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Background of Landscaped Decks

The proposed landscape decks at Lam Tin Interchange (LTI) and Tseung Kwan O
(TKO) under Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT) Project form part of the
noise enclosures which serve as a direct noise mitigation measures (DNMMs) under
the approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of TKO-LTT project to
mitigate the noise generation arising from the commissioning of TKO-LTT. Shrubs and
trees are proposed to be planted on the landscaped decks to soften the noise
enclosures which are in the form of concrete structures. The landscape decks at LTI
and TKO are originally intended to be designed as passive greening measures and
are not be opened to public.

Since the commencement of construction phase of TKO-LTT project, public requests

have been received for opening these two landscape decks at LTI and TKO to public
for enjoyment. In response to the public requests received above, project team has
refined the designs of landscape decks at LTI and TKO for opening to the public and
approached the relevant authorities and departments such as LCSD for discussion of
the landscape designs and maintenance responsibilities.

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