Ethical Issues

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Ethical Issues

Conflict of interest: As I am close to the previous Municipal Commissioner, who gave the permission
to construct the wall. This creates a conflict of interest, as you may be biased in your investigation.

Corruption: There is a possibility of corruption involved in this case. The builder may have bribed the
officials of the municipal department to get the permission to construct the wall.

Neglect of human life: The collapse of the wall has resulted in the death of 12 people, including two
children. This shows a disregard for human life.

Options Available

Take no action: This is the easiest option, but it would be the most unethical. You would be shirking
your responsibility to uphold the law and protect the public.

Investigate the matter quietly: This would allow you to protect your personal relationship with the
previous Municipal Commissioner. However, it would also give the builder and the other officials a
chance to cover up their tracks.

Initiate a full and public investigation: This would be the most ethical option, but it would also be the
most challenging. You would face pressure from the builder, the political party in power, and even
your own colleagues.

Course of Action

I would choose to make a full and public investigation into the matter. This is the most ethical option,
and it is the only way to ensure that justice is served for the victims of the collapse. I would also
make sure to report any evidence of corruption to the appropriate authorities.

I know that this will be a difficult and challenging process, but I believe that it is the right thing to do.
I am committed to upholding the law and protecting the public, and I will not allow my personal
relationships to influence my decision-making.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all officials of the municipal department of their
duty to uphold the law and protect the public. Any act of corruption or negligence will be dealt with

I hope that this case will serve as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of
our citizens. We must work together to create a city where everyone can live in peace and security.


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