NIMCET 2021 Question Paper With Answer Key

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ASPIRE STUDY study. AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 NIMCET 2021 QUESTION PAPER MATHEMATICS If |k| = 5 and 0° < 6 < 360°, then the number of distinct solutions of 3 cos @ + 4sin 8 = kis @o @1 @2 (@) infinite ‘The area of the repion Dounded by he X —akis and the curves defined by y~ tanz,—2< x57 dy cote, rexsiis (@) — flog (b) Flog2 ()log2 (@) None of these Iflog(1 — x + x2) = ayx + agx? + a8x3 ++, Thenag + ag + ag + -~ is equal to @log2 (2log2 © Flogz (@ 2log2 © The number of common taiigents tothe circle x? 4+. y? = 4and x? + y? — 6x — By = 24s, @o or 3 @4 tna AARC, iftan? 4+ tan? 2.¢ tan? = den Kis always @>t @e21 @=2 @=1 Lot d= 20+ )4 2k, B=] 42K and @= 0+ J — 20 ave nee vectors. Then, a vector inthe plane of @ and 2 wos projection ois of mgd is (@3i-2 (st+2) ©zi+3y-k @ 3+ 2+k For what value of p, the polynomial x* — 3x3 + 2px? — 6 is exactly divisible by (x — 1) @2 ws os @s ASPIRE STUDY study. AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 9. cos sin 0 IfF@) [sno cos @ of ten rye sa 0 0 1 (@) F(@a) wre ©FO+a) (FO a) it and ze in the lio, then the vale of mi @o ()2 4 @s Tew ‘The locus of the point of intersection of tangents to the ellipse =; + > = 1 which meet right angles is (@acircle (b) aparabola (© anellipse (@) ahyperbola 2. Ifthe position vector of A and B relative to O bef — 4j-+ 38 and —i + 2 — Rrespectively. then the median through O of AABC is: (@) 21+ 2 fk @-i-j+k (@-1-j-k ‘The general value of 8, satistying the equation , sin @nn+Ener mes -or(@)iner (©2nms ner @ 2m +B2n€1 ‘The area ofthe triangle formed by the Vertices whose position vectors are 31 + j,51-+ 2) + Ri 27 + 3Ris @vVZiq. wis (6) V2 squnics (VIS mits (@) V29 squrmits ‘The standard deviation of20 mumbers is 30. teach of the numbers is increased by 4, then the new standard deviation will be (24 (b) 34 (30 (@ 20 ‘The fancton F(2) = EO < x < Sis maxima when @x=secx @x=tans (x= cosx (@) None of the above 2 ASPIRE STUDY study. Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 17. IEF: R > Ris defined by See ifxeR-(-1,-2) rwo-fF a tt 2» then f(x) is continuous on the set 0 ifx=-1 @R @R-(2) ()R-{-y @R-{-1,-2} A polygon has 44 diagonals, the number of sides are @s (b) 10 ou @ne The probability of occurence of two events E and F are 0.25 and 0.50, respectively. the probability of their simultaneous oecurrence is 0.14. the probability that neither E nor F occur is (061 mou (039 (@089 ‘The value of | tan 9° — tan 27° tan 63° + tan 81°is equal to (as 3 (4 @e Ina triangle, ifthe sum of two sides is x and their product is y such that (x + z)(x — 2) = y, where z is the third side of the triangle , then tangle is (2) equilateral (b) Right angled (©) Isosceles (@) Obtuse angled If Hy, Hy, ., Hy aren hatinoni¢ means between a and b (+ a), then (@2n @ns+t (n-1 @ anti =sin? we try =sin ) (> 0), then 2 ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 25, If 32tan® 6 = 2cos* a — 3cosa and 3 cos 26 = 1, then the general value of a for @nns? Wan (©2nn aE @Ons® Ina wimgle ABC acos?£+ c cos? (a) AP (b) GP (HP (@) None of the above =, then the sides ofthe triangle are in 1f0 is acute angle between the pair of lines 2 Tay + 129? = 0 then 229 os OF oz @$ ‘The four geometric means between 2nd 64 are ait oes (0)4.8,16.32 (V2.8, 16V2,32 _(@) None of the above ‘The lines px + qy = 1 and gx + py = 1 are respectively the sides AB, AC of the triangle ABC and the base BC is ‘bisected at (p,q). Equation of the median of the triangle through the vertex A is (@ @pq — (ax + py — 1) — @? +g? = 1)px + gy =1 () pq — (pet gy — 1) + (? +g? — DGetpy- 1 © @pq— D@x + ay) @? +g? — 1) qx + py 1 @ @rq— Nae + py =D) + (? + = DEF ay — 1 Ifthe vectors af +7++ ki + bj + Rt +)-+ 8 (a,b,c # 1) axe coplanar, then @o On 2 @s Let d= 1+ fandb = 2t— &. Then, the point of intersection of the lines # x d = B x @and# x b = ax dis (@-t+p4k (3 -s4k @i-j-k (@at+j-k Ifthe system of equations 3x — y+ 4z = 3, x + 2y ~3z = ~2, 6x + Sy + Az = —3 has atleast one solution, then @3 so Ifa variable takes values 0,1, 2,.., 50 with frequencies 1, C1, C3, ..., Cs, then the AM is (a) 50 (2s 4 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study IL Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 oF ws If = (1.2.34) and B = (34.5) then the mumber of elements in (AUB) x (ANB) x (AAB) @18 2 uw (30 Ten is an integer between 0 to 21, then find a value of n for which the value of n! (24 — 1)! Ts minimum, @s (b) 10 ox @a Suppose Ay, Az, Ago are 30 sets each with five elements and By By, Bs)..,By 12 mses (each with three elements) such that U2, A; = U'y Bj = S and each element of S belongs to exactly ten of the 4; 's and exactly 9 ofthe Bjs. Then n = @uis (4s 7s (90 ‘he ecetic nga of heexnesof us rectuni of elipe 24 22 — 4 ae given by eptan'(48) Oy tane! (44) @tan* (42) @ran(+3) Ifa # B and a? = 5a ~ 3,6? = 5 ~3, then the equation whose roots axe and 4 is (3x? - 25x +3=0 () 3x2 +5r43=0 (3x2 5x +3=0 (@ 3x2 — 19x +3 ‘The probability tht « man who is Yeurs old will die in a yeur isp. Then, amongst n persons Ay, Ay, «A, each x year old nov the probability thatA, will die in one year is @s @1-a—pr ost-a-p") @2n-a-p" Angle between d and b is 120°. If |B| = 2|4| and the vectors @ + xb, d —b areat right angle, then x = @i wo} @ @3 ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 41, Ifa number x is selected at random from natural numbers 1,2, .,100, then the probability for x + 22 > 29 is @z w2 oz @§ (2. IEK and ¥ are two sets, then XY’ (X UY)! is @x wy oF (@) None of the above Je* (sin hx + cos hx)dx =? (a)e*sechx +C (0) e* cos hx + C (©) sinhax + (@ cosh2x +c If @=(ad) and @%=(11,—1) and @ and 5 are two vectors such that @ @) = d + 2B. then angle between d and B is @eos(-2) (b) cos"? (Z) ui cos (2) (@ cos (82 IEP(1,2),Q(4,6), (5,7) and (a, b) ace the vertices of a parallelogram PQRS, then @a=2,b=3 (Wa=3, (a=2b=4 — @a=3, Ifacos@ + bsin@ = 2and asin 9 — bcos 6 = 3, then a? +b? = @s ws 13 @ 0 Tf three thrown of three dice, the probability of throwing triplets not more than twice is @1-4% wm. @1i-4 -3*dx is-equal 0 ¥ Tas +6 Foal @ doase * 6 ‘There are $0 questions in a paper. Find the munber of way’ in which a student cam attempt one or more questions @2°—1 () 2° +1. (2-2 (242 6 ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 50. Consider the following frequency distribution table. [cas Interval 10-20 | 20-30 [30-40 | 40-50 | 50-60 ( Hrequeney 180 iM 6 Ifthe total srequeney is 686 and the median is 42.6, then the value of f, and fy are (@ 8125 (92.24 (©)83.23 (422 ANALYTICAL ABILITY & LOGICAL REASONING Choose the word which has the same relationship among the veal three words Yellow, Blue, Red (@ Black (©) Orange (© White (@ Paint 2. A company produces five different proticts, The sales ofthese five procucts (in lak number of packs) during 2008 snd 2010 are shown in the following bar graph. Question i based on this graph Sales (in lakh number of packs) of five different products of a company’ during 2005-2010. “0 Product Product Product Product) Product © The sales of Products a in 2010 was by that percent more than the sales of Product B in 2010? (rounded off to the nearest integer) (a) 33% (31% (©) 28% @2% Choose the pair of number that comes next 11072013 3019 (a) 2522 2624 (2623 (2523 54, Read the information given below and answer the following question’ 7 ASPIRE STUDY www. Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 i, Ina family of six persons A.B.C.D.E and F, there are two mamried couples. ii, D Is grandmother of A and mother of B, iii. C is wife of B and mother of F. iv. Fis the granddaughter of E. ‘Who among the following is one of the couples? @cp (b) DE Or (@) None of these IfZ=52 and ACT =48, then BAT will be equal to (as 39 4s @at Read the information given below and answer the following question i, Ina family of six persons A.B,C.D,E and F there are two married couples, ii, D Is grandmother of A and mother of B iii. C is wife of B and mother of F iv. Fis the granddaughter of E Which of the following is true? (a) Ais brother of F (b) Ais sister of F. (© Dhas two grandsons, (@None of these Read the information given below and answer the following question: i, Ina family of six persons A.B.C.D.E and F , there are two married couples. ii, Dis grandmother of A and mother of B. iii. Cis wife of B and mother of F, iv. Fis the granddaughter of F What is C t0 A? (@) Daughter (b) Grandmother (©) Mother (@) Cannot be determined Find the matching tem for Musie : Guitar: Performer (a) Dance : Tune : Instrument (b) Food = Recipe : Cook (© Patient : Medicine : doctor (@ Trick : Rope ; Acrobat If9 x3 +8=24, 10 x2 + 7=35 and 80%40+3 =6, then find the value of I2x4 +3=7 @?7 ws or @6 Choose the missing term out of the given altematives: QIF , S2E , U6, W21C,? (@ Y6ss (van (© YssB (@ z886 ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 61. Study the following table carefully and answer the following question. Subjeets 40 and above | 30 andabove | 20andabove | 10andabove | Oand baove (Fuil Marks 50) Physies 9 32 80 2 100 | Chemisty 4 21 66 31 100 [Aggregate 7 27 B 87. 100 Ifitis known that at least 23 students were eligible for a Symposium on Chemistry, the minimum qualifying marks in Chemistry for eligibility to Symposium would lie in the range (a) 30-40 (b) 20-30 (©) Below 20 (@) Cannot be detemnined 2. Ina certain code Language, "do re me” means "hes late"; "fa me la” means "she is early" and "so ti do” means “he leaves soon”. Which word in the language means late" @la (b) do (me (@re Find the missing term 7: $6:: 952 (63 (b) 81 (90 @9 In this series, looking at the letter pattem fill the blank in the middle of the series: ELFA,GLHAIUA,_. MLNA (@OLPA () KLMA (LMA (@) KLLA Read the following Information carefblly and then answer the following question: iP Qmeans P is mother of Q ii, P € CTmeans Ps sister of Q iil. P SQ means Pis father of iv. P# Q means Pis brother of Q Which of the following means Ris brother of T? @R pseust Oupreser CUPRESYT — TASSQER Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words: WAITRESS : RESTAURANT (@) doctor : diagnosis (b) actor: role (©)dtiver:tmck —_(@) teacher: school COUNSEL isto BITIRAK, s0 also GUIDANCE isto (a) EOHYZKBB (b) FOHYZJBB (QFPHZZKAB ——_(q) HOHYBIBA ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 68. Choose the number pair or group that is different ffom others? (a 15:46 (b) 12:37 (928 (@) 8:33 Ii is Saturday on January 1, 2000, then January 1, 2001 would have been (@ Monday (b) Sunday (© Tuestay @ Friday Rada is twice as old as Rita was 2 years ago. If difference between their ages is 2 years, how old is Radha today? 6 8 (10 @R How many times in a day are the hands of a clock pointing opposite to each other? ? @4 (by 20 (2 wu 2. Study the following table carefully and answer the following question. Subjects 40 and above [30 andabove | 20andabove | 10and above | Oand baove (Full Marks 50) Physics 2 32 80 D 100 ‘Chemistry 4 21 66, 81 100 ‘Aggregate 1 27 3 87 100 If at least 60% marks in Physics are required for pursuing higher studies in Physics, how many students will be eligible to pursue higher studies in Physics? (27 (0) 32 om @al Study the following table carefully and answer the following question, Subjects 40and above | 30 and above | 20 and above (Full Marks 50) Physics 9 Ea 80 Chemistry 4 21 66 ‘Aggregate 7 27 B ‘The number of students scoring less than 40% marks in aggregate is: @B ov 27 (@2 Choose the missing tem: BYCX : DWEV : : FUGT:? @ EHD (b) GH (©HSIR (@ SRHS Read the information given below and answer the following question: i, In family of six persons A.B\C, D.E and F , there are two married couples. ii, Dis grandmother of 4 and mother of B 10 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 iii. Cis wife of B and mother of F. iv. Fis the granddaughter of E. How many male members are there in the family? (@ Three Two (©) Camnot be determined (@ None of these Read the following information carefully and then answer the following question’ i, Pi Qmeans P is mother of Q fi, PE E Qmeans P is sister of Q iii, PS Q means Piis father of Q iv. P# Qmeans P is brother of Q IEKYL € MEN, then how K is related with N? (a) Mother (b) Aunt (©) Great Aunt (@) Grandmother Choose the correct option for the remainder when X = 1! +4214 3! +... 1001 is divided by @o () jisz @s ‘There are six members ina family. A is the father of D,E is the grandfather of D. Bis the daughter-in-law of C. F is the uncle of D. What isthe relationship of C with F? (@) Sister (b) Motner-inlaw (© Nephew (@ Data inadequate Read the following information carefully and then answer the following question: i Py Qmeans P is mother of Q ii, PE E Q means P is sister of Q iii. P'S Q means P is Father of Q iv, P # Qmeans P is brother of Q Which of the following means N is definitely daughter of K? (@ KSLaMEN (O) MpKSN EL (© KYMELEN (@ LyKsNeM Choose the word that is a necessary part of the underlined word: harvest (@ autumn (b) crop (©) stockpile (@) tractor 81. Study the following table carefully and answer the following question Subjects and above | 30 and above | 20andabove | 10 and above | Oand baove (ull Marks 50) Physics 3 2 8 2 100 [Chemistry 4 21 66 81 100 ul ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007288637 ‘Aggregate 73 fa 100 What is the difference between the number of students passed with 30 as cut ~ off marks in chemistry and those passed with 30 as cut ~ off marks in aggregate? (@3 @4 os @s6 A company produces five different products. The sales of these five procncts (in lakh number of packs) during 2005 ‘and 2010 are shown in the following bar — graph, Question is based on this graph, Sales (in lakh number of packs) of five different products of a company during 2005-2010, Product Product® Product Product) Product € During the period 2005-2010, the minimum rate of increase in sales is inthe case of (a) Product A (b) Product B (© Product D (@) Product E Insert the missing number 8,7, 11, 12, 14, 17, 17. (27 (b) 20 (2 (24 Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words: PULSATE : THROB (@)walk: um () fired : sleep (©) examine : scrutinize (4) ballet : dancer Ina class of 50 students, Raghw’s rank is twice that of Paul. There are 10 students who have ranked worse than that of Ragh, Paul's rank in the class is @ sth @ 10m (© 18th @ 20m Choose the odd one: (@) Zobra () Hyena (©) Rhinoceros (@ Giraite ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 87. If‘ASTISR’ stands for ‘ACTOR and ‘DITS' stands for DATE, how will you code ROTATE: (@RisTiTs @RIsTITS (@RISTITIG (@RISCLAT A company produces five different products. The sales of these five products (in lakh number of packs) during 2005 ‘nd 2010 are shown in the following bar — graph. Question is based on this graph, Sales (in lakh number of packs) of five different products of a company during 2005-2010, so 0 2 20 Product Product® Product Product) Product € ‘The sales have increased by nearly 55% from 2005 to 2010 in case af (@) Product A (b) Product B (©) Produet C (@) Product D Which word does NOT belong with the others? (@) wing (b) ia (©) beak (@) mudder Insert the missing number: 16, 33.65, 131, 261. ? (523 221 (613 jn COMPUTER AWARENESS ‘The process when processor fetch or decode another instruction during the execution of current instruction is called (@) Supercomputing _() Pipelining (Cloud computing (@) Grid computing Which ofthe following is used by ALU to store the intermediate results? (a) stack (b) Heap (© Registers (@) Accumulators ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study IL Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 98. One TeraByte (TB) = GB and One ExaByte (EB) =, B (@2°GB, 26GB (b) 2°GB, 2°°GB. (© 2GB, 26GB (4) 2B, 2°°GB. ‘The Cache Memory is more effective becanse of (a) Memory localization (b) Locality of reference (©) Memory size (@ None of the mentioned Which of the following is the fastest means of memory aecess for CPU? (2) Registers (b) Cache (Main memory ——_(@) Stack The number (2217): is equivalent to (@ 608).6 (b) 28F)s © O48F)6 (2290 ‘To fetch data from the secondary memory which one of the following register is used (@)MAR (PC oR (@ MBR ‘The binary nmultiplication 00°11 will give @ (b) 00 @o @o Consider a computer system with speed of 10" instrctions per second. A program P, havi teps is man on this system, where n isthe inpat size. Ifn = 10000, whet isthe execution time for P ? (@) 1.2 seconds (8) 20 seconds (©)100 seconds (@) 200 seconds 100. To access the 1/0 devices the statis flags is continuously checked in (@) Program controlled LO (®) Memory mapped LO (©) VO mapped (@ None of the above GENERAL ENGLISH Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow Tris said with wuth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in hmman society. It ust provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Ts « university only an institution 14 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 or higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowledge which gratifies curiosity is different from culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering 1 mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which cross the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country has for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development of the soul, is the best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education is to form tastes and not simply to comnmnicate knowledge. A man’s cultare Is not Judged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not cramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight, asit were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Is never bind, only its gaze may be fumed to the false andthe fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function of the teacher is not to add to the "leaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a miversity does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature. 101. Mere knowledge and culture may be distinguished fromeach other in that: (a) The former widens the mental horizon, the latter enlarges the hears. (b) The former graifies curiosity, the latter refines personality. (© The former is concemed with facts, the latter with fiction, (@ The former adds to power, the later adds to prestize, 102. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow Iis said with tth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in human society. It must provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a miversity only an instiution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowiedge which gratifies curiosity is different from culrure which refines personality. Culture is not remembering, 1 mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the ereat heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which cross the Atlantic or entertaining ods and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country bas for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development of the soul, isthe best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education is to fom: tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's culture Is not Judged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not cramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight, ast were, into blind eyes. The eye of te soul Ts never blind, only its gaze may be tamed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function of he teacher is not to add to the “Teaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards, The student at a university does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature. 15 ASPIRE STUDY Aimeno way to stay IL Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 ‘Wit is the finction of education according to the ancient Indian philosophers? (a) Education isthe development ming. (©) Education brings about salvation and development ofthe sou (© Eaweation isthe cultivation of culture (@ Education aims at the inculeation of generosity. 103, Choose the most suitable synonym of the given word SCINTILLATING (a) touching (b) mgging (© slittering (@ waming 104. Choose the most suitable synonym of the given word! BLAND (2 pleasant (b) harsh (© irritating (@) tasteless 105. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow Itis said with truth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in kmman society. It rust provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of mau exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Ts « university only an institution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowledge which gratties curiosity is different ftom culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering 1 mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which eross the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country has for Its motto sa. vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the developmient of the soul, isthe best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing thatthe best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education is to form tastes and not simply to comnminicate knowledge. A man’s culture Is not Jindged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not cramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight asit were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Isnever blind, only its gaze may be tumed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire, The function ofthe teacher is not to add to the "leaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a university does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature. What is meant by “leaden weights”? (@) Weights made of leaden (B) Cold scientific knowledge. (©) Hindering factors, of pride and prejudice, passion, and desire, in the liberation of the soul (@ Social and family responsibilities. 106. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow 16 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 Tt is said with truth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in human society. It rust provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a miversity only an institution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowledge which gratifies curiosity is different from culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the World or the interesting names of the fastest ships which eross the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this conntry has for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development ofthe soul, is the best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. Acconding to Goethe, the object of education is to form tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's culture Is not jndged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not eramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight, asit were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Isnever blind, only its gaze may be tumedito the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function of the teacher is not to add fo the "leaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards, The student at a university does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, inthe anost elastic period of his life, to twausforning influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature The function of university is (a) To enable the young to gather facts about the worl. (b) To learn to do his job, (6) To prepare the young to take their place in society (@ To enable them to leam to talk with others, 107. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follow Ttis said with truth thatthe fiction of a miversty isto prepare the young to take their place in hnman society. Tt ust provide Its members with the knowledge rnd skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a mniversity only an institution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowledge which gratifies curiosity is different from culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering a mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which eross the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country bas for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development of the soul, isthe best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. Acconding to Goethe, the object of education is to fom tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's cultare Ts not jndged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he ‘rings to bear on the facts of life, Education is not cramming the mind with # host of technical details, puting sight, as it were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Ts never bind, only its gaze may be tamed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function of the teacher is not to add to the "leaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a university does not 17 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature. According to the passage, the fimction of the teacher is = (@) To remove leaden weights of pride and prejudice, passion, and desire to liberate the soul. (D) To instill acts into the minds of the students, (©) To teach humanity. (@ To foster brotherhood, 108._ Fil in the blank with the most appropriate word given: Teannot itto you right now; tomorrow we will discuss about i (a) demand (b) disturb (explain (@) expect 109. Read the following passage carefully and aiswer the question that fllow Iis said with truth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in kmman society. It rust provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a university only an institution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere Knowledge which gratties curiosity is diferent fiom culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering mass of setious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which etoss the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country has for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development of the soul, isthe best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and feirest thing thatthe best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education isto form tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's culture Is not judged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not cramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight sit were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Is never blind, only its gaze may be tamed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function ofthe teacher is not to add to the "leaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a university does not merely leam something: but becomes something by being exposed. in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences. such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature What are the hinderiug factors in the liberation and development of the soul? (a) Power and wealth (b) Passion and desire, pride and prejudice (©) Money and influence (@ Greed and envy 110. Choose the most suitable synonym of the given word? RECUPERATE (@ recapture (b) reclaim 18 ASPIRE STUDY AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 (recover @ recur 111, Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word: ‘The ‘with which he is able to wield the paint ~ brush is really remarkable? (@ ease (b) practice (©) sweep @ gait 112. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that fllow Its said with truth that the function of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in hman Society. It rust provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a miversity only an institution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to un the machinery of the State? Mere knowledge which gratifies curiosity is different from culrure which refines personality. Culture isnot remembering ‘a mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the great heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which cross the Atlantic or enfettaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who, A well- known institution of this country has for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development ofthe soul, is the best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy. Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is “the first and fairest thing thatthe best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education isto form tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's culture Ts not judged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not eramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight, asit were, into blind eyes. The eye of the soul Istever bind, only its gaze may be tumed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire The function of the teacher is not to add to the "Ieaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance 50 that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a university does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed. in the most elastic period of his life, to transforming influences, stich as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of hiaman nature ‘What is the object of education according to Goethe? (a) It teaches social manners, (D)Itteaches courtesy. (©) It communicates knowledge (@ It forms taste, 113, Choose the most suitable antonym of given word! ERUDITE (@) scholarly (b) unfamiliar (illiterate (@) arrogant 114, Which one word for the following An mneivilized / primitive person, (a) barbarian (0) ascetic (©) bourgeois (@ altruist ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 TIS. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word: ‘The car driver was arrested for rash driving and his license was by thepolice. (@) impounded (b) flown, (© penalized (@) banned 116. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word: The State Transportation Comporation has loss of 5 crore INR this year. (a) derived (b) incurred (© performed (@) fommnlated 117. Choose the most suitable antonym of given word: NEGLIGENCE (a) diligence (b) meticulousness (©) integrity (@) honest 118, Write one word for the following: One who does not save for fiture (a) incorporeal (b) inedible (©) improvident (@) implacable 119. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word given in the options The child prefers rooms with ceilings. (@ tall (b) long © higher (@ high 120. Read the following passage Carefully and answer the question that follow Iis said with truth that the flmnction of a university isto prepare the young to take their place in human society. It must provide Its members with the knowledge and skill necessary to make them efficient citizens. But is the whole duty of man exhausted by the acquisition of knowledge and professional training? Is a miversity only an instinution for higher learning, a factory which chums out clerks and technicians able to run the machinery of the State? Mere knowiedge which gratifies curiosity is different from culture which refines personality. Culture is not remembering, ‘mass of serious details about the dates of birth of the ereat heroes of the world or the interesting names of the fastest ships which cross the Atlantic or entertaining odds and ends gathered from the latest who's who. A well- known institution of this country has for Its motto sa vidya yavimuchyate: that is, knowledge which is designed for salvation, for the development of the soul, isthe best. Such an idea is not merely an Indian idiosyncrasy, Plato said long ago that the culture of soul is "the first and fairest thing that the best of men can ever have. According to Goethe, the object of education is to form tastes and not simply to communicate knowledge. A man's culture Is not Judged by the amount of tabulated information which he has at his command, but by the quality of mind which he brings to bear on the facts of life. Education is not cramming the mind with a host of technical details, putting sight, as it were, into blind eyes. The eye of te soul Ts never blind, only its gaze may be tamed to the false and the fleeting, Too often the vision may be dragged downwards by the "leaden weights" of pride and prejudice, of passion and desire. The function of the teacher is not to add to the “Teaden weights” but remove them and liberate the soul from the encumbrance so that it may follow its native impulse to soar upwards. The student at a university does not merely leam something, but becomes something by being exposed, in the most elastic period of his life, to 20 ASPIRE STUDY Anew way to study Ih Phone No. 8400072444, 7007288637 transforming influences, such as the constant clash of mind with mind, the interchange of ideas, the testing of opinions, and the growth of knowledge of human nature ‘What is the man’s culture judged by? (@ By the quality of mind which be brings to bear on the facts of life (b) By man’s social skill (© By the variety of books he reads. (@ By money and influence. ASPIRE STUDY study. AL new way to study It Phone No, 8400072446, 7007286637 ANSWER KEY 5B 6B 78 wc | 16C | 17.6 25.8 | 26.8 | 27A 358 | 368% | 37.C 15.8 | 460 | 47.0 55.4 | 66.0 | 57.C 65.8 [66.0 | 678 15. 76.A | TL 868 | 87.8 96.0 | 97. 106.6 | 107.4 168 [17.8

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