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Africa You have been asked to accept a 2 year accompanied international assignment to an African country.

Unfortunately, due to current economic uncertainties, your employer cannot guarantee a post-assignment job. You realize that there is a real possibility of unemployment after those 2 years. Would you accept that assignment? If so why, if not, why not?

Outline:--four parts: 1. introduction 2. reasons for accept assignment

3. reasons for not accept assignment 4. conclusion

About me, my family, my job, about the assignment, expatriation, opportunities, risks, outcomes and decision. Influencing factors: There are a lot motivations and even more number of apprehensions regarding this assignment- The major risk of course being that I might not have a job after I return.

Summary of Good points-Bad points-potential risks

Why I would NOT accept:

1. a strange country and area, Status rebuilding

2. different culture background which is easy to cause conflicts

Compare it with the home country:

Living conditions/ways/status-lifestyles Language (different language and the obstacle of communication) Social culture Corporate culture; business etiquette Kind of accommodations Government towards public Safety and security Schools and hospitals Transportation/Taxes/living expenses Opportunities to learn and career growth Quality of life Interpersonal communications Politics Weather Disease/epidemic/crime control

3. climate problem, hot weather 4. political instability, changes quickly, the lack of security

5. health care problem, compare with developed country, medical conditions is relatively

6. lower life quality, can not buy some necessity in life 7. homesickness, lonely, lack of communication and warm from family. Children are

studying, spouse working. Is it going to be a worth it effort for me and my family if I move abroad for 2 years

Will the country I go to be able to support my familys well being as well? (career wise, schooling, health, well being) Its not only my job but also my spouses career that is doomed, when I go to another country and then when I come back

8. all the problems need to face and solve by self, and lack of help from family, Lose

touch with family and friends

9. Lab our problem, low wages and working conditions.

Why I would accept:

1. Interesting Challenge in new and dynamic cultural environment Cultural Differences (there are cultural difference between Australia and African, which difference? How to deal with it? How to adapt to that cultural environment? And so on; which culture similar? how to take advantage from each other. We get to see and live in another country, learn new culture, new language.) Example:

Values and beliefs; (e.g positive attitude toward to life) Religion; (eg. particular faith)


2. The economy of Africa ( there is potential increasing in economic in African, probably we

can find some cases to prove it)

3. Personal improvement:
A. Possible High financial reward

The term 'expatriate' in some countries also has a legal context used for tax purposes Good treatment,( more holiday, support your spouse), Good money-perks. I can make a lot of money in a very short span of two years which of course will be good for me and my family.

B. Enrich experience compare with if I stay home company

Unique Experience in New Country/ New Market Providing a broader global perspective. Global mindset (open eyes)how to become a successful manager. Develop Contacts in Africa (networking) Meet new business partners Effective to communication permitting closer control and coordination of international subsidiaries. international knowledge transfer has expanded due to the fact that markets for most businesses have grown to be international (Katz and Seifer, 1996, Romero, 2002, Hung-

Wen Lee, 2007, Templer, Tay and Chandrasekar, 2006)

C. Further develop Managerial and Business Skills

Strategic Human Resource Planning in a Global Environment Link to business strategy; Long term planning; Labour mobility; Long term recruitment; Long term development; Global incentives; Global returners;

4. Using some opposite evidences to prove that accept this task to go to African is better

than stay at domestic:

strong competition in domestic Even stay at company, there is still exist threat in unemployment. Tedious work environment paid treatment, maybe relative low payment Some big companies which want to employ someone who has work experience in abroad.


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