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Important questions

Questions about your academics and work experience

Tell about Yourself?

What degree have you studied and when did you complete?

Tell us about the subjects you studied in your bachelor’s degree?

What is the name of your College/University?

Where is your university is located?

Tell us few professors name?

What is the name of your principal?

What characteristic of your principal do you like?

Do you have any work experience? If yes where did you work and what was your designation. ?
How long you worked?

Tell about your roles & responsibilities in your company?

What is the nature of your company and what do they do?

Where is your office located?

What is your office website address?

What is the land line number of your office?

How many staffs are working?

What is your present salary?

Give the names of your managers and few staff members?

Why do you want to resume your studies now? This question will be asked to students who have
graduated and worked for couple of years and then resuming their studies.
General questions:

 Tell how physical fitness is important in life?

 Tell something about global warming?
 Tell how pollution impact the world?
 Do you frequently use email? if yes how often you use emails? Which occasions you will use
your email?
 Have you missed any particular deadline while studying?
 While working have you missed any deadlines?
 How do you keep up with the deadline when a task is given by your company?
 Should there be a world population control?
 What characteristics should an athlete have?
 Who will be helpful while studying or to complete your studies? Friends or lecturers? How
they will be helpful?
 Talk something about environment problem?
 Talk something about clothes?
 Talk about your city or any other city?
 Talk about how family is important and what roles each person should have in a family?
 What is your favourite subject and why you like your subject?
 Which subject you studied efficiently?
 Is it good to take advise from strangers?
 What are the negative aspects of internet?

Why do you want to study in the UK?

 I decided to study in the UK because the tuition fees are very affordable compared to other
 UK degrees are internationally recognized and very prestigious.
 UK is one of the safest places to live and study.
 Uk Universities teaching methods are combined with theoretical and practical studies which
help me to gain real time experience while studying.
 The duration of Masters Programmes are less when compared to other countries like USA,
Australia and Canada. This would help be to save time and money.
 UK is the most warm and welcoming country for international students

How did you find out about Glyndwr University?

Example: I did a research through the internet.

What are the other British universities that you considered?

Example : Yes, I considered universities such as Universities like Middlesex University, Greenwich
University, Hertfordshire, Cardiff metropolitan University, Chester University, University of East London,
University of West London, Coventry University, UCLAN etc) but finally I decided to study in WGU.
Why did you choose Glyndwr University or what are the advantages of Glyndwr University?

Give few Highlights about Glyndwr University:

 The tuition fees are very affordable

 This University is one among the very few Universities offering Masters with Advanced practice
which would help me to gain practical and industrial experience( this answer would be
applicable only for students enrolled for Masters with Advanced practice)
 This University offers Pre Masters followed by Masters which would help me to learn about UK
education system ( this answer would be applicable only for students enrolled for Masters with
Pre Masters)
 The courses are career focused with work related learning and practical experience which will
help me to implement my knowledge in the working environment.
 WGU is comparatively smaller than other university which gives a strong sense of
community between students and staff. This is really positive sense as everyone is
recognized and known on an individual basis which gives positive feeling and motivation
 WGU has International links with universities, businesses and industries which benefits
Students by getting industrial experience and exposure.
 All courses offered at WGU are with opportunities to gain hands on experience in the
field of study
 WGU connect helps students to find full time and part time employment. They are
number 1 university in North Wales for supporting students with employability with a
success rate of 93 %
 All the courses are designed to create opportunities which will enhance employability
after graduation
 I will be gaining valuable experience through placements & industry based work experience
 Glyndwr University is offering advanced practice programme which would help me to gain
industrial experience and knowledge while studying.
 Glyndwr University is silver awarded for teaching excellence which shows the quality of teaching
provided by the University
 University is in 11th position in the UK for Courses and Lecturer
 University has tie up with 1000`s of companies such as BBC, Airbus, Kelloggs, Toyota and they
are offering internship while studying which will help me to gain practical and real time work
experience .
 93% employability success rate.
 University has on campus accommodation and accommodation outside the campus at an very
affordable rent
What facilities does this University have?

 The career and zone service department in WGU help students to develop new
contacts, valuable skills. They help us finding part time jobs and volunteering
opportunities to expand our experience. All this facilities help us to get into the
graduate career path.
 All courses offer opportunities to gain practical skills this would give you the experience
to apply what you have learnt and develop confidence in your skills and knowledge
 Careers team at WGU help students by guiding them to build their CV, covering letter,
online profile and preparing for the job interviews.WGU is connected and partnered
with many companies which made them number one in North Wales for getting its
students jobs and achieve employability success rate of 93%
 There is a department named WGU connect helps students to find full time and part time
employment.They are number 1 university in North Wales for supporting students with
employability with a success rate of 93 %
 University provides on campus accommodation for a very affordable rent 85 pounds per week.

Where is Glyndwr University?

University is located in Wrexham, North East Wales. UK is divided into 4 countries such as England,
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in which Glyndwr University is in northern part of Wales. It is
actually in the border of England.

What do you know about the surrounding area?

University is 20 minutes away from Chester, 45 minutes away from Liverpool and 1 hour away from

Where will you stay during your studies?

What is the title of your course?

What is the cost of your tuition fees?

Why do you want to study MBA/MSc?

What is Advanced practice programme?

Advanced practice programmes allows us to gain real time work experience while studying. This
experience will help us to develop valuable experience within business management.

What is Pre Masters & Why did you select Pre Masters?

Pre Masters course is an extended master’s programme which helps me to upgrade my study skills in
preparation for the full master’s programme. Study skills module will help me to upgrade my academic
skills, and business communication. During this time I will have the opportunity to find out about
student life at a British University and this will help me to settle smoothly before starting my academic
course. This course will help me to successfully complete the MBA on time with good grade.

What is your goal and what do you want to be in the future?

What sort of job you will be getting after completing MBA/MSc?

What sort of companies you are interested to work in?

How much salary do you expect after completing MBA/MSC in the UK?

Have you done any research about the companies in India offering jobs in your field?

Will you be going back to India or you will work in the UK?

Have you researched the modules of the course? How is the course assessed?
Modular Assessment Schedule for MBA

Module code & title Assessment type Assessment

Implementing Oral Assessment 100% 3,500 words
Integrated Presentation 50% 20 mins
Communications Report 50% 200 words
Financial Insights and Essay 50% 2,000 words
Business Intelligence Report 50% 2,000 words
Contemporary Case Study 50% 2,000 words
Leadership Themes Presentation 50% 20 mins,
2,000 words
Emphasising the Coursework 100% 3,500 words
Evaluating Risk and Coursework 60% 2,500 words
Decisions 2,000 words
Reflective Practice 40%
Creative Change and Case Study 50% 2,500 words
Innovation Presentation 50% 20 mins, 10
Research Dissertation 100% 18,000
Methods/Dissertation words

For all other MBA courses please go to the University website and click the link international and click
your course and then click the link “Teaching and assessment” so that you could see the modules
taught and how the courses are assessed.

What are the modules in MSc computer science?

 Postgraduate Study & Research Methods

 Networking Hardware and Software
 Networking Techniques & Technologies
 Internet and Mobile Application Development
 Software Development - Object Oriented Programming
 Technological Horizon-Scanning
 Dissertation

How the courses are assessed in MSc?

 Coursework
 Presentation
 Research proposal
 Practical
 In class test
 Dissertation

For all other MSc courses please go to the University website and click the link international and click
your course and then click the link “Teaching and assessment” so that you could see the modules
taught and how the courses are assessed for other Engineering courses and computer science courses.

Have you paid anyone to assist you with your visa application?

Have you read the UKVI visa application guidance notes? (on UKVI website)

Do you know which original documents to submit with your application?

Passport, academic documents, financial documents, Medical report and CAS

How many days must your bank statement cover?

When did you deposit the fund in your account?

Who is your sponsor?

What is your sponsor job and relationship?

Have you taken any educational loan?

What is the maintenance fund required as per the UKVI?

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