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Pier: Hi Evelin and Diego, how are you?

Evelin: Fine, thanks

Pier: Fine, tell me about your family routines

Diego: Of course, my older brother's daily activities are that every day he gets up at 6:00 a.m.
to go to school until noon, then he goes to his job to help pay for his studies, returns home at
8:00 p.m., does half an hour of exercise and dinner and waits 1 hour and then goes to rest.

Pier: From what I understand, your brother gets up very early and returns to your house at 8
p.m. since he studies and works.

Diego: And Evelin, what is your sibling’s routine?

Evelin: Every morning my sister, Estefani, wakes up at 8 a.m after she has breakfast with my
brother she goes to work. Then she goes to her university where she studies administration,
she comes back home and does her homework.

Elver is my little brother, he is 12 years old, after breakfast he goes to his school "Naciones
Unidas" and comes back home at 3 p.m and at night he plays with our dog, Hunter.

Diego: So your sister Estefani studies administration and your brother at the "Naciones Unidas"
school, and you have a Dog named Hunter.

Evelin: Yes, Hunter is my family’s dog. Pier, tell us the routine of your family members

Pier: Every day my brother Antony wakes up at 5 in the morning then he goes out to train.
Then he goes to his academy preparation pre-military, at night he does his things and reviews
his academic subjects a bit.

Every day my sister Ariana wakes up at 7 to go to school. Then he goes to school, in the
afternoon he returns for lunch and watches YouTube, at night he does his homework.

Evelin: I see, so your brother Antoni is preparing to be a military and your sister still goes to

Pier: Yes! Well, I need to go my house, bye Evelin and Diego

Diego: Bye Pier

Evelin: Byee

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