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It was Murong Xiaoxiao who was talking.

At this moment, she looked

up at the sky while pointing her finger upwards, her small mouth
opened slightly, with a surprised expression.

Following the direction she pointed, everyone looked up,

dumbfounded for a moment.

They saw a stream of light piercing the sky, like a meteorite falling
from the sky, dragging a gorgeous long tail, falling in a certain

At first, there were only a few flowing light, but soon, the number of
flowing light increased, and it looked like a meteor shower in the sky.

"Star Seal!" Lan Xun's face was shocked, and she yelled softly, "So
many Star Seal?"

"What?" Xiao Chen was taken aback when he heard this, "Princess,
are you sure these are all Star Seals?"

Lan Xun stared at the sky and didn't know if it was a secret technique.
There was a glimmer of bright light in her eyes, and the young lady
nodded lightly: "That's right, all are Star Seals!"
She just finished her voice, and there was a small hum from the side.

Everyone looked around, and saw that Wu Chang's whole person had
turned into a red and white glow, chasing the direction where the Star
Seal fell.

He saw the opportunity quickly, and when he heard that the things
that fell from the sky were Star Seals, he immediately took action.

After him, Luo Yuan also shook his body and followed him.

"Let's go!" Xiao Baiyi would naturally not neglect, and with a shout,
the two of them hurriedly chased after Murong Xiaoxiao.

They have been in the Four Seasons Land for two or three days, and
they only encountered a Star Seal in the Two Season Mountain. The
Star Seal was branded on the forehead of a giant lizard beast,
everyone shot and wounded it seriously. After catching up, they didn't
expect that Yang Kai was reaping the benefit, and even Luo Yuan and
Wu Chang almost fought for it.

With so many Star Seal appearing at this moment, even if everyone

present divide equally, each of them can be divided into six or seven.

A Star Seal means a ticket to enter the Star Fragments Sea, which is of
great significance to any sect!

How dare Xiao Baiyi and Murong Xiaoxiao be negligent.

"Princess..." Seeing everyone walked away like a whirlwind. Xiao Chen

suddenly became anxious.

"Let's go too!" Lan Xun naturally didn't miss this good thing, and
replied immediately.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then joined Lan Xun and galloped towards that

However, as soon as the two men left, a Ship Flight Artifact drove
alongside them.

Lan Xun turned her head and saw Yang Kai calmly standing on the
wooden ship, posing like a jade tree facing the wind. The wind
whipped his black hair, flying backward...
Lan Xun couldn't help but sneered. After all, at this moment, Yang
Kai's image was different from the cowardly and timid before, and it
seemed that he wanted to attract her attention.

She understands Yang Kai's approach very well. Basically, few men can
maintain their nature in front of her. Those people always try to get
her attention, as if they can get some satisfaction from it.

"Humph!" Xiao Chen snorted coldly, looking unhappy.

He has long been upset at Yang Kai, and at this moment, this guy was
still shamelessly pretending to be chic, which was simply intolerable.

Yang Kai didn't seem to notice his attitude. He was just showing a
familiar posture. He pretended to be puzzled and said to Lan Xun:
"This girl. Why does this friend by your side call you a princess? This is
the girl's name or what?"

"Whose name will carry the word princess?" Lan Xun smiled slightly
and shook her head: "You think too much."

"Then...I don't understand." Yang Kai shook his head and said, "I think
the girl has an extraordinary temperament. She has an elegant
manner, obviously a noble birth and a decent education, but...what
does this have to do with the princess? Can the girl help me to clear
my confusion?"

Lan Xun frowned and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She
couldn't tell Yang Kai that she was the daughter of Bright Moon Great
Emperor. That's why she was called a princess. It's a little boastful to
say so. Although this is true.

She could only ask back: "I came from Star Soul Palace, can't you

When she said this. As long as someone with a bit of common sense,
after hearing this sentence, they should be able to think of something,
and she will avoid the need to answer.

But to her surprise, Yang Kai pondered for a while before shooking his
head solemnly.

Yang Kai's ignorance made Xiao Chen on the side really looking down
on him, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Star Soul Palace is the
sect founded by Bright Moon Great Emperor, and this one in front of
you is the pearl of Great Emperor!"
"Huh?" Yang Kai was shocked and hesitated, "So you...you are the
daughter of the Great Emperor?" He looked extremely shocked...

"Birthplace doesn't mean anything." Lan Xun smiled slightly, she was
fairly approachable.

On the contrary, Xiao Chen scolded indifferently: "Where did this

worm come from? He has never even heard of the name of Her Royal
Highness. He has also entered the Four Seasons Land. Which make my
generation lose face, Your Royal Highness, don't pay attention to this

Yang Kai awkwardly said: "I used to cultivate in the deep mountains,
and I only came out not long ago to gain experience, so I don't know
much about things outside...hehe, I don't know much about it, but I
have heard the name of Bright Moon Great Emperor."

"This way..." Lan Xun, didn't know whether she believed it or not,
anyway, nothing could be seen from her expression. "It looks like you
are the kind of martial artist who works hard in secluded retreat. It's
normal if you don't know much about outside information."

"Your Royal Highness praised, I'm just ignorant." Yang Kai scratched
his cheek and said modestly.

"You still have some self-knowledge!" Xiao Chen continued.

"By the way, what is your name?" Lan Xun asked.

Xiao Chen said: "Princess, why do you want to hear this worm name?
Don't smear your ears!"

"What does it matter if i ask?" Lan Xun frowned, obviously disliked

Xiao Chen taking care of this and that, if the Bright Moon Great
Emperor had personally told her before she came out, she would not
have stayed with Xiao Chen for a long time, and go in alone. For her,
nothing is as happy as her own adventure. The excitement and
unknown danger won't stop her.

"I'm Yang Kai."

Lan Xun nodded, suddenly smiled, and said: "There is something i'm
confused about, I wonder if Brother Yang would like to enlighten me?"

Yang Kai's eyes flickered, smiled and said: "If your Royal Highness has
anything to do, please say it, Yang will say what he knows!"

Lan Xun said: "Brother Yang can't be so full of words, maybe the
question I asked is related to your secret..."

"Humph, trying to find out the truth! If i'm really fascinated by you, I
would really do anything you say or ask to gain your favor... This little
girl, sure enough. Not to be trifled with!" Yang Kai said in his heart,
faintly guessing what Lan Xun want to ask, so there is no fear: "Her
Royal Highness can ask me things to save me face, what can't i say?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Chen felt bad. Although this
worm named Yang Kai was a wild boy who jumped out of the old
forest in the mountains, he seemed to know the heart of a woman
well, so he talked to Her Royal Highness the moment he met with such
speculation. How can this be tolerated? The most important thing is
that Her Royal Highness, who has always been scornful to men, has
been dealing with this worm with a smile on her face!

Xiao Chen felt a sudden sense of crisis in his heart, so he immediately

cast a threatening look at Yang Kai, a posture that if you dare to crook,
I want you to look good.

Because of the relationship between position and angle. Lan Xun

couldn't notice his movement, and it was smoothly conveyed to Yang
Kai's vision.

He never thought that Yang Kai didn't even look at him, as if

completely fascinated by Lan Xun, all his thoughts fell on the princess.

Xiao Chen felt a sense of powerlessness as if he slammed a fist on the


"The two people besieged you one after the other, how did you turn
the danger into a breeze?" Lan Xun asked bluntly.

It is true that as she said, this question is absolutely related to Yang

Kai's secret. A 1st-order Principle Source Stage, can be unharmed by
the two 3rd-order Principle Source Stage martial artists. It must be a
shocking Secret Technique being used, how can such secret techniques
be passed on casually?

So as soon as Lan Xun spoke out, Yang Kai immediately showed a

difficult look. He smiled and stammered: "That...haha...actually..."

"If you can't say it, forget it, forget i asked." Lan Xun said.
This sounds like empathetic, but it's another trick!

If Yang Kai is completely "fascinated" by Lan Xun at this moment, how

can a man who can only think physically, refuse to answer this
question? Under normal circumstances. If you don't want to talk, you
have to talk.

So he sighed leisurely and said: "It's not that I can't say it. But..."

At this point, he suddenly put on a solemn expression. At the same

time, he lowered his voice and said: "Please also ask your Royal
Highness to keep it secret for me. If this secret technique is rumored
to go out, it will not work. I'm afraid I will die next time I encounter
this situation."

While he was talking, he deliberately moved towards Lan Xun and

almost pressed his mouth to his ear.

A fresh fragrance lingered on the tip of the nose immediately.

The distance between the two is too close, Lan Xun is not getting
away, nor trying to get away, the delicate ears suddenly turned red.
"What are you doing?" Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't bear it,
shouting loudly, while holding a sharp sword in his hand, pointing at
Yang Kai through Lan Xun.

Yang Kai was taken aback, and quickly moved away, with an innocent
look on his face. "I didn't do anything, what does brother mean?"

"You just..." Xiao Chen was half-talking, and he couldn't continue.

After all, even though Yang Kai was a little closer to Lan Xun, he really
didn't do anything. If he really wanted to investigate this, he seemed
too stingy. He could only hum and said: "Anyway, just stand there and
talk. If you dare to lean in, be careful that I take your head!"

Yang Kai was stunned: "This friend is really weird... Okay, then I will
stand here and say, Your Royal Highness bright view, my secret
technique is called Moving Divine Art. Once it is performed, it can use
the weak to defeat the strong."

"Leverage strength?" Lan Xun looked surprised.

"Yes." Yang Kai nodded solemnly, and said seriously, "The previous
two guys, one after the other, wanted to take my life, which is in line
with the key to the Moving Divine Ability, so I..." Yang Kai laughed and
stretched out his hand. He drew a semicircle, "Tweaked it a bit, and let
them fight by themselves."

Lan Xun thoughtfully said, "So, if only one person attacked you at that

"Then I'm dead!" Yang Kai spread his hands together.


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