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Doc. No.

Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM


1.0 PURPOSE...........................................................................................................................2

2.0 SCOPE................................................................................................................................2

3.0 DEFINITIONS...................................................................................................................2
3.1 Confined Space............................................................................................................................2
3.2 Hazardous Atmosphere..............................................................................................................2


5.0 PROCEDURE FOR PREPARATION AND ISOLATION...........................................4

6.0 PROCEDURE FOR ATMOSPHERIC TESTING.........................................................4

7.0 PROCEDURE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE & POSTING.............................................6

8.0 PROCEDURE FOR ENTRY............................................................................................8


SPACE ENTRY...............................................................................................................10

10.0 PROCEDURE FOR EMERGENCIES AND RESCUE PLANS.................................11

11.0 PROCEDURE FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE.......................................................11

12.0 PROCEDURE FOR RESCUE SERVICES..................................................................12

13.0 PROCEDURE FOR RESCUE EQUIPMENT..............................................................12

14.0 TRAINING.......................................................................................................................12

15.0 PROGRAM REVIEW.....................................................................................................13

16.0 REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................14

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM


1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to establish standard work practices and
procedures for entering and working in Confined Spaces. To insure the
safety of Vopak personnel, contractors and all those that need to perform
tasks or enter a Confined Space. No one is to enter any vessel’s cargo
holes (ship’s, barges & Etc.) considered confined space.


2.1 This procedure applies to Site employees, contract employees, and

visitors working at the Vopak Terminals.
2.2 This procedure implements Vopak corporate requirement to have a
written site program for Confined Space Entry and the issuance, use, and
cancellation of Confined Space Entry permits.


3.1 Confined Space

3.1.1 Confined Spaces are spaces which can be bodily entered, have
limited or restricted means of egress, are not designed for
continuous employee occupancy and have one or more of the
following characteristics:
3.1.2 Contain or have the potential to contain a Hazardous Atmosphere
(such as having held flammable, explosive, acidic, caustic, toxic
materials) or where oxygen enriched or deficient atmospheres or
noxious odors may exist.
3.1.3 Contain a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
3.1.4 Have an internal configuration such that an entrant could be
trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor
that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section.
3.1.5 Contain any other recognized serious safety or health hazard,
such as: ionizing radiation, electric shock, temperature extremes
or moving parts.
3.1.6 Excavations and trenching at 4’ or deeper will be treated as
confined space, refer to Excavation and trenching procedure.

3.2 Hazardous Atmosphere

3.2.1 An atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death,

incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue, injury or acute
illness from one or more of the following causes:
3.2.2 Flammable gas, vapor or mist in any detectable concentrations.
Detected by using a calibrated combustible gas indicator or
designed monitoring equipment.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

3.2.3 Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or

exceeds its lower flammable limit.
3.2.4 Atmospheric oxygen concentration levels below 19.5 percent or
greater then 21.9 percent.
3.2.5 Atmospheric concentration of any substance for which a dose or
permissible exposure limit is published in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart
G, Occupational Health and Environmental Control or in Subpart
Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, and which could result in the
employee exposure in excess of its dose or permissible exposure


4.1 A preplanning meeting should be scheduled to review:

4.1.1 A JSA on the task to be preformed.
4.1.2 A Safety Review to ensure the intent of this policy will be followed. Notification of Emergency Responders
4.1.3 Proper PPE requirement
4.1.4 Atmospheric Testing and last known chemical to include MSDS
4.1.5 Posting of Emergency Response numbers and names. 911
4.2 Entry is not allowed unless all other options have been reviewed and
ruled out
4.2.1 No person may be allowed to work in a confined space unless all
other possible ways of doing the work from outside the space
have been considered and found to be impossible. Every one
directly involved must have completed Confined space training.
4.3 Entry is not allowed unless a permit to work is issued
4.3.1 All work to be performed in a confined space must be authorized
using a Permit to Work.
4.3.2 Forced air ventilation is initiated 30 minutes prior to entry into a
confined space.
4.3.3 Those persons entering a confined space must wear a safety
harness. This is to aid in rescue and retrieval in the event of an
4.3.4 The work can only begin once the permit has been produced and
all involved and responsible persons have implemented the
conditions identified on the permit and signed the permit to show
their understanding of the necessary precautions.
4.3.5 No person shall enter any Confined Space until they have
received proper training. Contractors, visitors and etc. must have
proof or copies of training prior to entering.
4.3.6 The act of placing even a small part of the body (such as a face or
hand) constitutes entry into a Confined Space.
4.3.7 All confined spaces will be inventoried and posted as such.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM


5.1 If a confined space has been opened for any reason, a sign shall be
posted with wording consistent with the following, “Danger, Confined
Space Entry permit required.
5.2 The Confined Space shall be isolated from all adjoining piping including
drains and overflow lines in order to ensure that liquids, solids, vapors or
gases do not enter the Confined Space. A line shall be deemed isolated
if one (1) or more of the following steps are taken:
5.2.1 A line blind has been inserted in the line. Blinds must be of
construction and thickness to sustain the pressure that is rated for
the line.
5.2.2 The block valves in a line to jackets and similar items which in
themselves are not open to the area in which work is to be
performed are closed and tag out applied. The only exception
would be the use of external cooling water on vessel jackets
during hot weather, if the use of such water would not create
additional hazards.
5.2.3 Lines are disconnected and misaligned for the Confined Space.
5.2.4 Line Blinds will meet the criteria for lock out tag out specifications,
plate tabs will be painted orange.
5.3 All switch gear or other energy sources to moving equipment associated
with the Confined Space shall be secured, locked out, tagged, and tried in
accordance with the site’s Lock, Tag & Try procedure.
5.4 All spaces and tanks must be forced air ventilated 30 minutes prior to and
during entry.
5.5 The Confined Space and connecting equipment must be cleaned by
washing, neutralizing, and/or purging to eliminate potential exposures to
chemicals and/or flammable/combustible materials that were, or may
have been, stored in or transferred through the Confined Space and
5.6 Storage Tanks with floating roofs should have the following items
checked closely for entrapment of vapor, solvents or chemicals.
5.6.1 Pontoons
5.6.2 Roof seals and double wiper area
5.6.3 Interior coils
5.6.4 Area above the floating roof should be monitored, especially
during cleaning, welding or other possible conditions that could
alter the tanks atmosphere.


6.1 Designated and trained employees will conduct atmospheric monitoring

required for Confined Space Entry activities.
6.2 Monitoring instruments used for atmospheric monitoring in a Confined
Space must be maintained properly and instruments must be calibrated
according to the manufactures instructions. Bump test should be done as
a minimum prior to use each shift or days which ever applies.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

6.3 Annual calibrations tests are required and will be conducted as directed
by the manufacturer or other third party service provider.
6.4 All instruments will be checked for proper operation in a clear atmosphere
prior to being used in a Confined Space.
6.4.1 Electronic instruments will indicate approximately 20.9% oxygen
and non-detectable flammables or toxins.
6.4.2 If toxins and residue are present or suspected other detection
devices such as Dragger tubes or P&ID’s should be used to detect
amounts if present. The SH&E department will carry out the task
of evaluating the concentrations if present.
6.5 The atmosphere of the Confined Space will be tested for the following:
6.5.1 Oxygen content
6.5.2 Carbon Monoxide
6.5.3 Flammable gas/vapors
6.5.4 Toxic gas/vapor/mists (where applicable, VOC - ppm)
6.5.5 Observation for particulates that could become combustible dusts
6.6 Initial testing of atmospheric conditions will be conducted as close to the
scheduled entry time as possible.
6.7 Atmospheric testing will be conducted at the high, mid and low points,
such that all sections, levels, and areas of the Confined Space have been
6.8 Testing Frequency
6.8.1 The atmosphere of the Confined Space will be monitored as
required by the Safety Review conducted before entry.
6.8.2 Each entry activity will be evaluated to determine the need for and
appropriate frequency of atmospheric testing for toxics.
6.8.3 If a Confined Space is unattended for an hour or everyone leaves
the area for work breaks or delays, retesting of the atmosphere
must be conducted before allowing persons to re-enter the
Confined Space.
6.9 Documentation
6.9.1 The following items will be documented on the entry permit form: Monitoring Instrument calibration results Atmospheric monitoring results, including the time of the
tests and the tester’s initials or signature Frequency of periodic monitoring that must be conducted
6.10 Requirements
6.10.1 Oxygen level must be between 19.5 % and 20.9% for an entry to
be authorized.
6.10.2 Flammable gases, vapors must be indicated as "non-detectable"
for an entry to be authorized. In situation were LEL is above 0.0%
the SH&E department will have to evaluate and approve the entry.
VOC’s can be monitored to determine ppm detected. Entry cannot
be conducted if LEL is greater then 0% until evaluated by SH&E
Dept. and MSDS should be reviewed for limits.
6.10.3 If Toxic substances might be present or are discovered they must
be below the allowable action level or less than 50% of the IDLH
(Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) level for an entry to be
authorized. Always consult current MSDS of the material
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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

suspected. If the above limits or requirements of this procedure

can not be met, the Confined Space will be considered to have a
Contaminated Atmosphere and a review meeting facilitated by the
SHE Supervisor or Operations Manager must be held to
determine the: Source(s) of the atmospheric contaminants causing
the unacceptable results Corrective actions needed to be taken to restore
the atmosphere to meet the entry requirements. Additional requirements that must be met to allow
special entry into a space having a Contaminated
Atmosphere if the atmosphere cannot be restored If Oxygen level is <19.5%, procedure requires
each person entering the space to wear an
airline respirator or self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) with a five (5) minute
emergency egress bottle. Oxygen level >21.9% requires correction action
to reduce oxygen content to approximately 21% If flammable gas vapors of 10% or greater is
present. No entry is allowed. If the level of a toxic chemical > IDLH exists or
might develop quickly (such as in the event of
the loss of continuous ventilation), a rescue
team must be standing by prior to any entry
occurring. All permits or forms for these special entries,
including the initial testing from inside the
confined space, will be considered as exposure
records for persons being exposed to a
contaminated atmosphere and should be
maintained in their personal file. Human
Resources files and maintained in accordance
with the corporate Record Retention Procedure
for employee exposure records.


7.1 The Lead operator or assigned permit writers can authorize entrance into
a Confined Space only through the use of the site’s approved Confined
Space permitting process.
7.2 Prior to the authorization of the permit, the Permit writer issuing the permit
and the entrant that will be authorized to enter the Confined Space will
complete the following steps:
7.2.1 Confined Space must be forced air ventilated at least 30 minutes
prior to entry.
7.2.2 Physically inspect the confined space preparation to ensure that
all isolation and procedural steps have been completed.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

7.2.3 A Contractor must supply their meter for continuous monitoring

and should be bump tested prior to use each day.
7.2.4 Review precautions taken or planned to be taken, (JSA).
7.2.5 Contractor must submit a confined space rescue plan for their
employees, which can be written into their JSA.
7.2.6 Review personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory
protection to be used and last known contents, (if any).
7.2.7 Review procedures to be followed and instructions for all
employees involved in the assignment.
7.2.8 Ensure the permit and isolation package is located at the Confined
space. Ensure the confined space entrants including attendant
(hole watch) have signed and review the paperwork.
7.2.9 A member of Management must sign off on permit prior to entry.
SHE Manager to maintain list of qualified management personnel.
7.3 The individual issuing the permit will complete all the sections of the
permit applicable to the Confined Space Entry.
7.4 If there are any special requirements, procedures or instructions, these
must be noted on the permit. These items must be complied prior to
issuing the permit.
7.5 Duration of the Permit
7.5.1 The permit to enter a Confined Space is only valid for the specific
job/task, location, and date/time specified on the permit. The
permit is valid for the length of one normal working shift in which
the permit was issued. Overtime immediately following the normal work shift is
considered to be a part of the normal work shift.
7.5.2 If the permit issuer needs to leave the terminal have another
certified individual sign on to the permit as the next responsible
issuer. They must review the conditions at the Confined Space
and be familiar with the tasks or hazards, (if any) at the permitted
confined space.
7.5.3 At the end of the work shift or extended period if work is to
continue in the Confined Space, a person designated to relieve
issuer should re- authorize entry and review the conditions in the
Confined Space for that shift or work period. Continuous atmospheric monitoring results should be
noted every hour on the monitoring log by the hole watch.
If periodic monitoring for toxics is conducted, those results
should also be documented. If, for any reason, the permit writer has not reissued or
extended the permit within a one hour time limit, all work
must stop and all individuals must exit the Confined Space.
A new permit must be issued for the work to begin again.
7.6 Confined Space Attendants, Entrants and Supervisors
7.6.1 All Entrants entering the confined space must sign the permit,
especially assigned attendants (Hole watch).
7.6.2 If contractor lead operator or supervisor level representative must
also sign the permit when it is issued or extended.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

7.6.3 Contact issuer if an attendant or supervisor whose name is not on

the permit and needs to be added. Then ensure they have been
informed of all the same safety concerns, work tasks and
provisions of the permit that require entry into the Confined Space.
7.7 Posting
7.7.1 Issued permits shall be posted in a conspicuous location adjacent
to the Confined Space access opening.
7.7.2 Weather-resistant envelopes or similar protective methods will be
used to protect permits that are posted outdoors.


8.1 There must be a standby person at or near the tank door or access to the
confined space. The function of this person is to observe if possible, or
maintain communications with, the persons working inside the confined
space to assure their safety at all times.
8.1.1 A trained Attendant must be assigned and in place immediately
outside the Confined Space prior to any individual entering the
Confined Space.
8.1.2 Persons inside the confined space must be in contact by radio or
some other agreed means.
8.1.3 Communication (visual, verbal, or signal line) must be maintained
between the Attendant and all individuals involved in the entry.
8.1.4 Attendants are not to leave a Confined Space unattended while
personnel are still in Confined Space under any circumstances,
unless relieved by personnel trained in Confined Space entry and
signed in as attendant/s on the permit.
8.1.5 Access to confined spaces must be controlled when the confined
space is not attended. This access control must physically prevent
bodily entry and be secured in place with a lock. If all manways to a tank are in place and bolted securely
(as if in service), it is acceptable not to lock the manways.
8.2 Ladder Use (for vertical entry)
8.2.1 If a portable ladder is used to provide access to and egress from a
Confined Space, the ladder must Have indication of a current inspection Be suitable for the type of space Be readily available to and accessible by all individuals in
the Confined Space. Electrical Equipment Usage
8.2.2 All portable electrical equipment used inside a Confined Space
must: Have indication of a current inspection Have ground fault interruption protection Be grounded or double-insulated.
8.2.3 Extension cords for lighting must be low-voltage (12 volts or less)
or equipped with a functional ground fault current interrupter.
8.2.4 Temporary lighting must be low-voltage (12 volts or less) and all
bulbs must be equipped with guards.
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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

8.2.5 Step-down transformers must be located outside of the Confined

8.2.6 Flashlights must be explosion-proof (MSHA approved vapor-
8.3 Pneumatic Equipment Usage
8.3.1 If terminal Air sources for pneumatic tools are used in confined
spaces the operations or maintenance manager should be
contacted to insure that the usage can not affect operation of
process valves and equipment.
8.3.2 Pneumatic tools that are used in confined spaces should be
supplied by a portable air compressor.
8.3.3 Air for sandblasting in a confined space must be supplied by a
portable air compressor.
8.3.4 Combustion engine air compressors that provide breathing air
must be equipped with a carbon monoxide detection/alarm/cut-off
8.4 Ventilation
8.4.1 Sufficient vents and man ways must be opened to assure there is
sufficient fresh air in the confined space, including the use of
mechanical ventilation 30 minutes prior to and continuously
throughout entry into a Confined Space. A minimum of 20000 cfm
ventilation must be used for proper air exchange. If floating roof is
installed on confined space insure ventilation is pulled up through
roof area and out to atmosphere. Roof vents and manways should be opened to promote
ventilation. This may be achieved by mechanical ventilation
using a blower fan and trunking or natural
ventilation may be used if there are sufficient
top and bottom openings. Where it is necessary to reduce the concentrations of
harmful gases, vapors, or mists the SH&E department
must be contacted and should review the situation for
environmental concerns. Where excessive heat or humidity would otherwise create
a hazardous work environment should also be evaluated. Whenever work is expected to or has the potential to
generate flammable gases/vapors or toxic substances
(such as during welding or cutting operations) or causes
the oxygen content to change below or above limits.
8.4.2 Mechanical ventilation must be set up to pull outside air through
the Confined Space rather than blowing air into the space. Activities in the area of the Confined Space that could
result in gases, vapors, or mists being drawn into the
Confined Space must be stopped or otherwise controlled
until the entry activities are completed.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM The discharge from the confined space must be directed

into an area where it will not be a flammable or toxic
hazard. Such discharges will not be positioned near air
intakes for buildings or rooms. Insure that combustion powered equipment or exhausting
equipment is positioned so exhaust is not pulled or blown
into the confined space area.
8.5 Welding and Burning
8.5.1 Electrical welding equipment can be used in a Confined Space
only if the equipment can be directly bonded to the Confined
Space vessel.
8.5.2 Welding or burning equipment shall be carefully inspected for
leaks before use in a confined space. This inspection shall be the
responsibility of the individual performing the work.
8.5.3 If a leak occurs in the equipment, all personnel will evacuate the
confined space. Confined space will be thoroughly ventilated and
tested for flammable vapors 30 minutes prior to re entering.
8.5.4 Compressed gas cylinders can not be taken inside any Confined
Space. Welding leads must be inspected by the person
performing the work to assure the welding leads are in working
order and no exposed wires are present prior to taking them inside
the Confined Space.
8.5.5 A fire watch must be available during any open flame or welding in
a confined space and able to control incipient fires if they should
occur with fire extinguisher. Confined space attendant can act as
fire watch as long as it does not distract them from observing the
safety of the entrants.



9.1 Emergency stop of activities; Entrants will leave the Confined Space
when there is reason to believe measures taken may not protect
employees. Deficiencies will be corrected before subsequent entry
activities are authorized. Circumstances requiring such work stoppage
could include:
9.1.1 Unauthorized entry into the Confined Space or into the site
9.1.2 Detection of hazards not initially considered
9.1.3 Detection of changes in the environment or potentials that indicate
unsafe conditions might occur.
9.1.4 Accident/Incident associated with the entry activities
9.1.5 Employee complaints about effectiveness of safety precautions.
9.1.6 Change in operational conditions in the terminal including
emergency alarms.
9.2 Closing Out a Confined Space entry process is not complete until all
steps are taken to restore all lines and equipment to a normal operational
status and area housekeeping is completed.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

9.2.1 In situations where additional non-entry work is being done at or

near the same time as the Confined Space Entry, lockout and
closed system procedures may be left in place.
9.3 Upon completion or discontinuance of an entry activity, the individual
responsible for the Confined Space Entry activities will:
9.3.1 Note on the permit form any problems encountered or
recommendations to improve the Confined Space Entry process.
9.3.2 Sign the Confined Space Permit indicating that all entry activities
have been completed, area has been physical inspected, all
equipment used has been store away and the housekeeping in
the area is completed.
9.4 The completed Confined Space Permit will be submitted to the SH&E
supervisor and kept for 1 year. If in the case of an accident, exposure,
injury or dealt occurred documentation will be maintained for 30 years.


10.1 Retrieval System

10.1.1 A safety harness with life line must be used whenever individuals
enter a Confined Space unless that equipment would increase the
risk of the entry or would not contribute to the rescue of an
entrant. The decision not to require a retrieval system must be
made by the SH&E Supervisor or operations manager and
documented on the permit prior to issuance.
10.1.2 The retrieval system must consist of a full body harness an
optional life line in good condition and long enough to facilitate
rescue regardless of where the individual is located inside the
Confined Space. Also depends on the configuration of the
confined space.


11.1 Attendant Duties

11.1.1 Never enter the Confined Space, summons help, the attendant is
the first line of communication for rescue.
11.1.2 If an emergency or fire should occur, first summon help by the use
of a radio, an air horn, pulling of a fire alarm pull station.
11.1.3 Assist entrant out of the Confined Space insuring they get out
safely. Send personnel to direct emergency response services
back to the Confined Space location.
11.1.4 Assist emergency responders by keeping all unnecessary
personnel away from the Confined space area.
11.1.5 Allow only qualified and certified rescue personnel to enter into a
Confined Space for the purpose of rescue.
11.2 If an emergency situation occurs either within or outside of the Confined
Space all persons inside the Confined Space are to evacuate the space

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

11.3 All Hazardous Work Permits are invalidated in the event of an emergency
and must be reissued after the emergency situation is alleviated.


12.1 Contact the designated Confined Space Rescue Team prior to conducting
and after completing a Confined space entry activity. This will allow them
to be prepared for any emergencies that might arise during the confined
space entry. If an emergency should arise call 911, in areas that this is
12.2 Vopak employees or contractor employees may only perform non-entry
rescue activities (i.e. removing a person from the space by the use of a
life line or retrieval system).


13.1 All rescue, resuscitation and first aid equipment will be maintained by the
confined space rescue team. Terminal rescue equipment and trained
personnel, if available, will be located at the confined space location
during entry. Equipment must be available for each confined space entry.


14.1 All Vopak employees that are directly involved with Confined spaces will
receive training on this procedure and training will be documented in
accordance company requirements.
14.2 Initial and refresher training for employees involved in Confined Space
Entry activities must include, at a minimum
14.2.1 Hazard identification
14.2.2 Evaluation techniques
14.2.3 Appropriate control methods
14.2.4 Proper use of all equipment needed to successfully enter and exit
a Confined Space, including non –entry rescue techniques.
14.2.5 Attendant duties and responsibilities
14.3 Individuals assigned to use instruments to test the atmosphere inside
confined spaces will receive additional training covering, at a minimum:
14.3.1 How to verify proper instrument operation and current calibration
14.3.2 How to conduct the daily cal-check of the instrument
14.3.3 How to conduct tests of the atmosphere inside confined spaces
14.3.4 What to do if the tests are not adequate to allow a confined space
activity to continue
14.3.5 When retesting is required
14.3.6 When continuous monitoring is required and how to set up the
instrument for continuous monitoring
14.4 Vopak employees not directly involved in permitting Confined Space
Entry activities will receive awareness training to prevent unauthorized
entry into a Confined Space.

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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM

14.5 The SH&E supervisor will annually coordinate with the Rescue services
so they can practice Confined Space Rescue on site or conduct site visits
so they are aware of the locations.
14.6 Project Contractors whose work involves Confined Space Entry:
14.6.1 Will be informed of the site procedure and how the requirements
will be applied
14.6.2 Should be debriefed at the end of each entry concerning any
hazards that were created or confronted during the entry.


15.1 The SH&E supervisor will conduct a review annually of the effectiveness
of the Confined Space Program or field application of the program.
15.2 The review will consist of, at a minimum, the following steps:
15.2.1 Review of the documentation supporting at least one completed
Confined Space Entry activity by Operations and/ or the on-site
15.2.2 Observation and evaluation of at least one in-progress Confined
Space Entry activity conducted by Operations and at least one
conducted by the on-site contractor
15.2.3 Monitory review of any Confined Space Entry event for which an
Accident / Injury report was submitted (includes Near miss
15.2.4 Solicitation of comments regarding the effectiveness of, and
recommendations for, the Confined Space Entry program from the
site operations.
15.2.5 Determination of any changes or updates needed to the Confined
Space Entry procedure
15.3 Confined Space Entry Permits and other associated permits evaluated
during the annual review may be disposed of after the review, unless:
15.3.1 They must be retained for inclusion in an Accident / Injury report
15.3.2 They must be retained for ongoing legal, regulatory action or
15.3.3 They must be retained if an exposure occurred to a Vopak

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Manager - East Coast) Page 13 of 14 Printed: 10/28/2023 5:53 AM
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Doc. No. VTEC-10183
Issue: 3
Confined Space Entry
Issue Date: 05-08-2009 14:30
(Procedure, VF)
Revised: 5/10/13 7:12 AM


Version 3 (4/23/2013): Added language for access control: 8.1.5 and;
Corrected the use of the word “confine” to “confined” in multiple locations

Version 3 (10-05-2013): -; Version 2 (27-10-2011): -; Version 1 (05-08-2009):

Upload and approval for release into the QoL system

Owner: McGriff, Shamekia (S.H. & E.

Manager - East Coast) Page 14 of 14 Printed: 10/28/2023 5:53 AM
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