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It is really a unique bo0ok. (not an unique)
1. Definition
Germany is a European country. (not an European)
It is a word which determines a noun.
Examples : 3. Use of Indefinite Article (A/An)
We pick upa bal.
The simple rule is that an indefinite article is always used
She gave me an umbrella
before all countable nouns when they are singular.
2. Kinds of Articles
L Indefinite Articles A/An) She saw a man who was sitting on an elephant.
I. Definite Articles (The) An engineer is not basically a politician.
Indefinite Articles: ) Besides living creatures, plants, natural features and
) A and an are called indefinite articles as they are used
when we do not material, objects some other things or ideas which
specify which particular thing. person are not seen with eyes (may be abstract) are also
or idea we are referring to. The person, thing or idea is
not specifically defined. It remains indefinite and has a countable as penalties, rewards, punishments,
'not known' to us salaries, emotions, sentiments, ideas, prophesies.
Sense of A or an must be used before the singular forms of
Examples these.
She saw an apple on the branch. (any apple: not
a definite one) Examples :
He said he saw a man on the bridge (some man The supreme court imposed a
heavy penalty.
any one in
particular) But when I say He experienced an emotion that he could not
The man who came to me was a friend of
my friend, express.
[ am referring to a particular (definite) man (known to
me). So the Definite Article is used.
(i) There are certain material objects also which can be
The is known
seen but are not countable. All liquids and gasses fall
as the Definite Article because it refers
inthis category. We cannot say "'an
to a particular person, thing or idea.
We have to say 'a
or *a milk.

i) Difference between A and An: An is only another form gush of smoke' or 'a glass of milk'.
of a and is used betore a word that Some solids also cannot be counted as
begins with a vowel sugar and salt.
sound while a is used before words The more common in this
a consonant are : category bacon, beef,
sound. butter, cheese, coftee, dirt, food, grass, ice, mutton,
Some words begin with mute
(unspoken) h. Article an paste, sand, soap, soup, cocoa and all spices including
is used before them. The prominent among these onion and garlic. In the use of these either we have
ire to mention the
quantity (as 150 gm paste, one kgm
Examples: bacon) or its packed state (as a cake of soap-not 'a
Heir, heiress, heirloom, honest, Soap, a bag of sand.)
honorarium, honorary, honour, honourable, (ii) The plural of a and an is some. If we have to mention
honoured, hour, hourly. a little quantity we say some grass, some sugar, some
The h of hotel is now salt.
spoken. An hotel has become old
fashioned. Use a hotel. But in speaking, if If
you do not sugar, salt or lemon are used
speak h use an before it (not in writing). purely as agents to
make a thing sweet, saltish or sour neither a nor an
A is also used before all those
words which begin with nor some are used before the
noun. We can
a vowel symbol (a, e, i, o, u) but pronounced with thee say "The
lemonade is bit sour. Please put some
same sound as the sugar in it.
y in yes. The prominent words in But we cannot
this category are say 'I want a glass of lemonade with
Europe, European, uniform, union, some
sugar in it'. We have to say I want a glass of
unique, unit, united, universal, university, usual, lemonade with sugar in it.
utilitarian utility.
L Use indefinite article before a
Examples it is used to make the noun
singular countable noun when
She wants to join a
university. (not an used as an example of a class of
generic i.e. when the noun is
university)) creatures :
things, plants or living
Examples : XL Use of Indefinite article with 'few" and "little'.
A cup (i.e. all cups) is generally made of ceramics. Few stands for 'a small number'.
A palm tree (all palm trees) is generally very tall. Little stands for "a small quantity or amount'.
A serpent (all serpents) never forgets. Few means a small number, when more might have been
expected (very insignificant). A few means a considerable
Use indefinite article before names of professions or a noun
small number when none or very less might have been
Examples: Examples :
She is an engineer. My father was a doctor.
Few students gave the ight answer. C expected
Her husband is a shrewd person. He turmed a saint
more) Few people know him in the city. (Almost not
n old a
known to any).
. Use indefinite article in expressions of price, speed and
A Few taxies were available at the Railway
ratio when a unit of amount or number is shown station
even when it was a day of strike. (T expected none)
Examples :
The same applies to little (almost negligible) and a little
I got bananas a rupee a dozen.
(somewhat more than the expectation of the speaker)
The doctor visits his clinic twice a day.
The train runs eighty kms. an hour.
Alittle effort will solve our problems.
V. Use indefinite article in certain numerical expressions or
Little effort did he make to get a job. (no sincere
expressions showing (intensity in number) :
Examples Litle did he realize that burming his wife might mean
He brought half a dozen mangoes, a score (20), a his death too. (did not realize)
hundred chairs, a thousand crows, a million ants,a lot
XIL The indefinite article is placed after many, what and
of trouble, a great deal of effort, a great many of people.
VL Indefinite article is used in the sense of a certain: Examples :
Examples: Many a man would avail the opportunity.
A (certain) member opposed the bill in the Parliament.
What a pity it was to exploit the poor.
A boy stood and answered the question.
Such an opportunity will never come in his life again.
VIL Indefinite article is also used in the sense of a single
XIL An indefinite article is placed after an adjective preceded
Examples too and How:
After the party whip there was not a member to vote byso, as

Examples :
against the bill.
so, as, too and how: He's not so intelligent a person
He did not speak a word when he was scolded.
as he looks.
VIIL Indefinite article is also used in the sense of every.
She's as beautiful a girl as you would like to meet.
Examples It's too difficult a problem for me to solve.
The mechanic was paid Rs. f+ve an hour, (every hour)
How beautiful a girl she is.
The businessman earns Rs. 10,000/- a month, (every
XIV. When two nouns go together considered as a unit the
indefinite article is used only before the first and not before
IX The indefinite article is, many a time, used before a Proper
Noun to make it a (Common Noun) : the second.

Examples Examples:
Subramaniam Bharti was a Tagore (a great He brought a cup and saucer/a knife and fork.

poet) of the South. XV Indefinite article is used after of and at in some phrases to
He spends as if he is a Tata (a very rich man). mean the same.
Indefinite article a can be used before Mr/Mrs/Miss/ Examples :
Ms and a surname when the person concerned is a oThey are all of a length (of the same length).
stranger: Please carry these four at a time (at the same tine).

Examples 4. Use of Definite Article 'The'

A Mr. Reddy called on you this morning. (A man
Reddy by name but a stranger to the speaker.) The main purpose of definite article is to make a general thing
particular in one way or the other. Thus, it cannot be used
NOTE before a noun which is already particular. Boy a is general noun.
Ifa is not used it means Mr. Reddy is known to the speaker. The can be used before it to make it particular. But if the boy is

English 179
named as Krishna it becomes particular. The definite article canmnot VL Before an adjective to make it represent a class of persons
be used before it. Le. a generic noun.

Before nouns of which there is only one or which are

considered one. All natural objects and phenomena fall
The poor (all poor men) are generally exploited by
under this category : the rich (all rich men).
Examples: The honest are considered fools by many now
othe sun, the earth, the Antarctica, the sea, the North.
L Before a noun which becomes definite as a result of being

mentioned again: Difference between VII and VIII : When a noun

becomes generic it remains singular. When an adjective
I saw a boy in the garden. The boy was handsome. becomes a generic noun it functions as plural :
The rose is but the poor are.
ILBefore a noun which becomes definite by the addition of
an Adjectval clause or Phrase X ) Before the names of those countries or states the
names of which signify a combination of more than
Examples: One unit :
The girl I met was intelligent.
Examples :
He called the man who was sitting under a tree.
The United Kingdom (The UK.),
The man on the road was blind.
The United States of America (The USA),
. Before a noun, which by reason of locality or context of Soviet Socialist Republic. (The
becormes particular: The Union
Examples: ci) Before the words Kingdom, Protectorate, Republic, and
Mr. Nijalingappa is on the roof. (the roof of his house) Federaion followed by the narne of a countiry :
The Principal asked the boys not to sit on the lawn The Republic of West Germany. The Federation of
during lectures. (lawn of the college) India.
After the meeting I met the Chairman. (Chairman of X Before the names of classical (generally religious)
the meet) bookes:
V. Before names of seas, nvers, chains of mountains, gulfs,
groups of islands, canals :
The Bible, the Quran, the Vedas, the Ramayan.
The Indian Ocean, the Ganga, the Himalayas, the NOTE
Persian Gulf the / Andamans, the upper Ganges
But the is droppedif author's name is prefixed: Valmik's
VL Before superlatives, first, third, last etc. and before only XL Before the names of the musical instruments.
used as adjective or pronoun
Examples: He leant to play the flute when he was a student.
Vivekanand was the best speaker in the Congress of XIL Before the type of meal if its quality, cost etc. is mentioned:
Religions. Examples:
AIDS is the worst modem disease.
The breakfast served in the hotel was good.
the first bill passed by the
It was retrogressive The dinner they gave cost them Rs. 10,000.
Parliament. XUL Before more and less when they are used in compa-
He was the only boy not to turn up.
rative sense and before comparatives when they are
VIL Before a singular noun, used to represent a class i.e. as a repeated
generic noun (indefinite article is also used in the same
they receive, the more they wish to have.
Examples: The more
he speaks, the less I follow.
the better/merrier.
The rose is a beautiful flower. The more
The earlier you reach the better it is.
The camel is the ship of the desert.
XIV. Before a proper noun when it is used as a common noun
The atom can release immense energy.
or as a metaphor
Exception: When 'man' is used as a generic noun
article is not used before it: Exampless:
The Calcutta of my childhood.
Man is the only creature having a Shakespeare is the Kalidas (the greatest dramatist)
developed brain. of England.
Einstein is the Newton (the greatest scientist) of our . Before parts of the body and articles of clothing because
they are generally used with possessive adjectives.
XV. before nouns which name the inhabitants of a country Examples
Keep your hand down. She put on her gown.
collectively. If the is not put the word would mean not
the people but the language spoken by them: VL Before bed, temple, mosque, chapel, church, college, coun,
hospital, prison, sea, school, work when the person implied
Examples : either visists it regularly for prayer or work or stays there
The Russians sent the first satellite in the as a student 'convict etc. But when one visits the place
space. otherwise' the is used :
The English spread their empire in Asia and Africa.
Russian is the link language in all the states of
My mother goes to temple every morning.
Russia. (Not "the Russian") Her borther has gone to college. You may go to the
English is spoken throughout the world. (Not "the college to see him if you have some urgent work.
English') My friend is in prison (as a convict). I went to the
XVL before the names of municipal or government prison to ive him some books.
departments, big business houses, industrial concems, Exceptions : the is always used with: cinema, theatre,
banks etc. except when they begin with a personal name cathedral even when visits
or are nationalised: ofice and one

them with the primary purpose of enjoyment,

Examples: work or worship.
the Ministry of Finance, the Public Library, the VIL Before the names of substances used in a general sense
House Tax Department, the Cooperative Bank, the (generally before material nouns)
Century Mills, the Modern Book Depot.
XVL before the names of trains, ships and aeroplanes :
Iron is a useful metal. (not the metal).
Examples: Bread is made from flour.
The Kanishka (the plane that was blasted),
But the is used when a particular specimen is meant:
The Punjab Mail, The Grand Trunk Express,
The Queen Elizabeth (a famous British liner) Examples:
The bread you brought was sweet.
XVIL before surnames when they are used in plural to denote
either the whole family or the husband and wife The gold mined in the South is good.
The cheese prepared by AMUL is exported.
I was invited by the Reddys. The Birlas. The Tatas. VIIL Before plural nOuns used in a general sense
Examples :
5. Article The' Is Not Used grown all parts of India. (not "the
Mangoes are in

Before abstract nouns unless they are used to particularise mangoes")

something or someone Students have to take help of books. (not 'the books")
Examples But the mangoes grown in Lucknow are the best.
He experienced joy? The books you brought from college library are not
The joy that he experienced at his marriage did not useful.
long. IX Before the names of games (all games)
L After noun in the possessive case, or a possessive X. Before the words King. Queen, President, Pope, Chancellor,
adjective: Principal etc. if the name follows the word.
Examples: Examples:
I met the boy's father (not 'the boy's the father") The king but King George, Queen Marry
Tt is my saree not yours. (not 'my the saree') The Pope but Pope John Paul.
L Before the names of countries, towns villages or proper The Principal but Principal Namboodripad.
names, The Chief Minister but Chief Minister Hegde.
Exceptions: The Netherlands, the Sudan the Congo, XL Before the words showing nationality used in plural by
the Mall, the Strand (in London) adding 's' or 'men' used in general sense of showing the
M Before names of meals characteristics of all the individuals:
Examples: Examples :
I always have butter and rusks for breakfast Africans have dark skin. Englishmen have ego.
The restaurant serves lunch at two. Frenchmen are fashionable.

English 181
Asynonym is the word having the same meaning or very similar meaning as another word in the same language.

Sainik School Previous Years (2018-2021) Questions

7. Select the word that is similar in meaning
1. The correct synonym of the wordZe 3. (C) The 'Fatal' is the closest in meaning
nith is:
to mortal
Kecurrent Occuning often to the underlined word.
ot httle
repeatedly, tmvial value The requisite energy is derived from the
(A) Infinite B) Bottom Or importance, unimportant, eternal
without end or beginning, endless. battery.
C) Pinnacle (D) Medium (A) insignificant (B) necessary
. The synonym ot the Splendid" is:
[Sainik School Entrance Exam
(B) Insignificant
(C) different (D) special
(Class IX) (07-02-2021)] (A) Shortage
(C) Impressive (D) Excess Sainik School Entrance Exam.
1. (C) Zenith means highest point (Class IX 2018)
Sainik School Entrance Exam.
Infinite means something which is
The word 'necessary'
(Class IX 2019) 7. (B) is similar in
meaning to the underlined word
4. (C) 'Splendid' means very good,
Bottom means undersurface requisite" means essential.
excellent. So, the correct synonym
Pinnacle means the highest point of the splendid is "Impressive 8. Select the word that is similar in meaning
Medium means something is a to the underlined ward.
5. The word "brittle" means
middle position (A) not easily breakable His candid opinion has won him many

So, the synonym of Zenith is pinnacle.

(B) easily breakable friends.
2. The word "Industrious means: (C) easily understandable (A) kind (B) courteous
(C) generOus (D) frank
(A) Working in industry (D) easily portable
(B) Labour in factory Sainik School Entrance Exam. Sainik School Entrance Exam.
(Class IX 2019) (Class IX 2018)
(C) Hard working
5. (B) The word "brittle' means "easily 8. (D) The word 'Frank' is similar in
(D) Laid back
breakable' eg. Pine is brittle and eaning to the underlined word
Sainik School Entrance Exam.
breaks. 'candid'. Courteous polite.
(Class LX 2020)
6. The correct meaning of the word 9. The word "avert' means
2. (C) The word 'industrious means
calamity' is: (B) fall
she was an (A) avoid
"Hardworking' e.g. (A) disaster B) scOurge (C) hatred (D) degenerate
industrious and willing workers.
(C) harm
Select the word closest in meaning to injury Sainik School Entrance Exam.
Sainik School Entrance Exam. (Class IX 2018)
(Class IX 2018) 9. (A) The word "avert means avoid.
(A) Recuent (B) Trivial
6.(A) The word disaster is the correct immoral
Degenerate decline, an or

(C) Fatal (D) Eternal meaning as the word calamity

Sainik School Entrance Exam.
comupt perSon.
Scourge-beat (which some one a s a

(Class IX 2020) punishment)

Important Questions
2. Abandon (A) Rotation (B) Administration
Direction (Q. No. 1 to 55) (A) excuse (B) forsake (C) Appeal (D) Vocation
In the following questions, out of the four
C) (D)rrisk Proposition
alternatives, choose the one which best urge (A) Intimation (B) Protestation
3. Odious (D) Invitation
expresses the meaningg of the given word. (C) Proposal
(A) hateful 5) rotten
6. Vivacious
1. Garmish
(C) infamous (D) sick (A) Imaginary (B) Scattered
(A) honour (B) respect
(D) adorm
4. Petition (C) Perceptible (D)Languid
(C) obey
7. Sporadic 6. Propel Frigid
(B) Scattered (A) drive (8) jettison (A) cordial (B) bold
(A) Timely
(C) Frequent (D) Irelevant (D) acclimatize (C) icy (D) stifling
8. Persevere 27. Massive 5. Latent
(A) Fickle (B) Persist (A) lump sum (B) strong (A) next (B) manifest
(C) Constant (D) Polite (C) hidden D) recent
litle (D) huge
. Heralded
28. Stumbling Block 46. Enamoured
(A) Suspected (B) Publicised
(A) argument (B) frustration (A) authorised (B) enclosed
(C) Dragged (D) Objective
(C) advantage (D) hurdle (C)qualified (D) charmed
10. Outweigh
(A) Control (B) Venture 29. Absolve 47. Obsolete

C) Perish (D) Surpass A) absorb (B) agree (A) ancient (B) stubbom
11. Multitude (C) acquit (D) abort (C) firm (D) current
(A) Impoverished (B) Handful
30. Behest 48. Indifferent
(C) Acknowledged (D) Plenty (A) command (B) seee (A) curious (B) varned
12. Absurd
C) attach (D) hharm (C) alike (D) uniform
(A) diligent (B) ridiculous
31. Adhere
(C) brisk (D) complex 9. Quest
(A) accept (B) disguise (B) quality
13. Solitary search
(B) voluntary C) fight (D) stick
)sad 32. Fragment
(C)2zeal (D) enthusiasm
(C) subtle (D) Ilonely 50. Evolve
14. Pacific A) smell (B) portion (A) involve (B) develop
(A) extensive (B) peaceful mage (D) impression
(C) generate (D) envisage
(C) deep (D) white 33. Endorsement
51. Obsolete
15. Magnificent (A) imposition (B) endurance
(A) complete (B) unreliable
(A) magnanimous (B) modest C) awar (D) approval
(C)unimaginable (D) outdated
(C)generous (D) splendid 34. Debacle
16. Spirited ) decline (B) downfall 52. Dubious
(A) heated (B) drunk ) discomfiture D)degeneration (A) doubtful (B) disputable
(C)enthusiastic (D) possessed 35. Ostracise (C) duplicate (D) dangerous
17. Gloomy (A) banish (B) belittle 53. Flabbergasted
A) ) misty (B) obscure (C) beguile (D) besiege (A) scared (B) embarrassed
C) murky (D) shadowy 36. Prophylactic (C) dumbfounded (D) humiliated
18. Grumble (B) toxic
(A) antagonistic 54. Eternal
(A) to scold (B) to complain
(C) preventive (D) purgati ve
(A) innumerable (B) unmeasurable
(C) to sheer (D) to fight 37. Coddle (C) prolonged (D) perpetual
19. Crude (A) huddle (B) satisfy S5. Accoutre ments
(A) unrefined (B) cruel
(C) protect (D) cheat (A) relatives
C) rude (D) savage (B) companions
38. Flimsy
20. Baren (C)calculations (D) equipments
(A) funny (B) irationa
(A) good (B) wholesome
weak (D) partisan Answer Key
(C) unproductive (D) profitable
9 Defer
21. Infamy (B) dislike L(D) 2. (B) 3.(A) 4. (C) S. (C)
(A) respect
(A) notonety (B) gglory
(C) postpone (D) disrespect 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (D)
(C) integrity (D) familiarity 40. Dubious
22. 11. (D) 12. (B) 13.(D) 14. (B) 15.(D)
A) clear (B) undoubtedly
(A) hesitant (B) fearless 16.(C) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (C)
(C) hesitant (D)doubtful
(C) extrovert (D) rash 21.(A) 22. (B) 23.(D) 24. (B) 25. (D)
41. Coarse
23. Prodigal
26.(A) 27. (D) 28.(D) 29. (C) 30. (A)
) impolite (B) rough
(A) exclusive (B) precise 31- (D) 32. B) 33. (D) 34. (B) 35. (A)
(C) brief (D) clear (C) polished (D)improper
42. Proximity 36. (C) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (C) 40. (D)
24. Perspicuous
(A) nearness (B) aloofness 41. (B) 42. (A) 43. (C) 44. (C) 45. (C)
(A) relevant (B) obvious
46. (D) 47. (A) 48.(A) 49. (A) 50. (B)
) lavish (D) carefree (C) completely (D)improper
43. Abstain 51. (D) 52. A) 53. (C) 54. (D) 55. (D)
25. Fostering
(A) safeguarding (B) neglecting (A) stay (B) tempt
(C) refrain (D) pardon
(C) sidelining (D) nurtuning
English 219

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