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Miss Onausa Srijantho 6421652859 (810)

How can you study during lockdown like this? I have 3 best ways for myself to study.

The first way, studying in my style. It's very important to know how can you learn about the
new lesson the best. For me, I learn well from pictures and sound. So instead of forcing myself to only
read, I watch and learn from videos and make flashcards for new vocabulary. So I can remember the
picture of new vocabulary. The second way is the Pomodoro Technique. This technique is a time
management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. It uses a timer to break work into intervals,
separated by short breaks. With this technique, I can learn seriously for a moment of time and take a
break to reduce my stress. The last one, Rewarding yourself. It's good to set the goal and achieve it.
For me, I can't focus on something too long. My goal will be not too grand. For example, I will have
some cakes after I finished this writing. Having a goal like this will make me want to achieve what I
set for reward.

All three methods of learning are the ways for me to study effectively. Especially,
during the time to study online at home like this. Mental health matters. The brain must be
able to relieve stress. Knowing how to reward yourself for giving yourself some fuel and
learning in your own learning style, So you can learn fast and effectively. How about you?
What's the best way to study?

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