Team Together 2 Activity Book

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To —— Activity Book Together activity Book Contents Classroom language ... Starter Back to school... 1 It's a happy day! .... 2 Let's dress up! ..... 3 The activity centre .. 28 Atomic’s Learning Club Language booster 1....... 38 4 I want to be a cookt! ..... 5 Fun on the farm .. 50 6 Out in the forest Atomic’s Learning Club Language booster 2....... a 7 Look at the stars .... 8 Animals are fun! .. 9 Party at the park... Atomic’s Learning Club Language booster 3... . 102 Festivals Months and seasons... . 104 Calgary Stampede .. . 106 Happy Thanksgiving! .. . 108 Picture dictionary ..... TL0' @ Pearson Classroom language @© Look and circle. | aN oe, r) ql Be. 1 Take out your 2 Hold up your 3 Tidy up. pencil. drawing. (om hI a} (aj A eo ml b Yeo 4 : 7 oe 4 Put up your hand. 5 Put away your 6 Put down your pencil. hand, eo Look and write. your hand. 3 your pencil. 4 your drawing. © Look and write. 1___Turnoff_ 2 3 the lights. 4 the lights. to the board. attention. © Order and number. 4 question. / a / Ask Aska question. 2 board. / Go / the / to 3 lights. / off / Turn / the 4 books. / Hand / the / out ‘Alphabet © © Look and write. Then listen, sing and check. pe i cmcnn 000.600 0 oo. 000-0 660-000-006 oouens nd write. EP Yi alice 6 @ e @ Listen, circle and match. 1@ 2 These are Those are desks. 3 Thisis Thatis a ball. @ 4 These are Thatis teddies. ee © Look and write. is is) These are a pen. 1 These are 2 3 rubbers. bikes. books. fh 4 5 6 a bag. kites. a scooter. o- Sl e @ Listen and write. Then count and circle. It’s a happy day! e wo Look at Pupil’s Book page 10. Read and write. 1 Who's got water? 2 Where's Atomic? 3 What colour is the slide? © Look and write. e eight Vacohuloryvy and Grammar. OT__—lUlUlUlt™” © Follow and circle. 4 We(1) 21 We 3 We I 4 We I © Order and write. a play don't play baseball. have don’t have lunch. have don’t have art lessons. (go) don’t go to school. 1 have / breakfast / We We have breakfast. 2 go/1I/home 3 don’t / We / up / get 4 have / don't / dinner / I mm @ —, e Remember the story. Read and circle. 1 Marie, Lucy, Ben and Sam go to school. 2 They don't have art lessons. 3 Ben and Sam have tennis lessons in the morning. 4 Atomic and Einstein are on the table. 5 Blue and yellow make green. 6 They paint Einstein. © KAD Look and tick () or cross (x). True (Fatse) True False True False True False True False True False —— Se @ Look and circle. 1 in the afternoon 2 in the morning . pone ee 3 at night 4 in the evening Clee (2) a a>. Co © Look, read and write. _ in the morning - intheaftemoon i inthe evening 282 - ‘1 When do you go to bed? 2 When Go you have art lessons? We go to bed at night. k a Ba 5 3 When do you go to school? 4 When do you do homework? ) ETD aeen @ ‘SKills) Cre _—_— = © Read and write. Marcos and Rodrigo’s day We're Marcos and Rodrigo. We're brothers. We have art lessons in the morning. We have lunch in the afternoon. We don't play in the afternoon. We do homework. We have dinner in the evening. We play in the evening, too. We go to bed at night. 1 When do you play? We play in the evening. 2 When do you have art lessons? 3 When do you go to bed? 4 When do you do homework? e Ee Write and draw. ( 11 in the 21 in the 31 in the 41 at : X / e twelve SS © Look and write. cereal pickles porridge soup tea toast 1 cereal 4 2 3 6 e Read and circle. 1 In Britain, children often have milk tea and cereal. 2 People in Japan South Africa have corn porridge for breakfast. 3 Some people in Japan the UK eat a big breakfast. 4 In Japan, some people have fish toast for breakfast. thirteen @ English in action Ur Saying the time © &) Listen and write. seven dinner time no 4 What time isit? | Iv’s o'clock. J Oh, ! a What’s wrong? f “\ We're late for Let’s hurry. Phonics «’)) Listen. Colour the long a words blue and the long i 9 9 words red. 86 UMDsf © ® Are the sounds the same? Listen and tick () or cross (x). a fourteen @ Read and write. Sue have breakfast gotoschool do homework play afternoon My name is Matt. t have breakfast in the morning. Then I Igo home in the This is my friend, We don't in the evening. We © 3K write and draw. My name is I in the ThenT I in the This is my friend, We don’t in the We . It's fun. >) EERIE incon Q ©) Look, read and number. @ We don't have lunch. | b Idon't have art lessons. | 1 J J c We get up. | d We do homework. | | e I have breakfast. f We have dinner. e Look and write. | 1 When do you go to bed? We go to bed at night. 2 When do you go to school? 3 When do you play? 4 When do you go home? Fre At otarters Listening Part 3 © © @ tisten and tick () the box. ‘L When do you have art lessons? Ww Bet o UIC UP: e oO Look at Pupil’s Book page 20. Read and write. ‘1 Who's wearing blue shoes? 2 How many socks can you see? 3 What colour is Lucy's dress? e @ Listen, circle and write. ‘vw 1's 98 “p “> ‘@ ey" wn ne? Ba © Look, read and match. 1 They're wearing red pyjamas. 2 You're wearing blue hats. 3 We're wearing green socks, 4 They're wearing purple shirts. 1 _We’re wearing___dresses__. 2 wearing 3 wearing ¢ 4 wearing . nineteen ® ‘Story, re) 6 Remember the story. Read and match. 1 ( when is the fashion show? = orange and green 2 ( What colour is Marie’s dress? b (It’s at 3 o'clock. 3 ( Are the jeans and shirts too small? c 4 ( Are Ben and Sam wearing scarves? 5 ( What colour are Sam’s pyjamas? e e (XID Look and write Yes or No. i eo Q Look and colour. © © @ twenty @ Look and write. backpack phone keys computer handbag glasses 5 ‘blac k|p alcl|k ©) Across 6 25) Down e Look, write and colour. our their = your” HH ) EI twenty-one e@ Skills) oT © Read and look. Write Yes or Fy A birthday party It’s our birthday today. We're in the park with our family. It's hot and sunny. We're wearing hats. Our hats are big. Look! Our mum and our sister are wearing dresses. Their dresses are red. Our dad is wearing shorts and a shirt. His shorts are orange and his shirt is blue. We can see our cake and our presents. Birthdays are fun! 4 Nets wearing ¢ 2 They're wearing hats. baseball cap. Yes . 4 They're wearing socks. 3 His shorts and shirt 6 She's wearing are orange. blue jeans. 5 Their dresses are red. I'm wearing a and 2 My is * My are . — @ twenty-two eco @ Look and circle. hat mask kimono shirt skirt kilt © ESTED Read and write. kilts Japan paradés ride wear 1 They have parades in the USA. 2 People fancy shirts and beautiful hats. 3 Some people on floats. 4 In , some people wear kimonos. 5 They're wearing in this photo. twenty-three @ English in action Pr Asking the price © (>) Listen and circle. 4 Excuse) Help me. | Yes, do can I help you? J How much is this ) | backpack handbag ? Its £12 £20. 5 Here Have you are. | Thank Please you. Phonics e &) Listen and write o_e or u_e. a ‘twenty-four @ Read and write. Rape iaane cant npr. caineeee Ellimane® I'm Jill. > I'm wearing My are This is my friend, He's wearing a is We're wearing are blue. © - write and araw. — I'm I'm wearing My sre This is my friend, _____wearinga is We're wearing are } twenty-five 8 @ Look, read and circle. Then colour. | nz = ee *s ran ll GO BE ih iit 1(We're) You're They're 2 We're You're They're wearing a green dress, blue wearing grey jeans, a yellow socks and black trainers. scarf and a brown hat. 3 We're You're They're 4 We're You're They're wearing red pyjamas. wearing purple sandals and | an orange baseball cap. © Order and write. | 1 glasses / Their / blue / are Their glasses are blue. Gace. “Hh 2 yellow / Their / keys / are 3 are / backpacks / Our / green 4 red / handbag / Your / is 5 computer / grey / is / Our 6 phone / is / black / Your @ twenty-six Get ready for... Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 @ G@ © tisten ang draw tines. (Hugo } {ain} { Nick } (Kim } 3) The activity centre @ bo Look at Pupil’s Book page 30. Read and write. 1 Who's wearing red trainers? 2 Who's wearing a dress? 3 How many baseball caps can you see? © Look, read and circle. '@ bh @ (Play the piano (Play the piano piano) do karate skateboard play video games play tennis listen to music watch TV do karate play the piano play basketball roller skate skateboard read books play tennis roller skate play tennis watch TV skateboard listen to music play video games © twenty-eight eo Look, read and match. CS PA He listens to music. She doesn’t do karate. He doesn’t watch TV. She plays the piano. 1He doesn’t skateboard _. 2 She 3 She 4 He twenty-nine @ Story) Corre) © EXESTIETD Remember the story. Read and circle. Qs F 1 Lucy roller skates Goesn’t roller skate) at 9 o'clock. 2 Lucy skateboards doesn’t skateboard at 10 o'clock. 3 Einstein can can’t sing. 4 Lucy plays doesn’t play tennis at 11 o'clock. 5 Atomic sees doesn’t see the fish on TV. 6 The children have don’t have lunch under a tree. J © XAZD Look and tick (V) or cross (x). @ Look and write. “Sunddy the weekend Tuesday Saturday 1 ole 2 ecw > eee ‘ eee evU Thursday e Look, read and write. (4) Tuesday (2) Wednesday (3) Weekend [4] Sunday (5) Friday (6) Monday . ae 1 Does she play the piano 2 Does she roller skate on Tuesday? on Wednesday? Yes, she does ¢ ___, she : 3 Does he play the piano 4 Does he play video games at the weekend? on Sunday? , he . » he : 5 Does she listen to music on Friday? 6 Does he read books on Monday? » she . » he D)) Extra practice, page 36 thirty-one ea (Skills) ey © Read and circle. Nick and Anna’s week od Nick and nn ae / alt 1. Does Nick play tennis on Monday? Yes, he does.) No, he doesn't. 2 Does Nick play basketball at the weekend? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. 3 Does Anna roller skate on Tuesday? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. 4 Does Anna skateboard on Tuesday? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. ; ———————_ © %*& write, circte and draw. I on at Idon't on at T play on at @ thirty-two Lesson'5 © Look and tick (v). 1 throw 2 kick e Read and correct the words in red. “kick fifteen rugby throw 1. A lot of boys and girls in Britain play basketball. rugby 2 Arugby team has got twelve players. 3 A player can catch the ball to another player. 4 Players throw the ball over the goal post. thirty-three e Lesson6 e «) Listen and match. 1 < What do you | a doing karate. ee ae s seer 3 (I don’t. But | love | ¢ < Saturday? | 4 — Me, too! Let’s play d = “like doing? 5 ) Listen and number. Then match. { teacher | { dancer | { nurse | { astronaut | ( builder ] { pop star } {doctor } { artist } { pilot } © Look and circle. 1 I want to be a nurse dancer) cook. x 2 Iwant to bea builder artist doctor. A>». 3 Iwant to bea pilot popstar cook. 4 I want to bea builder teacher astronaut. © Look and write. doctor pilot 1 Iwanttobea POD star .4 a 2 Iwant to bea _ 5 3 an . 6 forty-one e ‘Story, tT @ Remember the story. Read and circle. 1 Lucy's __ isa pop star. a sister b(aunt) 2 Nickisa _. @ cook b dancer 3 Marie __ with Kaylee. a sings b dances 4 Kaylee goes home by __. a car b plane 5 Einstein and Atomic wantto be © a dancers b cooks © OXAD | Listen and number. © @ Look and cotour. ®2Q®O OY @ forty-two Neri Vocabulary and Grammar, © Look and write. “underground motorbike train car_ We Pee P CEL ae ~ &® 2 3 | 4 Milli 3 © © write. = we He goes to work by __ © Follow, circle and write. He (She goes to work by train . He She goes to work by He She goes to work by He She goes to work by forty-three e Te] 1 My grandma is adancer a pop star. She goes to work by car motorbike. 2 Myuncle is anartist a dancer . He goes to work by motorbike bus. 3 My brother is a pop star an artist . He goes to work by car motorbike . e WE Write, circle and draw. Twant to be a an My isa an Z He She by Q forty-four Lesson'5 e Order and write. ubs reirvd eudtsstn bus driver _ e Read and tick (v). 1 Students in America don’t go to school by school bus. () (\¥ 2 American school buses are long and short. { } \ ) 3 American school buses are green. tL) CJ 4 Bus drivers drive the school buses. (| ( 5 Cars and trucks don’t stop for school buses. Buying tickets © ©) Listen and circle. 1 @ 2 @ Phonics © &) Listen and match. @ ry Bes ded Aas @ forty-six © Read and circle. My grandma (mum )is great. She's a nurse teacher . She works at the weekend on Thursdays . She goes to work at nine seven o'clock in the morning in the afternoon . She goes to work by train car. ee 6 She loves his her job. e * Write, circle and draw. My is great. __ aan works goes to work at o'clock in the goes to work by loves job. DY) Picture dictionary page 114] torysoen Iwant to bea/an... 4 oar Wa i e ajr|\|t/i;/s|/tj/ela/p o | doctor g pop sitiarijia t buiii t\dje rilis) wy. ea D c v 3 > 3 3 > 5 e Read and draw. @ a @ K ) \ J \ J 1 He goes to work by boat. 3 He goes to work by car. 2 She goes to work by motorbike. 4 She goes to work by train. @ forty-eight Get ready for... Pre Ai Starters Reading and Writing Part 5 eo GS Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Write the answers. T want to bea pop star - He goes to work by T want to be an She goes to work by T want to be an Fun on the farm 2 oO Look at Pupil’s Book page 54. Read and write. 1 How do they go to the farm? By 2 what colour is the motorbike? 3 How many dogs can you see? © Follow and write. @ fifty Vocabulary and Grammar, © Look and write. 1 Isitrunning? _YeS, UW ls. 2 Is it flying? ASS ea mN ( ie PANE 3 Is it walking? 4 Is it climbing? oe Look, read and circle. 1 Is she jumping (fying a kite)? 2 Is he swimming climbing? Yes, she is. No, he isn’t. 3 Isshe dancing walking ? 4 Ishe singing drawing? No, she isn’t. Yes, he is. fifty-one e@ Story, rT @ Remember the story. Read and tick (v). 1 Ben, Sam, Marie and Lucy are helping at the school. ‘oe 2 Marie loves cows. ( { 3 The children are collecting the eggs. 4 The goats are running after Lucy. 5 Einstein is playing with the sheep. { © © KEE Look and circle. Yes No Yes No @ fifty-two © Look and circle. 1 fix the gate 2 clean the cage Swe 9 3 sweep the barn 4 milk the cows (a), pom = (b) (ahiii 111) (deme Pie! | | y > Ly | 5 brush the horses 6 collect the eggs © @tisten and write. Yes, they are. ) EERIE anyerce Skills oe 6 Read and circle. My name is Kim. My family and I are helping on my uncle's farm. My mum and dad are feeding the turkeys. My brothers are collecting eggs. My aunt and cousin are brushing the donkeys. % And look! My uncle is sleeping! Is he feeding the turkeys? cesses Wo, he isnt) Are they fixing , the gate? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Are they brushing " 3 Qe the donkeys? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 4 & Is she sleeping? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. 5 Bs Ageithey' collecting Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. eggs? e HE. write and draw. ° ny My name is My is My re e fifty-four eco e Look and write. apple orchard = farm picnic e Read and circle. 1 People the animals on the farm. a(take care of ) b fix 2 People ___ food on the farm. a listen to b learn about 3 Some farms in Britain have an apple orchard. Youcan help __ the apples. a clean b collect 4 Families have picnics __. a outside b inside © ©) Listen and number. _ _ < Yes. Fix the gate, please. | { | ~ OK! I can feed the sheep, too. | | — Fix the gate, please. {1 - Thank you. | Sorry. Can you repeat that? | @ @ fifty-six © Read and write. sister br thier collectingeggs _feeding the birds helping I'm ona farm with my brother and my : Are they on the farm? Yes, they are! _ Is he 2 Yes, he Is. Is she collecting eggs, too? No, she isn't. She’s She likes birds. © HK write and draw. I'mona____ with my and my Are they on the farm? Yes, they are! Is he ? Yes, he is. Is she , too? No, she isn't. She's She likes »)) Picture dictionary, page 115 fifty-seven @ oe Look and circle. “EAS (turkey) (turkey) horse chicken donkey - cana © Look and write. Ee “Yes No is isn't Ee gy hed | me. 4. Isshe walking? No. she isn’t. | 2 Is he swimming? ,he - 3 Is it jumping? ,it 4 Isit running? alt. @ Are they sweeping the barn? Yes, they are. b Are they milking the cows? No, they aren't. 9 They're collecting eggs. c Are they brushing the horses? Yes, they are. LL d Are they cleaning the cages? No, they aren't. a They're fixing the gate. { @ fifty-eight Get ready for... Pre Ai Starters Reading and Writing Part 4 @ GS Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. Birds Some birds are small. Some birds are big. (1) Turkeys are big. Birds have got two legs, two (2) and lots of Qe ) are birds, too. We eat the (5) of chickens. feathers turkeys wings eggs chickens fifty-nine © Out in the forest 6 oO Look at Pupil’s Book page 64. Read and write. 1 What's the weather like? 2 What's the teacher wearing? 3 How many fish can you see? © Look, match and write. ‘Be e= Ga = “oa a @ sixty neces ‘Vocabulary and Grammar, @ eo Follow and circle. 1 (He's got) He hasn’t got an old computer. 2 She’s got She hasn't got plain trainers. 3 She’s got She hasn't got a fancy kite. 4 I've got Ihaven’t got a new bike. © Look and write. 1 She hasn’t got an old dress. a new dress. 2 a fancy kite. a plain kite. 3 a hard chair. a soft chair. snyore @ ‘Story, Ory) @ Remember the story. Correct the words in red. 1 Debbie, Marie, Ben, Sam and Lucy are swimming. walking 2 Einstein's got a purple kite. 3 Sam's jacket is wet. 4 The children are going to a house. 5 Lucy is thirsty. © GRAN Look and tick () or cross (x). © @ Look and cotour. Q2QAQO® @ sixty-two eeu Vocabulary and Grammar, © Look, order and write. nucersesn mhoapos eisgenpl agb tnte © @ listen and match. (a) @ @ @ voce {a No, she hasn't. } { b No, I haven't. ] ( ¢ Yes, he has. ) { d Yes, I have. ] ) EXE soryenee @ ‘Skills) err 4 © Read and write. A camping weekend T'm Bill. My family and I are camping. My brother’s got toothpaste and shampoo. Look at my sister. She’s got a new sleeping bag. My mum has got the torch. My dad has got the food. Oh, no! We haven't got a tent! Yes No has _ hasn't 1 Has she got sunscreen? 2 Has he got a torch? No ,she_hasn’t . iv he z 3 Has she got a new 4 Has he got the food? sleeping bag? he she © 3K write and draw. j ) T’ve got * T haven't got My friend has got My friend hasn't got e sixty-four Lesson'5 @ Look and write. grahamcracker = marshmallow _choeotate s'more @ @ chocolate am © _ a e@ Read and number. a Eat your delicious s'mores! b Have you got graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate? a Put one more graham cracker on the top. d Toast the marshmallow on the campfire. e Put the hot marshmallow on the graham cracker. f Put the chocolate on the marshmallow. sixty-five } HT English in action Talking about possession © ©) Listen and write. fancy shampoo plain J 4 Whose & zs __ Phonics | Mine is is this? Is it yours? — 4 No, it isn’t. It’s his. You're right. This one is . Pmsorry. © ©) Listen. Colour the same sounds red. Colour the different sound blue. Seth 1 © srs @ Read and write. JUGN and Lare in my has gota I've gota Oh, no! It’s We aren't happy. © “%¥ write and draw. and Tare in my has gota I've gota Oh, no! It’s ! We aren't happy. sixty-seven @ i AY Of YU | e Ee Write. ee Ivegota. scooter. © Follow and circle. 1 Have you got dry sandals? 2 Has she gota fancy handbag? 3 Have you got clean pyjamas? 4 Has he gota | new bike? e sixty-eight Get ready for... Pre Ai Starters Listening Part 4 © © @ tisten and colour. = a Yes, I have. b No, I haven't. a Yes, I have. b (No, I hav a Yes, he has. b No, he hasn't. a Yes, she has. b No, she hasn't. @ Look and write. Then find the secret word. ae 1 Whose keys glasses are these? 2 Whose glasses keys are these? 3 Whose watch camera E ey isthis? _- 4. © Read and write. This is my friend and me. The sweaters are They are my friends. The watches are You are my friends. The backpacks are © Read and order the dialogue. = Great, thanks. | ~ Sorry, can you repeat that? 11 < Oh, no! | haven't got my camera. | | ~ Oh! Here you are. ] | = | haven't got my camera. | © Complete the dialogue. Use different items. — Oh, no! | haven’t got my J ~ Sorry, can you repeat that? — < | haven’t got my - 4 Oh! Here you are. = Great, thanks! | o What has Dan got? Read and circle. ve got my Te ccs but | haven’t got my Te ccs 6 o Look at Pupil’s Book page 78. Read and write. 1. Who are in the bedroom? 2 How many armchairs can you see? 3 Are the pyjamas dirty? © Look and write. C\ Ue | 1__mirror 2 om ce On 1 There's a sofa. |x) 2 There are windows. J 3 There are armchairs. | _ J 4 There’s a door. J 5 There's a television. | 6 There's a clock. _s © Look, write and circle. 1 There’s a_ (bed) beas. 2 mirror mirrors. 3_s wardrobe wardrobes. 4 bookcase bookcases . 5 window windows. 6 clock clocks. seventy-three @ ‘Story, 6 Remember the story. Read and number. TF (_) (1) a Pyjamas and a teddy are on this. There’s a clue under it! 0 d There are cars and bikes in here. There’s a clue next to the door! C | b There's a cool surprise behind the garage. Hurry and look! c What time is it? It’s time to play! Look behind this for a clue. © GRAND Look and write Yes or No. So Q Look and colour. (Fun at Ben and Sam's house () AGBGaS Q@ sores Se © Look and write. “opposite nextto between infrontof behind Across * ‘ 28) Down 5 Dent | | a! © © write. ee ee a ey o Look and write. There isn'ta There aren't any @ “a 4 a a, There isn’t a television between the armchairs. clock in front of the window. mirrors opposite the door. 1 2 3 4 armchairs next to the door. seventy-five @ Skills) rr © Look, read and circle. Mate -ta ate I'm Nick. This is the attic in my home. Look! There’s an armchair behind the bookcase. There aren't any books on the bookcase. There are toys on it. T play with my toys in the attic. T like the attic. My dog likes it, too! 4 1 Nickisinthe . a garage ¢ bedroom 2 ___asofa in the attic. ee a a ee ere i Se RL NARS See 3 The armchair is__ the bookcase. a in front of b behind c opposite 4 ___ any books on the bookcase. a There are b There isn’t c There aren't e KE Write and draw. This is the in my home. There’s a There isn'ta There are There aren't any @ seventy-six ~ Lesson'5 @ Look and match. rol-tiUlate) fireplace log cabin e Read and write Yes or No. 1 Trees come from Logs. No 2 A log cabin is a house. 3 There are log cabins in the city. 4 There are kitchens in log cabins but there aren't any bedrooms. 5 People can make beds from logs. English in action too Talking about location _ e ('})) Listen and order. Then write. 2? between / it / the / Is / bookcases <{No, it isn’t. * >? beds / Look / the / between 4 Good idea. Oh, here itis. Phonics, eo *) Listen. Circle the cl words red, the fl words blue and the si words green. file amie Ta: oes: a= © @ Listen and write cl, flor sl. 1 cl ock 3__ag 2 ow 4 othes @ seventy-eight Neo nL @ Read and draw. Then write and match. This is my bedroom. There's a bed next to my bookcase. There isn’t a clock on my bookcase. There are windows behind my bed. There’s a desk opposite my bed. There aren't any toys on my bed. I'm on the bed! x 4 4%. J + © “K write and draw. This is my bedroom. i a my isn't my my any on my p N »)) Picture dictionary, page 117 seventy-nine ®@ 1a armchair 2a television. | bc here are armchairs, > b televisions. 3a sofa. 4a bookcase. | sofas. b bookcases. _ @ Look and write. Then circle. There isn’ta clock (behind) opposite the door. mirrors next to opposite the bookcase. windows next to behind the bed. awn bed between in front of the wardrobes. © eighty Get ready for... Pre Ai Starters Reading and Writing Part 1 2 G Look and read. Put a tick () or a cross (Xx) in the box. There's an armchair next to the sofa. There aren't any armchairs opposite the door. There isn’t a clock between the mirrors. There aren't any bookcases in front of the desk. There are windows behind the sofa. There isn’t a mirror between the beds. e bo Look at Pupil’s Book page 88. Read and write. 1 What's the weather like? 2 What colour are the buses? 3 Has Einstein got a ball? © Look, read and circle. (GERRARD) tine ————ooo Seawe stanbhAn Sa Sa hippo penguin eagle crocodile tiger elephant giraffe tiger STNG elephant kangaroo penguin monkey crocodile kangaroo e@ eighty-two ec es © (}) listen and circle. 1 Can crocodiles climb trees? Yes, they can. (No, they can’t.) 2 Can giraffes run? Yes, they can. No, they can’t. 3 Can penguins fly? Yes, they can. No, they can’t. 4 Can elephants swim? Yes, they can. No, they can’t. @ Read and write. SE a Bee MeN RRE DE ESR OEE Eee No, they can’t. , they ss 3 Can zebras jump? 4 Can hippos swim? , they . , they . a & z= z 8 err) r @ Remember the story. Read and write. 4 My name is Ben 3 My name is a My name is s My name is : e oI Look and tick () or cross (x). — f2) 3| tee 2. Ci) 5] (a) 25 7 ok [v| © Look and colour. | [Mplay atthezoe OeGOOO e eighty-four @ Qa | ew bale dicjocanuth éu kglaolelj pwfps x, kiwi kK ilwilfirwiltead @ pilenkiwtsrmo @ 2 mic|fialg|x|m|djo|\g's f| a aelptipimangovi. oldulbbktwrenc om Fieieeesect @ DP d tlr x|/blu rigle rab) se fFoylyik mwilsugj. © Look, read and circte. 4 Is there a (mango) kiwi? Yes, there is. 2 Are there any bananas grapes? No, there aren't. 3 Is there acoconut an apple? No, there isn't. 4 Are there any ice lollies burgers? Yes, there are. YEE cianysve @ Skills) Ce Weer s) Welcome to our zoo. There are a lot of fun animals in it. There aren't any eagles or penguins. There are giraffes and tigers. There's an elephant and a hippo, too! Giraffes and tigers can run and jump. Elephants and hippos can run, too, but they can’t jump. © Read and write. 1 Are there any eagles? No, there aren’t. 2 Are there any tigers? 3 Is there a crocodile? 4 Is there a hippo? 5 Can tigers run? me Peer eliiaeciéie weevil EE A eT ee ee 7 Can hippos jump? © write ang draw. ( ) I'm at my favourite zoo. Is therea ? Yes, there Is there a ? No, there Are there any ? No, there Are there any ? Yes, there \ S @ eighty-six @ @ Listen and number. e Read and write. Les Shei areg Soom conty 1 Are there kangaroo rescue centres in Australia? Yes there are. 2 Are there baby kangaroos in the kangaroo rescue centre? , there 3 Can people visit the kangaroo rescue centre? , they 4 Can people feed the kangaroos? they eighty-seven @ Lessong © ©) Listen and circle. © @) Listen and circle two words with the same sound. 4 ® () © @ Listen and write fr, gr or pr. 1 QF apes 3 y 2 ize 4 ey eighty-eight Neon © Read and write. I love elephants . They're cool. They've got Can they ? Yes, they can. Can they ? No, they can’t. Are there any No, there aren’t! a * Write and draw. T love They're They've got Can they ? Yes, they can. Can they ?No, they can’t. Are there any in 2 No, there aren't! YE= fore) eighty-nine © e Follow and write. kangaroos eagles elephants crocodiles giraffes @ — ae Ke ) mm ‘Oy PH - = | 1. Can hippos and gira es ly 2? No = can’t. 2 Can zebras and # 3 Can giraffes and ? 4 Can penguins and f 5 Can tigers and 2? e Read and draw. << 1 Is there a mango? Yes, there is. 2 Are there any ice lollies? Yes, there are. 3 Is there a kiwi? No, there isn’t. 4 Are there any coconuts? Yes, there are. 5 Are there any grapes? No, there aren't. Om Get ready for. Pre Ai Starters Listening Part 3 © © @ tisten and tick (Vv) the box. 1 There's a... 2 There are... e A__ 3 There are... >. A 4 There are... e bo Look at Pupil’s Book page 98. Read and write. 1 What animals can you see? 2 Where are the oranges? 3 Where are Marie and her family? © (Listen and number. Then write. restaurant post office park bakery bookshop cd st supermarket cinema department store bank @ ninety-two ecco ie eo Follow and circle. (ital e | a 1 She(was) wasn’t at 2 I was wasn't at the the bookshop. department store. 3 He was wasn’t atthe bank. 4 She was wasn’t at the cinema. @ Look and write was or wasn’t. 1 He_ WQS ___ atthe supermarket. 2r at the restaurant. 3She at the chemist. 4 She at the Post office. ninety-three @ Story, pores @ Remember the story. Read and write. “departmentstore restaurant park bakery supermarket 1 Marie was at the bakery x 2 Lucy was at the 3 Lucy's mum and dad were at the 4 Atomic was at the 5 Ben’s party was at the © GRAD Look and circle. ROE ESS ee Yes No Yes No Yes No eo Q Look and colour. _ (Aparty for Ben) >. @ © © © & e ninety-four © Look and match. OG O0SSS6 Se © Look and tick (v). 1 You were sad yesterday. 2 You weren’t surprised yesterday. & & a Sie 2 22 .--—.% fy { {_] {v} (| {_} 3 You were scared yesterday. 4 You weren't bored yesterday. @ @ Read and write True or False. Yesterday Hi! I’m Sue. My family and I were in town yesterday. It was fun! I was at the bakery yesterday. I was hungry! My brother and sister weren’t at school. They were at the bookshop. My cousin was at the park. He likes playing basketball. His dog was at the park, too. It likes running. 1 Iwas at the bank. False 2 My brother and sister weren't at the post office. 3 My cousin was at the park. 4 The dog wasn't at the park. 5 We were in town. © K write and draw. I was at the yesterday. My was at the My wasn’t at the My and were at the They weren't at the @ ninety-six © Look and write. beach @ Read and circle. 1 London is in : a (the UK) b the USA 2 a lot of parks in London. @ There aren't b There are 3 Harrods isa : a department store b supermarket 4 Rio de Janiero is in : @ Australia b Brazil 5 InRio,the _ are very beautiful. a mountains b beaches 6 People can takeacable carup _ Mountain. a Sugarloaf b Hyde ninety-seven @ rer (G3 Thank you. ( = Is it opposite the bakery? | { It’s on Long Street. | No, it’s opposite the department store. | ~ Excuse me, Where’s the bookshop? | (1 Phonics, e {'}) Listen and circle. WY & ‘aa ena oaG) moog moog (al. el f}) fa Ss So 6 Ha meg eS @ Listen and write sm, sn, sp or st. 1 _sm ile 3 op 5 ory 7 ail 2 eak 4 ow 6 ort 8 all @ ninety-eight Nec © Read and write. Today is my IMLUIM's birthday. We're ata My were ata They've got a My was ata He's got a My was ata is She’s gota My is very surprised! of © “HK write and draw. — Today is my 's birthday. We're ata My were ata yesterday. They've gota My was ata He’s got a My was at a She's gota My is very surprised! / EEE ninety-nine | 41_ WQS ___ atthe bookshop yesterday. ww 2 She at the bank yesterday. (x | 3 He at the park yesterday, (x) | 4 She at the chemist yesterday. v } © Look, circle and write were or weren't. AB. (> Seg ane, a am meee] HO angry scared sad happy bored surprised 1 They yesterday. They | 2 We yesterday. We 3 You yesterday. You ® ‘one hundred Get ready for... Pre Ai Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 e G Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. (wwe eee © Find and circle. oz oc wu ; o a © wv g oO ij}i f o wou & ui clelc pganw i fo gir als a/t|t jk c | ids ob roejaim © Read and match. 1 I have a burger to eat. I have juice to drink. 2 I have lemonade to drink. I have fruit to eat. 3 I have ice cream to eat. I have water to drink. ea ~ a me VY © Draw and write about your favourite food and drink. 1 Ihave to 2 Ihave to © Read and order the dialogue. 0 O a C) ~ No, thanks. O ey = Vd like a double cheeseburger and chips, please. | C) < Yes, please. I’d like some juice. 6 Complete the dialogue. Use different foods and drinks. Hello. What would you like? ~ I'd like a double cheeseburger and -] Would you like a drink? < Yes, please. I’d like some Anything else? ue aos please. wa See Seceerneees: eo What would Eva like? Read and circle. I'm Eva. I'd like a double cheeseburger and chips. I’d like ice cream and water. ’'m hungry! Mont, > , Send seaSONS oy" © Look and write. "September Decernber August April * {December} © o(wjeC____) © Look and write the months. winter spring summer autumn December © Find and circte. Then write and cotour. @ All winter ® ‘one hundred and four 4) Read and circle. 1 It’s hot and snowy Gunny) in summer. 2 We see baby animals and flowers in autumn spring. 3 Halloween Christmas is in autumn. 4 We swim play in the snow in winter. 5 Easter isin spring autumn. 6 We wear shorts and boots sandals in summer. © (} Listen and read. My name is Tim. I like autumn and my favourite month is October. It's sunny in autumn. It isn’t hot. Halloween is in autumn. I play with a ball, but I don’t swim. Autumn is a fun season. o KE Write and draw. My name is T hike wan ti ean month is It's in It isn’t " is in I but I don’t is a fun season. © Look and tick (7). 1 rodeo 5 cowboy boots oe © Order and write. Then match. 1 caer race Caley stg 30 one hundred and five ® 2 cowgirl “t LJ LJ 4 cowboy _ “| &) C CO 0 6 race @ “} C (a) 2 wbycoo osobt 3 radscne — _ ee @ 4 loicgrw { ) bepal 5 creuabbe a fe) 6 ocbywo ath S ® © one hundred and six | © Read and tick (¥). At the Calgary Stampede... True False 1 it’s very cold. J 4 2 cowgirls ride horses. | | 3 we can watch races. 4 there are a lot of cats and dogs. | | 5 we can see dancers. J | 6 we don't buy cowboy boots. | | @ Read and write. Calgary Stampedeisin Summer. We watch exciting We talk to We can buy new cowboy and And we can see fantastic The Calgary Stampede is fun! © Look and write. pumpkin pie parade s\ ato footballgame __ stuffing cranberry sauce © Join the numbers. Then colour and write. 4s 3 #8 we ® one hundred and eight © Read and circle. 1 When is Thanksgiving? a(It’s in autumn.) b It’s in winter. 2 Who co people visit? a They visit friends. b They visit relatives. 3 What do a lot of people watch on TV? a They watch football games. b They watch turkeys. 4 What can people see in parades? a They can see floats. b They can see a football game. 5 What do people eat? a They eat roast turkey b They eat toffee apples. and pumpkin pie. © Read and write. parades roast turkey relatives pumpkin pie November stuffing Thanksgiving is in November . People visit They see wonderful They eat a big » >) Picture dictionary, page 120 one hundred and nine ® Numbers Picture dictionary 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 20 ® one hundred and ten ‘one hundred and eleven ® jeans Tuesday readbooks = playbasketball Sunday = skateboard © listen to music the weekend Wednesday _ play the piano Thursday roller skate Saturday do karate Monday play videogames Friday watch TV play tennis Days of the week one hundred and thirteen ® : ie Lo ® one hundred and fourteen duck cleanthecage goat fixthegate horse bee collecttheeggs milkthecows sheep bird turkey donkey brush the horses cow chicken sweep the barn © one hundred and fiften @ # ® ‘one hundred and sixteen one hundred and seventeen @ kangaroo coconut hippo ice lolly elephant giraffe burger zebra mango crocodile eagle penguin tiger kiwi grapes monkey “supermarket surprised ~ bookshop sad park happy bank post office bakery scared == chemist angry restaurant = bored cinema _— department store ra one hundred and nineteen ® Months‘and'seasons, and Thanksgiving roast turkey October autumn pumpkin pie December March barbecue April stuffing May rodeo parade September winter cowgirl February race dancers November cowboy boots cowboy hat July visit relatives spring footballgame August cranberry sauce June sweet potatoes summer cowboy January & a ia) » Ka ys LFeetS SE. Eas Months © one hundred and twenty Pearson Education Limited KAO TWO AOR Hoge nae Farlow Essex LT asRercland ‘ane AstocatedComponies threughout the were swowaengish comteartocether Otighnaleditins © Pearson Educacén,S.A.2018 “Thisedition @Feorsonedcation ned 2019 Punlshedty zrrargement win Pearson EducaciinSA The ightot Lesiy Koustaft and sussnRverste beident ie as autnersof this Work hasbean aecertedby them secardarce vt the RoyalLegltive Deerse,12 Rai 1/1966, which aporevesthe consolidated tent f the LawoF Intetectual Property Rights. -Allghtsteservect no nar of tis pubicatlon may erepreduced. Soran ‘tetievlsysiern or ansiited Fay fxm Dye eas ec 9, ‘mechanical pnotocepying, caring, ootneraiceuenout the rar writen pemissionofthaPublshers Firstpubliched 2019 \5BN.978 1-292. 29252.6 Setin Dayana Pro Primary Mp Primiedarc bound by Lag0.5 pA ‘Acknowledgements: The pablchers cul ike to thank teachers from schoels nMadid, Sain, Istanbul, Turkey and Ankara, Turkey for hei Feedkadksne caramants during the development af the materials. 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Can cry, aver ‘MoncalverjesaRuble, Jose Zao and christs siatsas(Hyenen) Cover image: Merce Orticinent Team Together is a fast-paced, 7-level primary English course that develops Language alongside future-ready skills. Pupils are challenged to communicate creatively in authentic contexts, think critically and work together to get results. Team Together sets out a clear path for progress and prepares children for success in external examinations including PTE Young Learners and Cambridge English Qualifications. For pupils For teachers © Pupil's Book with Digital Resources = * Teacher's Book with Digital Resources © Activity Book . © Presentation Tool Vocabulary Booster © Story cards (Levels 1-2) © Top Tips and Practice for PTE © Word cards (Levels 2-2) Young Learners ® Flashcards (Levels 1-2) © Posters ® Photocopiable tests and worksheets English Benchmark and Team oAiiaTE Together make the perfect © Culture videos © Story animations partners for your language and assessment needs ee) erry Te ere ieee ISBN 978-1-292-29252-6

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