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Syntagmatic relations (SR) refer to the relationships between words, phrases, or clauses that
occur sequentially in a sentence or discourse. These relations are based on the arrangement
and combination of linguistic elements within a syntactic structure. Syntagmatic relations are
essential for understanding the meaning and structure of sentences in any language.

There are several kinds of syntagmatic relations in English:

1. Subject-Verb (SV) Relation: In this relation, the subject of a sentence (noun or

pronoun) is paired with a verb. For example, in the sentence "She sings," "She" is the
subject, and "sings" is the verb.
2. Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) Relation: This relation involves the subject, verb, and
direct object. In the sentence "He reads a book," "He" is the subject, "reads" is the
verb, and "a book" is the direct object.
3. Subject-Verb-Complement (SVC) Relation: Here, the subject, verb, and complement
are connected. In the sentence "She is a doctor," "She" is the subject, "is" is the verb,
and "a doctor" is the complement.
4. Subject-Verb-Adverbial (SVA) Relation: This relation includes the subject, verb, and
adverbial modifier. For example, in the sentence "He speaks fluently," "He" is the
subject, "speaks" is the verb, and "fluently" is the adverbial modifier.
5. Subject-Verb-Object-Complement (SVOC) Relation: In this relation, the subject,
verb, object, and complement are present. For instance, in the sentence "They elected
him president," "They" is the subject, "elected" is the verb, "him" is the object, and
"president" is the complement.
6. Subject-Verb-Adverbial-Object (SVAO) Relation: This relation involves the subject,
verb, adverbial modifier, and object. In the sentence "She sings beautifully a song,"
"She" is the subject, "sings" is the verb, "beautifully" is the adverbial modifier, and "a
song" is the object.

These syntagmatic relations illustrate how words and phrases combine in specific orders to
form meaningful sentences in English. Understanding these relations is crucial for analyzing
the structure and meaning of sentences in linguistic analysis.


Eco-Translation theory, also known as ecological translation theory, is a concept that

emphasizes the relationship between translation and ecology. It explores the ecological
impact of translation activities and seeks sustainable, environmentally friendly approaches to
translation. Here are the main principles, findings, and challenges associated with
Eco-Translation theory:

1. Sustainability: Eco-Translation theory promotes sustainable translation practices,

considering the environmental impact of activities such as printing, transportation,
and digital storage.
2. Cultural Preservation: It emphasizes the preservation of linguistic and cultural
diversity, valuing indigenous languages and dialects that are often endangered.
3. Eco-friendly Technologies: The theory encourages the use of eco-friendly
technologies in translation processes, reducing the carbon footprint associated with
traditional printing and distribution methods.
4. Collaboration: Eco-Translation advocates for collaboration between translators,
researchers, and environmental experts to develop sustainable translation strategies.
5. Awareness: Translators are encouraged to raise awareness about environmental issues
through their work, translating materials related to conservation, climate change, and
sustainable practices.


1. Digitalization Impact: The shift towards digital platforms and electronic documents
has significantly reduced the use of paper and ink, contributing to a more eco-friendly
translation environment.
2. Language Preservation: Eco-Translation efforts have contributed to the preservation
of endangered languages, ensuring their documentation and dissemination in digital
3. Global Collaboration: Translation scholars and practitioners globally are increasingly
recognizing the importance of eco-friendly practices, leading to collaborative efforts
to minimize the environmental impact of translation activities.


1. Technological Access: Access to digital technologies is uneven globally. In some

regions, limited access to the internet and electronic devices can hinder the adoption
of eco-friendly digital translation practices.
2. Resource Constraints: Smaller translation agencies and freelance translators may face
challenges in implementing eco-friendly practices due to limited resources and
financial constraints.
3. Awareness and Education: Raising awareness about Eco-Translation theory and
educating translators about sustainable practices are ongoing challenges. Many
translators may not be aware of the environmental impact of their work or the
available eco-friendly alternatives.
4. Quality vs. Sustainability: Balancing translation quality with eco-friendly practices
can be a challenge. For instance, high-quality printed materials might be preferred in
certain contexts despite their environmental impact.

In summary, Eco-Translation theory promotes sustainable, culturally sensitive, and

eco-friendly translation practices. While progress has been made, addressing challenges
related to technological access, resource constraints, awareness, and balancing quality with
sustainability remains crucial in the field of eco-translation.


Він ніколи не був одружений, не спілкувався з кимось, окрім адвокатів та медсестер.

Ніхто не цікавився Стенлі Перлманом, окрім його молодої адвокатки, Сари Андерсон, і
ніхто не буде сумувати за ним, коли він піде, окрім медсестер, яких він наймав.
Дев'ятнадцятеро спадкоємців, зазначених у заповіті, який Сара знову оновлювала для
нього (цього разу, щоб включити серію нафтових свердловин, які він щойно придбав у
окрузі Оренд, після продажу кількох інших, знову ж таки вчасно) були його внучатими
племінницями та племінниками, з якими він ніколи не зустрічався і не листувався, і
двоє літніх двоюрідних братів, які майже такі ж старі, як і він, і яких, як він сказав, він
не бачив з кінця 1940-х років, але відчував до них якусь віддалену приязнь. Правда
була в тому, що він ні до кого не був прив'язаний і не ховав цього. У нього було лише
одне завдання протягом його життя - заробляти гроші. Він досягнув своєї мети. Він
сказав, що був закоханий у двох жінок у свої ранні роки, але ніколи не пропонував
одружитися з жодною з них, і втратив контакт із обома, коли вони відмовилися від
нього і одружилися з іншими чоловіками, більше як шістдесят років тому. Єдина річ,
яку він сказав що шкодує, - це те, що у нього не було дітей. Він думав про Сару як про
онуку, якої в нього ніколи не було, але могло б бути, якби він піддавався одруженню.
Вона була тією онукою, яку він хотів би мати. Вона була розумною, смішною, цікавою,
віддзеркаленою, красивою і вправною в своїй справі. Іноді, коли вона приносила йому
документи, він любив сидіти і дивитися на неї і говорити з нею годинами. Він навіть
тримав їй руку, що він ніколи не робив зі своїми медсестрами. Вони дратували його і
діяли йому на нерви.

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