Whiteboard 28-Oct-2023

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Clas-V Olass- X
Phystos elas-IX
Eleotrio ourrent md it6 etfect Metlon
Motion nd time
Heat and Temperutuuo (oviteton
Gl bel yaln
Light Mellon
Foroand Pressure v Worb Pwer UnlEiorgy
Sound M Oviteton
#ofleotion of lght
Chemioal Effect of ourent #ofetion of ligtit
Chemistry Gombuatlonendtlne Hurnenfye
Physioaland Chemical ohongon fossll Fuols (Cool, PetrolenendNturl 0a) Choi/
Water Polltion of Alr Atonie ttruoture
Synthetio Fiber and Plastic la Mutle Aroundun ue Atorms ind Mol0ules
Metal and Non Metal Melter i OW Bobdngs Aold He909,Sult9
Biotogy Chemioal Rouotion
dings Respiration in Organlsm Conservatlon of Plante nd Animale Metals tndNoMotuls
Transportatlon In lantegnd Animals Crop Produetlon and Munugement tiology
nimals Forest - Our lite line Mloro Orgnlsm:Frlend ond toe Diversity in living organisrn
Mioro Organisn Reproduotlon and Reaehing the uye of Natural ResOuro9s
Cell Struoture and functlon adolesoenee Why do we full ill
Crop produotien and managemer Food produotien and MencIgement Nutrition
Maths Cell Struoture and Funetion Exoretion
Congruence of Triangles Tiseue Rospiratlon
Fraotions and pecimals Mutha Transportation in Animal
Integers Algebrcale Expresslon &ldentitles Trunsportotion in plants
Linear Equations in one Variable (std - vi ComparlngQuantlty Maths
Perimeter and Area Cube and Cube Root Polynomial (std-1X)
Practioal Geometry Direot and Inverse Proportions Cirolos (std-Ix)
Misualizing solig shapes Exponente ancd Power Horon' Forrmula
Linéar Equations in qne Variglble (sA V) Mensuratlon Statístios
Cubes and Cube Rooté
Square and Square Roots Surfaoe arog andVolumos
Exponents and Powers
Understanding Qucicdrllaterals Lines, Angios,
Rational Numbers
Square and Squar Roots
Faotorlzaton Trianglos-Congruoncy
similarity of trianglos
and Quadrilatorals
Understanding Quadrilateralq Co-ordinate Oeometry Numbor Systom
Number syatem
Polynomlal Co-ordinate Ooomotry
Blood Rolation Linecar Equation In one Varlable Polynomial (std-x)
Coding- Decoding Linos,Angles and Trlangles Introduotion to Trigonormotry
Counting in Figura Linear Equation in Two
Cubes and Dioo Variablos
Direction Senso
Blood Relatlon Probability
Embeddod Figures Codlng- Deoodlng Comparing Quantitios
Insert tho Missing Character
Countlng ln Flguro
Cubos nd Dloe Blood Rolation
Mathematioal Operation Dirootlon Sonae Calendar
Mirror Imag Embeddod Figuros Clock
Nonverbal Sorios
Numbor Ranking
Insert the Mlualng Charaotor Coding and Docoding
Lotter Serles Counting Figuro
Mathematloal Oporation Cubos and Dico
Venn-Diagram Mirror Image Diroctlon Sonso
Water Imago
Nonverbal Serles Emboddod Figuro
Number Ranking MathonatioalOporation
Number Serles Missing Charactor
Venn -Dlagram
Wator Imago Non-vorbal Analogy
Non-vorbal Sorios
Numbor Ranking
Puzzlo Tost
sitting Arrangomont

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