Quanity Surveying Interview Questions - 1

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Q1. How do you prepare a Payment Certificate as per FIDIC?

Q2. What will be included in a Payment Certificate?

Q3. How would you pay materials on site?

Q4. Do you pay material off site?

Q5. How do you release retention?

Q6. How would you release retention if there are sectional completions?

Q7. How would you value that section?

Q8. What are the variations Engineer can issue?

Q9. What do you mean by sequence? Give me example in concrete section?

Q10. Suppose original contract period has now expired. A valuation (monthly) comes to you.
How do you pay preliminary items? Are you going to pay full?

Q11. How do you stop such payment, give me example, take 2 items, “Engineer’
s Office”and

Q12. How do you stop such payments? Is it contractual? Under what clause and why you
stop? If I have maintained the office for original contract period I should be paid full?

Q13. OK. How do you value this item then?

Q14. How do you pay variations in monthly valuations?

Q15. From a variation claim from contractor what would you check?

Q16. What do you mean by Instruction?

Q17. How do you value variation?

Q18. How you will measure the reinstatement of roads for the trenches? Will you pay for
additional width carried out by Contractor?

Q19. How you measure the micro tunnelling. Under which class you pay shaft, pipe and pits?

Q20. What is double handling?

Q21. How you measure the quantity of double handling?

Q22. How you measure borrow pit excavation?

Q23. How you measure excavation for exposing and relocation of cable?


Q24. How you measure earthworks?

Q25. What is the contractual requirement?

Q26. What is method related charges?

Q27. How the method related charges to be paid?

Q28. What are the method related charges?

Q29. What are requirement contractually to certify the payment certificate?

Q30. Will you approve the payment certificate without performance bond?

Q31. What is Statement at Completion? What is the meaning of amount due and estimated
amount due?

Q32. How you release first half of Retention money if taking over certificates issued in parts?

Q33. When you release 2nd half of retention?

Q34. After how many days contractor should submit the final account after issuing of defects
liability certificate?

Q35. What is effective Contract price?

Q36. Where you will use effective contract price?

Q37. What is clause 52.3?

Q38. How will you pay O.H. and recover O.H. if the final contract sum + 15% when compared
to effective contract price.

Q38. How you calculate the cost of extension of time?

Q40. How will you pay method related charges for extension of time cost?

Q41. Under which clause of Condition of Contract contractor is eligible for profit under any

Q42. If contractor fail to sent copy to employer about his intention to claim extension of time
what will happen?

Q43. How you pay Performance Bond and insurances for time extension cost?

Q44. How you will price the valuation of variation.

Q45. How will you pay testing of materials?

Q46. How will you pay testing of works?

Q47. What is final certificate? Is it only certificate or final account complete final account?
Q48. How the trial trenches are measured?

Q49. If the trial trench is at bottom as per BOQ 3m² and contractor executed more than 3 m².
Is it paid as variation? For number in material?

Q50. On what situations Engineer instruct to do work on dayworks?

Q51. What is the latest edition of FIDIC? What is a lump sum contract and how do you price
the variations?

Q52. Can you explain Clause 51?

Q53. Can you explain critical path in relation with construction programme?

Q54. How do you calculate the extension of time and under which condition?

Q55. If the bad weather prevails the whole month, do you calculate whole period for the
extension of time?

Q56. Can you explain sub clause 44.1 and 12.

Q57. Before paying first interim payment to the contractor what procedure has to befollowed?

Q58. After receiving acceptance letter, how many days are allowed to the contractor to submit
the Performance Bond.

Q59. What is the total percentage included in contract for the retention and do you work it up
for the material at site?

Q60. After completion of project what certificate is issued to the contractor?

Q61. What is the provisional sum? How do you price it after completion of similar item?

Q62. Can you explain sub-base and wearing course?

Q63. How do you measure above item when checking the interim bill?

Q64. Did you take measurement for interchange?

Q65. What is the 4 way duct bank and how do you measure.

Q66. How do you measure services and pipe work?

Q67. Prepare cost breakdown for epoxy paint.

Q68. How do you measure external paving and kerbs?

Q69. Brief summary of duties of Senior QS

Q70. Details of your experience which shall help to full fill these duties.


Q71. Preliminary cost estimates – how to prepare preliminary cost estimates for road and
building projects.

Q72. What are the items in the CESMM3 to pay for the piling?

Q73. Are you familiar with FIDIC/DM conditions.

Q74. What are clause 14 programmes?

Q75. Can Engineer give approval for clause 14 program? Is the Engineer is required to give
approval or consent to the program and why?

Q76. What are the grounds that will entitle the contractor to be entitled for the extension of
Q77. Have you prepared claims report. What are the various contents/sections of the claim
Q78. Explain risks in the contract.

Q79. What are the consequences if wrong setting out data is supplied by the Engineer?

Q80. What is prolongation cost and how it can be claimed.

Q81. Failure to give notice, how will it affect the contractor’

s right for entitlement of cost and
Q82. What are the consequences if the employer asks the engineer to suspend any section
of work?

Q83. What do you understand by possession of site in relation to program of works?

Q84. What do you think of the recent Airport accident, who is to be suffering the
consequences, i.e. the contractor or the engineer?

Q85. What is your duty if you were a visitor to that site and saw the lapses in the safety

Q86. What are the various sections in the CESMM3?

Q87. What is double handling and what is the entitlement of contractor in this regard.
Q88. %age of bitumen content – how to effect adjustment against this item.

Q89. What are the activities at start of the project that you will be involved as senior Q.S.?

Q90. What are the pre – requisites at site that need to be completed before allowing the
contractor to start excavations?

Q91. How to proceed if the contract contains a provisional sum (prime cost????) for
constructing a small building


Q92. What steps are you taking to undertake CPD.?

Q93. Can an engineer issue an instruction which involves additional cost. What is the
requirement if there is a safety issue involved?

Q94. Give examples of finish – finish relationship in a program.

Q95. What are the Milestones?

Q96. How to ensure that the contractor has not deliberately attempted to make the activities

Q97. How do you measure concrete liner?


Q98. The contractor is requesting for making a new rate for bearing pad. How you will tackle

Q99. How do you measure expansion joints?

Q100. What is the priority of contract documents?
Q101. What you think of BOQ, drawings, and specifications in terms of priority.

Q102. When is the contractor entitled to request for inapplicability of the contract rates in case
of variations.

Q103. What if the engineer refuses to the contractor’

s request for increased rates for varied

Q104. What is the contractor’

s entitlement in respect of time, if the actual quantity of any item
exceed by a big margin on site as compared to the BOQ quantity, as a result of re-
measure and not as a result of any variation.

Q105. What is PDM

Q106. How the penalty clause does applies for reduction of penalty when a section of the work
has completed prior to the completion of whole of the works.

Q107. What do you mean by contemporary records?

Q108. What is the concurrent delay? What is the entitlement of the contractor in case of the
concurrent delays?

Q109. What is your arbitration experience?

Q110. What is the requirement of issuing the advance payment?


Q111. What is the significance of the %age mentioned in the Appendix to the tender for
adjustment to prime cost sum?

Q112. What is the payment procedure to DEWA(ED) if they are doing some works in the
project? ( i.e. to be paid by the contractor or the direct payment from the client)

Q113. What are the engineer’

s duties in the contract?

Q114. Who has to deduct the penalty from the Contractor’

s payment certificate?

Q115. If the road base has been stacked by the contractor in shape of a trustrum of cone;
what is the formula for measurement of volume.

Q116. What is effective contract price?

Q117. What adjustment will you make if the final effective contract sum has exceeded the
effective contract price by more than 15%?

Q118. When is the tender bond released?

Q119. When is the performance bond released?

Q120. If the second half of the retention is released and the sum withheld is not sufficient to
carryout the snags/outstanding works thru other contractor, how to recover the money.

Q121. How do you evaluate if a variation related to a mechanical work is undertaken by the
contractor thru fabricator, for which he is not able to produce any quotation etc.

Q122. How do you pay if a generator has been hired on site? How do you pay if the client
finally decides to buy the same generator?

Q123. When are the final measurements submitted?

Q124. What is your computer knowledge?

Q125. What is levelling of resources in primavera?

Q126. How is the work suspended?

Q127. When and how to pay for additional head office overheads to the contractor.

Q128. Have you had any experience with American method of measurements?
Q129. What are the roles of the Engineer?

Q130. In FIDIC how many occasion to making decision on time and money the engineer with
employer and contractor.

Q131. When the evidence and proof of insurance to be submitted?

Q132. What is concurrent delay?


Q133. What is time related charges and how to pay?

Q134. What is fixed charges and how to pay?

Q135. How to calculate prolongation costs?

Q136. How to calculated main office overheads

Q137. What is as planned methodology

Q138. What is an ‘S’curve?
Q139. What is liquidated damages?

Q140. What are star rates?

Q141. What is cost planning?

Q142. Explain set – off

Q143. What is restitution?

Q144. What is liquidated damages?

Q145. What is contract administration?

Q146. Where to measure foundation treatment before placing of embankment

Q147. Demolition of septic tank is covered under which class of CESMM

Q148. Thrust boring – how to pay?

Q149. How to measure formwork for concrete?

Q150. What are the piling ancillaries and how to measure?

Q151. How to word rate for 4 way duct if bill of quantity contains the rate for 2 way duct

Q152. What is clause 12?

Q153. How to measure the formworks for voids of Bridge deck?

Q154. What is your previous claim experience?
Q155. Time and cost extension clause in the conditions of contract
Q156. Time extension clause only in the contract?
Q157. Validity of claims with notice period, etc.?
Q158. If contractor claims extension of time during maintenance period without any notices
before what will be your action?
Q159. If contractor miss a portion of work to be claimed and he claims it later (the works are
really done and drawings etc are available) i.e. after signing of Discharge Certificate
what will be your action?
Q160. One part of the work is suspended. If clearance is given after say within 54 days, will
any extension of time or cost be given?
Q161. CESMM3 sections?
Q162. How to measure concrete in underwater?

Q166 Tell us about the dispute resolution mechanisms typically prevalent in the
Q167 Tell us about what do you know about adjudication?

Q168 Why PII is important for the profession and who does it protect?

Q169 What is ‘
run off cover’

Q170 What are the nine core values of RICS?

Q171 What are the typical environmental issues that you are facing on site?
Q172 How do you deal with Concurrent delays on your project?

Q173 What is substantial completion and when would you consider issue of ToC?

Q174 What constitutes end of Defects Liability to the Contract?

Q175 On what grounds the Contractor is not entitled to Costs when there is an award of

Q176 How do you handle Provisional Items with in BOQ and what is its impact on
Effective Contract price?
Q177 Can you tell how is the provisional items (not provisional sums) treated with regard to
Effective Contract Price clause?

Q178 Can you explain about the Contract procedure?

Q179 What do you understand about CDM?

Q180 Tell us about what do you know about COSSH?

Q181 What kind of Personal protection equipment (PPE) would you possess when you are
out on site?

Q182 How is the format of Statement at completion differing from interim Certificates and
what are extra/additional characters this has got?

Q183 What is Decennial Liability?

Q184 What are the type of Bonds required in the project and explain.

Q185 What are exclusions on delegated powers that is retained with the Employer and that
needs consent prior to Engineer’
s approval to Contractor?

Q186 How do you prepare Cost reports explain the contents

Q187 How do you manage people?

Q188 Tell us about Parent Company Guarantee

Q189 How do you prepare the consultancy fee proposal and what are the documents you
must have in your possession?

Q190 Tell us about conflict of interest that you have faced in your profession

Q191 What are the advantages the employer gets through cost reporting and at the end of the
s financial report?

Q192 Tell us about LLL requirements of RICS?

Q193 How do you prepare Cost reports explain the contents

Q194 What remedies are in place when a contractor defaults on a contract

Q258 What is a bond?

Q195 What is the difference between a bond and a PCG?

Q196 What is CDM and whose responsibility is it?

Q197 What is the difference between a principle and main contractor?

Q198 What role does a planning supervisor undertake during the construction phase of a

Q199 What is the difference between value engineering and value management?

Q200 What is risk management and give an example of what you would do to manage risk?

Q201 You are working for a client and a contractor contacts you on the morning of the retur n
date and states he can not make the deadline, what do you do?

Q202 He returns his tender and it is £100,000 less than the nearest competitor, what do you

Q203 After completing a tender analysis you realize that you have made an arithmetical
error, and the tender you thought was cheapest is not the case, what do you do?

Q204 What would you do if a contract was returned to you from a client and the LADs section
was left blank?

Q205 You get a certificate back from the clients QS and it has been overvalued by £100, 000,
what do you do?

Q206 The internet and telephone connections are down on site, you need to source a
subcontractor how do you do it?

Q207 How did you go about procuring the earthworks subcontractor?

Q208 If a subcontractor is procured and needs an early start on site, what would you do?

Q209 What would you expect in a letter of intent?

Letter of intent indicates a firm intention to award the contracts in question to that

Q210 Is a letter of intent a binding contract?

First and foremost a letter of int ent in itself does not usually give rise to any contractual
rights or obligation. This is because the letter by stating that there will or may be a
contract in the future is treated as indicating that there is no contract at present.

Q211 What are the environmental impacts of crushing concrete on site?

Q212 It is valuation date, and an assistant QS comes to site, you are very busy and give him
the task of measuring stockpiled crushed concrete, what would you do?

Q213 How do you deal with contamination on site?

Q214 How do you deal with asbestos on site?

Q215 How do you value a variation?

Q258 What would you expect to receive from a subcontract if applying for materials off site?

Q216 What is a vesting certificate?

Q217 Who has to insure materials off site?

Q218 You receive an application for payment from your subcontractor and he has applied for
£100,000 due to delay and disruption, what do you do?

Q219 How is a loss & expense claim assessed?

Q220 Relationships deteriorate on site and your subcontractor serves notice to adjudicate
what do you do?

Q221 Who pays the costs of adjudication?

Q222 Is the decision of the adjudicator binding and when can you start other proceedings,
arbitration, litigation etc?

Q223 What path can be followed to improve contractual links between parties such as clients
and consultants under a traditional D & B job?

Q224 What is a collateral warranty and what would you normally expect to be included in

Q225 What is the role of an expert witness?

Q226 Why do you want to join the elite institution that is RICS?

Q227 A client contacts you with a request to carry works, what would you offer and what
would you expect to be included?

Q228 What is Professional Indemnity Insurance and why do we need it?

Q229 You arrive on site on a Monday morning and you are informed that one of your
subcontractors may have gone into receivership, what do you do?

Q230 You have passed a certificate for the now bankrupt subcontractor that is due to go out
for payment; do you still allow it to be processed?

Q258 The contract that you completed at Fairford, was it part of the Defence Estates prime
contracting procurement process?

Q231 What is the Defence Estates Prime Contracting Procurement process?

Q232 You are currently working on a PFI, tell us what is a PFI?

Q233 What contractual arrangements are in place in a PFI?

Q234 A client contacts you and requests that you do some work for him, he pays cash or
cheque in advance, and what do you do?

Q235 Who is entitled to the interest gained on this money before you draw down on it?

Q236 What should a contractor hand over at the end of a project?

Q237 How did you choose the contractor?

Q238 What was in the tender documents?

Q239 Describe what constitutes CDM?

Q240 Would you carry out works for a relative?

Q241 What was your role as the CA/QS?

Q242 What are the current issues within the RICS?

Q243 What is a structural survey? How does this differ from a building survey?

Q244 What constitutes planning?

Q245 What constitutes building regulations?

Q246 Tell me what you know about collateral warranties?

Q247 What does a final certificate mean to a contractor?

Q248 How do you go about starting a private practice?

Q249 Tell me what you know about the rules and regulations of the RICS?

Q250 What is a conflict of interest?

Q251 Say you had a client with a medium sized plot of land on which stood a Georgian
house, what type of things would you need to take into consideration, if, for example the
client wanted to redevelop the land?
Q252 What are LAD's and how do you calculate them?

Q253 Why do you need listed building consent?

Q254 What is the minimum level of PI cover? How is it worked out for your company?

Q255 Why do you need PI?

Q256 Why do the RICS have their rules and regulations?

Q257 What is cover bid?

If the job is not wanted the contractor will submit an inflated tender, called cover bid.
Q257 What works you did in the past as Quantity Surveyor?

Q258 If rain falls one day on site. Do you give extension of time and compensation to
contractor for the same?
Q259 For releasing advance payment what are the documents you require?
Q260 What are the contractual requirements?
Q261 What is the priority of documents?
Q262 What are included in Appendix to Tender?
Q263 In which circumstances variations are issued?
Q264 How you calculate the amount for extension of time?
Q265 How you measure pipes? How you measure pipes and fittings inside manholes and
back drops?
Q266 In CESMM 3 performance bond and Insurance is classified as what?
Q267 What is method related charge?
Q268 How you measure reinstatement of asphalt? Under which section?
Q269 What is C P M?
Q270 What is float?
Q271 From the program of work how you know which item is critical?
Q272 If you find two items are critical what actions you take?
Q273 If two items in a program with 5 and 7 days and if both are critical, which one is more
critical? Why?
Q274 What is concurrent delay?
Q275 What is provisional sum? Where is the amount for provisional sum in included?
Q276 How you fix the rate of an item which is not included in B O Q? Rate for 200 mm dia.
pipe is included in BOQ. How you calculate the rate for pipe of different dia.
Q277 An item which is not related to the items in BOQ to be carried out in the project. How
you finalize the price?
Q278 How you measure new kerb? How you itemize it?
Q279 When you release retentions? What are the requirements for releasing retentions?
Q280 If some defects occurs after releasing final certificate. Do you have any contractual
rights to instruct the contractor to do the work?
Q281 What is clause14? Can the Engineer revise the program of work? If the program of
work changes how it affect mode of your payment? What is clause 12?
Q282 Can you change the extension of time that you have already given to the contractor?
Q283 What you are doing for CPD?
Q284 How you pay extension of time cost for performance bond and insurance?
Q285 When paying material on site what you check?
Q286 In case you feel the day work amount paying to the contractor is higher in material,
plant and labour what you do?
Q287 What is discharge? Who prepares discharge and submit to whom?
Q288 Are you familiar with DM conditions?
Q289 How you calculate liquidated damages for delay?
Q290 What is the duration of defects liability period?
Q291 When you release performance bond?
Q292 In which circumstances the contractor is liable to get extension of time?
Q293 What are the important points you check in Insurance and performance bond?

Q294 Can you remind the panel of your optional competencies?

Q295 What sort of work have you been undertaking in each competency?
Q296 Can you tell the panel how your office is structured and what type of work is
Q297 Is there anything particularly interesting that you have been working on since you
submitted your papers?
Q298 What is the name of RICS monthly journal?
Q299 What does RICS stand for?
Q300 Who is the President of the RICS?

Q301 Can you name some of the different RICS faculties?

Q302 What is the name of the RICS junior organizations?

Q303 Have you been to any RICS meetings?
Q304 What was the last CPD event you attended?
Q305 What is the first thing you must do before taking on an instruction?
Q306 What do you understand by conflicts of interest? Give examples.
Q307 What would you have to do before setting up your own company?
Q308 Handling of client’ s money – can you go overdrawn on a client account?
Q309 Would you accept a case of wine from a client?
Q310 What items do you keep in your car?
Q311 How big is a brick?
Q312 Where a contractor/subcontractor’ s drawings are ‘approved’ , ‘checked’ , ‘inspected’
, etc.
by the architect and subsequently an error is discovered, who bearers the cost –
contractor, sub – contractor or employer? If the employer bear can the sum involved be
recovered from the architect/engineer?
Q313 Who is responsible for co – coordinating design? Can a main contractor be legitimately
given this responsibility even though they ---------- design responsibility?
Q314 Where an architect/engineer includes a new product in --------- following advice from the
manufacturer and the product prove unsuitable, is the architect/engineer liable to the
employer losses?
Q315 When and employer includes with the tender enquiry document survey which prove
misleading, can this be the basis of a … … … … .
Q316 Is a notice which does not quote contract clause number or does the
contractor/subcontractor risk losing their contractual rights where these references are
Q317 Where liquidated damages are expressed as so much per ------ thereof, and the
contractor overruns by part of a week only charged a full week’ s liquidated damages,
are the courts ---- consider this a penalty and therefore unenforceable?
Q318 If the contractor delays completion but no effective ----------- certificate is issued by the
architect/engineer under JCT will this mean that the employer losses their right to
deduct damages?
Q319 If liquidated damages, to be enforceable, must be a re… … … estimate loss, how can
public bodies or organisations … … .. of the public pursue be capable of suffering loss?
Q320 Is a subcontractor obliged to follow a main contractor?
Q321 What is the effect of making the programme a contract
Q322 Where a contractor undertakes work which they consider… paid for on a dayworks
basis, and submits dayworks sheets as under the terms of the contract to the


architect/engineer, dayworks records are not signed by the architect or engineer this
affect the contractor’s entitlement to payment?
Q323 Can an architect/engineer sign a dayworks sheet and then certify the sums involved for
payment? Is a quantity surveyor to reduce the hours included on a signed dayworks
sheet if them unreasonable or excessive?
Q324 Once the value of a contractor/subcontractor’ s work has certified and paid, can it be
devalued in later certificates?
Q325 Where an architect/engineer under-certificate, is the contractor/subcontractor entitled to
claim interest?
Q326 Where a contractor/subcontractor submits a quotation … … … .. Which is accepted, is
the accepted quotation deemed to include resultant delay costs?
Q327 Where work is given to another contractor is there liability loss of profit? Is there any
difference if the omitted work another contractor?
Q328 Will a contractor or subcontractor substantially prejudice case for additional payment if
they fail to keep adequate records?
Q329 When ascertaining contractor’ s claims on behalf of employer should consultants deal
with finance charges which form pa… … .. calculations of the claim?
Q330 Where to measure foundation treatment?

Q331 Demolition of septic tank is covered under which clause of CESMM?

Q332 Excavation preparation/trimming – where to measure?

Q333 Which class of CESMM?

Q334 Thrust boring – how to pay?

Q335 Method related charges – what are these and what is advantage of putting it in the Bill
of quantities? How to pay method related charges?

Q336 Testing of materials and works, how to pay?

Q337 What is borrowing excavation and how to pay?

Q338 How to measure formwork for concrete?

Q339 How are the fittings for pipes measured?

Q340 What are the piling ancillaries and how to measure?

Q341 Where to measure removal of cables, dead services?

Q342 What is clause 12?

Q343 What is completion statement?

Q344 What is final statement/discharge certificate?

Q345 How is Dubai conditions of contract differ from FIDIC?

Q346 What are the pre requisite for approving an advance payment and how to recover it?


Q347 What type of contract you are using for sub – contract agreement?

Q348 Explain four stages in designing process?

Q349 Differentiate between claims and variations?

Q350 How to measure the formwork for voids of Bridge Deck

Q351 Previous claim experience
Q352 Time and Cost Extension Clauses in the Conditions of Contract
Q353 Time extension clause only in the Contract
Q354 Validity of Claims with notice period, etc.
Q355 If contractor claims extension of time during maintenance period with outany
notices before what will be your action.
Q356 If contractor miss a portion of work to be claimed and he claims it later (the
works are really done and drawings, etc are available) i.e. after signing of
Discharge certificate what will be your action.
Q357 One part of the work is suspended. If clearance is given after say with in 54 days ,
will any extension of time or cost will be given.
Q358 CESMM3 Sections
Q359 How to measure concrete in Underwater.
Q360 Disputes resolution process?
Q361 Both parties are not in agreeable can go strait to Arbitration or not?
Q362 Insurance is not provided by the Contractor – what action can take?
Q363 Performance security is not provided by the Contractor – what action can take?
Q364 Variation formalities – explain
Q365 30% deleted from the contract – can the Contractor ask for a varied rate?
Q366 As a SQS what you will be doing from the beginning?
Q367 Instructions clarify – can the Engineer give verbal instruction?
Q368 Client can instruct directly to the Contractor or not?


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