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14. ( 'n•clll i.'ll t cl Is II pnpl't h1,h ud 1111!

flu· h1111k to p11y 2 '· lll"lilll" IIIOlll'Y·

n s1wdlk umounl 110111 lh,• IH't\1111', ni.Tonnl lo IIH·
Am. I'\ h111l') 1s ,Ill) th111g "hid1 h,1s rt1111•11t1 11 th:~·eptabtltt\
p,·r,011 In whow 1111ml' It hn, hl'l'll nuadt•. 1I\ ,1 llll\ltl-; tit' l''\l'h,111~1..'. d l\\l',ISUI~ ,llld ,l Slll[C llf
( l'rm•/F11lsi.•) \ ,lllll'.
\ns. l•als,., ,Is it is dll·qm· whil'l, 1s a p.tpl't 111st1u1:l111g
24. Why is mom·y culkd •n llll'dium of e\chant't''>.
lhl· b.1111,. to pa} a sp,-vtl1l' ,llllll\1t1t lnim till' pr1s1111\ ~

I \11 India 10171

m-r111111l to tl1t· JK'IMHI 111 whost· 1H1t\lL' ti hns hl'l'tl 111mk.
15. lnfonnnl Si.'dor lTNlil indmks hums from hunks llo" dol'S mom') nl't us a nu•dium of e,change.
11nd coopl'rntin•s. ( n·m•/Fnlsl•)
I \II lndi:i 10 I 51
Aus. Falsl\ as i11li.1rn1al st·t·t111 l'n:d,t 1t1l'lu1ks loans l'nim
,\us. \\lone, ,1ets ,1s ,ll\ intermed1,1n
the e'\d1ange111
fr1c11ds. rdati, L's, 1111H1t·vkmlns. tradL·r:-. 1..'tt·
pnlL·1..·ss, thus ti 1s l'alled ,1 med mm of e'\t:hJ..:1ge.
16. Rich housd,olds lnq?,cly dcpl•nd on informnl
25. What objt.'cts "ere used ns money in lndis. bdore
sourn•s or credit. (l'ruc/Fnlsl')
the introduction of coins'?
Ans. False, as nch housdw\ds \argl'ly depend on formal
S\llll'L'l'S or t.:rcd1t.
\ns. Foodgrnins ,rnd cattk- "' ere used .is mone) before the
introdut.:twn of roms m India.
I 7. In form21l sector, hi~hrr mk of inti.'rcst is charged.
26. \\ hich metals ,Hre used for making coins in India
in later stages'?
\ns. False, ,Is higher rate of interest 1s i.:harged 1n informal
sector and not tn the forma I s1..·ctor. \us. Gold, sil,er and i.:opper coins \\ere us~ for making
coms in lakr stages m India.
18. What is demonetisation'?
27. Ghe the modern forms of mone).
Ans. On NoVL'mber 8, 2016, currcm:y notes of~ 500 and
t 1,000 \\ ere declared invalid. People were asked to \ns. The modem fom1s of mone) include cll.frency-paper
deposit these notes to the banks by a specific period notes and corns and pbstk mone).
and receive new cum:ncy notes. Thu, is kntmn as 28. The modern currency is accepted as a medium of
demonetisation. e'\change. Why'?
19. List ,arious ways through which digital transactions Ans. lt is aci.:epted .1s a medium of exch:mge bec.:iuse 1t is
are made. authorised b:, the Go, emment of lnd.ia.
c\.ns. Internet or mobile phones, cheques, ATM curds, credit 29. Why one cannot refuse a payment made in rupttS
curds, and POS swipe machines. in India'? (Delhi ?016)
20. What is the main objective to promote digital \ns. One cannot refuse a payment made ln mpees 1:1 India
transactions? because it is authl)TIS~ J:,) the lndi:m go" err-.mait
Ans. To reduce the requirement of cash for trnnscal!ons 30. Define a bank.
and also control corruption. .\ns. A bank ts a fin:mc,al :nstmm,)n "hose dem.llld JeP',~IS
21. What is meant b) double coincidence of wants'? are '" idel) accepted as ,none) for mi,ing payments
Ans. Double coincidence of wants means O\\-ner of good and has the po," er to creak" n11.."lne).
X, say shoes. to find someone else with good Y, say a 31. What are demand deposits'?
bag of\\ heat, and both bemg m need of each other ·s Ans. Deposits in the bank: .1~·coums. whi,:!1 c.1.~ be \\ithdra
good. on dem~md are callt"d t.knund dept.1s·!S
22. What is the meaning of barter -.ystem'? 31. What is a cheque·; jForei!?n .!II~
\Ot'lhi 20151 .\ns. .\ 1.'heque ,s ai:1 · '.'st uml.'nt mstrlh.'ting the b"1! \ ti:l
Ans. A system where goods are directl) ewhanged. ,, ithl1ut .l srl;'l.'tfi~· J.n\1,)._; ., • •: l.,m the pe~,,..,•~ .1 ...•...·1.llffit to

the use of mont."), is c.illed barter system. Pl.'''-l1"1 n \\ ~,_1,;e- P..Une the . .·hequc '..!S xe-n --~
33, \\ hat determines the main source of income for 42. What kind of credit is crucial for a couotq·'s
the banks? deYClopment?
Ans. It 1s the difference between what is charged from the Ans. Cheap and affordable credit plays a crucial role in a
borrowers and what is paid to the depositors or savers. country's development.
"hich determines the income of the banks.
43. Besides banks, what are the other sources of credit
34. Define credit. from "hich the small farmers borrow?
Or Ans. Besides banks, the small farmers borrovv from
What do you understand by the term 'credit'? landlords, moneylenders, traders, relatives and friends
Ans. Credit or loan refers to an agreement in which the etc.
lender supplies the borrower \\ ith money, goods or 44. What are SHGs?
services in return for the promise of future repayment.
Ans. They are Self-Help Groups formed by the poor rural
35. For what purpose credit is mainly demanded in women.
rural areas?
45. What does the stock of money consist of?
Ans. Credit is mainl;, demanded for the purpose of crop
production in rural areas. Ans. The stock of money consists of currency held by the
public and the demand deposits that they hold with
36. What is a debt-trap?
the banks.
Ans. A debt-trap is a situation when it becomes impossible
to repay the loan and the borrower adds on a new Short Answer Type Questions [3 Marks]
debt to pay the existing debt.
46. What is money? Wb) is modern money currency
37. What is collateral? accepted as a medium of exchange?
Ans Collateral is an asset, such as land, vehicle, building,
Ans. Money is anything which has common acceptability,
li,estock and deposits with banks, that the borrower
as a means of exchange, a measure and a store of
owns and uses this as a guarantee to a lender until
the loan is repaid.
It has been accepted as a medium of exchange because:
38. What are the main 'terms of credit'?
(a) Goods and services are being bought and sold
Ans. Interest rate, collateral, documentation requirements
and the mode of repayment together comprise 'terms with the use of money easily.
of credit' . (b) Money solves the problem of double coincidence
of wants.
39. Which are the two major sources of formal loan
(c) Money is sometimes paid as advance with the
for rural households?
promise of delivery of goods later.
Ans. Banks and Cooperatives
(d) It is a perfect store of value.
40. Who supervises the functioning of formal sources (e) It makes economic activities quite independent
of loans?
from each other.
Ans. Reserve Bank of India
47. How can money be easily exchanged for goods and
41. Why are banks unwilling to lend loans to small services? Give an example to explain.
farmers? [Delhi 2013, 161
Or Or
Why are most of the poor households deprived Why are transactions made in money? Explain
from formal sector of loans? with suitable examples.
Ans. Banks provide loans after collateral and docwnentation
securities, which generally the small farmers fail to
comply with. Therefore, banks are unwilling to give How is money used as a medium of exchange?
loans to small farmers. Explain with examples.
. i·i·c<.:t the lending process or the banks a
,I . . . 'I It Wilj
'\1 1,. M om·y ·1s used as a fill'<
I111111 o 1· l'.X l ·I1.1, ll"L'
e · hec,111..,l' it
to use the imlJOr portwn of the deposited hav
Sl'IYl''- us a 111111111<>11 111l'd111111 lh1011gh which peoph..
. llloney
demand deposits. for
l'.111 L" ll ry 0111 huymg and sl'lli11f. l lsl' ol i11011ey rnakes
L'l.'1111011111· all1v1l1L'S i11dq1l'11dc11I of caeh other. Al th e 52. How do the ..
deposits with the banks beco
., Ille tb .
s,11 IIL' Illlll', it IL'IIIOVL'S Ihl' 111t:011 ven ienee ca 11sed by
source o f mcome. ~,r
lhl' ha1 ll'r sysll'lll. Ans. Banks
< ,
use the major portion of the dep os11s . .
For L'\:1111pk, a person wants lo sell s11gar and buy them to extend loans. As there is a huge de W11h
. . . .. rnand ~
wheat. I k has lo look for a person who wants sugar loans for various econom1c act1v1t1es, the banks rn or
and has wheat lo sell. In contrast, if' in an economy, use of the deposits with them to meet the ab ake
. h ove loa
whL'rL· 111oney is used, the person who wants to sell rctiuirements. In this way, t e banks mediate b n
sugar only has to look for a buye1 f'or his sugar. The the depositors and the borrowers. Banks ch en
arge a
llHlllL'Y which he will get can be used to purchase the higher interest rate on loans than what they
'f pay on
wheat or any other commodity 1n the market. Since, the deposits. The d1 fcrence between interest
money is used in the exchange process it is called a charged from the borrow~rs and what is paid to th
medium or exchange. depositors is, thus, the mam source of income forth:
48. llow docs money solve the problem of "double banks.
coincidence of wants''! Explain with an example. 53. How is money transferred from one bank account
!Delhi 20141 to another bank account? Explain with an example.
Ans. Rcf'er to Answer. 2 (NCERT) Ans. For payment through cheque, the payer who has an
49. What arc demand deposits? How is money safe account in the bank, draws out a cheque for a specific
with the banks? Explain. !foreign 20131 amount. The cheque is a statement asking the bank
Ans. The deposits in the bank accounts which can be to pay a specific amount from the person's account
withdrawn on demand arc called demand deposits. to the person in whose name the cheque has been
People deposit their surplus cash at the beginning of
the month with the banks, where they have an account For example, Aman has to pay a specific amount of
in their names. Banks accept these deposits and also money to Shruti, say ~ 60,000. Aman will write a
pay an amount (as an interest) on these deposits. In cheque in the name of Shurti. It means Aman instructs
this way, people's money is safe with the banks and his bank to pay the money to Shurti. Shurti will deposit
also earns an amount in the form of interest. the cheque in her bank. After two or three days, the
50. Explain with examples, how people are involved
money will be transferred from Aman's account to
Shurti's account.
with the banks.
54. Given that a large number of people in our country
Ans. People arc involved with the banks in the following
ways: are poor, does it in any way affect their capacity
to borrow?
(a) Depositors· The people with excess money
Ans. Credit is always given after properly assessing the
deposit it in the banks for safety. In turn they
earn interest on the amount deposited. repayment capacity of the borrower. Since, poor
( h) Borrowers: At the same time, there arc people people do not have repayment capacity, they are
who need money for various activities. They usually unable to get a loan, especially from the fonnal
approach the banks for credit. The bank charges sector. They get some loan from the informal sector
rnlcrcst from the borrowers. but in th at case, they often fall in debt-trap because
51. What do you think would happen if all the depositors of very high rate of interest.
55. Expl ·
went to ask for their money at the same time? am the procedure involved in the issuiDg 0fs
Am,. 'f he ban_k~ keep only 15 per cent or the total deposits cheque.
as provisions to pay the depositors, but if all the Ans. For making pa
yments through a cheque
depositors go lo ask for
. their money at the same (a) the pay . an account-holder wt'th the
tune, then the banks wJI I not be able to cater to the er, w ho 1s
bank ' issu es a cheque from
, . cheque book for
withdrawal need:. or the depositors. This• may<
<11 so
a specific amount.
lM the cheque inslructs the bank to pay a specific ( v) Periodically, the banks have to submit a report
amount from the depositor's account to the to the RBI on ho\\ much they are lending. to
person or institution, in\\ hose name it has been whom and at \\hat interest rate.
issued. 59. Why should credit at reasonable rates be available
(c) The money is, then, transferred from one bank for all?
account to another bank account in a day or Ans. Credit is an important aspect of economic activity.
two and the transaction is complete without any Right from a small farmer to a big business tycoon,
payment of cash. everyone needs to borrow at some time to improve
56. Explain the meaning of 'terms of credit'. productivity. In case of unreasonable rates. the
Ans. Interest rate, collateral, documentation requirement borrower always runs the risk of falling in the debt-
and the mode of repayment together comprise what trap which is not good for the society and the economy
as a whole. Hence, reasonable rates are important for
is called the "terms of credit". These terms vary
substantially from one credit arrangement to another.
They may vary depending on the nature of the lender 60. 'Credit has its own unique role for development.'
and the borrower. These are required to make the Justify the statement with arguments.
borrowers aware of the conditions to be followed for Ans. Credit has a unique role in the economic development
taking the loan. of the country. It is needed by all the three sectors of
the economy. In urban sector, big businessmen and
57. When does credit push the borrower into a debt-
small manufacturers need loans either to expand their
trap? Explain with the help of an example.
enterprises, bring new technology or diversifying their
Ans. In situation with high risks, credit might create businesses.
problems and pushes the borrower into a debt-trap.
In rural sector, the main demand for credit is for crop
He is much worse off than before. For example, production. Crop production involves cost of seeds,
crop production involves high costs on inputs such fertilizers, pesticides, \Vater, electricity, repau of
as fertilizers, pesticides, water etc. Farmers generally equipments. Cheap credit would thus lead to increase
take loans at the beginning of the season and repay in production.
the loan after harvest. But the failure of the crop
Even tertiary sector needs loans to buy the latest
makes loan repayment impossible. They have to
equipments and technology. Thus, we can say that
sell part of the land to repay the loan or a fresh loan credit has a unique role in the development of a
may be required to repay the previous loan, and the country.
borrower may find himself caught in a vicious circle
61. Explain why the supervision of the functioning of
and recovery from such a situation is very painful.
formal sources of loans is necessary?
58. Which government body supervises the functioning
Ans. The supervision of the functioning of formal sources
of formal sources of loans in India? Explain its of loans is necessary to check
(a) whether the banks actually maintain the cash
Ans. Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of balance.
formal sources of loans in India. The RBI plays the (b) whether the banks give loans not just to profit-
following rule: making businesses and traders but also to small
(i) It issues currency notes on behalf of the central cultivators, small-scale industries and small
government. borrowers.
(ii) It issues guidelines for fixing rate of interest on ( c) how much banks are lending, to whom and a
deposits and lending by banks. what interest rate.
(iii) It ensures that banks should minimum cash 62. Why do the poor households rely on informal credi
balance out of the deposits they receive. till today? Explain. [HOTS
(iv) It ensures that the banks should give loans not Ans. Poor households, till today, rely mainly on informal
only to profit making businesses but also to poor sources of credit, like moneylenders. because of
people and small traders. following reasons.
66. How is the concept of Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
(a) Lack of banking facilities.
importan t for poor people? Give your viewpoin t.
(b) Even if banks are established in some rural areas, [Foreign 2013, 16]
it is very difficult to get credit from them due
concept of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) is very
to a lot of paperwor k involved, which makes A OS. The
taking credit from the bank very cumbersome. importan t for poor people. Self-Hel p Groups are
(c) Informal creditors like moneylenders, happen to required because:
know the borrowers personally, so they provide (a) they help the borrowers to overcome the problem
them the loan without a collateral. of lack of collateral.
63. Prove with an argumen t that there is a great need (b) they help the rural poor ( especiall y women) to
to expand formal sources of credit in rural India. become financially self-reliant.
Ans. There is a great need to expand the formal sources (c) they provide a platform to hold regular meetings
of credit in rural India because: and thus, discuss issues such as health, nutrition
(a) There is no organisat ion to supervise credit and domestic violence.
activities of the informal sector. 67. Describe any three advantag es of the Self-Help
(b) It could lead to increasin g debt among the Groups (SHGs) for the poor. [Delhi 2011]
borrowers. Ans. The three advantag es of the SHGs for the poor are
(c) The rate of interest is very high in informal
as follows.
(a) These groups help the rural poor, in particular
64. Compare formal sector loans with informal sector women, to get organised to handle the money
loans regarding rate of interest.
collected and sanction loans.
Or (b) These groups help the women to become
Why are service condition s of formal sector loans financially self-reliant.
better than informal sector? Explain. fAjmer 2019) (c) These groups create self-em ploymen t
Ans. In formal sector, the rate of interest is low. It is fixed opportun ities for the members and thus save
by the Reserve Bank of India, who supervises the the poor from the clutches of the moneylenders.
functioning of formal sources of loan. 68. How do SHGs help borrowe rs to overcom e the
In informal sector, the rate of interest is very high as problem of lack of coJJateral? Explain with an
there is no organisation to supervise the functioning example.
of informal sources of loan. Ans. SHGs help borrower s to overcom e the problem of
65. "Most of the poor househol ds still depend on the lack of collateral in the following ways:
informal sector for Joans, both in rural and urban (a) It is the group that is responsi ble for the
areas of India." Support the statemen t with three repaymen t of loan.
examples . (b) Any case of non-payment ofloan by any member
Or is followed up seriously by other members.
(c) The formal sector is willing to lend to the
"Poor househol ds still depend on informal sources
members of SHGs because of their good track
of credit." Support the statemen t with examples .
record of managing the credit.
Ans. Poor households still depend on informal sources of
credit because: Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks]
(a) Bank loans require proper documentation and 69. How do banks play an importa nt role in the
collateral which is rarely available with poor economy of India? Explain. fForeign 2015; HOTSI
Ans. Banks play an importan t role in developi ng the
(b) Informal sources of credit such as moneylenders
economy of India by taking the following steps:
know the borrowers personally and are often
willing to give a loan without a collateral. (a) Banks keep money of the people in safe custody
(c) Sometimes, if the borrowers are unable to return to be used by the depositors in future.
the loan, they can get additional loans from (b) They provide excellent saving and investment
moneylenders. options to the depositors and thus help the nation.
74. Differentiate bet~een formal sector credit and informal sector credit.
Mention any three points of distinction between formal sector loans and informal sector loans.

Ans. Formal Sector Credit Informal Sector Credit

(a) This credit is provided by banks and cooperative (a) This credit is provided by traders, moneylenders
societies to the borrowers. employers, relatives, friends, etc.
( b) The Reserve Bank of India (RB I) supervises the (b) There is no government or private organisation
functioning of formal sector loans. It periodically which supervises the informal sector loans.
checks the interest rate and other details of the
(c) Proper terms of credit like collateral, documentation, (c) Terms of credit are :flexible for the personal benefit
rate of interest and mode of payment are followed. of the lenders and pitiable condition of borrowers.
(d) They provide cheap and affordable credit with (d) They exploit the borrowers for their own benefits.
common terms of credit for all.
(e) They charge less interest rates as compared to (e) Their rate of interest is much higher than that of
informal sectors. formal sector.

75. '\Vhy is cheap and affordable credit important for The most convenient source of credit is the
a country's development? Explain with reasons. moneylender because of the following reasons.
Or (a) There is no need of documentation process
while taking loan from informal sources, such
Describe the importance of formal sources of credit as moneylenders.
in the economic development. {Delhi 2019)
(b) No collateral security is required. Collateral
Ans. Cheap and affordable credit is crucial for a country's is an asset that the borrower owns such as
development because: land, building, livestock etc. and uses this as a
(a) More lending would lead to higher incomes guarantee to the lender until the loan is repaid.
and encourage people to invest in agriculture, 77. What are the two main reasons for formal credit
engage in business and set up small industries. not being available to the rural poor? Why is there
(b) Cheap credit will enable more investment. This a need to expand rural credit?
leads to acceleration of economic activity.
Ans. The two main reasons for formal credit not being
(c) Cheap credit would also allow weaker sections
available to rural poor are:
of society to access formal sector of lending and
get rid of from informal moneylenders. (a) Absence of collateral and documentation is the
(d) Affordable credit would also end the cycle of main reason which prevents rural poor from
debt trap. getting loans from banks.
(e) Cheap and easy terms of credit would inspire (b) The arrangements of informal sector loans
better investment in technology and thus increase are flexible in terms of timeline, procedural
competition. requirements, interest rates, etc. They are
76. What are the various sources of credit in rural adjustable according to the needs and
areas? Which one of them is the most convenient convenience of the borrower. This attracts the
source of credit? Why is it most convenient? Give borrowers.
two reasons. There is a need to expand rural credit from the side
Ans Various sources of credit in rural areas are:
of formal sector because of the following reasons:
(a) Agricultural traders (a) Informal sectors exploit rural poor by pushing
(b) Moneylenders them in debt-trap.
( c) Commercial banks (b) Cheap and affordable credit for rural poor is

(d) Cooperative societies important for the country's overall development.

(c) With this credit, the rural poor can grow crops,
( e) Relatives and friends
do business or set up small-scale industries.
78 . .. rtu· nt•diC 11cth·itic.•s of the informal st.•ctor should (a) Fonnal sources are far behind in meeting the
tu.' disc.·ourngrd ... Support the statement with needs of the people in rural areas. Informal
11rj!llllll't1fs. Ilklhi .!O I6: IIOTSI sources like moneylenders, traders have taken
, 11 ,. It stak· that till' credit activities of the
1s l'\'lll'l't I\'
the rural areas under their influence.
(/J) Info1mal sources charge a high rate of interest
111 11m11,ll st·t·ll,r should be d1scourngcd. This can be
furtht·r substantiah.'d "ith the following points. from the borrowers which makes it difficult for
them to repay the loan. They get trapped in the
t,1) rtwrt· 1s no organisnt1on as such which supervises,
thl' cfl.'dtt acti\ ilks ol'thc lenders in the informal debt-trap.
st·1.:tor '\s a result, they charge exorbitant (c) Informal sources are not under any supervision
rates of interest which vary from borrower to from any authorised institution. They behave
borrower. arbitrarily in terms of giving loans and setting
tb) Thc_y. thereby. indulge in exploitative practices terms of credit.
1m oh ing unfair means to get their money back (d) The rich have better access to formal sources
from the borrowers. whereas poor are forced to depend on informal
tc) As the cost of borrowing is very high in the sources. Equal distribution of credit facilities is,
infonnal sector, a larger part of the income of therefore, required and is the need of the hour,
the borrower is used to repay the loan, i.e., the so that the poor can also avail cheap and timely
borrower has less income left for himself. credit facilities.
(d} In certain cases, the amount to be repaid is (e) Formal sources of credit can help people in rural
greater than the income of the borrower. This areas to avail other benefits like cold storage
in tum leads to increasing burden of debt which facilities, subsidised seeds and other agricultural
culminates in a debt-trap. inputs.
(e) In this sector, those people who wish to start
81. Discuss the functioning of Self-Help Groups
an enterprise may not actually do so, because
(SHGs). (Delhi 2017
of the high cost of borrowing which acts as a
deterrent. Ans. A Self-Help Group is an innovative way to organise
rural and urban poor, particularly women.
79. How can the formal sector loans be made beneficial
for poor farmers and workers? Suggest any five The following points sum up the functioning of Self
measures. Help Groups.
Ans. The formal sector loans can be made beneficial to (a) Typically, a SHG has 15-20 members belongin
poor farmers and workers in following ways: to one neigbourhood. They meet and pool the·
(a) The process of providing loans should be made savings regularly. Savings per member may va
easier and accessible to them. as per the capacity of the member.
(b) Large number of banks and cooperatives should (b) The group advances loan to its members at
be opened in the rural areas. nominal interest rate without any collateral.
(c) Banks and cooperatives should expand their (c) Most of the important decisions regardin
facility of providing loans so as to decrease savings and loan activities are taken by the grou
dependence on informal sector. members themselves. The group decides whethe
(d) Special focus should be paid on poor and small loan is to be granted or not, purpose, amount
farmers along with small scale industries. interest to be charged, repayment schedule etc.
(e) Loan processing should be simple, faster and ( a) It is the group that is responsible for the repaymen
timely. of the loan. In case of non-repayment by an
80, Why is it necessary for the banks and cooperatives
member, all the members seriously follow up
to increase their lending facilities in rural areas? the repayment.
Explain. !Foreign 2015, 141 (e) The regular meetings of the group provides
Anii. It is ncccs!>ary for formal sources like banks and a platform to discuss and act on a variety of
:ooperatives to increase their lending in rural areas social issues such as health, nutrition, domestic
ecause of the following reasons. violence, etc.
82 . Dl.'sc..-ibl' tht' nd, ttnhtgl'S of Sl•lf-Hl'lp ( ;rouvs for (h) fhn .I\ .ul the lih'tl1t1l's ,lf 1~,.rns hnrn fnnnnl
the poor. S<Hlh'l's li~l' h.1nks .ti l,rn 1.lll' ,\f m1cn•s1

{, ') l lw, l'f(':lfl' M'lr ('lllpl<'' llh.'lll (lJ'Jlllrllmllll•~ b)

\ns. The .ld\ .u1t ..lfC'S of Sl·lf- Hdp l ~1 ,,ups fi.)r th~ pth)t' :tll':
d1scw,:,.i,,11 "1thi11 tlh.'it g1,,up.
(t1) Tht..'~ hdp tht" lh)Or tn l'l'l'Olll~ sdf-rdiant in {d) rill'' m.,kl' it Jh)~sihk ltlt' till' p,hH h) .,, nil ttmel)
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