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The line graph illustrates the trends in international visits involving the United

Kingdom from 1979 to 1999, while the bar chart provides specific data on the
most popular destinations for UK residents in the year 1999.
The data presented in the line graph and bar chart demonstrate a steady
increase in the number of UK residents traveling abroad compared to overseas
residents coming to the UK. In 1999, France and Spain stood out as the most
preferred international destinations for UK residents
Initially, in 1979, the number of UK residents traveling abroad and the number
of overseas visitors coming to the UK were relatively similar, both hovering
around 10 million visits. However, as time progressed, there was a noticeable
divergence between the two. The number of visits abroad by UK residents saw
a significant and steady increase, reaching over 50 million by 1999. In
contrast, the number of overseas residents visiting the UK grew at a slower
pace, reaching just under 30 million by the end of the period.

Turning to the bar chart, it provides a snapshot of the top destinations for UK
residents in 1999. Noticeably, France emerged as the clear favourite , with
approximately 11 million UK residents visiting the country during that year.
Markedly, Spain followed closely behind as the second most popular
destination, attracting around 9 million visitors from the UK. Further down
the list were the USA, Greece, and Turkey, with each country receiving
approximately 4, 3, and 2 million UK visitors, respectively. While these
countries were still reasonably popular choices for UK travelers, they fell
considerably behind France and Spain in terms of visitor numbers.

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