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Introductory Japanese 11

StartUp Assignment
Part 1: Student Learning Profile (5 marks)

A. Essential Information:

Full Name

Preferred Name Pronouns

Email Phone #

Parent/Guardian Full

Email Phone #

Main School (where you

are taking majority of

School Counselor Phone #


What Grade are you currently

in? (Majority of courses)

Have you already graduated If yes, when:

from secondary school?

B. Required Courses:

In the following chart fill in any Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses you have taken or are taking now. Please use
the following symbols: C = already completed or IP = currently taking/are in progress (or are signed up
to take this school year if not yet started). If there are courses you have not taken yet simply leave blank.
Required Courses


English 10 English 12 /Comm.

English 11 /Comm. 11
Math 10
Social Studies 11
(Apprenticeship/Work- Graduation Transi-
(or Canadian Civics 11 or
place tions
BC First Nations 12)
or Foundations)
Science 11
Physical Education 10 (Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Earth Sciences or
Science & Technology)
Mathematics 11
Planning 10 (Apprenticeship/Workplace
(or CAPP 11/12) , Foundations or Pre-
Social Studies 10
Science 10

List ONE Fine Arts/Applied Skills course from grade 10, 11 or 12:

Elective Credits…


(Minimum 3 courses)
Part 2: Course Timeline (3 marks)
Here’s a list of all the tasks that you will complete in this course. They are listed in the order in which
you will complete them and you will have 12 months in total. Go over the list and add the approximate
dates you intend to complete each task by.
Approximate date you intend
Tasks (by order that you complete)
to complete these tasks

StartUp Audio Journal

StartUp Worksheets

Module 1 - Greetings and introductions

 1 Audio journal
 1 written assignment
 1 self-refection
 1 discussion entry
*Suggested duration 2-4 weeks

Revise your timeline

Module 2 - Shopping
*Same as Module 1
Module 3 - Scheduling
*Same as Module 1

Online Kana Quiz

Oral Exam 1 (via Skype)

Online Review Quiz 1

*You must complete this before taking the midterm.

Midterm exam

Module 4 - Directions
*Same as Module 1
Module 5 - Travelling
*Same as Module 1
Module 6 - Daily activities
*Same as Module 1
Module 7 - Family
*Same as Module 1

Online Review Quiz 2

Oral exam 2 (via Skype)

*You must complete this before taking the final exam.

Final exam

Cultural projects
*Suggested duration 1-2 weeks

*This is only to a tentative timeline so don’t feel pressure to create a perfect timeline. I just want to
show you the overall course flow and also to give you an opportunity to start thinking about how
you want to distribute your time at this point. You will be asked to revise it after Module 1.
Part 3: Japan and You (5 marks)

Answer the following questions:

1. List as many words or phrases as possible in Japanese that you can think of off the top of your head.
You don’t need to research online, just list as many (or few) as you can!
e.g) Pokemon, sushi, tamago, konnichiwa…

2. Name two famous Japanese people you know and briefly explain who they are. They can be alive or
deceased, but they must be real people.

3. What made you interested in learning the Japanese language?

4. Have you been to Japan?

If yes, which cities have you visited? What did you do there and what did you like the most? If no,
which cities would you like to visit? Why? What would you like to do there?
5. Japan consists of four major islands. What are the names of these islands?





Part 4: A Talk on Plagiarism (2 marks)

What is plagiarism?

I, Your name understand that VLN has a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work (or parts of someone else’s work) as though it is my
own. I understand that if I am found to be plagiarizing, I will receive a zero for that assignment.
Repeated offenses will result in failure or withdrawal from the course or school.


Formal procedures for cases of plagiarism:

First incident: Student receives a zero on the assignment and must contact the teacher by
email immediately.

Second incident: Student receives a zero on the assignment and must make an
appointment to see the teacher in person.

Third incident: Student fails or is withdrawn from course and/or school.

Course Name: Introductory Japanese 11

Student Name: Your name

Feedback Date:

Mark: % ( /15)

Ok, I am done the assignment, what do I do now?

1. Name the file PEN#-StartUp Introductory Japanese 11 Online Block# LASTNAME First
2. Submit to the folder called ‘StartUp assignment

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