Ingles AA2

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Dayana : Hi friends
Maria: Hello girls, How are you all?
Esther: I am fine!
Rosa: Hi girls
Jennifer: Hello girls.
María: What are you all doing?
Dayana: I’m fine. I’m a student and my classes start at 7 am, we listen and pay attention,
then, we have a break at 9 o'clock and finally, we do homework from 9:30am to 11 am. I
usually go to the park to play volleyball in the afternoon.
María: My rutine is wake up at 6:00 am and go to the Gym and then go to the institute to
study, finally I go to work. When I have a day off, I go to the cinema sometimes, if I stay at
home, I like to Watch movie on Netflix.
Rosa: My routine starts at 6:00 am when I wake up, I make my bed, I change and have
breakfast to go to my classes that start at 7:00 am.
I leave my classes at 11:45, I return home for lunch and in the afternoon I start doing work or
reviewing advanced topics. On days when I don't have homework, I help at home.
Esther: I am also a student and my routine is similar to yours.Currently I don't work.
Jennifer: Well, my day starts when I get up at 5am, do yoga and meditate, then have
breakfast at 6am. and I get ready to go to class at 7 in the morning.
Then I return home at 11:30 a.m. clean and tidy and then I cook and have lunch at 1 in the
afternoon. The rest of the afternoon I do homework or freelance design work on the
computer and around 7 p.m. I have dinner and at 10 p.m. I go to sleep. Does any family
member work in an office?
Dayana: Yes, my aunt is a secretary, she is Camila, she is always at her desk with a
computer on which she writes and schedules. There is a telephone where she receives the
manager's appointments. Around her, there is a printer, file cabinets, pen and stamps and
telephone where she receives and makes calls. Her work is from 8am to 5pm. She really
likes her job
MARIA: My only sister work in a (Office) is a secretary. She is administrador.
Esther:Well, among my family members is my brother-in-law. He works in the office.
Jaime is a civil engineer.
He works in an engineering house.
Your daily activities are:
Get up and get ready to go to work
Have breakfast
Go to work
Hold your meeting with your work team using a projector and a computer.
Then he goes to his personal office where he has tools, a desk, a photocopier, his trash can
and his computer where he begins to make plans, budgets, schedules, quotes and goes to
Finally, report what was done that day to your direct boss.
He returns to his house.
He showers, gets his things ready for the next day and goes to sleep.
Jennifer: Oh, well in my family most of them have their own business.
Dayana: How nice to know a little more about your family. See you soon.
Jennifer: See you later girls, have a good day.
Esther: See you later girls!.

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