Ets 2016 4

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‘Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following conversation, 41. What are the man and woman talking about? (A) A meeting (B) A hotel (©) A restaurant () Aciient 2. What is the man planning to do next week? (A) Take some time off (B) Travel out of town (©) Meet with the woman (D) Take some clients out to € 43. What does the woman give the man? (A) A business card (B) A meeting agenda (©) An expense report (D) A client’s phone number Nha hing MB: I heard “you went to that new restaurant on Queen Street. What’s the name of it again? WB: It’s called The Walnut Tree. It was great - terrific food, fast service, pleasant setting MB: That’s good to know. “/ have some clients coming in from out of town next week and I'd like to take them to some place nice. How are the prices? WB: Not bad at all. Oh, and here: I got “one of their business cards with their addres phone number. You can have and MB: Téi nghe néi “han da di den mot nha hang méi trén phé Queen. Tén cia né la gi vay? WB: N6 durge & tuyét — dé an khung canh thi vi MB: That tét khi biét. “i cd mét sé khdch hang dén tie ngoai thanh pho 16 muén dua ho dén m6t noi nao dé dep. Gid 6 dé thé nao? WB Khéng hé t@ chat nao. A, day “Tdi cé mér tdm danh thiép cia ho cimg véi dia chi va sé ign thoai. Ban cé thé gitt lay né. 1a The Walnut Tree. Né that ngon, dich vy nhanh chéng, tuan toi vee 41, What ate the man and woman talking about? Ngudi dan éng va ngudi phy nit dang noi vé cai gi? (A) A meeting => M6t cuge hop B) A hotel Ta khéa: you went to that new restaurant, terrific food, fast service, pleasant setting, Tir vung: tarrific tuyét vai, pleasant dé chiu, not bad at all khéng t@ ca, bussiness card danh thiép, address dia chi. ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 203 ‘Mt khach san *(©) A restaurant => M6t nha hang (D) A client => Khach hang 2. What is the man planning to do next week? Negudi dan 6ng dinh lam gi vao tuan sau’ (A) Take some time off => Nghi | théi gian (B) Travel out of town => Du lich ra khdi thanh phd (C) Meet with the woman => Gap go véi nguéi phu nt *(D) Take some clients out to eat => Dua mét sé khach hang ra ngoai an Tw Khda: I have some clients coming in from out of town next week and I'd like to take them to someplace nice. 43. What does the woman give the man? Phu nit dua cho ngudi din dng cai gi? ¥(A) A business card => Mét danb thiép (B) A meeting agenda => Chuong trinh hyp (©) An expense report => Béo céo chi tiéu (D) A client’s phone number => Sé dign thoai cita khch hang TW Khoa: I got one of their business cards. with their address and phone number. You can have it, ‘Questions 46 through 46 refer to the following conversation, 44, What is the woman working on? (A) A staff survey (B) The monthly schedule (©) Some charts and graphs (D) A newsletter 45. What does the man give the woman? (A) A copy of a letter (B) A message from the president (©) A clock (D) Some photographs 46. What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Deliver a message ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 204 (B) Place an order (© Give some advice (D) Write a news report Thong bao cong ty MA: Here's the “company president's ‘monthly message for the newsletter. WB: Thank you. “Do you have a minute to help me? MA: I'd be happy to, but ““/'ve never worked ona newsletter. WB: Don’t worry about that. I just another opinion about the placement of the photographs. “need MA: Dudi day 1i “thong bdo hang thang cia hii tich cong ty eho ban tin céng ty. WB: Cam on ban. “Ban cé 1 vai phiit dé ginip 16i chie? MA: Téi rat vui, nhung “‘1di chua ting lam vé bain tin cing ty. WB: Dung lo ling vé di mt y kién vé éu dé. Toi chi tri dit céc bite inh 44, What is the woman working on? Ngudi phy nit dang lim vige gi? (A) A staff survey => Mét cugc khio sit nhan vién (B) The monthly schedule => Lich trinh hing thing (C) Some charts and graphs => Mot sé bidu dé va dé thi *(D) A newsletter => Mét ban tin Tar khéa: I've never worked on a newsletter. 45, What does the man give the woman? Negudi dan dng dura cho ngudi phy nit cdi gi? (A) A copy of a letter => Mét bin sao cia mot bite thir *(B) A message from the president => M6t tin nhdn tir giém déc (©) A clock => Dong hd (D) Some photographs => M6t sé hinh anh Tir Khoa: Here's the “company president's monthly message for the newsletter. Pharaphraising: president's monthly message => A message from the president. 46. What does the woman ask the man to do? Negudi phy nit yéu cau nguéi dan éng lam gi? (A) Deliver a message => Giti mot ti (B) Place an order = Dit hang nhan Tit Khoa: I just need another opinion about the placement of the photographs. Pharaphraising: another opinion advice. some ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 205 ¥(C) Give some advice => Cung cp mét sé loi khuyén (D) Write a news report => Viet bao cao ‘Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following conversation, 47. What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Leave work early (B) Change into another suit (©) Buy a present for his cousin (D) Take some clothing to the cleaner’s 48. Why does the man have to go to work early this moming! (A) He is working on a speech. (B) He is leaving early to buy tickets for a ballgame. (©) He is meeting with his boss. (D) He is helping his cousin. 49. Where did the man plan to go on Saturday? (A) To work (B) Toa clothing store (©) Toa sporting event (D) To a party for a colleague Quin fo WA: Hmm... | want to wear this dre: Saturday, but it should really be cleaned. Ted, “could you leave it at the cleaner’s on your way to work today and tell them I need to have it back by Saturday morning? MB: I have to get to the office early this moming “to work on that speech I'm giving next week. But 1 could do it tomorrow. ‘What's happening on Saturday anyway? WA: It’s your cousin’s wedding! How could you forget? Why don’t you drop off your suit along with my dress? MB: This Saturday? I can’t believe it! “7 have tickets to the first ballgame of the season and I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. on muon mie chié WA: Hmm .. vay na ngay thir bay, nhung né thu sy cn duge lam sach. Ted, “ban cé thé mang né dén cita hang git trén duémg ban di lam ngay hém nay va néi véi ho ring téi can ldy né vao sang thir bay chit? MB: Téi phai dén van phong sém sang nay “dé hoan thién ban thuyét trinh ma t6i sé c6 tuin toi. Nhung tdi c6 thé lam diéu dé vao ngay mai. Nhan tién, cé chuyén gi vao ngay thir bay khéng nhi? WA: D6 la dam cudi cia anh ho ban! Sao ban 6 thé quén chit? Tai sao ban khéng mang theo b6 46 cia ban voi dé cia tdi nhi? MB: Thi bay nay? Khong thé tin duge! “76 vao xem trdn bong dau tién cia mia gidi ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 206 va ti di mong ché né trong mot thai gian law i. 47. What does the woman ask the man to do? Phu nit yéu cu nguéi dan ong lam gi? (A) Leave work early ighi vige sm (B) Change into another suit => Thay déi b6 dé khac (©) Buy a present for his cousin => Mua qui cho ngudi anh ho cia minh *(D) Take some clothing to the cleaner’s => Lay quan do cho nguéi gidt Tit Khoa: could you leave it at the cleaner’s on your wayto work ‘Tir vung: clean Kim sach, on one's way to theo cich cia mot ngudi, have back tre lai, get to dén, speech néi, cousin anh em ho, drop off bé, suit bé dd, for a long time trong | théi gian dai. 48. Why does the man hav carly this moming? Tai sao ngudi din dng phai di lam vao sing nay? *(A) He is working on a speech. => Anh ta dang phat bigu (B) He is leaving early to buy tickets for a ball game. => Anh At réi khdi sém dé mua vé cho mét td choi bong (C) He is meeting with his boss. => Anh dy cé cudc hop véi éng chi cia minh (D) He is helping his cousin. => Anh dy dang gidp anh em ho cia minh to go to work Tw khda: [have to get to the office early this ‘morning to work on that speech I'm giving next week. Pharaphraising: get to the office -> go to work. 49. Where did the man plan to go on Saturday? Negudi dan éng dinh di dau vao thir bay? (A) To work => Dé lim vige (B) Toa clothing store ‘Téi mét cira hang quan 4o *(C) To a sporting event => Dén mét su kign thé thao (D) To a party for a colleague => Dén mét busi tiéc cla dong nghiép Tar khéa: [have tickets to the first ballgame of the season, ‘Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following conversation. 30. What is the man’s occupation? ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 207 (A) Hotel clerk (B) Travel agent (©) Postal worker (D) Messenger 31. Why does the woman call the man? (A) She wants to request a refund. (B) She plans to deliver a package (C) She has not received her ticket. (D) She needs to make a reservation, 52. Why is Indira not in the office? (A) She is sick. (B) She no longer works there. (©) She is doing an errand. (D) She is receiving an award. Dai it vé WB: Hello, this is Annabelle Future. “""7 haven't received my ticket yet for a flight 'm leaving on tomorrow. Peter sent me a ticket a few weeks ago, but the wrong date was on it So I called and spoke with indira and she said that I would be reticketed. MA: Thank you for calling. I’m afraid that “Indira has left the company suddenly, and Peter's on vacation, but I'll do my best to help you. WB: The ticket was supposed to be here last week. I’m speaking at an awards ceremony, and it’s very important that I be there tomorrow. MA: Here, I found you in the computer. Well, *'the ticket was mailed just yesterday. I apologize for this inconvenience, Ms. Futuro. T'll issue you another one and send it by messenger to your office before noon rather WB: Xin chio, day 1a Annabelle Future, "Tor van cha nhén duoc vé chuyén bay ma toi sé khéi anh vio ngiy mai, Peter da giti cho ti mot chi sai ngay. Vi vay, ti goi va néi chuyén véi c vé mét vai tuin truéc, nhung né bi Indira va c6 Ay néi ring tdi s® duge déi lai vé. MA: Cim on ban da goi da réi cong ty khé dét ngét, va Petter dang trong ky nghi, nhung t6i sé lam hét site minh dé gitp 46 ban. WB : Vé duge cho la sé la téi dat tuan truéc. ‘Téi sé cé bai phat biéu tai mét budi 1é trao gi: va né rat quan trong ma tdi phai cé mat tai do sie ring “Indira vao ngay mai. MA: A day, tdi thay trong méy tinh. Vang, “ve su bat a duge giti ngay hom qua, Téi xin bi tign nay, ba Futuro. Téi sé cap cho ban mot khée va giti ‘50. What is the man’s occupation? Nghé nghiép ctia ngudi dan dng 1a gi? (A) Hotel clerk => Thu ky khach san *(B) Travel agent Tir Khéa: [haven't received my ticket yet fora flight, the ticket was mailed. ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 208 Dai ly du lich (© Postal worker => nan vign buu chinh (D) Messenger => Ngudi dura tin 31. Why does the woman call the man? Tai sao ngudi din ba goi ngudi din éng? (A) She wants to request a refund => Cé dy muén yéu cdu hoan lai tién, (B) She plans to deliver a package =>C6 dy cé ké hoach dura mét géi hang, *(C) She has not received her ticket. => Cé dy chua nhan durge vé. (D) She needs to make a reservation. => Cé dy cdn dat phng, Tir Khoa: I haven't received my ticket yet for a flight. 52. Why is Indira not in the office’ Tai sao Indira khéng cé trong van phong? (A) She is sick. => Cé dy bi bénh. *(B) She no longer works there. => Cé dy khong cén Lim viée 6 46, (C) She is doing an errand. => Cé dy dang lam m6t céng viée vat. (D) She is receiving an award. iy nhan duoc mét giai thuéng. Tir Kida: Here, T found you in the computer. Well, the ticket was mailed just yesterday. Pharaphraising: left the company => no longer work. ‘Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following conversation. 33. How did Beth spend her lunch hour? (A) She had a meeting with a customer. (B) She went shopping. (© She visited her friend at Yoon Corporation. (D) She ate a sandwich in the park, 34, What are the speakers mainly talking about? (A) A new contract (B) The cafeteria menu (C)A story in the newspaper (D) Technical training for staff 35. How does Beth say Jack should feel? (A) Worried (B) Happy ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 208 (© Excited (D) Uncertain Cuge hen MB: Sony that I couldn’t go to lunch today with you, Beth, When I got to the office this moming, there was an e-mail from my supervisor about a special staff meeting at 11:30, WB: That’s OK, Jack. “/ just went and got a sandwich from the cafeteria and ate it in the what was the meeting about? MB: Well, “they announced a contract with ‘Yoon Corporation to develop a new software program. But, because of the deadline, we'll probably have to work a lot of overtime to finish up the work by January first. WB: ** You should be happy to get the contract. Lots of companies around here have park. So had to lay off employees recently because they don’t have enough work for them to do. MB: Xin 16i ti khéng thé di dén bita traa ngiy hém nay véi ban, Beth. Khi tdi dén co quan sing nay,c6 mét e-mail tir ngudi giém sit cia cuge hop nhin vién dic bigt lic t6i vé n 11:30, WB: Khéng sao, Jack. ““7éi vita moi di mua m6t chiée bainh sandwich tit quén dn nhanh va dn né trong cong vién.cuge hop vé gi vay? MB: Ving “tho da céng bd mét hop ding voi tap doin Yoon dé phat trién mét chuong trinh phan mém méi. Nhung do théi han, ching ta sé 6 thé phai lam thém rat nhiéu giddé hoan thanh cOng vige trade thang 1 WB: Chae hop dong, Rat nhiéu e6ng ty xung quanh 6 day da phi sa thai nhan vién gan day boi vi ho Khdng c6 di cong vige cho moi ngudi iin ban dt rat vui nhén duge 33. How did Beth spend her lunch hour? Beth da dinh thai gian 3n trea Lim gi? (A) She had a meeting with a customer. => Cé dy da gap mét khdch hang. (B) She went shopping. => Cé di mua sim. (©) She visited her friend at Yoon Corporation. C6 dén thim ban cha cé tai Yoon Corporation. *(D) She ate a sandwich in the park. => Cé dy an banh sandwich trong céng vién. Tir Khoa: [ just went and got a sandwich from the cafeteria and ate it in the park, Tir vung: staff meeting cuge hop nhan vién, cafeterial quan cd phé, contract hop déng, corporation tip doan, probably c6 thé, overtime lam thém gid, finish up két thc, get the contract nhan hgp déng, lay off'sa thai, 34, What are the speakers mainly talking about? Cae dién gia cha yéu néi vé cai gi? *(A) A new contract => Hop ding méi (B) The cafeteria menu => Thy don eiia quéin cafe Tit Khoa: they announced a contract with Yoon Corporation: ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 20 (C)A story in the newspaper => Cau chuyén trén bio (D) Technical training for staff => Dao tao ky thudt cho nhan vién 35. How does Beth say Jack should fe TW Khe: Beth néi ring Jack sé cam thay nhu thé ndo? | contract, (A) Worried > Lo Ling. *(B) Happy => Hanh phite. (C) Excited => Vui mimg (D) Uncertain => Khéng chic chan. You should be happy to get the ‘Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following conversation. 36. What is the purpose of Martha’s call to Jeffrey? (A) To tell him she is going out of town (B) To ask him to pay for some additional research (©) To thank him for meeting with her (D) To tell him she mailed a report to him 57. What department does Martha most likely work in? (A) Library services (B) Sales (©) Research (D) Communications 38. What does Martha plan to do? (A) Make revisions to her report (B) Send Jeffrey more money (C) Take some time off work (D) Give Jeffiey some advice Thong bao MB: Hello. Jefirey Hines speaking, MB Xin chio, Jeflrey Hines nghe day a. WA: This is Martha Benjamin. I'm calling to | WA Day la Martha Benjamin. Tdi goi dé “cho ban biét téi da giti bdo cdo nghién ciru in the interoffice mail. You shouldhave it] ctia 10i trong mail ndi bd. Ban bay lay né chiéu in ling xem xét nd * "let you know I've put my research report this afternoon. I hope you're still willing to | nay. Téi hy vong ban in review it for me eitip ti, MB: Of course, I'll be out of town on | MB 1 it nhién, Téi sé di cng tic trong vai ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club zt ngay téi, nhumg t6i s€ mang né theo. Toi cing nhan duoc yéu cu cung business for the next few days, but I'll take it with me. I also have your request for additional money your research. WA Thanks very much. Don’t worry about the typos - I’ll be sending the report to an editor. But please make suggestions about the content, “It’s only the first draft and I'm going to make revisions. Vm really looking forward to your feedback, to “continue de ae WA Cam on rit nhidu. Dimg lo ling vé cdc 18i chinh ta - Tdi sé giti béo cdo t6i ngudi bién tip Nhung xin vui ling dong gop ¥ kién dung. ““Né chi la ban nhdp ddu tién va tai sé cb nhing sita déi.T6i thye sx mong mudn thong tin phan héi tir ban. ngi 36. What is the purpose of Martha's call to Jefirey? Muc dich cla cuéc goi cia Martha dén Jeffrey 1a gi? (A) To tell him she is going out of town => Néi véi anh dy ring cé dy sé ra khdi thi tran (B) To ask him to pay for some additional research => Yéu cau anh ta tra tién cho m6t s6 nghién ctru bé sung (C) To thank him for meeting with her => Cam on anh dy da gap cé dy *(D) To tell him she mailed a report to him => Bé ni voi anh dy, c6 dy da giti mot ban béo eéo cho anh ta Tir kha: I'm calling to let you know I've put my research report in the interoffice mail ‘Tir vung: interofffice ndi bd, be willing to sin sang, research nghién ctru, typos 1éi chinh ta, make a suggest dua ra mét léi dé nghi, draft dw thao, revision stra d6i, 57. What department does Martha most likely work in? B6 phan nao ma Martha cé thé lam viée? (A) Library services => Dich vy thu vién (B) Sales Ban hing ¥(C) Research Neghién eitu (D) Communications => Truyén thong Tir Khoa: 1 also have your request for additional money to continue your research. 38. What does Martha plan to do? Martha dinh lim gi? *(A) Make revisions to her report Tir khoa: It's only the first draft_and P'm going, to make revisions. ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 22 => Thue hign sita di bao céo cia minh (B) Send Jeffrey more money => Gti Jeffrey nhiéu tién hon (©) Take some time off work => Dinh thai gian nghi vige (D) Give Jeffrey some advice => Cho Jeffrey mét s6 lai khuyén ‘Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following conversation. 39. Where does Marie probably work? (A) Ina hotel (B) Ina factory (©) Ina hospital (D) Ina dormitory 60. What will Maurice show Marie? (A) How to use the dishwasher (B) How to set the tables (C) How to fold the clean clothes (D) How to arrange the furniture 61. What will Marie do first? (A) Wash the dishes (B) Serve breakfast (C) Put tablecloths on the tables (D) Remove the dirty dishes Khach san WA: Hello, are you Maurice Pochon? I’m Marie Roland. Housekeeping sent me to help you set up the dining room. *’his isn't my usual job at the hotel, so Y'm afraid you're going to have to show me what to do. MA: Well, “first we need to clear dirty dishes and linens from the tables. just had 50 or 60 people in here breakfast. After we finish that, then need to put the clean tablecloths on all of the tables. “Then I'll show you how to do the place settings. WA: OK, sounds simple enough, Why don’t you just show me where to put the dirty the We for we WA: Xin chio, ban cd phai Ii Maurice Pochon ? Tdi la Marie Roland, Housekeeping da giti cho t6i dé ban thiét lap cdc phong an. “Day khéng phai la céng viée binh thong ctia t6i tai khdch san, vi vay toi so ban sé phai chi cho ti biét t6i phai lam gi. MA Vang, “dau tién ching ta can dé rita dia va khdn ban trén ban. Ching tdi chi cé 50 hay 60 ngudi & day dé An sang. Sau khi ching ta lam xong, ching ta can phai dat cde khan tri ban sach trén tat ca cho ban lam thé nao dé bay bién moi thit WA: OK, nghe don giin Tai sao ban khéng chi cho t6i noi dé dat dia va khan trai ic ban, “Sau dé, t6i ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 2 lam’ vige. *(A) Ina hotel => Trong mét khdch san (B) na factory => Trong mét nha may (©) na hospital => Trong mét bénh vign (D) Ina dormitory => Trong ky tite x4 Tir khéa: This sit my usual job at the hotel 60. What will Maurice show Mari Maurice sé cho Marie thay gi? (A) How to use the dishwasher => Céich sir dung may ria chén *(B) How to set the tables => Lam thé nao é thi (D) How to arrange the furniture => Cach sip xép 43 dac Tw khoa: Then TU show you how to do the place settings. Pharaphraising: place settings ~> set the tables. 61. What will Marie do first? Marie sé Lim gi dau tién? ¥(A) Wash the dishes => Rita cae dia (B) Serve breakfast => Phue vu bita sing (©) Put tablecloths on the tables => Dit khin trai ban vao ban (D) Remove the dirty dishes => Théo cée dia ban Ti khéa: first we need to clear dishes and linens from the tables. the dirty ‘Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation. 62. Why is the woman unable to attend the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon? (A) She will be meeting with the board of trustees (B) She will be at a conference center. (C) She will be at a client meeting. (D) She will be writing a report. 63. What does the woman suggest the man do? ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 2a (A) Reschedule the staff meeting (B) Cancel the staff meeting (©) Meet as originally planned with staff (D) Find a larger room to meet in 64. What will the woman do at the next staff meeting? (A) Talk about the meeting of the trustees (B) Ask her colleagues to summarize the confer (C) Introduce new staff (D) Prepare the staff for a client visit rence Cue hop MA: If it will help, we can reschedule tomorrow’s staff meeting to two o'clock - but we’d have to meet in the small conference room. WA: “J still won't be able to attend, don't change your plans for me. “I'll be at the board of trustees meeting all day, presenting our division report. MA: If we postpone the until next report on the board meeting? Ym sure’ that would be interesting for the staff. WA: Of course. I'd be very happy to. “J'll try to prepare a summary by then. so staff meeting week, “would you be able to Gu nd MA: gidp, ching ta c6 thé sip xép lai cude hop nhan vién vio ng 02:00 - nhung ching ta s& phai gp nhau trong phong hop nhi WA: °T6i van sé-khéng thé tham du, do dé, khéng can thay déi ké hoach cia ban vi téi. “T6i s@ 06 mat tai héi déng quan tri cd ngay a6 trinh bay bao céo b6 phan cita chiing tdi. MA: Néu ching t6i hoan cuge hop nhin vién cho dén tudn tigp theo, “ban sé ed thé bdo edo vé cuge hop héi dong quan tri? Téi chac chan rang nay s vien, WA: Tit nhién, Téi sé rat vui long, “T6i sé 06 gang chuan bj m6t ban t6m tat cho Iie dé.. lac mai v% rat tha vj déi véi cée nhan 62. Why is the woman unable to attend the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon? Tai sao nguéi phy nit khéng thé tham dw cudc hop nhan vién budi chiéu ngay mai? ¥(A) She will be meeting with the board of trustees. => Cé dy sé hop véi hi déng quan tr. (B) She will be at a conference center. => Cé dy sé 6 trung tam hGi nghj. (© She will be at a client meeting. => C6 sé tham gia cude hop cia khdch hang. (D) She will be writing a report. => Cé dy sé viét mét bio cdo. Tir khda: I'l be at the board of trustees meeting, all day, presenting our division report. Tir vung: reschedule sip xép lai, staff meeting cude hop nhan vién, conference room phéng nghj, attend tham dy, board of trustees hoi dng quan tri, present trinh bay, report on bso cdo vé, summary tom tit, trustee ty vién. ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 25 63. What does the woman suggest the m: do? Phu nit dé nghj nguéi dan éng lam gi? (A) Reschedule the staff meeting => Thay d6i lai cugc hop cia nhan vién, (B) Cancel the staff meeting => Hiy cude hop cia nbn vién *(C) Meet as originally planned with staff => Hop nhw ké hoach ban dau véi nhan vién (D) Find a larger room to meet in => Tim mét can phong Ién hon dé dap img. won't be able to attend, don’t change your plans for me. so 64. What will the woman do at the next staif meeting? ‘Ngudi phu nit sé lam gi trong cudc hop nhan vién tiép theo? *(A) Talk about the meeting of the trustees => Noi vé cudc hop ciia ty vién (B) Ask her colleagues to summarize the conference => Yéu cdu cdc déng nghiép cia minh tom tat hoi nghi (C) Introduce new staff => Gi6i thigu nhin vién méi (D) Prepare the staff for a client visit => Chuan bi cho nhan vién tham quan Tit khéa: Pll try to prepare a summary by then. ‘Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation, 65. What are the speakers mainly discussing? (A) The woman’s assignment (B) The man’s workload (C) The man’s contract (D) The woman’s salary 66. What will the Tegal department send? (A) A job description (B) An agreement (©) Some guidelines (D) A schedule 67. When should the project be completed? (A) By the end of the day (B) By the end of the week ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 26 (© By the end of next month (D) By the end of the year Hop ang MA: ‘Thanks stopping by Ms. DeVincenzi. Today I’m going to give you “the specifications for the project, as well as a contract. You'll receive “a contidentiality agreement from our legal department in the mail. possible WB: When is the “assignment due? MA: Initially, the schedule is rather tight; we'd like the first part by the end of next month. The remainder can wait “until the for You should return both as soon as end of the year. WB: That should be just fine. I'll get started right away. MA: Cim on da ghé qua, bi DeVincenzi. Hom nay t6i sé cung cp cho ban “thing sé ky thuat cho de dn va hop dong. Ban s& nhan duge mét théa thudin bi mét tit b6 phan phap I chiing 161 trong the, Ban nén giti lai ca hai cing sém cang tat. WB : Khi nao “dén han hodn thanh nhigm vu? MA : Ban du, lich trinh 1a khd chit ché; ching tdi muén phan dau tién vao cudi thang tdi. Phan cén lai 06 thé cho “167i cudi nam. WB: Tét. Ti sé bat ddu ngay Lip tite 65. What are the speakers mainly discussing? Cée dién gia cha yéu thao luan 1a gi? ¥(A) The woman’s assignment => Sur phan céng cia nguéi phy nit (B) The man’s workload => Khéi lugng céng viée cba nguéi dan éng (C) The man’s contract Hop dong cia ngudi dan éng (D) The woman’s salary => Mite Ivong cia ngudi phy nit the as well as a Tir khda: Today Tm going to give you Specifications for the project, contract. You'll receive “a contidentiality agreement from our legal department in the mail. Tit vung: stop by dimg lai, specification chi tiét, contract hgp dong, confidentiality bao mat, agreement théa thudn, legal department 6 phan phap ly, due dén han, assignment nhiém vy, initially ban dau, rather hon/kha, tight chat ché, remainder con lai, right away ngay lap tie. 66. What will the legal department send? B6 phan phap ly sé giti gi? (A) A job description => M6 ti cng vige *(B) An agreement => Mét hop ding (©) Some guidelines => M6t sé hung din (D) A schedule M6t lich trinh Tir khéa: Youll receive a contidentiality agreement from our legal department in the mail, ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 27 67. When should the project be completed? Khi nio dy an hoan thanh? (A) By the end of the day => Dén cudi ngay (B) By the end of the week => Dén cudi tuan (©) By the end of next month => Dén cudi thang téi *(D) By the end of the year => Vio cudi nim ‘Tu khéa: The remainder can wait until the end of the year. ‘Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following © ‘onversation. 68. What are the speakers discussing? (A) A new kind of bicycle (B) A company logo (©) A letter (D) A new store 69. What is an aspect of the company that the mé (A) Value for money (B) Creativity (©) Reliability (D) Timeliness an thinks is important? (A) A graphic-design company (B) A fitness center (©) A printing company (D) A sporting-goods manufacturer 70. What type of company do the speakers most likely work for? Th tke WB! coming up with the “design for our new Jogo. It seems to have taken forever. MB: Yes, but the results are worthwhile, don’t you think? It sums up exactly what our company stands for: “it looks both sporty and dependable. WB: Yes, and it comes out well both small on our letterhead and large on our store signs and products. “Look at these tennis rackets They look T can't believe the trouble we had and our new mountain bikes. WB Toi khong thé tin ring ching ta lai gap ric ri voi “thiét ké cho biéu twong méi cia ching 1a, Durémg nhw né ett dién ra mai vay. MB: uhm, nhung két qui xing ding ding khéng? Né thé hién chinh xdc diéu ma céng ty ching ta muén thé hién: “nd ed ve vita thé thao vita dang tin edy WB: uhm va né cing thé hign tét & hang chit tiéu dé nhé cing véi hinh sin phim va ky higu cua cia hang to. “Nhin vao nhitng chiée vot tennis va mdu xe dap leo nti méi cia ching ta ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 28 intastic! nay. Ching that tuy 68. What are the speakers discussing? Cae dign gid thio ludn vé cai gi (A) A new kind of bicycle => M@t loai xe dap méi *(B) A company logo M6t logo cia céng ty (© A letter => Mot lé thr (D) A new store => Mét cita hang méi Tir Kha: we had coming up with the design for our new logo. Tir vung: trouble ric ri, come up with di lén véi, seem to duémg nhu, worthwhile ding gid, sum up téng hop, exactly dependable dang tin cy, come out well két qua tot, letterhead dau thu. chinh xée, 69, What is an aspect of the company that the man thinks is important? ‘MGt khia canh ndo cia cng ty ma ngudi din ‘ng nghi la quan trong? (A) Value for money => Gid tri ding tién (B) Creativity => Sing tao *(C) Reliability => Dé tin cay (D) Timeliness => Tinh kip thoi Tir Khoa: It sums up exactly what our company stands for: “it looks both sporty and. dependable. Pharaphraising: dependable -> reliability 70. What type of company do the speakers most likely work for? Loai céng ty ndo mi vige' (A) A graphic-design company => Céng ty thiét ké 43 hoa (B) A fitness center => Mét trung tam thé duc (C) A printing company => Céng ty in ¥(D) A sporting-goods manufacturer => Nha san xuat hang thé thao dién gia cé thé lim Tir khéa: Look at these tennis rackets and our new mountain bikes. ‘Ngu'bi soan: Quan Minh - Admin Toeic Practice Club 25

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