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Think about someone who achieved something in life. Who is that person?

This is my sister Natalia

What is the person's background?

I did not have the resources to get into a university, which is why I worked for two years to be able
to pass the public university entrance exam.

What is his or her achievement?

As an important accomplishment of her efforts, she is currently working for a company abroad as
an environmental engineer.

Why did the person make an impression on you?

The image or teaching that my sister leaves is that no matter how many obstacles you face, you
should always reach your goals.

Natalia Diaz is 24 years old and dreamed of becoming a great environmental engineer because she
loves biodiversity. When she finished high school, her parents did not have the resources to go to
college. Because of this Natalia worked for two years to pay for the entrance exam to a public
university, she managed to get into the university to become a great engineer. She is currently
working for a company abroad.

1. What was the video about?

On glaciers and swimming in very high temperature water.

2. What did you learn?

The challenge so great for man to know the power of nature

3. Did you like it? Why or why not?

I liked it because at the end it talks about Mount Everets and its features and the great risk of
getting there aliv e.

One of the problems of the city of Bogota is the environmental pollution that affects respiratory
health, according to statistics the most affected population are children. However, emergency
mechanisms have been put in place to mitigate the great problem that the city lives with on a daily
basis, but they have not been efficient. The main cause is the number of vehicles on a daily basis.

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