Hansel and Gretel

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Hansel and Gretel

In a small cottage at the edge of a dense forest, there lived a poor woodcutter with his two children,
Hansel and Gretel. Times were tough, and food was scarce. The cruel stepmother suggested that
they abandon the children deep in the woods, as they could no longer afford to feed them.
Hansel, overhearing their plan, collected white pebbles and scattered them along the path into the
woods. That night, the moonlight illuminated the pebbles, guiding the children back home. Their
stepmother was furious but decided to give them another chance.
A week later, the family's situation had not improved. Once again, the stepmother urged the
woodcutter to abandon the children. This time, they were deeper in the woods, and Hansel had no
pebbles. Instead, he left a trail of breadcrumbs, thinking they could follow it home. However, the
birds in the forest ate the breadcrumbs, leaving them lost.
Hansel and Gretel wandered for days until they stumbled upon a strange house made entirely of
gingerbread, candy, and sweets. Their hunger got the better of them, and they began to nibble at
the house. To their surprise, an old witch emerged, her house being a trap to lure children in. She
captured Hansel and locked him in a cage, planning to fatten him up and eat him.
Gretel, though frightened, hatched a clever plan. She pretended to be a simpleton and asked the
witch how to light the oven. When the witch demonstrated, Gretel pushed her into the oven, ending
her wickedness.
Gretel rescued Hansel, and they found a chest of jewels and riches in the witch's house. They filled
their pockets and left to find their way home. On their journey, they came across a beautiful swan
that offered them a ride across a lake. The swan carried them safely to the other side.
When Hansel and Gretel reached their home, they discovered their stepmother had passed away,
and their father was overjoyed to see them. They shared the riches they had found, and they lived
comfortably for the rest of their days.

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