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NAME: ______________ SECTION: ______________


Understanding Extraordinary 5 Average 3 Poor 1

The artwork is planned The art work is planned The artwork shows no
carefully; understanding of all adequately; understanding of understanding of the concepts
concepts and instructions is some concepts and instructions and instructions. Made no
clearly shown. Made clear shown. Made unclear connections between one's
connections between one's self connections between one's self self and the tribes.
and the tribes. and the tribes.

Craftsmanship/ Skill Extraordinary 5 Average 3 Poor 1

The artwork shows The artwork shows average The artwork shows poor
outstanding craftsmanship, craftmanship and attention to craftmanship and no attention
with clear attention to detail. detail. to detail.

Creativity/ Extraordinary 5 Average 3 Poor 1

The artwork demonstrates The artwork demonstrates an The artwork lacks evidence
original personal expression average amount of personal of personal expression.
and outstanding problem expression.
solving skills.

TOTAL SCORE: _____ /15

Preparedness Poor (1) Fair (3) Good (5)

Student does not seem at all Student seems pretty prepared but Student is completely prepared
prepared to present. might have needed a couple more and has obviously rehearsed.

Content Poor (1) Fair (3) Good (5)

Does not seem to understand the Shows a good understanding of parts Shows a full understanding of
topic very well. of the topic. the topic.

Speaks Clearly Poor (1) Fair (3) Good (5)

Often mumbles or can not be Speaks clearly and distinctly most Speaks clearly and distinctly all
understood OR mispronounces ( 94-85%) of the time. (100-95%) the time, and
more than one word. Mispronounces no more than one mispronounces no words.

TOTAL SCORE: _____/15

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