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1- Introduction:

They are a group of 50 students who are about to finish their english course b1, it may be
their last subject, so they are only focused on finishing as soon as possible, not on
learning. It is an environment, between the ages of 25 and 40, the The worst part of the
problem is that the subject is virtual and not everyone has the best access to the internet
and that is why the class is becoming more and more complicated. On the other hand,
everyone has their own way of learning and not everyone has the same level of English
that they should have to be in the class.

2- Objetives:

Objetive general: The general objective would be that all students can acquire the same
level of English as their classmates.

Specific objetive: The specific objective is that all students finish the course more
motivated to learn than just to complete their virtual class hours.

3- Problem: The main problem would be that they are not motivated to take the class so
none of them see it as an education but rather a subject to finish the last English level

4- The VLO will be in the classroom to guide the students step by step how to continue
developing the activities that we are going to see in the DlO'S. The topics would be
Everyday life and experiences lived throughout learning a second language , seeking an
increase in their vocabulary and also helping those who are not yet at that level that they
should be, giving them feedback on the topics seen in class and accompaniment outside of
virtual classes.

Based on the proposed class topic, a forum will be designed so that they can comment or
contribute ideas during class, about the conversations that we will be seeing in class and
creating new ones with our daily lives, talking about everyday life, what they would be
like. social problems, politics, environment and also the interests of students.

On the other hand, we are going to be using the YouTube dialogues a lot, to practice
listening and understanding the dialogues. At the end you will see questions related to the
dialogue that was heard on the platform. You have two options: participate orally or
participate in the forums of each Mandatory class.
5- One of the DLOs are several dialogues that I found on YouTube related to the proposed
topics, such as daily life and everything that it entails, using the dialogues to improve the
listening skills, writing skill and speaking skill so that all classes have a dialogue of their
daily routine and a participation in the dialogues seen in class.

One of my class assignments will be a very simple listening on YouTube , Because first I want them to be
more familiar with the vocabulary that we are going to work on in class and to practice so
that they have a good development of the activities.

After watching the short and simple one, we are going to continue with a more advanced
one so that they themselves can tell me the daily routine of the person that we are going
to see in the video, the idea is that they find new vocabulary and put it into practice
looking for similarities with their own daily routine,

Also, as a practice for home, I am going to leave you as homework in a worksheet to do

your entire daily routine for an entire day, or for someone in your family who wants to do
the daily routine taking into account the last video we saw in class, putting into practice all
the vocabulary that we saw and learned in class, since if I see difficulties with people who
have a little less knowledge of English, I will repeat the video with subtitles a lot, as well as
accompanying them during and after class.

6- I think that my project will benefit the students in a positive way, because they will begin
to use and put into practice what they have learned in English in their daily lives, they may
begin to communicate more through simple sentences in their daily routine, And I also
hope that students who have a lower level will be motivated to learn more and produce
much more for their daily lives.

Also taking into account that each person learns differently, I have also designed several
interactive games through wordwall, and a spinwheel so that we can all interact in class, I propose
a classroom with active participation all the time but also giving them the space to have fun in an
educational way. .

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