DFC20203 - LAB ACTIVITY 3 - Part 4

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LAB ACTIVITY 3: Entity Relationship (ER) Model

& Normalization – PART 4
Duration: 4 Hours

Learning Outcomes
Activity 3Iencompasses activities 3I and 3J
This activity

At the end
Activity of this activity
outcome: Usingsession,
Chen you should
Model be able to:
Notation, Draw the ERD for the given scenario
below. Design E-R Diagram based on a given scenario by using Chen’s Model and Crow’Foot

There are many soccer teams in Liga Super Malaysia ; each team has an ID,name,main stadium, and
which city this team belongs.Each team has many players,and each player belongs to one team.Each
player has a number,name,DOB,start year and shirt number that he uses.Teams play matches, for
each match you need to keep track the date on which the game is played, match ID and the final
result of the match.Each match has exactly three referees.For each referee have an referee
ID,name,DOB and year of experience.
(10 Marks)

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Activity 3J

Activity outcome: Using Crow’s Foot Model Notation, Draw the ERD for the given
scenario below.

Seremban Hospital has several wards. This hospital has a few types of ward depends on types of
patients. Patient information will be recorded into file that patient number, patient name, address,
phone number, IC number, patient and group of blood patient. Each patient is treated by a doctor at
one time but one doctor can treats a number of patients. The information of doctors recorded are:
doctor ID, doctor name, address, phone no, IC no and expertise. The nurses will be assigned to take
care of the patients. Nurses in this hospital are graded based on their experience, qualification and
duration of working in the hospital.

(10 Marks)

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