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Keeping our neighborhood clean –

Aah…. The world after 30 years. There will be flying cars,

transparent smartphones and hologram tech like tony stark.
But I don’t think that any of these will genuinely happen. You
can call me pessimistic but how can we make any of those if
our Earth turned into a huge garbage disposal? Yes, some
recent study suggests that within the span of thirty years our
beloved earth will be full of waste. We humans are credited
for a lot of good things for earth but we are also credited for
some not-so-great things like pollution. there’s a good
question, when was the last time when any of us had walked
through the streets without seeing chips packets or, cigarette
buts or trash falling on the streets? Well, I haven’t and I also
bet a lot of other people haven’t. This is pollution in the flesh.
Just like I said in the beginning, pollution is not at all a good
thing. So, it’s our duty to stop the eath from literally going to
trash. The govment is trying to do it’s best in decreasing the
pollutin in many ways. The Swaccha Bharat Avyan was
launched to keep the Indian streets clean. We can also help
them in many ways. Starting with-
 Walk, bike or use public transportation.

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