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no one must be allowed to pass ahead of this column.

All mills must be burned and the canal

destroyed. Keep the force on the southern side posted of any important movement of the
enemy, and in case of danger some of the scouts must swim the river and bring us
information. We must try to secure the bridge to the city one mile below Belle Isle and
release the prisoners at the same time. If we do not succeed they must then dash down, and
we will try to carry the bridge from each side. The bridges once secured, and the prisoners
loosed and over the river, the bridges will be secured and the city destroyed
Jennie paused and lifted her eyes burning with feverish light. Merciful God How With oakum
and turpentine. A city of one hundred thousand inhabitants, under the cover of darkness men,
women and children, the aged, the poor, the helpless Socola made no answer. A thoughtful
dreamy look masked his handsome features. Jennie read the next sentence from the Dahlgren
paper in high quivering tone The men must be kept together and well in hand, and once in the
city, it must be destroyed and Jeff Davis and his Cabinet killed
The girl paused and fixed her gaze on Socola. The man who planned that raid came with the
willful and deliberate murder of unarmed men in his soul. The man who helped him inside is
equally guilty of his crime She resumed her reading without waiting for reply. Prisoners will
go along with combustible material. The officer must use his discretion about the time of
assisting us. Pioneers must be prepared to construct a bridge or destroy one. They must have
plenty of oakum and turpentine for burning, which will be rolled in soaked balls, and given to
the men to burn when we get into the city
Socola lifted his hand. Please, dear these instructions are not mine. I do not excuse or palliate
them. The daring youngster who conceived this paid the penalty with his life. Its all that any
of us can give for his country. Theres something that interests me now far more than this
sensation for more than the mere fact that my true business here has been discovered by you
and my life forfeited to your Government And that is That the woman I love can deliver me
to death You doubt it I had not believed it possible. Ill show you. Jennie stepped to the door
and pulled the oldfashioned bellcord. A servant appeared. In strained tones the girl said Go to
Captain Welfords office and ask him to come here immediately with two solders Yassam the
Negro bowed and hurried from the house, and Jennie sat down in silence beside the door.
Socola confronted her, his hands gripped in nervous agony behind his back, his slender figure
erect, his breath coming in deep excited draughts. You think that Ill submit to my fate without
a fight Youve got to submit. Your escape from Richmond is a physical impossibility He
searched the depths of her heart. I. was not thinking of my body just then. I have no desire to
live if you can hand me to my executioner He paused and a sob came from the girls distracted
soul. He moved a step closer. Im not afraid to die you must know that Im not a coward No. I
couldnt have loved a coward The thing I cant endure is that you, the woman to whom I have
surrendered my soul, should judge me
Worthy of death. Come, my own, this is madness. We must see each other as God sees now.
You must realize that only the highest and noblest motive could have sent a man of my
character and training on such a mission. We differ in our political views for the moment
even as you differ from the older brother whom you love and respect

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