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Fernanda Urquiza

Summarizing Skills

Topic sentences:
1. As psychology is such a wide discipline, it can be classi ed in a variety of ways.
2. When its main function is to research basic principles, psychology is regarded as a pure
3. Although psychology may be classed as a pure science, it can also be an applied science.
4. As well as being classi ed as a science, psychology can also be divided into two main
approaches: process and person.
5. An alternative method of classifying psychology is by its major theories.
6. Psychology can also be divided into its applied elds.

1. Psychology can be divided in many ways. One of them would be to divide it into pure science
and applied science. Moreover, it can also be separated by how it is applied: process or
person. On the other hand, one can classify psychology by the di erent theories: behaviourist,
cognitive, psychodynamic, humanistic and social constructivist. Finally, psychology can also
be classi ed by di erent branches of the eld, for example: clinical psychology, biopsychology
and forensic psychology.
2. Psychology is considered a pure science when its goal is to investigate the fundaments of the
science. This is done by investigating the theory and learning in other to set the base for the
consequent research.
3. Psychology can also be considered an applied science. It is an applied science when it has a
practical goal. An example of this would be a psychologist that applies the theory in their
4. Psychology can be split into two di erent applications, process and person. The process
application focuses on biological and intellectual knowledge to understand human behaviour.
On the other hand, the person application analyses the relationships with di erent people and
how the experience is perceived.
5. Psychology could also be divided by the di erent theories. For example, behaviourists believe
that the environment is the biggest in uence on the behaviour, rejecting subjective factors. On
the other hand, cognitive psychologists give value to the subjective areas and support them
having an in uence on the behaviour.
6. Finally, psychology is classi ed by the di erent branches of study. An example of this is there
are educational psychologists, which are a part of the developmental branch of psychology.

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