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i ser trabajador de la beneficencia es el trabajo de tus sueños, hay formas de hacer que tu

currículum se conozca y conseguir una entrevista. Aquí tienes una guía:

Véndete. Tu currículum es un anuncio sobre ti mismo. Céntrate en tus cualificaciones y
Demuestra tu motivación por la organización benéfica. Háblales de tu experiencia. Muéstrales tu
pasión, empuje y liderazgo.
Concéntrese en la contribución que puede hacer a la organización benéfica.
Haz hincapié en tu experiencia como voluntario. Cualquier conocimiento o habilidad que tengas
del trabajo voluntario debe figurar también en tu currículum. Es tan importante como el trabajo
remunerado y puede hacer que destaques.
Habla de tus logros más importantes para que la organización benéfica sepa de qué eres capaz.
Esto es especialmente importante para la recaudación de fondos. Menciona exactamente cuánto
dinero has recaudado para una organización benéfica. Indique cantidades concretas.
Facilite información sobre cómo promociona las organizaciones benéficas. Demuestra cómo has
llamado la atención sobre el mensaje de la organización benéfica o cómo has introducido a la
gente en la causa.
Por último, recuerda que tu currículum debe ajustarse a cada puesto de trabajo. Pon las
habilidades relevantes en la parte superior, y cambia tu currículum para cada trabajo que solicites.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

Dear Tomas,
Thank you for helping me get the job at the newspaper. I love to write, and I've always wanted a
as a reporter. I got so many
letters from other newspapers. I almost
This job is
for me. I can start work early and be home by 3:00 p.m. This
is great so I can be there when my son gets home from school. I really like to
spend time
with him after school and help him with his homework.
Raising a son
is tough. My husband died five years ago, when Jason was only two years old. But having a job I
enjoy will help make the
of being a single mom a lot easier.
Thank you for introducing me to the editor of the paper. I am so lucky to have you as my friend.

hris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title | time | career ,
to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to
pursue this dream career: blue skies, warm tropical beaches, and a tan that lasts all day long | all
week long | all year long .

I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, shooting surfers in these
exotic tourist destinations. But there was just this one thing | one problem | big problem . You
see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I
set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only routine | struggle | the same .

There's only about a third of the Earth's oceans | people | beaches that are warm, and it's really
just that thin band around the equator. So if I was going to find perfect waves, it was probably
going to happen somewhere warm | cold | fun , where the seas are notoriously rough, and that's
exactly where I began to look. And it was my first trip to Iceland that I felt like I found exactly what
I was looking for.

I was blown away by the natural beauty of the landscape, but most importantly, I couldn't believe
we were finding perfect waves in such a beautiful | cold | remote and rugged part of the world.

And I realized, all this shivering had actually taught me something: In life, there are no shortcuts to
joy. Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer just a little bit, and that tiny bit
of suffering that I did for my photography, it added a price | value | beauty to my work that was
so much more meaningful to me than just trying to fill the pages of magazines.
So I look back at this photograph. It's easy to see frozen fingers and cold wetsuits and even the
struggle that it took just to get there, but most of all, what I see is just joy | oceans | cold . Thank
you so much.

professional athlete

I wish I could have been a professional athlete because I love doing sport and teaching others, I
think it is a very uncompetitive sport with great challenges

My dream job would be to be a Flight Attendant, I like to be attentive to the needs of the
passengers and guide us, on every flight and I like it because I love cancer, different countries and

1. What is the video about?

About nature with a focus on ice-dwelling animals.
2. What have you learned?
How we must learn to save our planet because there are different species.
3. Did you like it, why or why not?
Yes, because it talks about the different animals in Antarctica.

Hello, my name is Angelica Suarez I live in Bogota and today I will talk about my brother Fernando,
he is a person who loves to dress in white, he loves cars, travel and eat also he loves to work, he is
an independent person he has his own business selling mobile phones, as a profession public
accountant, he works from Monday to Sunday after noon, his dream is to know the world together
with his parents.
Finally he doesn't like lies.

Translated with (free version)

Useful Phrases

1. Introduce yourself:
(Informally) I’m / My name’s …
(Formally) I want / I’d like to introduce myself. I’m / My name’s …

2. Introduce your topic:

I’d like to (tell you / talk to you) about …
3. Describe that person's likes / favorites:
He / She really likes / loves / enjoys …
His / her favorite ______ is …

4. Describe that person's routines:

He / She _______ every week / twice a month.

5. Describe that person's hopes:

One day, (he’d / she’d) like to _______.

6. End your presentation:

Thank you so much (for listening). Thanks for listening.

A cowgirl is a woman who handles cattle (cows) and works on a ranch, which is a big farm with
horses and cows. Being a cowgirl is hard work. Cowgirls ride horses and rope cattle, so they must
enjoy working with animals and getting dirty.

The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in Texas honors many famous cowgirls. One of the
most interesting is the 2002 honoree, Sandra Day O’Connor.

Most people know O’Connor as the first female U.S. Supreme Court justice, but she grew up as a
cowgirl on her family’s ranch in Arizona, where she learned values about survival. O’Connor’s
father wanted her to take over the family ranch, but she went to Stanford Law School to became a
lawyer, and then a judge.

O’Connor created a path for women in government and on the Supreme Court (the highest court
in the United States). She missed only two weeks of work. She also raised three sons. She retired
in 2006 to spend time with her husband before he died.

Growing up as a cowgirl prepared O’Connor for life in government. After retiring, she wrote a book
about how her ranch background formed her life, career, and views.

1. Who is a person you know with an unusual skill or talent?


2. What is their skill or talent?

creative thinking
Does this person make money with their talent? If yes, how?

Does not earn money

4. Does the person help other people with his or her talent? If yes, how?


My friend is very talented. She can play the piano. It is a very difficult instrument to learn to use.
Sometimes she plays them at birthdays or other events, but usually she only plays them to distract

1. What is the video about?

About juggling
2. What have you learned?
We should not always believe
3. Did you like it, why or why not?
No, it's not my kind of reading

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