magic spell for inspiration on what business to set up.

Magic spell for inspiration on what business to set up

Oh I will it that I will see,

What inspiration is for me,

Of what business will work for me,

So let it be.

(Now close your eyes and first try to keep your eyes closed until you begin to
see images and do this for a period of few minutes so that you get
information you can use.)

Once this is done you should interpret the ideas by getting a paper and a pen
and writing down what ideas come to you about possible businesses: what is
very important is to not judge your ideas at this stage and just write down as
many as you can. Once this has been done you can then set about trying to
work out which of your ideas are the most promising. But also the magic
spell will increase your ability to see and come up with the right business
idea. The spell will increase your creativity as it relates to this task too. But
don’t be afraid to cast this magic spell daily if you want. In fact this would be
very useful at first until you feel you have the right idea. Of course research
into your business ideas is a necessary stage too: but as this comes under a
different category to business witchcraft; I will not cover this in detail here.
Another challenge which is something which magic can help with: is the
gaining of backing to set up the business. This is a thing which is best helped
by understanding the financial backer’s position. Therefore here is a magic
spell to understand the financial backer’s and any other people important in
setting the business up.

Magic spell for insight into the other person’s position

I will it that I will have insight,

The other person I understand,

This person state other person you with to understand,

With the might of magic,

The person I understand soul and brain,

They can hide nothing from me,

So let it be.

The last magic will help you understand the other person. But just after you
have cast the magic spell try to think of the other person: it is best to cast this
spell the same day as you need to understand the other person. This will mean
you will then find that their thoughts will be easier for you to know.
Remember that when casting a spell you must will it to work and this intent:
that you really want it to work: will help you and this is what makes the
magic in this spell effective. But try to understand the other person; work out
what they are thinking and it will flow to you quite easily. But use this spell
whenever it can help you and some people use this magic spell regularly so
that they have a substantial advantage over the other person. This also means
that the spell can be useful against a person who you spend time with but
need or want an advantage over, it therefore has many uses and if a person
wanted to manipulate a person then casting this spell would be of use. This
type of spell could even be used to help you get into a sexual relationship
with a person because understanding someone helps with all types of social
and psychological aspects of life: such as relationships of all kinds. But most
of all the important point is to be empowered by using the magic because it
only works if you use it. The magic may take different amounts of time to
work, but it will work and also don’t be afraid to get others to use the spells
too so that any employees or people you work with will have the benefit of it
too and so therefore it will also benefit the business as a whole. But I
understand that business is about profit and so here is a short magic spell for
wealth. This spell however utilises a Celtic Goddess called Aine.

Magic spell for wealth

Grant Oh Aine,


Bring money and abundance to me,

Let your power over all wealth empower me,

So it will be oh Aine.

I do understand that the world is harsh and that business is not always easy
for people. This is because the world can be a hard and difficult place and
any ideas that the world is usually easy can be very quickly shattered like a
china plate dropped onto concrete. The world isn’t just difficult because it is
its nature, but because it is our nature and that we compete with each other.
Humans have always destroyed other humans or wrecked their plans, but
what is important is that the plans that are wrecked aren’t your plans.
Sometimes situations are win, win, but sometimes there is by necessity a
winner and a loser. The only really important thing here is that you win, and
do so in a legal way. But whereas the mundane realm sometimes only seems
to have so many options, the occult world doesn’t. There are many more
options at the hands of the occultist than there are at the hands of one who
doesn’t practice the occult arts.

This is easiest described by thinking of the darkest thing a human can do:
murder: murder is illegal in every way except the occult. An occultist can
easily destroy another using a curse and not get blamed and even if the
person admitted it, there is no law in most countries that could be used
against them. This means that things that would be illegal in other ways are in
fact only possibly immoral when utilising the occult. However what isn’t
always known is that one can curse an entity such as a business, in fact the
ancient Greeks used to have secret real names for places so that a person
could only curse the place if they knew the secret real name. I will again
utilise the goddess Aine because wealth is very much her domain and all we
really need is wealth pulled from the rival business and so here is a curse for
a competitors business.

Curse to be used against a rival business

Grant Aine,

Vengeance against my rival,

Let state rival companies name lose money,

Let their destruction happen now,

May their bones break,

And their computers blow,

And nothing shall ever be as before,

So it will be oh Aine.

This curse is powerful. But remember that magic works partly through will:
you need to will it to work. It also should always be remembered that curses
are there to be used and cast, and recast the spell, and if you can add some
real hate into it while casting it, then all the better. But also remember that the
goddess Aine will empower your magic and increase the potency of the
magic spell. But Aine isn’t there to be worshipped and instead we utilise this
magical being as a servant who is there to assist you or you could even think
of her as a business consultant who destroys other businesses. But we also
sometimes need more internal help and so here is some magic to help you in
another way.
Magic spell for greater talent in making money

Grant Aine,

Wisdom you possess,

Give me greater insight in making money,

Give me what is required so that I can amass enormous wealth,

Give this power to me,

So that my success can be yours,

So it is and will be oh Aine.

The spell I have just showed you is not all there is that can help you in this
goal; the other magic in this book will of course help you make money too.
But do not think of this spell as a sign of defeat: but as a way of gaining help
from a goddess of wealth. This ancient goddess can do much to assist you
and however much you know Aine can help you gain more. This is worth
much more than any MBA and also much easier and for this reason many
people will choose to cast this spell many times and even daily. This magic
spell does however need you to use your own effort to make the extra talent
and ability useful: because without use and application any ability is wasted.
This spell is however the foremost spell in being a more able business person.
This is because when you aren’t using the other magic spells in this book you
will usually be using this one. But what also will be useful is a powering up
spell and this is a spell which gives you greater magical power. This means
that if at any time you require any spell to have more power then you can cast
this spell first. But also it has much benefit even if cast daily because this
magic spell will help to increase your magical powers for later more potent
Magic spell to gain more magic power from Aine

Grant Oh Aine,

Your power,

Make your power mine,

Give it to me,

Let your light fill me up,

So it is and will be oh Aine.

I do understand that many people will think the last spell is less important
than some others: but actually I would really say that everyone should cast
this spell: especially if they cannot think of any other magic spell to cast.
Sometimes people don’t know what help they want, only that they do and so
this spell will gain you power: not just that which will solve your problem,
but also enough to know about any other issues down the road. This is
because magic empowers people and many people don’t realise that when a
person works magic they begin to feel more complete, and a more whole
person. But also the occult will make you feel more confident and feel the
power that you already have within you that most people never do in their
whole lives.

But the world of business is complicated and sometimes what we require

needs some subtlety, and so the magic must be made to have a precise effect,
and by this I mean that magic isn’t just there for direct obvious things like
money because it can also be used for things which are more complex: but at
least as important such as creating a team. In a way most businesses are
teams. But teams are important and very necessary and the right people make
making money very much easier. Yes there are times when we must work
with what we have. But forming the right team is crucial. Forming the right
team means attracting the right people, people who are able and have the
right qualities that you are looking for: people with the drive to make money
and succeed.

However this is where many people get lost and do not know what to do.
This is because magic such as this requires experience so that one knows
what to do: unless one has access to someone with experience such as
through this book. I therefore will show you what you need to do for this
effect. But first there are some important points, one is that you need to will
the magic to occur and your will and intent for it to work is crucial and this
magic won’t happen if it is just read: you need to want it to occur. Another
point is that the magic which follows is quite powerful but is greatly aided
with a powering up phase and so this too is included as part of the magic.
Therefore here is the magic spell.

Magic spell to attract the right people for a team in business

Grant Oh Aine,

Your power,

Make your power mine,

Give it to me,

Let your light fill me up,

So it is and will be on Aine.

Grant Aine,

The power of attraction,

May I be aided by a team,

Attract oh Aine people of drive and ability,

People who can help me gain wealth,

Great wealth and power for me,

People motivated to succeed,

Whose success will also be mine,

Oh so it will be oh Aine.

The magic I have just showed you is wonderful and should be cast whenever
you need to recruit people because it will help you attract the correct people.
It is easy to think that magic has to always be about things which seem to be
big. But many of the most important things can seem small, and having the
right team can seem less important than perhaps simply attracting wealth, but
there are many tools in the power of magic. It is true that one however can
always utilise both the direct such as to attract wealth and the more subtle and
no decision needs to be made between the two. Don’t be afraid to cast more
spells and work more magic because in magic there rarely is such a thing as
overkill, some of the very best magic may seem extreme and even too much
to the inexperienced beginner. But don’t worry because this book will soon
have you into the swing of working magic for what you want.

It is true that magic can seem strange at first and there are few things which
can seem more odd than real magic, the only thing perhaps making a person
feel more uncomfortable at first is ventriloquism because anyone who has
tried this: even if only learning it from a book as a child: will know how
uncomfortable one feels. But the one advantage with working magic is that
the feeling of oddness passes incredibly quickly whereas ventriloquism seems
to require a very special type of person: much more unusual in nature than
any occultist: not that I am attacking ventriloquism because I am not, just that
the occult is a far more natural ability for most of us than ventriloquism. One
important thing in business is confidence because confidence makes
everything else easier. Confident people also have an easier time getting
people to listen to take instruction from them. Confidence is a good
foundation of leadership, and with these things in mind here is a magic spell
for confidence.
Magic spell for confidence

I have power in me,

It is within my very essence,

I have ability,

And can know and see what is happening,

And what I must know,

I have confidence,

Within I know the power that I possess,

With this I will make success,

So it is and will be.

The magic I have just showed you is about confidence because there is really
no need for anyone to lack confidence: because people have internal power
and a lack of confidence is just a lack of confidence and nothing else. The
thing is that confidence is its own power and so the spell I have showed you
should be utilised by any person who requires more confidence. The most
important thing however is that the magic spell leads to confidence and not
arrogance, which usually indicates a lack of confidence and not a confident
person at all. But realise that if all else fails you have lots of types of power
and abilities and these include but aren’t limited to magic. Just look within
you for what you really want and then you will be able to see that you have
the power to gain it. It is true that many people worry about not being able to
get what they want when all they really need to do is to start: after some
planning: and then they will find that things look very different. If a person
cannot get the large fortune they want then it is easier to start by making a
smaller one, and in this way a person gains perspective and realises that it is
the direction one moves in that is most important.


The main focus of this book is using magic to help business. But of course
there are other elements that can be used to solve various problems which
may come to exist. One problem which can arise in a workplace is bad
feeling: people not getting on together. This may simply be arguments or it
may form into full out bullying. This is something which is inappropriate for
a properly working workplace as well as staying within the law. This book
tries not to be judgemental but there are times in life when people must draw
lines and bad feeling must be gotten rid of. But magically there can be
another danger and this is that sometimes: although not all the time but more
common than you may think: bad feeling and negative emotions form
together and can actually form what many call shadow beings. These shadow
beings are actually a lower form of demon: not devils which are fallen angels.
These beings can start as being the size of a very small animal and can make
the people in this environment tired and drained.

These shadow entities can occur in the workplace just as they can occur
anywhere else. Some signs of these beings, being around are: people feelings
drained and tired even when they shouldn’t, illness, bad luck, people seeing
shadows without any object or person who can cast them. These beings many
times are just seen as small rodent sized shadows, but they can also gain in
size right up to the human sized shadow entity which in fact looks like a
human shaped shadow with the exception that no person is there to cast it and
it moves around as it wants having some intelligence but usually not a lot.
Therefore any heaviness in the environment should be dealt with the easiest
way to do this is to get a bell: a normal metal bell that you hold in the hand
with a metal thing which clangs it when shook to ring it.

Now we will work from the point where your workplace has bad feeling and
you should proceed by simply ringing your bell while walking around the
whole area: whether you choose to do this while the other people are there, or
not is your choice. You will find that this will push away most demonic and
devilish beings because the sound of the bell ringing is painful to these
beings. All this means that it will stop demonic beings destroying your
workplace and making people feel ill, tired, depressed… However if you
think you have a problem then make sure that you ring the bell around the
workplace at least once a day until the heaviness and negativity has felt to be
gone for a while: to make sure that they don’t return.
I do understand that to many this sounds weird: but as the author of this book
my responsibility would not be served if I didn’t tell you the truth. The truth
being that people have committed suicide after having seen these beings and
not doing anything about it: I have heard from people many times that have
come close due to the depression these beings can bring: being pulled back
from the brink by the correct actions. This brings me to another important
point and this is that these beings once formed die off slowly and aren’t
immortal, but this doesn’t stop them from moving around and they can arrive
to a workplace or other location once they have formed and that just because
you don’t get negative emotions doesn’t mean that you cannot get these
demons formed from other peoples negative emotions.

But there also are other practices which can get rid of the negativity in a
workplace and one of these is to burn sage and in fact any very sweet
smelling smell can chase away negative entities. The reason that these sweet
smells such as powerful spray air fresheners is that if sprayed in large
quantities they smell sweet and angels smell sweet. This makes negative
demonic entities run away: not always, but it is always useful to be used
alongside a bell. But you don’t always need anywhere you work to smell very
sweet and you can do this after work and the next day although the smell will
have gone it will still have chased away then demons. The thing to get from
what I have told you isn’t just what to do in terms of bells and air fresheners
but also that yes: people have personal responsibility, but that also people can
sometimes be pushed and swayed to do bad things by these supernatural

I know that as I write about these entities some readers will think this very,
very odd but many others will already have seen these things perhaps at
home. These people may have just seen the small rodent sized ones, or may
have been unfortunate enough to have seen the human shape shadow entities
often called shadow men. It is quite normal for these entities to attack people
whether religious or not, whether good or bad. These entities don’t
discriminate as much as you may imagine. Therefore always have a bell and
also some sweet air freshener because at work many people get together and
these places can be where they are easiest formed, and yes this does mean
that they can form at schools, and other places, in fact anywhere at all. Be
vigilant and aware or you will find that making money will be the last of your
problems as you and your workforce get depressed, ill, eventually cannot
work, and even commit suicide. At times like these survival is our prime aim
and the goal of getting rich: or richer: becomes progressively less and less
important: this at least has the good point that with these shadow entities you
may find that your goal of getting richer moves further and further away.

There are some things which people aren’t supposed to think about in
business, and one of them is good luck. Good luck is often the explanation
for many things: but people aren’t supposed to think about it or even less so
talk about it. This isn’t to say that everything which is put down to good luck:
when it is talk about is: is caused by it. But still good luck exists just as much
as bad luck does. For some strange reason the fact that chance could in any
way impact on business is supposed to lie on unchartered territory for a
business and although statistics are used heavens forbid that it may indicate
any randomness or just luck having any impact on any businesses success in
any way.

But as an occultist I can, not just say that luck exists, but also that we can
utilise it for our benefit. The reason I can say this is because business
witchcraft has within it a way to get good luck. Many people have imagines
that the many talismans people have had for good luck had no effect, but in
fact they do: especially if you know what they are for. If people really think
about it their lives are generally easier when they have a good luck talisman
or other good luck magic. In many ways a benefit of magic for good luck is
often a getting rid of bad luck. However don’t expect the equivalent of a
lottery win necessarily. But realise that good luck normally manifests itself in
opportunities and happy coincidences which you must still capitalise on. I am
not saying that extreme good luck doesn’t happen because it does. But
remember that good luck which looks small often helps us a lot more than we
realise, if we use it to our advantage. With these things in mind therefore
here is a magic spell for personal good luck.

Magic spell for personal good luck

Good luck shines on me,

Fortune rains down upon me,

And while I bathe in good luck,

My life is made better,

Isn’t that good luck,

Oh so it is and so will it be.

The magic I have just showed you is for you as an individual, and so the luck
is about you and not any company specifically. But you should bear in mind
that for most people this is all that will be required because good luck for you
is something which will make your life better. Good luck is a
transformational force in people’s lives. Good luck can set people up for life
just as bad luck can make people’s lives difficult. Good luck frees people and
enables them to achieve all they can, because bad luck can be a crushing
force which can make life: never mind achievement: difficult. But sometimes
good luck isn’t just about you and you may need a company such as a
business to be lucky, and in this case it is good practice to cast a good luck
spell for this too.

The reason such magic spells work is because any named entity can be
helped with a magic spell. Of course because of the nature of business and
because business exists for profit the business will be targeted for wealth and
good luck: in a business the two being linked. This is because a successful
business is a one which makes a good profit and a business which doesn’t
isn’t successful. Anyway when people want good luck in a business they
mean money generally too. Because of this I will again utilise the goddess
Aine in this magic. But understand that magic doesn’t always need to use a
magic being or deity and this is why some of the magic spells in this book
use a deity and some don’t, because I know that you need to know that you
have inherent magical powers. The other reason is that some people may
prefer to use or not use a deity and knowing that many reading this book will
be completely new to occultism; I want to facilitate your movement to casting
spell of various sorts as easy as possible.

Magic spell using the goddess Aine for good luck and wealth

Grant Aine,

Good luck and wealth to state name of business,

May both surround state name of company

Good luck will help,

Wealth will rain and flow,

Making it better,

Richer, luckier,

Oh so it will be oh Aine.

The spell I have just showed you is great: but understand that you don’t need
to choose between this spell for good luck or the last one and I would say that
in fact it is a good thing to cast one for yourself and any business that you
own: if however you don’t own the business then I personally wouldn’t
bother to cast a good luck spell for it. But it is a good practice to get used to
stacking magic spells such as these because it is a good way to get what you
want. Casting one magic spell and then another is very useful and of course
this means that you can cast the spells themselves multiple times too if you
want. But most of all remember that your will is what makes it work this is
what makes the magic happen and this will literally bend the world to your
vision of it. Your goals can be partly achieved by sheer will power alone: will
power is a good term because the will does quite literally have power and
who ever came up with the term obviously knew this. You should therefore
utilise your good luck by being productive and take most advantage of it, and
by this I don’t necessarily mean to buy lottery tickets, but to use the good
luck that naturally presents itself: although the advantages of being protected
against bad luck will very much be its own benefit. Therefore you have much
to be optimistic about for the future.

It is however one thing to think about the business itself because sometimes
we ourselves may require more help magically. We in many ways are the
best asset we have, and this means that we need help and that magic isn’t just
about knowing business there are other important things too. But of course
this is easier with magic than many other subjects. One thing which is useful
for us is the ability to learn. The ability to learn quickly gives the advantage
of flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing situations. What alters in
the world isn’t just about business as usual and the rules constantly change in
life. Therefore I will move onto magic which will help you learn quickly,
both new subjects and old and new skills.

Magic spell for fast learning ability

It is my will,

That I will have,

Sharpness of brain,

And thought,

I will learn what is new,

With high speed,

And this I do,

Through the power I have,

So it is and will be.

The magic spell I have showed you is in fact very important and is in many
ways the one spell that always helps because the ability to learn is never
really a disadvantage and only ever helps us. This cannot be said for
everything and even strength sometimes can work against us because it can
make us heavier and need to eat more, or even slow us down and at least
muscularly there is an optimal strength for every person. This cannot be said
for everything however and some benefits have no such downside. This
brings me to another benefit which has no such downside and this is a good
memory. But by good I don’t just mean the ability to remember everything
which would be as much a curse as a gift, but the ability to remember that
which is of benefit to us.

Memory is something which also is good to use and a person who uses their
brain will have a better memory than if they didn’t. It is easy to think that
our memories aren’t that important in a world with the internet. But in actual
fact it is easier for us to manipulate things we actually know. However it is
easily improved using magic and such internal types of magic are often easily
neglected by other occult authors who only concentrate on the external.
Many things in fact flow partly from our internal self. I won’t say that
everything does because that would mean that a person who got shot would
be to blame: of course they would not be unless they shot them self.
Therefore here is a magic spell for a better memory.

Magic spell for a better memory

I will it that it will be,

A better memory for me,

I will recall what is good for me,

So that I should have a better life through memory,

So it is and it will be.

The short magic spell I have just showed you is a good one and is great to
cast and carry around written out in your wallet or purse because that way
you won’t forget to cast it if the effect wears off. I also understand however
that other people having bad memories may also effect you badly too and so
it can be useful to have the ability to improve other people’s memories too.
Sometimes in a business other people’s flaws can work against us and so it
can be necessary to do this. But when we do this we need to be certain of
affecting the right person and also that the effect on them is only beneficial. I
say this because they may have something in their life they don’t want to
remember: in fact the other spell is worded to allow for this too, but is an
even greater thing to allow for when casting for another person.

Magic spell for a better memory for another person

I will it that it will be,

A better memory for state person’s name,

They will recall what is good for them and me,

Memory perfected on them for them and me,

So that I and they have a better life through memory,

So it is and will be.

This magic I have just showed you, you will note is for your and their benefit,
and this is so that the spell will in no way backfire and that their better
memory won’t work against you. I know that this may feel a little harsh to
many people, but in fact it is for the better because if you cast the magic spell
then it should not work against you ever, no matter who you cast it for.
However this will also better prepare the person to be a member of your
workforce because it will means that as their memory will never work against
you: at least until the spell wears off: that if they immediately move to a rival
company or a try to divulge information against you they will find that their
memory will not be assisted by the magic spell for memory.

But most of all feel empowered by this magic because it demonstrates that
your reach through magic is even greater and wider than social media. You
literally are able to affect people irrespective of distance without any
equipment at all. Don’t get me wrong magic has been greatly aided by the
internet because for one thing the people we connect with can be used in our
magic spells for whatever purpose we require: by used I mean targeted for
spell for good or bad, or for anything at all. Our scope in life has expanded
and with it the ability to reach out for a better life for ourselves. But magic is
to be used and remember that this book isn’t just to be read, it is there to be
used and the magic worked for your benefit.

We now move onto slightly different matters. Now that we have cast some
spells it may seem that in fact we have gone with business witchcraft as far as
it can go: but this could not be further from the truth. In fact there is much
further to go than this. It is our next step to take this very much further. The
reason we can take this further is that now I move onto the no small matter of
divination. Casting magic spells is incredibly useful but by no means is this,
the end of magic. But in divination there are many possible methods that we
can use. However a very good one where business problems are concerned:
limiting ourselves to occult methods: is the simple technique of visualisation.
This may seem like simple role play in your mind, but nothing could be
further from the truth. But we need to remember that in fact occult power is
perfectly natural for humans.

The method of visualisation which I would recommend for this is to think of

yourself as being in the room where you want to be. But not physically and in
this way you can learn in a simple way to get to grips with the nature of the
people who you work with and who are your competitors. What is important
is that you do this at first trying to find out simple things like what will
happen on a particular day in a very rudimentary form such as whether a
person will get a coffee or a tea, and what type of shirt someone will wear. It
is very much a matter of walking before we can run. This method although
quite basic is best suited to business predictions because of this because you
need information which is useful to you.

Of course: predictions on what will happen economically and in business is

based upon what you end up observing by this psychic method. That is to say
that you will need to interpret the information to work out what you can from
this. But don’t try to interpret too far because you can only go so far
accurately on the information. But I would say than more than many other
more complex methods this method of simple guessing and then where
possible working out the results will sharpen your psychic methods and also
your analytical ones: both of which you will be able to use in your goal to
predict the future. This isn’t to say that people don’t also try to predict the
past with this method because this is perfectly possible. One thing which is
very important is to watch the people you are trying to predict, that is to say
observe them when you are around them to get a feeling for what they will
do. It can be said that many people’s true nature is hidden in their walk or
how they move.

Also observe the small habits that people have because this will give you the
ability to feel how they think and eventually what they think and this power
when perfected will give them the perfect power of negotiation. Once you
truly know a person and understand them it is very difficult for this person
beat you in any negotiation or any act where they are pit against you. It
makes beating the person in any competitive activity such as business much
easier. This isn’t to say that this is all there is to it because there is always
mastery of the competitive activity itself. But still it is quite natural for a
person to be able to beat a person they understand, the other method is to
form a bullet proof strategy and is much more difficult and so it is simpler to
take the easy route.

Once you have done this then it is easier for you to know what magic spells
are desirable to use for your success. It is important to make sure that you
feel confident in the correct course of action, and in this way you will be fully
empowered to cast the spells and work the magic. The reason for this is that
certainty makes human will more powerful, whereas uncertainty takes the
power from the human spirit and this will is what drives the magic to work.
Once this is done the magic is fully empowered to work and to get you the
life you want. When I say the life you want, you need to understand that this
is actually an ongoing thing and as you set higher goals the magic in this
book will keep helping you to get there. I understand that for many people
there is another here and so it is the journey which is important: but still
fulfilling goals helps many people keep it together as a person. This is
because many people need to keep succeeding as other need air. But most
importantly you now know how to use business witchcraft and this means
that you can utilise the occult to this end and to your success over others.
However realise that there is other occultism that you can learn and can use to
improve your life: such as the other books I have wrote. But this book will
leave you empowered and stronger and knowing that the world in which you
live is more unusual than you thought. But also that you have power even
through simply the human will, and with this I leave you better prepared for;
to achieve the successes that are ahead.

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