To2 U8 Writing Notes

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Writing Task:

Sport event experience


❏ Start by brainstorming a list of events that happened during the sporting event.
❏ Decide which events you want to focus on and how you want to order them.
❏ Use the past simple tense to describe actions that were completed in the past.
❏ Use the past continuous tense to set the background and the scene.
❏ Add details to your descriptions to make them more vivid.
❏ Use strong verbs to make your writing more dynamic.
❏ Proofread your work carefully to correct any grammar or spelling errors.
When you plan:
Start by brainstorming a list of events that happened
during the sporting event.

A player gets injured: If a player gets injured, they may have to leave the game.
A fight breaks out: This is a less common occurrence, but it can happen in sports.
A controversial call is made: This is a situation where the referees make a call
that some people disagree with. This can lead to protests.
The weather changes: This can happen in outdoor sporting events. If the weather
changes, it can affect the way the game is played.
A record is broken: If a record is broken, it is a major event.
Unexpected turn of events or even embarrassing moments
Decide which events you want to focus on and how you want
to order them.

❖ Write a clear and concise introduction that will introduce the event and the
main characters.
● The crowd was cheering as the players took the field. The atmosphere was
electric, and you could feel the excitement in the air.
● The sun was shining brightly as the runners lined up at the starting line. The air
was crisp, and you could smell the freshly cut grass.
● The fans were on their feet as the final seconds ticked down. The score was tied,
and the outcome of the game was uncertain.
Share your thoughts and feelings about the event. What
did you think and feel during the event?

Write a conclusion that summarizes the event and your

thoughts and feelings about it.

❖ The game was close throughout, but the Lakers pulled out a victory in the end. I was so
happy that I had finally gotten to see my favorite team play in person. It was an
experience that I will never forget.
The Time I Scored the Winning Goal
I was 12 years old when I scored the winning goal in a soccer game. It was the last game of the season, and we
were playing our biggest rivals. The score was tied 1-1, and there were only a few minutes left in the game.
I was playing as a forward, and I was on the field when the ball was kicked to me. I was running down the field,
and the ball was in the air. I jumped up and headed the ball towards the goal. The ball went into the net, and we
won the game!
I remember the feeling of scoring the winning goal. It was an amazing feeling of joy and accomplishment. I had
never felt so happy before. I ran to my teammates, and we all celebrated together.
The winning goal was a defining moment in my life. It taught me that hard work and determination can pay off. It
also taught me that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.
I still remember the details of that day. I remember the feeling of the ball hitting my head, the sound of the crowd
cheering, and the look on my teammates' faces. It was a day that I will never forget.
The Time I Scored the Winning Goal
I was 12 years old when I scored the winning goal in a soccer game. It was the last game of the season, and we
were playing our biggest rivals. The score was tied 1-1, and there were only a few minutes left in the game.
I was playing as a forward, and I was on the field when the ball was kicked to me. I was running down the field,
and the ball was in the air. I jumped up and headed the ball towards the goal. The ball went into the net, and we
won the game!
I remember the feeling of scoring the winning goal. It was an amazing feeling of joy and accomplishment. I had
never felt so happy before. I ran to my teammates, and we all celebrated together.
The winning goal was a defining moment in my life. It taught me that hard work and determination can pay off. It
also taught me that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.
I still remember the details of that day. I remember the feeling of the ball hitting my head, the sound of the crowd
cheering, and the look on my teammates' faces. It was a day that I will never forget.
Writing Task
Here is a step-by-step writing prompt for an article about a sports event, including
things you enjoyed and didn’t enjoy:

1. Start by brainstorming a list of the things you enjoyed about the event. This could include the
atmosphere, the competition, the players, or anything else that you found enjoyable.
2. Next, brainstorm a list of the things you didn't enjoy about the event. This could include the cost,
the food, the security, or anything else that you found less than enjoyable.
3. Once you have a list of the things you enjoyed and didn't enjoy, start writing your
article. Be sure to include details about the event, such as the date, time, location, and teams involved.
4. As you write, be sure to use vivid language and descriptive details to help the reader
visualize the event. You can also use quotes from yourself or other people to add more detail to your article.
5. In the conclusion of your article, summarize the things you enjoyed and didn't enjoy
about the event. You can also offer your overall thoughts on the event and whether or not you would recommend it to
Things I enjoyed: Things I didn’t enjoy:
The atmosphere: The cost:
The competition: The food:
The players: The security:
Other: Other:

Event: ____________

Date: ____________

Time: ____________

Location: __________

Teams involved: ______


Overall thoughts:

Would I recommend this event to others? Why or why not?

What would I change about the event, if any?

A Memorable Day at the Soccer Stadium

I recently had the opportunity to attend a soccer match between my favorite team, Manchester United, and their rivals,
Liverpool. The match took place at Old Trafford, Manchester United's home stadium, on February 26, 2023.
I arrived at the stadium early to soak up the atmosphere. The stadium was already packed, and the fans were all buzzing with
excitement. I found my seat and settled in to watch the match.
The game was a close one, with both teams creating chances. Manchester United took the lead in the first half, but Liverpool
equalized in the second half.
It was amazing. I really enjoyed the match, because the atmosphere in the stadium was electric. The fans were all so excited,
and it was really contagious. The match was very close, and it went to extra time and penalties. This made the match even more
In the end, Manchester United won the match 4-3 on penalties. My team won! This was the highlight of the event for me.
But there were a few things that I didn't enjoy. First, the tickets were very expensive. Second, the food and drinks at the stadium
were overpriced. Third, the security was very tight, which made it difficult to get around the stadium.
Overall, I had a great time at the match. It was an amazing experience to see my favorite team win, and the atmosphere in the
stadium was electric. I would definitely recommend going to a soccer match at Old Trafford if you have the opportunity.

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