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Sales And Marketing Strategies
(Multibhashi PVT. Ltd.)

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Dr. Reenu Udit Chaudhary
Assistant Professor Roll No.- 1900680700112
MIET Business school MIET Business school

I hereby declare that this Summer Internship Project Report is my own work and that, to
The best of my knowledge and belief, it reproduces no material previously published or
Written that has been accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma, except
Where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Udit Chaudhary
Certificate of the organization

In this internship report, I will describe my experiences during my internship period. The
internship report contains an overview of the internship company and the activities, tasks, and
projects that I have worked on during my internship. Writing this report, I will also describe and
reflect on my learning objects and personal goals that I have met during my internship period. In
compiling this report, I have intended to provide a synthesis of theoretical approaches and methods
of implementing them in the world of business. I have tried to discover the relationship between
the theoretical and practical type of knowledge. I have tried to bridge the gap between theoretical
assumptions and practical necessities. During the entire course of our academic study, we remain
engaged in theoretical learning where the primary objective is academic success. A
concise knowledge of the modern business arena can only be attained through the pragmatic
implementation of hypothetical ideas, which we learn from our academic activities. With these
objectives, I have made all possible efforts and the necessary investigations to submit this paper in
an enlightened form in a very short time. I have tried my level best to eliminate errors from the
paper. As I had to complete my internship within a short period, so the study admits its limitations.
The report first shall give an overview of the tasks completed during the period of internship with
technical details. Then the results obtained shall be discussed and analysed. The report shall also
elaborate on the future works which can be persuaded as an advancement of the current work. I
have tried my best to keep the report simple yet technically correct. I hope I succeed in my attempt
of presenting a good report before you.

In the beginning, I would start thanking the almighty God for making me able to complete my
internship report. First, I want to thank and honour my internship supervisor Dr. Reenu, Assistant
professor of MIET Business School for her inspiring guidelines, valuable suggestions, positive criticism,
and constant help throughout the work and in preparation for this report. The successful completion
of this report might never have been possible in time without her whose inspiration and suggestions
made it happen. I also want to thank the management and officials of Multibahsi Ltd. I would like to
acknowledge Ms. Srividya MK Manager (Sales & Marketing) of Multibhashi Private Limited for being
patient with me and supporting me for 1-month program and helping me to complete the report in
time. My colleagues at Multibhashi Private Limited had also been very kind and helpful and they
made my internship a more comfortable one. In the end, I would like to thank my family and friends
who have given me moral support so that I can come to this level and accomplish my project.
Declaration given by the student

I hereby declare that the report namely “Multibhashi private limited” is completed by me which is
based on my practical work experience and a comprehensive study of the existing activities of
Multibhashi private Ltd. I also declare that this report is my original work and does not breach any
existing copyright. This particular report has not been previously submitted to any other
University/College/Organization for academic qualification/ certificate/ diploma or degree. I have
prepared it for the academic purpose of Master of Business Administration degree which requires
practical work experience.

Table of contents
Chapter – 1
Introduction ………………………………………………………………..1
Objective of the study……………………………………………………………………………10
Scope of study………………………………………………………………………...………….11
Major Players…………………………………………………………………………………………13
Economic Impact……………………………………………………………………………………..16
Indian Education System……………………………………………………………………………..20


The background…………………………………………………………………………………25
The promoters………………………………………………………………………….……………30
The company and its product line.…………………………………………………………….….…33
Features of the product…………………………………………………………...……………….…34
Marketing strategies………………………………………………………………………………....36
Major problems…………………………………………………………….…………….……...45
Future prospects………………………………………………………………………..….….……..48
Revenue Model……………………………………………………………………………………...49
Employee Motivation……………………………………………………………………………….50
Job description………………………………………………………………………………………51
New initiatives taken towards customer satisfaction………………………………………………..53
Swot Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………….55
Pestel Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………58
Porters Five Forces………………………………………………………………………………….61


Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………63
Limitations ………………………………………………………………...……………………98


Suggestion/ Recommendation ……………………………………………....………………..100

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………102
Major Learning ………………………………………………….……………………………104

Executive Summary
Multibhashi Pvt. Ltd. is the Online Platform which provides online classes and Study Material
for the students and trainees. It also provides Test Series and last 10 years sample papers of
foreign language. I have undertaken the project ―A study on B2B sales and brand promotion
through different media‖ to learn and study the future of online education and it has shown about
the industry details and most of the competitors of Multibhashi Pvt. Ltd. in the market. The
working of the company is briefly explained in the project and services provided by it are also

This project was undertaken to know how much-interested students and institutions are towards
online education, to motivate students and make them aware of E-Learning. It has all the records
of the institutions. All of the stages in the project are clearly explained in the project with the
details of the work done. Then SWOT & PESTEL analysis and porters 5 forces of the company
is also done to show the details in the brief.

My work was to do online marketing, I have Focused on the time I have focussed on Online
Marketing in which I have to promote Multibhashi and sometimes I focused on Collecting Data
of Different users from different sites i.e. Facebook, Google AdWords, Instagram etc. Sometimes
Work assigned to me related to Content Development of New launching product.

In online marketing work assigned to me was to cover all the leads. While doing online I have to
call and email to institutes and schools to make them aware about Multibhashi Pvt. Ltd. and I
tried to convince them for the demo so that they can take and their students can understand how
actually Multibahshi works and how it is beneficial online education is for students.

The world is going digital. I have covered most of the areas by personally visiting them and in
some areas, I have done tele calling and on the phone itself tried to make them aware of
When I started the online work I have done cold calling in the organization without any
appointment, my first job was to tell them about the company from where I am telling them
about how do Multibhashi can be beneficial to their branding and also letting them know about
the referral partnership offer, then take their email id so that the formal proposal can be mailed to
them and after that, the next step was a follow-up.

During the online work, I observed that it is very hard to get information from the institutes
because they are not ready to trust the start-up company. I have learned that for the smooth
starting of any business the work should be done very systematically and the Seriousness of the
proposal of any company cannot be judged on phone.

There was quite a good response that I got from the Students. I had covered almost 2500 students
in different areas of India . And most probably 45% - 55% of schools were convinced for
Classes. And from these 45% - 55% schools, 20% of schools are fully converted for 2 levels and
they tie up with Multibhashi. In 3-4 schools, I have meeting for Demo with my seniors and in 1
school, I Organized a workshop for students on Motivation and Career Counselling.

According to me there were certain limitations in my project like late follow up to the Students
makes them losing some of their prospective customers and the database which is provided to us
for calling was an old database i.e. Most of the numbers were either not reachable or out of
service so it wasted my time because I have to again search for the correct data but instead of
these small limitations I had a great experience executing this project. The project is kept short
and crisp and it has all of the required details related to my summer internship training been done
in multibhashi Pvt. Ltd.
Chapter – 1



The online language learning market is changing at a rapid pace due to the globalization of the
economy and adoption of cost-efficient technology-based products. The growth in this market
is majorly driven by the factors such as globalization and growing need for communication
across borders, growing E-learning market, COVID-19 impact, and penetration of artificial
intelligence in e-learning. Further, the increasing spending on education sector, rising internet
and mobile phone user base, and preference for multilingual employees by multinational
companies provide growth opportunities for the players operating in the online language
learning market. Whichever path is selected by a company, for a service provider to continue
to remain competitive in both the consumer and institutional markets, it is wise to
incorporate technology-based teaching and learning tools into the overall delivery system.
Online teaching management varies from state and district-led programs to online charter
schools, to services offered by for-profit or non-profit companies and universities. Program
content and design vary widely. Online teaching is best understood as a unique service
delivery method, not a service in itself.

Blended learning is a subset of online teaching and describes a popular mode of delivery
where students have both classroom time and virtual learning time; in a supplemental or
primary instructional environment. Adaptive learning refers to intelligent tools that are built
into the software that customize the learning prescriptions delivered to the student that is
unique and based on a diagnostic assessment of the student's skills. Once again, adaptive
learning tools may be incorporated into instructional systems offered to students in a
supplemental or primary instructional environment. There are few sources of federal funding
exclusively dedicated to Online teaching, but many federal grant programs targeted at
education technology, dropout prevention, and school innovation can be applied towards
Online teaching programs. Private companies entering the online teaching market should pay
close attention to state funding policies governing online teaching.

Among the advantages of private companies in the Online teaching market is access to more
customers, and capital to invest in high-quality user-interface and educational content.
Learning Foreign language has become a very appealing important ability in the
contemporary world. In many cases learning a foreign language involves using language
learning software or computer-assisted self-study. There are many language learning software
tools available, some more popular than others.

India has a multi-layered formal education system with ~ 260 million students enrolled in more
than 1.5 million schools and ~ 39,000 colleges students. Formal education includes primary and
secondary schools, graduation, post- graduation and diploma courses. Schools are governed by
state and catering to 27.5 million undergraduate and four million post graduate central bodies, viz.
CBSE, ICSE, state and international boards. India has one of the largest higher education systems
in the world, primarily dominated by private sectors. Higher education in India though governed
by UGC has a 3- tier structure comprising the university, college and course.

Different regulatory bodies such as Medical Council of India (MCI), All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE) and the Bar Council India (BCI), among others, manage different
professional courses. Informal education includes pre-primary, coaching classes, vocational
education and multi-media/technology based educational courses aiding as a supplement or
substitute to formal education. India’s informal education market is one of the largest in the world.
Pre-primary market has low entry barriers and has witnessed large number of players in the last
few years. Presence of a large working population and increasing requirement of skilled workers,
is instrumental in the prominent growth of vocational education in India. Test preparation
contributes to a significant share of informal education in India.

The online channel for education in India includes primary and secondary education to hobbies and
language learning across formal and informal forms. Online players have developed B2C, B2B
and C2C solutions in line with the customer’s requirements. Attending online classes everyday has
become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown in India. As schools were shut because
of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken center stage in
students’ life now. There are quite a few advantages of online classes that are worth consideration.

Adjusting learning into the existing schedule is one of the best advantages. The flexibility helps in
maintaining a job while working on education. Students of online classes are often given the
freedom to complete lessons any time before a set deadline.

This allows students to complete their coursework without sacrificing hours at their current job or
precious time spent with family. Online education is often more affordable, the expense of going
to college is one of the biggest reasons aspiring students hold back from enrolling in a program. In
addition to sparing students the cost of travelling to campus, the flexibility of online learning often
allows them to continue earning money at their existing job.

While there’s plenty to like about taking online classes, that doesn’t mean it has reached a state of
perfection. Another positive effect of online education is students have become more tech-savvy.
They got to know more about various apps and programs. Apart from academic learning, there is
so much of technological learning happening in students during lockdown. Their knowledge about
computers, smartphone/mobile phone, radio and television are getting enhanced.

online education, some parents want their children should continue e-learning even after schools
open in the country. Most of the parents are not ready to send their wards to schools even if
coronavirus goes down in the country. When you imagine a traditional classroom, lively group
discussion, and students raising their hands to ask the instructor questions likely comes to mind.
Admittedly, these moments do not arise as naturally in online learning. For some individuals, these
face-to-face interactions are a must to bring the material to life. Nevertheless, it is possible to bring
more social interaction to online learning through competition, scheduled Q&A sessions with an
instructor, and discussion channels.

Online learning is often theory-based and lacks practice-based learning. Theoretical knowledge
refers to facts, theories, and reasoning whereas practical knowledge is based on hands-on
endeavors and tasks. For example, online learning would be a great tool to learn the theory-based
side of football, like its history and the rules of the game. However, it cannot be used to transfer
practical knowledge like how to actually play the game. Only getting out on the field can do that.
Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that e-learning cannot replace the knowledge that comes
through hands-on experience.

Your interaction with peers is greatly reduced in an online learning community. For the most
part, students’ complete online classes alone, asynchronously, and any peer interaction happens
on discussion boards and in chat rooms. Often, online classrooms can lack a sense of community
and lead to a feeling of isolation. They also reduce the opportunity to network with others,
which can be a disadvantage as students finish school and begin to look for new work
Based language type, English language is estimated to command the largest share of the overall
online language learning market in 2020. Growing globalization, consciousness about developing
English language skills, preference of English over other languages, and adoption of English as
global language are some of the major factors increasing the adoption and demand for English

Software as a service to dominate the overall online language learning market in 2020

Based on product type, the software as service segment is estimated to command the largest share
of the overall online language learning market in 2020. Reduced capital expenditure, swift
implementation, and adoption of SaaS-based management systems in most of the organizations are
some of the key factors driving the growth of this segment.

Consumer segment to dominate the overall online language learning market in 2020

Based on mode, the consumer segment is estimated to command the largest share of the overall
online language learning market in 2020. Growing adoption of the online language learning apps,
availability of short- and long-term pricing plans, and drop in internet data costs are some of the
major factors supporting the growth of this segment.

Asia-Pacific: The fastest growing regional market. Asia-Pacific region is estimated to command
the largest share of the overall online language learning market in 2020, followed by Europe, the
Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Also, Asia-Pacific region will be the fastest growing
regional market due to the factors such as rising enrolment in online higher education, influx of
multinational companies, significant young population looking for better job opportunities,
increasing penetration of smartphones, increasing digitization of content, government initiatives
for national online education networks, and shortage of teachers in rapidly developing countries.

Impact of COVID-19 on online language learning market

COVID-19 pandemic resulted in closing down of all institutes and schools, which led to drastic
changes in education sector, with remarkable rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken
remotely using digital platforms. According to the World Economic Forum, various regions or
countries are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates and currently, more than 1.2
billion children in 186 countries are affected by school closures due to the pandemic. Also,
according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
nationwide closures are impacting over 60% of the world’s student population, and as of June
2020, the pandemic affected 1.72 billion learners. Therefore, the online language learning
market is now seeing several innovations and free subscription-based apps by companies to
broaden their user base.

In addition, as a precautionary measure and to protect their employees and reduce the spread,
most of the companies were closed down and restricted all noncritical business travel during
the outbreak. Also, most of the companies have allowed work from home, which is inevitable
in current situation. Due to this, there has been surge in interest among professionals to learn
new language and enhance their skills and competitiveness in international markets. According
to Busuu, the company has seen revenue getting tripled in China and Italy during the lockdown.
Similarly, Babbel just opened up three months of free classes in a dozen languages. Therefore,
the pandemic proved to be a turning point for language learning market and higher growth is
expected over the next 12 months.

Specific Objectives

To know the present position of Multibhashi private limited.

To analyze the customer perception about the Multibhashi.
To analyze its competitors' brand
To know the problems of online teaching
To Suggest solution to overcome problem.

Scope of the Study

This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with the employees of Multibhashi
limited and with their boss. For preparing this report I have done online meeting with the
marketing manager. He informed me about their activities sales and marketing strategy of
Multibhashi limited to the mind of the customer such as students, guardians, institutes etc. While
preparing this report I had a great opportunity to have practical knowledge of recruitment and
selection, performance appraisal, compensation, and practice of other related issues. There has a
huge market of Multibashi private limited that guide books in the market. This scope helped me to
collect easily data about Multibhashi private limited.

Limitations of the Study

Every study is bound by limitations and as such this is no exceptions.

1. “Change is Constant” rule of nature. Hence, the study undertaken may not hold good for

longer duration.

2. The study was conducted under the assumption that the information given by the

respondents is authentic.

3. The analysis and suggestion are given only with respect to marketing aspects as technical

suggestion with respect to the product could not be given.

4. Confidential matters were not disclosed by the company.

5. There were time constraint


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The

research methodology includes the various methods and techniques for conducting a

Defining the Research Problem and Objectives: It is said that, “A problem well
defined is “Half solved”. The first step in research methodology is to define the problem
and deciding the research objective. The objective of my study is to know the consumer
buying behavior of personal care products of Himalaya.

Research Design is a blueprint or framework for conducting marketing research project. It
specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to
structure and solve marketing research problem. The research design used in this study is
descriptive research.

Descriptive Research
The descriptive research is also known as statistical research, describes data and
characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. The description is used
for frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. The research deals with
everything that can be counted and studied. But there are always restrictions to that. The
research must have an impact to the lives of the people around the researcher.

Sampling can be defined as the section of some part of an aggregate or totality on the
basis of which judgment or an inference about aggregate or totality is made. The steps
involved in sampling design are as follows:

S.No. Particulars Data
1. Sources of data Primary Sources & Secondary

2. Sampling Technique Probability Sampling

3. Sample Size 100

4. Sample Duration 4 weeks

The methodology used for data collection

The report was fully investigative; data have been collected from both primary and secondary
sources. This study is mainly based on secondary as well as primary data available from various
divisions and department of Multibhashi, in addition to that other necessary information have been
collected from the annual reports of Multibhashi, Organ and various files, prospectus and market
condition comparing competitors.

Primary Data Source: Primary data has been collected through unstructured personal interviews
and discussions with officials of Sales Team of Multibhashi PVT. Ltd. Face to face conversation
with the employees and customers. Conversation with the marketing head. Practical desk work.

Secondary Data Source: The secondary data have been collected through Multibhashi official
website and other websites related to reporting topics. Different vacancy notice of LPL Files and
documents of sales. Different manuals of the company.




1. Babbel - Founded in 2007, Babbel is the world’s first language learning app. A leader in
the online language learning industry, Babbel is an international success with millions of active
subscribers and ranked as the world’s #1 innovative company in education. Our meticulously
designed courses guarantee the language skills you can use right away. Babbel is the shortest path
to real-life conversations; 73% of our users indicated that they’d be able to have a short, simple
conversation in their new language within five hours of using Babbel. The company offers an
online platform to learn a wide variety of languages including English, German, French,
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Indonesian, Norwegian,
Danish, and Russian. Further, the company provides bite-sized lessons, relevant
vocabulary, interactive platforms with native speakers, and speech recognition technology
for correct pronunciation through its iOS and Android-based mobile applications.

2. Udemy is a unique tutorial platform for Computer Scientists, Engineers, Information
Technology Support, Coders, and Web Developers. This platform is filled with instructors in
virtually every discipline regarding technology. You do not need to be a professional to use
Udemy. Many of the courses are broken down into several sections including absolute beginner.
Udemy is like a Wiki of video programming tutorials that are much better than anything you will
find on YouTube.

Unlike other tutorial sites, such as Pluralsight, Udemy does not require an active subscription to
view content. A business subscription is available at a cost, but any content you buy is yours.
Pluralsight on the other hand typically charges a flat monthly rate for access to all of its material.
Udemy offers thousands of video tutorials where you come along and learn new skills or improve
existing ones. Some of its instructors are on both the Plural and Udemy platforms. These
instructors are typically very good at teaching their topics of interest. With that said let's break
down Udemy and I'll share my thoughts on what you can expect from courses you may take.

3. EdX is the trusted platform for education and learning. Founded by Harvard and MIT,
edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the
world, and industry-leading companies. As a global nonprofit, edX is transforming traditional
education, removing the barriers of cost, location, and access. Fulfilling the demand for
people to learn on their terms, edX is reimagining the possibilities of education, providing the
highest-quality, stackable learning experiences including the groundbreaking Micro Master's

® programs.
Supporting learners at every stage, whether entering the job market, changing fields, seeking
promotion, or exploring new interests, edX delivers courses for curious minds on topics
ranging from data and computer science to leadership and communications. edX is where you
go to lean.

4. Coursera: Coursera was also founded by Stanford affiliates, computer science professors
Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, and is ―committed to making the best education in the
world freely available to any person who seeks it,‖ according to its website. It is a for-profit
company, though it currently does not generate any revenue.Coursera was launched shortly
after Udacity, and offers courses from 16 universities, including Stanford, Princeton, and
Caltech, but also universities in Scotland, India, Canada, and Switzerland. The courses
contain video lectures by university professors, often weekly, and offer interactive exercises,
quizzes, and peer-graded essays to reinforce knowledge, helping students to ―master the

The worldwide e-learning industry is economically significant, and was estimated in 2020 to
be over $48 billion according to conservative estimates. Developments in internet and
multimedia technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning, with consulting, content,
technologies, services and support being identified as the five key sectors of the e- learning
industry. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are used extensively by young
The current USD 247 million online education market is poised to grow at a CAGR of 52 per
cent to become a USD 1.96 billion market in 2021. Reskilling and Certification is the largest
category today at USD 93M and will grow to USD 463M driven by the need for professionals to
continuously reskill to stay relevant in the job market. Primary and secondary education category,
currently at USD 73 million, is likely to grow ten fold to USD 773 million by 2021. Primary and
secondary education category has the largest addressable audience with a student base of around
260 million when compared to the other categories.

However, the market potential then might get as big as US$4 billion [i.e. if the total population
of private schools that could adopt multimedia adopt it. Apart from this, the current market
size for ICT [information and communications technology] in government schools is US$750
million. We expect this to grow five times by 2020 due to the current low level of penetration
in government schools.
While online education is undoubtedly beneficial to learners, the question remains, whether
the increase of online courses and the rise of student enrollment in e-learning is helpful for the

It goes without saying that online courses development transform the traditional approach to
education and adds a new business sector, which translates into more jobs for online
instructors, web developers, and administrators. So how can it impact the rest of an economy?
With a rising popularity of online courses, employers become more eager to hire graduates. E-
learning is gradually replacing the traditional education and producing a higher level of online-
educated students which can potentially result in an economic boom.

Opportunities for flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and economic development are among those
variables that have influenced the online learning process. Online courses have a big potential to
improve and change education process as well as benefit the economy. Being less expensive and
more flexible online education becomes more and more attractive to learners.

For e-learning to succeed it is also important to find and prepare instructors who will be ready to
engage in this new educational process. Luckily, modern technology enables instructors to develop
new ways to teach students online in the ways that are much more effective than face-to-face

The impact of online education is probably not so noticeable right now, however, if the pace of e-
learning remains the same it can result in an economic lift.

INDIAN education system and the role of Technology

India is a country with a very old, if not the oldest, the background of the formal education
system. Nalanda University was the oldest university- system of education in the world of the
modern sense of university. Gurukul is a concept of learning that has existed in India since
long in the history both public sector and private sector cover the education in India.
According to the 2011 census statistics, literacy in India stands at 66%. With changing times,
the education system in India also has been taking different turns. With the advent of fast-
paced changes in technology, it is nearly impossible that the education sector would not catch
up with the same. Classroom delivery is still the most widely used and most penetrated model
of teaching throughout the country, in urban, semi-urban, as well as rural areas. But, the slate-
&-chalk, pencil-&-paper pairs are slowly starting to find new mates for them –Tablet-&-
Stylus, Computers, etc.

So much so that, basic training in computer handling is almost a part of the curriculum
nowadays. The government today contemplates and actually provides the school students
with ―Akash‖ tablets to be used in schools for learning.

The success or failure of the same due to different operational factors involved is a different
issue, but the intentions of integrating modern technology in the education sector are
commendable. In schools and colleges, today blackboards are being complemented by a
computer/laptop and a projector with screen. Students are taught different subjects using
PowerPoint presentations. Some of the assignments that

students are being asked to do involve working on computers. Students are encouraged to
explore knowledge repositories such as Wikipedia and to author a page on the same. Online
libraries are going toe-to-toe with traditional library setup. There are ample free video lectures
available on the internet on a wide range and levels of topics. As one moves higher up the
levels of education, the use of modern technology goes on increasing informal education. For
example, an MBA without a laptop and internet connection is fathomed almost impossible
today. If the means of education today incorporate modern technology, then the means to
enter those fields of education are bound to incorporate the same. Hence, more and more
competitive entrance exams today are going online rather than pen-&-paper-based. The
coaching centers make more and more use of methods using technology in their pedagogy.
And facilitators make this facilitation conveniently and smoothly possible.

They provide study material online and ample tests as well that enable a student to check their
knowledge and readiness for various exams. This has enabled a potential candidate to save a
lot of time and energy while getting more detailed insight into their performances and areas
for improvements. This is just the beginning. The use of technology in education is slowly
taking its roots. And, the students are quickly getting comfortable with it, with the
understanding of the huge potential the technology holds for the improvement of the –
personal as well as academic.

The key factors leading to growth of digital market in India are rising demand from various
segments, growing number of smart phone users, improving penetration of internet, and
increasing participation at the Government level. New age technology platforms help in
assessing performance of students, teachers and institutions as a whole and are increasingly
being adopted by educational institutions in India. Cloud based platforms which help
classrooms go paperless are also finding takers. Also, apart from the latest developments in
ICT classrooms, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are being adopted in the
field of education.

Further, the launch of a plethora of IT related platforms has generated huge entrepreneurship
opportunities and many education start-ups have sprung up with new and improved versions
of e-learning modules in line with the demands and ever-changing needs of the students. E-
learning contents are designed to present a holistic picture with audio supplements, which
makes learning lot more interesting as learners now utilise both visual and audio senses.
MBD has been instrumental since last one decade to take e-learning to schools and students in
various forms and today we support more than million learners across the country with digital

Also, Innovative deployments of ICT solutions have been instrumental in transcending

multiple barriers in providing access to education in the country. With increasing digital
literacy in the country, ICT solutions have gained momentum in driving quality education to
the nooks and corner of the country. With government initiatives such as “Digital India” with
a vision to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy,
ICT solutions will play a more critical role not only in promoting education but also towards
driving digital literacy.

Chapter - 2

The background

Multibhashi is a Technology platform that imparts impactful Content designed by its

empanelled Linguist experts across major Indian languages imparted via Cloud LMS, Cloud
telephony, Streaming Video, Realtime Chat, Experiential Learning, Gamification, Interactive
& Evaluation leading to Adaptive Learning by the user.

MultiBhashi also undertakes bespoke services such as Content Localisation, Corporate

Training in Indic Vernacular for rural outreach / marketing businesses such as Telemarketing,
BPO, e-commerce etc MultiBhashi platform that focusses primarily on early stage language
learning. It provides a blended approach to learning where the user is encouraged to self-learn
as well as learn with a tutor on one-on-one on chat, call and video sessions, topics related to
their job role such as cab drivers, delivery boys, bartenders, technicians and other blue-
collared workforce employers and recruiters.

Multibhashi recognized that there are so many women out there who are unable to work
because of their commitment to their families and children.
To bridge this gap and empower women to be independent, we started hiring educated
housewives who can work from home and contribute to the product without compromising on
their family and children. From a family of just 5-6 members when we started, we now have a
family of about 150+ women who work from the comfort of their homes.


“Quality Education in reasonable pricing”


“We believe in the solving the language barrier problems across India,
and India being a multilingual nation”

Organizational Structure

Ms. Anuradha Agarwal

(CEO, founder)

Mr. Adesh Jain


Head of Sales Ms. Sunita Mr. Ashwini Faizin nivas

(Head of HR) Naveen (Digital Marketing
Ms. Srividya M K
(Head of Head)
MK Operations)

(Assistant sales

The promoters

1. Angel Investors, Manipal Ventures

Dr. Aniruddha Malpani is a prominent Angel Investor in the Indian ecosystem with core
domain expertise in healthcare as well as cross

-domain knowledge spanning various industry verticals. His Angel investment firm, Malpani
Ventures focuses on assisting determined entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to build great

2.Dexter Capital Advisors

A boutique Investment Bank providing best in class services to their clients. They focus on
growth stage companies as well as new age entrepreneurs in their funding process and also on
the late stage M&A targets. They strive to become a long-term trusted partner of the firms and
entrepreneurs to help them realize their true potential by bringing a unique perspective and mix
of experience and persistence to address our clients’ requirements.

3. Startup Oasis

A Jaipur based incubation centre that is developing an ecosystem in Rajasthan to inspire and
support students, aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups to solve persistent problems, develop
breakthrough innovations and create world-class enterprises. It has been set-up at the joint
initiative of RIICO – Rajasthan’s premier industrial promotion organization, and the Centre for
Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIM Ahmedabad, India’s leading
incubation and entrepreneurship centre.

4. Axilor Ventures

A platform for supporting early stage start-ups. Through its accelerator and seed fund programs
which include Accelerator, Scale-up and Early Stage Funding, Axilor aims to support early
stage entrepreneurs and improve their odds of success. Axilor works with start-ups in 5 sectors:
Enterprise, Fintech, Consumer Internet, DeepTech/ AI and Healthtech.


Multibhashi Pvt. Ltd. Provides complete online study material, multi strata practice
tests, unlimited practice questions, English learning modules, detailed analysis on the
basis of your marks in the test, Level notes and much more things as their products for
students and for the students preparing for Language exams.

Above all they have the best quality of study material, dashboard optimized view and
there platform is mobile optimized. You will get a language expert who can speak
your mother tongue. So even if you don’t understand something, the expert will teach
you the concept in the language that you are most comfortable in. Multibhashi use an
approach that will help you grasp the language quickly and be able to use it in your
day-to-day situations in just a few days after you start taking the sessions.
Multibhashi use an approach that will help you grasp the language quickly and be able
to use it in your day-to-day situations in just a few days after you start taking the


English Language Regional Language Foreign Language Other Products

Basic English Hindi French Mathematics

Intermediate English Telugu Spanish for students of
Advanced English Tamil German 7th - 9th
Spoken English for kids Kannada Japanese Advanced
Unlimited English classes Sanskrit Chinese excel for career
English to crack Interviews Urdu Portuguese Art & craft
Marathi Italian classes for
Russian kids
Korean Live Coding
Arabic classes for
IELTS Course

Features of the products

- A. Features of English Language products

1. Can understand simple phrases and expressions in English.

2. Can understand basic information written on medium such as newspapers, billboards,

magazines and books.

3. Can understand basic questions asked to the student and be able to respond in a simple,
complete English sentence.

4. Can understand and fill basic information about themselves. For example - filling a

5. Can ask simple questions to another person and understand their response, when spoken
slowly and clearly.

6. Can ask another person to repeat what they said and ask them to speak slowly.

B. Features of Regional Language products-

1. Attend Live video classes on different important topics in a month

2. 1500 minutes of live video classes for 1 month with a language expert

3. Ask questions in the classroom and get an instant response from the trainer

4. Participate in role play activities with other students during class

5. Certificate of course completion

C. Features of Foreign Language products-

1. Can understand simple phrases and expressions in Foreign language.

2. You will be able to introduce yourself in Foreign language

3. You will be capable of speaking and understanding basic Foreign language

4. Can understand basic information written on medium such as newspapers, billboards,

magazines and books.

5. Can understand basic questions asked to the student and be able to respond in a simple,
complete Foreign language sentence.

6. Can understand and fill basic information about themselves. For example - filling a

7. Can ask simple questions to another person and understand their response, when spoken
slowly and clearly.

8. Can ask another person to repeat what they said and ask them to speak slowly

Marketing strategy

Market is spread all over the country. So, it maintains its own marketing team countrywide.
Marketing not only supply finished products but also communicate with different stakeholders,
collect market information, questions of various of school and board examinations, inform
feedback of Multibhashi PVT. Ltd. as well as competitors from market. There is a sub-division
of marketing department named portfolio management department. Other companies already
use different brand name for their various offers. If an entrepreneur or his sales team lack the
necessary skills to initiate and close a sale, the company can lose money and ruin its
reputation. Whether you sell online courses or are a copywriter, your selling strategies will
influence whether your customers decide to make a purchase from you or your competitor.
Such as “Busuu” has well reputation in the market. The Multibhashi has brand position
because of best level trainer. They also have advance or intermediate level trainer. According
to Multibhashi private Ltd. has mostly well known to students for their “sure success”
suggestion. Multiabhshi Ltd. is running their business since 2016. Students, teachers,
representatives and other customers know as Best brand.

Marketing Strategies Used by company-

Business to consumer (B2C) marketing

The most common form of marketing is business to consumer (B2C) marketing. Let’s explore
a bit more. Business-to-consumer refers to the process of businesses selling products and
services directly to consumers, with no middleman.B2C is typically used to refer to online
retailers who sell products and services to consumers through the Internet. Online B2C became
a threat to traditional retailers, who profited from adding a mark-up to the price.

Following are the different types of marketing strategies Done.

1. Paid advertising

This includes multiple approaches for marketing. It includes traditional approaches like TVCs
and print media advertising. Also, one of the most well-known marketing approach is internet
marketing. It includes various methods like PPC (Pay per click) and paid advertising.
Multibhashi do there pays advertisements on the websites like Justdial where people click and
fill their information and company takes the data.

2. Cause marketing

Cause marketing links the services and products of a company to a social cause or issue. It is
also well known as cause related marketing. Multibhashi do cause but at a low level.

3. Relationship marketing

This type of marketing is basically focused on customer building. Enhancing

existing relationships with customers and improving customer loyalty.
Multibhashi recently started relationship marketing and getting 10% of the total
sales of a month from a reference or relationship marketing this is helping to
build better relationship with existing customers.

4. Undercover marketing

This type of marketing strategy focuses on marketing the product while
customers remain unaware of the marketing strategy. It is also known as stealth
marketing. Multibhashi does this marketing since last year and company is
getting good results.

5. Word of mouth

It totally relies on what impression you leave on people. It is traditionally the

most important type of marketing strategy. Being heard is important in business
world. When you give quality services to customers, it is likely that they’d
promote you. The word of mouth is a kind of free marketing that a customer
does when customer is satisfied and for this satisfaction company try to resolve
customer problem in 1hr so that customer is fully satisfied.

6. Internet marketing

It is also known as cloud marketing. It usually happens over the internet. All the
marketing items are shared on the internet and promoted on various platforms
via multiple approaches. This marketing is done by the Multibhashi on the
LinkedIn, Google ad words and Instagram.

7. Transactional marketing

Sales is particularly the most challenging work. Even for the largest retailers,
selling is always tough especially when there are high volume targets. However,
with the new marketing strategies, selling isn’t as difficult as it was. In
transactional marketing the retailers encourage customers to buy with shopping
coupons, discounts and huge events. It enhances the chances of sales and
motivates the target audience to buy the promoted products.

8. Diversity marketing

It caters diverse audience by customizing and integrating different marketing

strategies. It covers different aspects like cultural, beliefs, attitudes, views and
other specific needs.


S.No. Company’s Name

1 Duolingo
2 Urban Pro
3 Spanishbolo
4 Busuu
5 Mindmine Academy Pvt. Ltd.

1. Duolingo- have more than 300 million learners, Duolingo has the world's largest
collection of language-learning data at its fingertips. This allows us to build unique
systems, uncover new insights about the nature of language and learning, and apply
existing theories at scales never before seen. The study process in Duolingo combines
various methods such as: listening to the pronunciation, reading sentences, voice recording,
forming phrases by ordering words and matching images to words.

2. UrbanPro (previously known as ThinkVidya) is India's favorite learning destination for

hiring Tutors, Trainers and Training Institutes. is India’s largest and most
trusted Learning Network With over 6.5 lakhs Verified Tutors, Trainers & Institutes.
Urbanpro is trusted partner of choice for more than 25 lakhs students, parents and
professionals visiting us every month to fulfil learning requirements across 1000
categories. On UrbanPro. students can find skilled Tutors and Training Institutes that meet
their learning requirement within their budget and preferred locality. Learning providers,
on the other hand, can find Students for the classes they conduct, for the price that works
for them and grow their earnings.

With a presence in all major cities across India and over 1.6 million visits a month,
UrbanPro today is the largest education network.

3. Spanishbolo – SpanishBolo brings you customized Spanish classes for every need. We
offer you online classes using Skype, Google Hangout and other online platform, all at
your convenience. Are you looking for Spanish classes in New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai,
Chennai, Hyderabad or any other Indian cities? We have got them covered. You might
have tried online Spanish class, or at a language institute. However, you got to try our
online Spanish classes. We guarantee your satisfaction and learning outcome. We are
passionate about Spanish and now is your turn. Join our Spanish language classes and learn
at your pace and with assured success.

4. Busuu is the world’s largest community for language learning, providing courses in 12
different languages on web and mobile to more than 100 million learners worldwide.
Learners can sign up for free, or subscribe to a Premium membership to unlock further
features like advanced grammar lessons, Offline Mode, McGraw-Hill
Education certification or our adaptive Vocabulary Trainer.

5. Mindmine Global - Best IELTS Exam and English Coaching Online that is working
around the clock to make you successful. Special batches for IELTS and English online
coaching for General module for PR and training for IELTS Academic for Study Abroad.
The best IELTS and English online coaching classes with consistent IELTS Band 8, IELTS
Band 7 and IELTS CLB 9 scores. Regular IELTS Mock tests to keep a track of
performance. Individual attention for IELTS preparation by Certified IELTS Trainers. The
only IELTS and English online coaching centre in Delhi with state-of-the-art audio-video
facilities. Faculty trained by IELTS Examiners from Australia and USA. Mindmine Global
is an institute which uplifts the students from the core level of the English language.
Experienced trainers understand the learning style, strengths and weaknesses of the
students and make the study patterns feasible.

Additionally, nearly all online teaching programs help students strengthen the computer
literacy skills needed in a 21st Century job market. Online teaching programs vary according
to several key variables, which determine the best management practices for the program, and
help providers design and market program services. Online teaching is a delivery mode, not a
service unto itself, and so the educational content offered via Online teaching is virtually
limitless. Services offered by Online teaching programs vary according to the goals of each
program, but perhaps the most fundamental distinction between services is the goal for each
Many Online teaching service providers are exploring ―blended learning‖ programs in which
face-to-face instruction is integrated with online resources and technology. Blended learning
models refute the common assumption that Online teaching is distance learning. Classroom
time enables in-person assistance from teachers and social interactions, while online time can
leverage technology to encourage active learning from each student, reduce classroom
lectures, and improve students’ computer skills.
Online teaching programs, like any educational service, should execute rigorous evaluations
centered on students’ educational progress. Evaluations should include review and revision of
technological infrastructure and curriculum offerings.

Electronic learning (or eLearning) is the use of electronic media and information and
communication technologies (ICT) in education. E-learning is broadly inclusive of all forms
of educational technology in learning and teaching. E-learning is inclusive of, and is broadly
synonymous with multimedia learning, technology-enhanced learning (TEL),computer-based
instruction (CBI), computer managed instruction , computer-based training (CBT), computer-
assisted instruction or computer-aided instruction (CAI), internet-based training (IBT),
web-based training (WBT), online education, virtual education, virtual learning
environments (VLE) (which are also called learning platforms), m-learning, and digital
education. These alternative names emphasize a particular digitization approach, component
or delivery method.

Major Problems
1. Multibhashi only provides online learning of languages due to which people who are not
comfortable of online learning are not able to learn.
2. Multibhashi do not provides free demo classes for any course.
3. Multibhashi does not provide free course.
4. Every batch needs minimum 7 to 8 per batch to start. Due to which customer have to wait for
15 to 20 days.
5. One to one Classes are provided on provided on Multibhashi app and does not support in
6. Trainee needs to know English to learn any language course.
7. Multibhashi only provides online students are not able to download them they can just read
them due to which students are not comfortable in learning.
8. Multibhashi do not provide recorded classes due to which if student have any quires or if the
class is missed, they are not able to see the lecture.




3. Multibhashi contribution and social impact on the lives of rural youth was recognized by
AIMYM at Siliguri in April 2018 Yuva Ratna Award.


Phase 1
Computer MS office/ Foreign Language (Basic) among schools, colleges.
Interviews Preparation.

Phase 2

Colleges (Filling the Gap): Aptitude; Test Platform (Ex. YMCA Language
course); NGOs/Corporate

Phase 3

Certifications: Computers/ Online Marketing/ Graphic Designing

Skills (May’ 2020- April 2021)

Being an online venture, it is present all over India. It has its maximum clients in the form of
students, schools, and institutes. Turnover was approx. 22 lakhs, that is expected to be around
90 lakhs in coming year. Market Share can’t be judged properly as this business is into many
segments and thus information is not available yet, it must be less than 1%.

It is positioned as Technology Driven Company providing test feed and mentoring, guidance,
camps for students to make them realize their strengths and weaknesses and help them in
making good choices for future.




B2B: Online Communities Forum, Seminars, Meetings that is going to schools, coaching
centers, colleges and meeting principals, director or
head there and showing our proposal to them.

B2C: Online Communities; Online Demo to show the product (Word of Mouth), that is
talking to students and influencing them. Free demo is provided by the company at very low

B2B2C: Presentations in schools, coaching institutes to educate students about the product
and services offered and guiding them through workshops including new games.

This revenue model is actually beneficial as influencing students only will not have that much
output and impact but educating teachers and parents about the product and services and
benefits of it will definitely make sense. As not all students of school have debit cards for
online payments and thus, they need to first influence their parents for that, andif we approach
directly teachers and parents then they can further influence students or their children more
easily due to their bond of love and fear.

Employee Motivation:
Having a core plan for motivating the sales employees can keep the morale up and stick to the
game of selling regardless of the conditions of the market trends. Implementing contests
exclusively for sales force and rewarding them when they meet the goals and targets
can motivate them to motivate the employee of Multiabhshi they use some motivational
factors. These are……

1. Recognition
2. Rewards
3. Retention

As the employee gets the above motivations from the organization so employees always try to
put hundred percent efforts to their job. This increases the productivity of the organization.

Job Description

Nature of job
I have worked under the Sales Department for past one months. During this period, I had been
assigned to work as a Sales Executive to prepare daily sales and collection report to respective
personnel. My other responsibilities included Forecasting & processing weekly sales.
Multibhashi has different Sales Channel and I worked at 1 of these channels.
The Sales Channels are:

1. Corporate Sales Team

2. Direct Sales Team
3. Tele Sales Team
4. Retail Sales Team

Responsibilities on the Job

1. Making cold call - From my potential customers data base I do call at a regular basis. This
technique was really effective because whenever I make a call they are getting my number so
they can easily communicate with me for any clarifications. It is a very good way of making a
strong network.

2. Fix the demo- After making a cold call I fixed an appointment with my respective customer.
Though sometimes it is difficult to take an appointment from the top level management but
somehow I managed it. By the help of appointment I have got chance to describe my product
and show them the demo of our product. I always tried to make my meeting effective and
come up with the interested customers tentative date of purchase.

3. Giving guidelines to the new comers- As I was the best performer in our team for consecutive
two months so my supervisor told me to guide the new comers. He attaches at least one new
employee with me whenever I visited any new places. He gave me the power to supervise the
new employee and also advised me to educate the new comers how to make the meeting
effective as well as how to make a good
4. Attending the team meetings- Every day morning, our whole direct Sales team used to sit
together and made plan for the day. There were 12 Sales Executives and we had a sales target
to meet. For one week, the whole team needed 60 Clients to meet the goal. Our supervisor
usually provides the Potential list of clients, and we had to make appointments with them.
Then we had to visit the clients’ office and sit with them to close the sales deal.

It is must to attend in a team meeting. My supervisor gave us the proper guideline about our
visit, at first he asked us where we are going today. Which organization we will visit? If any
of our employee needs any help for particular day we directly pass it to him and he tried to
help us out accordingly. In every week we had a meeting with our direct sales manager. He
gave us some techniques about a good sale. After attending his meeting I became more
motivated. Finally, in every after of month our head of sales set with us. He handed over a
prize to the highest seller and second highest seller of the month. He also declared a
promotion to those employees.

Timeline Plan

22st July,
o Briefing about the internship.

o To understand the products, calling format and basic information

about Multibhashi.
o Gathering information about the industry and competitors.
o Taking e-mail ID’s from the HR Manager of other company and
sends mail regarding the business proposal, quotation and follow
22 July
o A proper list of leads who needs Multibhahsi Courses .
o A proper list of clients who are ready for demo cases.
05 o Organizing meetings between the customers and my manager.

o Adding new clients and follow up.

o Focus on increasing the sales of Multibhashi .

o Start researching about the strategies followed by competitors of
6th August, Multibhahsi private limited.
2020 – 23nd
o Analyzing the competitors of Multibhashi.
o Submitting all the excel sheets, so that Multibhashi can use it for
future reference.

o Gaining few leads for new courses for next month.

o Comparing my contribution with previous year data.

o Submission of report.


They have also started organizing free workshops for students and teachers both to educate
them about the products and services and interacting with students to solve their any sort of
doubts ,queries and telling benefits of online education and tests in their coming future. And
this initiative has been proved successful also and helped students in different ways, telling
glimpse of new technology and easy learning. After this many students actually used to visit
Multibhashi site and register themselves for free to experience new world of technology.

In this online business there is no such fixed investment that one needs to do every year, like
they managed their promotional videos , campaign by their own instead of having any expert
from outside, so if all goes well then organization budget for coming year would be approx.
30 -35 lakhs to have more output, awareness and features as well.

As this company started a year before only, so they are still working on both (online) the
model to reach as many people as possible, and thus there is no such model that has proved to
be beneficial because model are equally important to generate awareness.

They are working on one new feature that is adding foreign language course for 12thstudents,
those have opted commerce. This will help them learning new language, sitting at their home
only and this will motivate them to learn new things and will definitely attract more
customers. With their vision to give quality education, they came up with attractive and
helpful features of free guiding and mentoring sessions for all students, that will help students
to choose their stream afterwards based on their knowledge, satisfaction, preferences, and
personality test. And to help students learn vocab in the easiest way in the form of story.


CSR is the responsibility of every citizen so as to serve and help our nation.
Multibahshi has also done CSR by free tie up with NGO –AMA, and thus
providing education for free and also planning to give free education to
government schools students, also into providing free workshops, guiding and
mentoring sessions.

Being a start-up, there is a Good HR practices in specific and they are hiring
best professionals from outside because they all are themselves employees and
managers. They believe in doing team work sincerely, and till now no one has
left the company. They also need to take training or coaching from experts in
order to learn and adopt new things. Like they have learned some more new
tricks on social media from Mrs. Sunita , social media consultant, to use them
properly in their business.


A SWOT analysis helps you understand where your business stands in the market so you can
effectively position your products or services to appeal to the right audience, gain a larger
market share, and increase your profits.
It's also important to provide your sales and marketing department with the right tools so they
can leverage the information and properly execute an effective strategy.


• Teamwork and coordination

• Cost effective working style
• Experts are there for the analysis part
• Useful product line
• Huge Scope - Whole world is the audience
• Attractive features
• Their management is a great strength to the company


• Less members in the team

• Less advertising tools and efforts
• Late follow up.
• Lacking a marketing budget and strategy to systematically generate more leads.


• Global reach
• Can increase the product line.
• Direct working on live project
• Learning business techniques


• Increasing competitors
• Threat to Uniqueness and consistency
• High implantation and maintenance cost
• Lack of technology and Infrastructure
• Security and authorization issues


PESTLE analysis is very important factor for every business. PESTLE analysis shows the
internal factors of the business and its environment. It is a fundamental tool of market planning
and strategizing that must be carried out to comprehend market trends and the systematic risks
involved. PESTLE analysis gives us an overview of the whole situation of our business might be
in. Precisely, it is a bird‟s eye view of the stimulus. The parts of PESTEL are Political, Economic,
Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental.

1. Political: Most organization of INDIA is widely affected by the political unrest and instability
of the country. Because when there is a strike, or any sort of conflict people doesn't get out of
their home so the sales of Multibhashi products decreases immensely. Moreover because of this
unrest daily life is also affected. On the other hand, in the time of government change our
business face some losses as every government impose their own rules and regulation so it is
difficult to us to cope up with that changes.

2. Economic: As we know that our country is not that much developed, economic instability is
an issue here. So, in the time of economic inflation and recession Multibhashi faces problem.
Moreover, taxation is a very important impact on an organization’s revenue. However,
Multibhashi PVT. Ltd itself is employing a lot of people so the unemployment rate is decreasing.
This decreasing unemployment rate helps our economy.

3. Social: Education is the backbone of a nation and Multibhashi PVT. Ltd. helps to people
educated and increase people knowledge. Multibhashi mainly focused on students. Their target
customer are students and teachers mainly. They offer many discounts for the students which
help them financially. Multibhashi enables the teacher and the student to set their
own learning pace, and there's the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone's

agenda. As a result, using an online educational platform allows for a better balance of work
and studies, so there's no need to give anything up.

4. Technological: Technology is a great advancement for us. Nowadays various kinds of

machineries are invented so that we are able to produce more product than past days. Moreover,
technology also helps us to market our products through TV, social media and internet. Through
technology Multibhashi undergoes through many research processes to upgrade their product.

5. Legal: Multibhashi is renewed company all over the Bangladesh and they maintain their rules
and regulation from very beginning. This organization are following few employment laws that
what qualities they require in their employee. Every organization has some specific rules and
regulation which is imposed by the government and Multibhashi maintain those rules and
regulation properly. Moreover, Multibhahsi itself has a very high reputation of its honesty and
loyalty so it has a brand preference and it abides by the laws.

6. Environmental: From an environmental perspective, widespread online education definitely

requires the electricity to power hundreds of millions of devices around the world for longer
periods of the day. However, it’s important to remember that running physical schools uses energy
too, especially in lighting and heating premises. It’s unclear what the net effect of a transition to
online education would be. Though our products Multibhashi maintain the environmental rules
and regulation. So, they are trying to produce environment friendly. They always care about the
employee health.

Porters Five Forces

I. Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrance in this market is low because the entry
barrier is relatively strong in the industry because the starting process along with the cost is high.
Some of the new entrants are local language tutors. So, the threat of new entrants is low.

II. Threat of substitutes: There are different substitutes of online learning such as E-book,
kandle, Pdf file, illegal copy etc. Those are lower price than multibahshi products, so people can
easily switch. So, the threat of substitute is moderate.

III. Threat of intense segment rivalry: Multibhashi private Ltd has many competitors. There are
many brand like Busuu , Bhasa sprof, Spanish bolo, British council, etc. which offers equal
products. So the threat of existing rivalry is very high.

IV. Threat of buyers bargaining power: The buyer‟s bargaining power is high here. Buyers can
easily switch to other brands if they do not like the quality or the price is higher compared to
competitors. In our country there are many retailers so the bargaining power is high as well.

V. Threat of suppliers bargaining power: The main ingredients of online learning is notes
pupation like solution of previous year paper, I is available in our country. Those ingredients are
produced by many companies, so the bargaining power of supplier is low.

Chapter – 3

Data analysis

Table No. 1

Table representing the Gender wise tele calling done to customer

Gender No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 46 46%

Female 54 54%

Total 100 100%


➢ 46% of the respondents are male.

➢ 54% of the respondents are female.


➢ Majority of the calls are done to Female.

Graph- 1

The Gender wise tele calling done to customer



Male Female

Table – 2

Table Representing Total No. of Responses on the bases of Calling

Response No. of response

Responded 55
Ignored 45
Total 100


This Pie chart shows the total number of responses that I got in the areas where I have
done tele calling. Out of the total 100 Customer in a day. I have covered through tele
calling total number of responses where 55 but the customer who have ignored us
where more i.e. 45

No. of respondents



Responded Not responded

Table – 3
Table representing the Profession of the Customer

Profession No. of Respondents Percentage

Students 40 40
Professional 33 33
Others 27 27
Total 100 100

➢ 40% of the customer are students who learn language.

➢ 33% of the customer are Professionals who learn language.

➢ 27% of the customer are of other professions who learn language.


Majority of the customer are who learn foreign language and regional language are students.

Graph – 3

Representing the Profession of the customer




Student Professional Others

Table No. 4

Table representing the pricing of products

Prices No. of Respondents Percentage

High ─ ─
Reasonable 43 43%
Competitive 57 57%
Low ─ ─
Total 100 100%


➢ 43% of the respondents are of the opinion that the products are reasonable.

➢ 57% of the respondents are of the opinion that the prices of the products are competitive.

➢ None of the respondents feel that the prices of the products are either high or low.


➢ Majority of the respondents opine that the prices of the products are reasonable.

➢ The prices of the products are reasonable though they are competitive.

Graph – 4

Pricing of product



Reasonable Competitive

Table No. 5

Table representing the major competitors of

Multibhashi Private Limited

Major Competitor No. of Respondents Percentage

Duolingo 64 64
Urban pro 20 20
Busuu 16 16
Total 100 100


➢ Majority of the respondents i.e. 64% opines that there is Duolingo in the market.

➢ 20% of the respondents are of the opinion that the Urban pro is the major competitor.

➢ Busuu is considered as the major competitor by 16% of the respondents.


➢ Though the companies like Urban pro and Busuu came into the picture but the fact reveals that

there is duolingo in the market. So everyone is competing with each other.

Graph 5

Representing the major competitors of Multibahsi Pvt.





Duolingo Urban Pro Busuu

Table No. 6

Table representing the competitor’s strength

Strength No. of Respondents Percentage

Quality 20 20
Brand Image 46 46
Pricing 18 18
Promotional Activities 16 16
Total 100 100


➢ 46% of the respondents are of the opinion that the competitor’s strength is brand image.

➢ 16% of the respondents opine that promotional activities are the strength of the competitors.

➢ 18% of the respondents feel that quality are the strength of the competitors.

➢ 20% of the respondents feel that pricing are the strength of the competitors


➢ Majority of the respondents opines that brand image is the strength of the competitors.

Graph – 6

The Competitor’s Strength

No. of respondents




Quality Brand Image Pricing Promotional Activities


Table No. 7

Table representing the quality of the products of Multibhashi

with respect to other competitors

Rating No. of Respondents Percentage

Good 55 55
Very good 45 45
Fair ─ ─
Poor ─ ─
Total 100 100


➢ Majority of the respondents i.e. 55% are of the opinion that the products are of good quality

with respect to other competitors.

➢ 45% of the respondents opine that the products are of very good quality with respect to the

other competitors.

➢ None of the respondents are of the opinion that the products are of fair or poor quality with

respect to other competitors.


➢ Majority of the respondents is of the opinion that the products are of good quality and is at par

with other competitors having brand names.

Graph – 7

Quality of the products of Multibhashi with respect to other


No. of Respondents

Very good



Table No. 8

Table representing kind of products sold more per month

Products No. of Respondents Percentage

Foreign Language 60 60
Regional Language 30 30
Others 10 10
Total 100 100


➢ 60% of the respondents are of the opinion that Foreign language are sold more per month.

➢ 30% of the respondents are of the opinion that Regional language are sold more per month.

➢ 10% of the respondents are of the opinion that others products are sold more per month.


➢ Majority of the respondents is of the opinion that Foreign Language and Regional Language

are sold more per month because most of the people are not knowing about other products.

Graph 8

Kinds of products sold more per month





Foreign Language Regional Language Other Products

Table No. 9

Table representing the merits of the products of Multibahshi

that differentiates it from others

Merits No. of Respondents Percentage

Reasonable price 33 33
Quality 24 24
Customized product 33 33
Finishing 10 10
Total 100 100


➢ 33% of the respondents are of the opinion that reasonable pricing and a customized product

differentiates the products of Multibhashi from that of others.

➢ 24% of the respondents are of the opinion that quality is the differentiating factor.

➢ 10% of the respondents are of the opinion that finishing is the differentiating factor.


➢ Reasonable pricing and customized products differentiate the products of Multibhashi from

that of others.

➢ In fact, all the merits such as reasonable pricing, customized products, quality and finishing

contributes in differentiating the products from others.

Graph 9

Merits that differentiates the products of Multibhashi Pvt.



Reasonable Price



Table No. 10

Table representing the factors which play a major role in

demand generation

Factors Ratings

5 4 3 2 1
Price of the product 4 3 0 1 1

Awareness about the product 3 1 0 4 1

Understanding of the product 1 0 5 1 2

Presentation about the product 0 2 0 3 4

Design of the product 1 3 4 0 1

5 - Very important, 4 - Important, 3 - Makes little

difference, 2 - Not important, 1 – Does not make

any difference.


➢ Price of the product gets the maximum of 5 rating.

➢ Design of the product and the price of the product get the maximum of 4 rating.

➢ Understanding of the product gets the maximum of 3 ratings.

➢ Awareness about the product gets the maximum of 2 rating.

➢ Presentation about the product gets the maximum of 1 rating.


➢ Price of the product plays a major role in the demand generation.

➢ Design of the product plays an important role in demand generation.

➢ Understanding time of the product can make a little difference in age generation.

Graph 10

Factors playing a major role in demand generation


4 4 4

Price of the product

3 3 3 3 Awareness about the product
Understanding of the product
Presentation about the product
2 2
2 Design of the product

1 1 1 1 1

00 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5

Table No. 11

Table representing the promotion of the products of

Multibhashi Pvt. Ltd.

Promotions No. of Respondents Percentage

Paper insertion 24 24
Telemarketing 33 33
Display stalls ─ ─
Participation in _ _
Direct mail 33 33
Presentations 10 10
Showrooms - -
Total 100 100


➢ 24% of the respondents are of the opinion that paper insertions are used as promotion of the


➢ 33% of the respondents opine that telemarketing is the means of promotion of the products.

➢ 33% of the respondents feel that Direct Mail has promoted the product.

➢ 10% of the respondents are of the opinion that Presentations are used as promotion of the



➢ The company adopts a variety of promotional methods such as paper insertion, telemarketing,

display stalls, direct mail, presentations

Graph 11

Methods of promoting the products

Paper insertion

direct mail


Table No. 12

Table representing the discount if given on repeat purchase

Discounts Given No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 90 90
No 10 10
Total 100 100


➢ 90% of the respondents are of the opinion that the discount is given on repeat purchase.

➢ 10% of the respondents are of the opinion that discounts are not given on repeat purchase.


➢ Majority of the respondents is of the opinion that discounts are given on repeat purchase.

Graph 12

Discounts given on repeat purchase

No. of Respondents


Table No. 13

Table representing the percentage of discounts given on

repeat purchase

Percentage of Discount No. of Respondent Percentage

2 – 5% 1 1
6 – 10% 6 6
11 – 15% 81 81
16 – 20% 6 6
None 6 6
Total 100 100


➢ 81% of the respondents are of the opinion that 11-15% discount is given on repeat purchase.

➢ 6% of the respondents opine that 6-10% of discount is given on repeat purchase.

➢ 6% of the respondents are of the opinion that no discount is given on repeat purchase.

➢ 6% of the respondents are of the opinion that 16-20% of discount given on repeat purchase.

➢ 1% of the respondents are of the opinion that 2-5% of the discount given on repeat purchase.


➢ Majority of the respondents are of the opinion that 11-15% discount is given on repeat


➢ The company does not adhere to any stringent norm while giving discount on repeat purchase

as there is difference of opinion among the respondents.

Graph 13

Percentage of discount given on repeat purchase

6% 1% 6%


2-5% 6-10% 11-15% 16-20% None

Table No. 14

Table representing the way of marketing of the products

Way No. of Respondents Percentage

Direct 75 75
newspaper ─ ─
Personal 25 25
All of the above ─ ─
Total 100 100


➢ 75% of the respondents are of the opinion that the marketing of products is through direct


➢ 25% of the respondents are of the opinion that the marketing of products is through Personal



➢ The products are marketed through direct marketing and Newspaper and personal are not

involved in the marketing process.

Graph 14

The way of marketing of the products



Direct marketing

Direct marketing Personal

Table No. 15

Table representing the target consumers

Target No. of Respondents Percentage

Upper class 70 70
Middle class 25 25
Lower class 05 05
Total 100 100%


➢ 70% the target customers are from upper class.

➢ 25% of the target customers are from middle class.

➢ 05% of the target customer are from lower class


➢ The target consumers are the upper class and the middle class.

Graph 15

The target consumers




Upper Class Middle Clas Lower class

Table No. 16

Table representing How easy or difficult was it to complete your

product purchase

Kind of incentives No. of Respondents Percentage

Easy 56 56
Difficult 25 25
Moderate 12 12
None of these 06 6
Total 100 100


➢ 56% of the respondents are of the opinion that it was easy to complete product purchase.

➢ 25% of the respondents are of the opinion that it was difficult to complete product purchase.

➢ 12% of the respondents are of the opinion that it was Moderate to complete product purchase.

➢ 6% of the respondents are of the opinion that it was None of these option to complete product



➢ It was easy to purchase the product

Graph 16

How easy or difficult was it to complete your product purchase



Easy Difficult Moderate None of the above


A Summary of Findings:

The finding can be grouped together into two broad categories such as;

Specific Findings:

This is pertaining to the objectives of the study.

General Findings:

This is with regard to the market dynamics and visits made by the researcher to
companies having almost similar products profile.

Specific Findings:
1. As Multibhashi is an start-up so for some time they give free demo and this makes wrong
impression on some people because they think that maybe it is free so it is not reliable.

2. I have learned that for the smooth starting of any business the work should be done very

3. Hierarchy must be maintained, so that every working technician is expert in his field.

4. The company adopts a variety of promotional methods such as telemarketing, digital

marketing, participating in webinars, direct mail, presentations.

5. Transparency is maintained at the levels of the organization.

General Findings

1. “Quality never comes cheap”. This is true but at the same time, it is also true that
quality can come at a reasonable price. With regard to the quality, products of
Multibhashi at par with the other players having brand names and at the same time the
products are reasonable priced.

2. With regard to Foreign language, most of the companies have standardized products
but the products of Multibhashi are customized. This can be rightly marked as the
strength of the company.

3. The prices of the products are reasonable though they are competitive. The products are
of good quality and are at par with other competitors having brand names

4. Regional language and other products are yet to be sold and Foreign language are sold

more per month. So, this area needs greater focus.

5. Reasonable pricing, customized products, quality and finishing contributes in

differentiating the products of the organization from that of the others.

6. Apart from price of the product, design of the product ordered play a crucial role in

triggering out demand generation of the product.

7. Discount is given on repeat purchase. The company does not adhere to stringent norm

while giving discount on repeat purchase.

8. The target consumers are the elite and upper middle class.


1. Many people didn’t provide us complete information. Which they thought was
confidential for them to display to other people outside the organization.

2. The database which is provided to us for calling was an old database

i.e. Most of the numbers were either not reachable or out of service so it wasted
my time because I have to again search for the correct data.

3. Working environment was not that much appropriate as we have to do the sales

4. Seriousness of the person cannot be judged on telephones, there are many

customers which show interest in the data collecting process but they do not pick
up the call afterwards, this shows that they were cold calls and there was lack of

5. One of the limitations is that most of the response comes from face to face
interactions because face to face we can convince better and on the phone people
are mostly not ready to listen.

6. Customer cannot be easily convinced through telephonic calls.

7. Some officials don't feel comfortable while sharing the data in case of cold
calling because of the trust factor.

Chapter – 4


1.Lot of exposure and promotion is required in order to make their presence. They will have to
increase promotion funds.

2. They should invest more on research and development to introduce new and innovative

3. The Lead quality should be improved as it will motivate employees to perform better.

4.Their online platform should be so flexible that it could be customized according to the needs
of customer.

5.They should follow up to the clients just after anybody applied to learn the otherwise there will
be no benefit of applying because they cannot remember each and every one applying them, so it
is our duty to keep reminding them.

6. The strength of the company is its customized products. This very fact must be
highlighted in the marketing campaign.

7.As the products are reasonably priced, the ambit of the target consumers should be
stretched so that middle class consumers also fit into it.

8. The company must stick to a norm while giving discounts on repeat purchase. This
will certainly help in sales promotion in order to create repeat purchase.

9. It’s overwhelming to find out that the organization works in a systematic manner. A
blend of co-ordination will definitely enhance the performance of the company.

Chapter- 5


In this internship the project assigned to me was of online sales and marketing, in
the online work I have to do calling and promoting Multibhashi. For getting
prospects for the company and in the digital media work I have to do the
promotion through social networking sites. so to conclude I must say that from
this project I have learned how B2B and B2C sales is done which requires a lot of
hard work .i have also done the work of tele calling so have learned how to build
network, how to convince people and handle queries and have learned how
business development is done right from the initial stage.

From the online work undertaken by me to some extent I am successful in making

people aware of Multibhashi by personally convincing them and also from the
tele calling. Database if collected from some secondary source then it is most of
the times wrong data so the trusted data is that what you get personally from the

From both type of marketing online as well as online it is somewhat slow process
to convert the customer proper follow up is needed to get the prospect for a
business. Competitors analysis is also a very important part because by tracking
the major competitors you can improve your product line and you get to know
which type of services are mostly needed by the customer. With competitor
analysis, the customer analysis is also needed so that you can customize your
product and services according to the customer.

While doing this project I have observed that company personally is more
beneficial in calling them because by personally talking to them you can’t see the
facial expression and accordingly judge that what the person needed and they are
interested or not and also one of the major factor is trust, usually on phone people
may not trust you and provide you with the needed information.


1. Now I know that actually how B2C sales is done which requires a lot of hard
work and nowadays every company has to promote their product and from
Multibhashi I am learnt how slowly and gradually you can make a position in the
market . I also learned how the products are customized for different customers
and how the company sells the products in B2B and B2C market, I am learnt how
corporate business development is done.

2. The project made me learn that not only contacting the clients and arranging the
data is important but follow up is also equally important to converting any
particular company.

3. Working in and out the organization is done in a particular order and each one is
related to each other. So, providing other person with the report on time is most
important to carry on the working of the firm smoothly because in firms
providing services on time is the most important factor to be considered.

4. The work given must not be delayed even once; this creates a wrong impression
in the mind of the senior about the subordinate. Every step must be done on time,
delay of work can lead to non-conversion of any Company, leading to the loss to
the firm and it will also create our bad impression on our senior.

5. The meetings attended by me made me learn that the offering made to the clients
must be carefully done and it must be clear in the mind of the person
representative because it can lead to miscommunication and it may even create
wrong impression on the company representative. You should be confident about
the product you are promoting because if you cannot trust your product then why
would the person on the other side will trust you.




1. Gender of the lead whom calling is done.


2. Number the of responses based on calling.

3. Profession of customer.

4. Pricing of the product.


5. Who are the major competitor of multibahshi.

Urban pro

6. What is the competitor’s strength?

Brand Image
Promotional Activities

7. What is the quality of the products of Multibashi with respect to others competitor’s?
Very good


8. What is the kind of products sold more per month?

Foreign Language
Regional Language

9. What are the merits of the products of multibhahsi that differentiates it from others?
Reasonable price
Customized product

10.What factors play a major role in demand generation?

Price of the product

Awareness about the product

Understanding of the product

Presentation about the product

Design of the product

11.What method is used for doing marketing in multibhashi?
Paper insertion
Display stalls
Participation in
Direct mail

12.What is the discount given to the customer on the repeat purchase?


13. How much percent customer get discount on repeat purchase?
2 – 5%
6 – 10%
11 – 15%
16 – 20%

14.Techniques used by company to do marketing of the products.

All of the above

15.Who is the target market of the company?

Upper class
Middle class
Lower class

16.How easy or difficult is to purchase the product from the multibhashi?

None of these

Thank You


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