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Family Members:
2. Family Descriptions:
Nuclear family (parents and children)
Extended family (includes aunts, uncles, cousins)
Close-knit family (very emotionally close)
Blended family (comprising stepparents and step-siblings)
Immediate family (parents and siblings)
Distant relatives (relatives not living nearby)
Family ties (strong connections within the family)
3. Relationships:
Sibling rivalry (conflict between siblings)
Strong bond (close emotional connection)
Family values (shared beliefs within the family)
Family traditions (customs passed down through generations)
Family support (emotional and financial assistance)
Family dynamics (interactions and relationships within the family)
4. Family Events and Celebrations:
Family gatherings
Family reunions
Family dinners
Celebrate birthdays
Special occasions
Festive gatherings
5. Daily Activities:
Family meals
Quality time with family
Bonding activities
Family discussions
Family outings
Household chores
Parenting responsibilities
6. Emotions and Feelings:
Love and affection
Caring and nurturing
Family unity
Family conflicts
Parental guidance
Sibling rivalry
Family harmony
Family traditions
7. Life Stages:
Raising children
Empty nest syndrome (when children leave home)
Growing old together
Retiring and enjoying family time
Family milestones

1. Do you have a large or small family?

2. How many siblings do you have?
3. What is the role of family in your culture?
4. Do you live with your family?
5. Are you close to your family members?
6. Who is your closest family member?
7. Do you usually spend a lot of time with your family?
8. How often do you visit your extended family, like grandparents or cousins?
9. Do you have any family traditions or customs?
10. Are there any special celebrations or events in your family?
11. Do you think family is important in people's lives?
12. What kind of activities do you like to do with your family?
13. Do you think families are closer or more distant than in the past?
14. How has the concept of family changed in recent years?
15. Do you plan to have a family of your own in the future?

Example: "I have a relatively small family."
Elaborate on Your Answer
Example : My immediate family consists of my parents, my younger sister, and me. So, in terms
of the number of family members, it's a small family."
Explain or Justify:
Example: "I consider it small because I've met people with much larger extended families,
including many aunts, uncles, and cousins."
Vocabulary and Language:
Example: "It's what we often refer to as a 'nuclear family,' which means it's a small, closely-knit
family unit with just immediate family members."
Personal Perspective
Example: "I personally appreciate having a small family because it allows us to be very close and
supportive of each other. We get to spend quality time together."
Concluding Statement:
Example: "In summary, I have a small family consisting of my parents, my sister, and me, and I
value the close relationships we share."

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