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Return from Initiation to the Catholic Church



It doesn't ma er my name as it doesn't require me to say who I am. I

would only like to introduce and help the people who read me
towards genuine internal choices and certainly not towards dark
paths that can compromise their spiritual life and their soul essence.

I will try not to bore the story with details but instead I will help us
understand how the so-called new age or esotericism are just
invented concepts to lead us to choose a different and more exo)c
"Western" approach to theories and prac)ces that connect energies
we don't know about the origin.

So who is behind this pressure and why do we distance ourselves

from the Truth of God? We will discover this in my experience which
I have turned into a careful story.

"Quis ut Deus?"


Many years ago curiosity led us to read some prophecies and to admit
that these forms of clairvoyance were true when their data were
found in reality. Many prophecies spoke from the mouths of monks
or of Nostradamus or of Saints and focused on future events but one
in par)cular was described in detail: the advent of the an)christ and
the succession of events on the dates around these apocalyp)c

I have always been fascinated by reading the texts of the New

Testament and in par)cular the Apocalypse as an element of
Revela)on: revealing God in our daily lives, elimina)ng any hesita)on.
The simple path of the pilgrim who meets God in the figure of Jesus
Christ is the best one and I will never )re of saying it as the thirst for
"knowledge" comes from the adversary and certainly not from
enlightened minds. But we'll see this as we go.

Reading and medita)ng on the passages of the Gospel, we were not

sa)sfied with the fact that some sentences contain some hidden
meaning and this meaning came to mind as a delay in following the
simple path to complicate our lives exponen)ally. This complica)on
involved the fran)c search for knowledge which would later prove to
be totally deleterious.

The encounter with the world of esotericism was obvious: hours

spent in libraries and bookshops looking for books, informa)on and
anything else that seemed op)mal in the search for the hidden and
the spirit. Unfortunately, this a<tude is o=en harmful: it masks the
desire to abuse what God has confided to us through His Son Jesus by
seeking solu)ons or fantasies by personally interpre)ng the
sentences as those who, like the false prophets, would like to put
words in our mouths o=en do to Jesus that are not his.


This internal confusion led to an increase in the researcher's ego

towards topics that were no longer readily spiritual but more o=en
than not esoteric. There was then talk of esoteric Chris)anity, that is,
authors who professed doctrines that passed themselves off as
Chris)an but which in the end were not from the millennial deposit
of the Chris)an Church. Such false ideas were dictated by those who
had themselves been confused and as Jesus said, posed as or were
mistaken for Chris)an prophets. Unfortunately, this ignorance - or
lack of knowledge - o=en led to believing in such authors and
characters, therefore passing them through the new age sieve as
exponents of the new spiritual course of humanity (according to

This false path is nothing more than a departure from the canons of
the Divine Church to engage in false prosely)sm towards people o=en
with internal problems that they covered, or cloaked, in spiritual light
but which is not such.

The first books that are read a=er the Gospel are those rela)ng to the
Gospels themselves, that is, the Apocryphal books of the Old and
New Testaments. Reading such texts one o=en understands that
Chris)anity is an almost infinite deposit of tes)monies, many of
which, however, are unofficial. The feeling of this unofficialness,
however, s)mulated the mind to search for other meanings in these
texts which then mul)plied into ques)ons without certain answers.

The freedom that God has granted us allows human beings to

ques)on everything, but it also requires us to rediscover the path of
the pilgrim who wants to get closer to God. Our soul essence cannot
be contaminated with errors that are fatal. We must always walk
upright with the use of discernment that can only come from prayer
and the con)nuous humble search for God. There are no paths for
the ego: the ego is the mind and as such it is con)nually solicited by
internal and external sensorial situa)ons. external. God is the All, he
is the alpha and omega of everything and therefore of each of us.

ADVICE: return as soon as possible to the True Way which is that of

Christ as the Chris)an Church as a whole teaches us.

The other trap into which we have fallen is that of the possibility of
spiritually realizing ourselves even without Divine help: self-
realiza)on as a concept of Gnosis. With Gnosis I can say that in any
field of human spiritual knowledge I have the answer to my search.
Since human gnosis is o=en the fruit of illusions or erroneous visions,
we will soon recognize that this fruit has a bi er taste. This is not my
belief but honestly what happened to me a=er years of con)nuous
research. True Gnosis is that which derives from the perfect
discernment of the Holy Spirit and therefore of God and not from
what is wri en in books.

TIP: if you have read books on Gnosis, the confusion increases

exponen)ally. This is because apart from the technical terms o=en in
Greek, there are complex cosmologies - that is, representa)ons of the
system of spiritual worlds - deriving from occult (o=en non-spiritual)
discernments. Abandon such theories. Do not let yourselves be
influenced by such wri)ngs which do not give space for prayer and an
interior rela)onship with God. Instead, let us read the Gospel and let
a spontaneous prayer arise: may God help us discern what is good for
us and not what seems to be good.

From the wri)ngs of Gnosis we move on to focusing on the greatest

technicality of knowledge: that of magic. This is a bu on

very painful. The first books you buy seem to be temp)ng: knowledge
of how to do this or that, the magic of candles which is the basic one
in which you can prac)ce taking your first steps...into the world of
perdi)on. Yes, you understood correctly, in the world of perdi)on.
This is not a bigoted analysis in which there is no space except prayer
and seeking Jesus. No! It is my direct experience and as such I want it
to be spared along with all the other consequences that such
prac)ces can have.

Magic has thousands of faces. It unconsciously a racts people to a

source by promising them knowledge and power... already this word
"power" which will make the creature who lends itself to it dry, s)ngy
and with an enormous ego. You know I have known many people in
the world of esotericism and such people were mostly (in hindsight)
possessed by something. I am convinced from my experience that if
one plays with magic and its deriva)ons all he does is incorporate one
or more demonic spirits who con)nue to whisper whatever is against
the principle of God and his Law, against our soul and for eternal
damna)on. I too have had the opportunity to be influenced by
various spirits. They are thin. We don't realize it but the more we
con)nue to be interested, the more these spirits increase in number
of capabili)es. It's as if you fed them like an elemental (a disembodied
en)ty that carries a task within itself.

By providing it with internal energy it becomes increasingly self-

sustaining). Or it's a demon that first whispers sweet words to you
and then drives you mad.

ADVICE: move away as much as possible from magical texts that have
no value. I'll reveal one thing to you: the magical text o=en contains
counterfeit seals (i.e. the characters of genii or spirits). This problem
causes - in case we want to use the "magical arts" - a disturbance in
our senses and o=en this a ack reveals itself in thoughts or succubi.
Let me explain be er: the spirits somehow enter us, giving us
problems, including mental ones, and with these problems some are
also pushed to commit harmful ac)ons. Magic or way of interac)ng
with the supernatural is not for everyone. In fact it was used by Divine
will by King Solomon. But who is capable of picking up a magical text
of King Solomon and reci)ng its phrases and incanta)ons with it? Are
you perhaps like God who wants to command things as you like? This
is the most obvious example we encounter: the loss of God's salva)on
which is eternal.

Magic is then divided into ceremonial forms and ac)ve forms such as
white, followed by black and red. They are all harmful, especially the
non-white ones. Black magic is permeated by formulas and spells
with seals and pacts such that we can almost no longer escape the
devil who caused it in us. It does not only act externally but

within ourselves. Some)mes we write pacts with demons and as such

we are used and mocked un)l our death... but our departure will be
very painful as Divine Judgment awaits us.

ADVICE: always keep in mind that there is True Divine Judgment. We

must never offend God with our ac)ons. Let's take the example of the
10 Commandments. With these we will certainly have the path that
will lead us to God. If we harm others we irremediably harm ourselves
since we commit sin and this sin is also mortal. We must get out of
this as soon as possible by asking God for forgiveness and no longer
making mistakes. This is why we need a good father confessor and
our inten)on to get out of it at all costs. We must cleanse our soul
from such filthiness.

Magic acts on a level which is that of the ego and the desire to prevail
over a problem or a personal situa)on. By doing this you enter a circle
in which you feed your ego in a dispropor)onate way for purely
personal purposes. Some)mes these purposes could also have the
false light of helping other people but in the end it only serves you to
measure your power towards others or the problem. The more
effec)ve this force is, the more powerful your desire to become like
God will be. In this context many people have failed. They got drunk
by the en))es who then enter you and insinuate the wrong behaviors
or a<tudes into you. They do it in a subtle way because that's what

they are. Only in some people with excep)onal willpower do they

manifest themselves openly. At that point the demon or demons
o=en manifest themselves in the guise of beings of light or sent by
spiritual power (which one?) and then, like the lion, roar and tear
their prey to pieces.

TIP: recite the Hail Mary as strength to begin defea)ng demons. They
cannot bear such prayer. She is the Coredemptrix, the mother of God,
the Ancilla Dei, the one who was born immaculate and who by Divine
will is the woman who tramples the serpent, which is the
representa)on of Lucifer or Satan (the accuser), She who has the
power over demons. In fact, not only Jesus has this immeasurable
power but also the Madonna. Why? Not only does the Church as a
Catechism say it, but the same demons who reveal themselves in
libera)on mee)ngs when the Madonna is invoked very o=en say it to
exorcists. They are terrified of her, she is so candid and without sin.
She humbled herself for God by accep)ng his plan. Lucifer, however,
did not... in fact he shouted "we do not serve" towards God and as
such was thrown into the lake of fire together with all the angels who
supported his rebellion.

Magic is a sort of rebellion against what God has told us: live in
simplicity. So don't worry saying: “What will we eat? What will we
drink? What will we wear?”. The pagans seek all these things. In fact,

your heavenly Father knows that you need it. But seek first the
kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be
added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow
will worry about itself. Each day has its own punishment." Ma hew

The rebellion was caused from the beginning because Lucifer saw in
the crea)on of man and the birth of the Son of God from an
immaculate womb a sort of weakness of the Divine but this weakness
is the same Force that acted in the world and con)nues to act through
the Church with Jesus Christ and it is the Love that God has for His
children. There is no greater force than the manifesta)on of Love as
the cleanest and purest form of energy. Don't we also realize it when
we see our strength to love in someone else? We consider this just
part of the great energy of Love that God has for his crea)on. God,
loving crea)on, saw that man would be lost and he considered his
first coming to this planet to purify man and bring him back to himself.

Magic does not effect this but in some cases of ceremonial magic it
can only encourage this purifica)on. Although some founders of
esoteric orders wanted to achieve this goal, the reconcilia)on of man
with God, the doctrines were confused and intertwined symbols that
are o=en indecipherable and very imprac)cal. Infinite precepts are
implemented to obtain such signs of "benevolence" from superior or

invisible beings (which ones? With certainty?) for one's own

purifica)on and reconcilia)on with the Repairer (Our Lord Jesus
Christ). Many of these doctrines were manipulated and probably the
"keys" to the knowledge (gnosis) of these processes were lost upon
the death of their founder. Were these condi)ons ever fulfilled?
These ques)ons leave a bad taste in the mouth as we will never know
their degree of "sanc)ty" hidden and hidden by shadows and
reworked manuscripts.

ADVICE: look at the lives of the Saints. They are not hidden lives but
under the light of the sun. Such examples are a source of strong
imita)on. What to think of the stages of contempla)on of the Interior
Castle of Santa Teresa d'Avila? When reading it, no men)on is made
of any works of magic but exclusively of an interior path consecrated
to the discovery of God. We must meditate well on the pages of the
Saints before ac)ng in the way that seems least problema)c and most
prac)cal to us. Ceremonial rituals certainly will not help your inner
growth if there is not the slightest hint of following God and therefore
Jesus. I myself have tried to follow the paths in which secret orders
arise occultly which some)mes pass off spiritual research to obtain
commercialism. . Others get lost along the way, s)ll others just want

Over )me, magic reveals its cards and these are its faces. Manuscripts
some)mes seem to be an inexhaus)ble source of knowledge.
Centuries ago perhaps they had a very advanced knowledge...or the
Templars who managed to deal with other religious beliefs perhaps
brought the knowledge to frui)on by passing on the knowledge in
some way in parallel orders in which they openly declared to work for
the king of the world...for a single order… strong words. But the only
King is Jesus Christ and there is no other. He is the King of Kings and
the disaster that is occurring in the apocalyp)c )mes of the false king
of the world will only be a terrible farce to which we will be subjected.

ADVICE: read the Apocalypse carefully, this book contains wisdom for
these )mes in which we live. It is no coincidence that Saint John wrote
it by Divine will to give instruc)ons to the people. Few recognize its
extreme validity and scope as they tend to beli le its content to )mes
that are s)ll distant... others instead make it an alchemical

Magic is reading an ancient manuscript and interpre)ng it as ancient

knowledge. Some do not know that some magical manuscripts are
counterfeit and worse with false instruc)ons. There are o=en dark
forces at play here - those of the Apocalypse - which tend to refute
and distort minds. O=en people who they try to prac)ce these paths
and are brought to their knees by external or internal events such that

they are overwhelmed. For example, invoking ancient en))es is part

of the black magic plan. This purpose has as its vehicle the person
who experiences it and who externalizes these en))es towards those
around him. The word is always that of lucifer or rebellion. From that
you can recognize the fruits. “By their fruits you will know them. Do
you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from brambles? 17 So every
good tree bears good fruit, and every bad tree bears bad fruit.”
Ma hew 7,16-20

Magic, again, also has a rac)ons towards the concupiscence of the

sexes and this is one of the strongest reasons as we tend to commit
sin and o=en adultery. Many people have been taken aback by such
prac)ces that praise the freedom of the senses. These prac)ces,
some of which are very worrying, tend to develop the libido as a
func)on of not well-specified acquisi)ons of psychic powers or so-
called "siddhi" (from the East we are given the new age word of siddhi
or supernatural powers that anyone could develop if had the will to
implement the magical prac)ces related to it). These prac)ces in
which more people are involved even develop orgias)c prac)ces in
which en))es are invoked with spells... but I don't want to dwell on
this as they are poten)ally the most dangerous as they would ac)vate
the energy of kundalini (i.e. "snake" coiled at the base of our spine”)
by awakening it. Upon passage it would ac)vate the chakras and with
these assump)ons the dormant power and spiritual centers would be

ac)vated. All this smacks of oriental literature in a par)cularly tantric

way. Unfortunately, awareness centers of this kind also exist in the
West. They have flourished to undermine all that is the Word of God
and to create sin and confusion in abundance. Again from the
previous men)on of the fruits comes the phrase of Jesus who warns
us against these prophets" Beware of false prophets who come to you
in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their
fruits you will know them.” Ma hew 7.15

ADVICE: never venture down these paths as they cause not only the
wrath of God but also profound illnesses and imbalances in people's
souls. It is as if we were under the influence of drugs and as such the
hallucina)on of being omnipotent and enjoyable does not ex)nguish
our egos from always wan)ng more. This is one of the strongest
things that, if it contaminates us, we never stop wan)ng because,
with the excuse of following a spiritual path, it makes us act as a
channel for lust and makes us slaves of meaning. In this case we must
have the willpower to pray for discernment and be confident that we
will get out of it as soon as possible by ge<ng help from a good
spiritual father of the Chris)an Church.

The magical form can then be expressed with extreme forms. I don't
want to tell you all of them but the most a rac)ve ones are those of
religious syncre)sm. Forms such as the religions of Central and South

America are those that work best with invisible en))es... but what
are these en))es? Statues are made, these forms are containers of
the energies of certain dei)es but in the external phase they are
representa)ons of Chris)an figures. In them there is the en)ty that
acts for a personal problem through offerings (even cruel ones made
with blood). In return your life will be completely burdened by such
energies and con)nuous offerings. It is the world of the pagans since,
being polytheists, they offered sacrifices to the en))es or gods. Many
people are possessed by these en))es that are "absent" or
incorporated with rituals. They themselves become expressions of life
of these energies and o=en some of these are possessed un)l, as has
already happened, they are somehow freed by a good exorcist on
behalf of God himself. As you can see, the net you can fall into is very

ADVICE: never enter the houses of those who say they offer gi=s to
some saint if they are imbued with the spirit of magic. If necessary,
purify yourself in church, ask some father to give you a blessing or a
short exorcism to be cleansed.

Another way to increase personal power and our ego is to frequent

Masonic or para-Masonic associa)ons, Freemasonry and various
secret orders. These associa)ons are only established on a human
basis and although they pretend to dedicate their )me to a concept

of spirituality, this feeling is almost non-existent in the worldly

Freemasons (which are only colleges of exchange of favors) and is
distorted in those that define themselves as more high. Many people
perhaps do not know that this en)ty that dominates the Freemasons
is the devil himself. Cliques and occult brotherhoods are o=en
nothing more than associa)ons that work to eradicate the Spirit of
God to replace it with a fake prosely)sm towards the false god that is
Satan. For example, if you read a bloody book en)tled "The Chosen
of the Dragon" by Clo)lde Bersone, there you will really see who
commands these occult orders and how many are deceived. These
orders serve only one fulfillment: the perdi)on of souls as long as one
is part of them, the destruc)on of the human race through occult
control, with the promise of a hodgepodge of esotericism that we will
never stop learning about. All prepared and arranged over the
centuries by the demonic en))es that managed the people to whom
they were entrusted. Brotherhood is o=en just a convenience from
which strong bonds are formed from which it is then impossible to
escape because there are o=en psychological and magical a acks to
which the person is subjected.

ADVICE: try not to be part of it in any way even if it may seem that
entering clubs where many people think they will find their brother
in spirit (i.e. spiritual brothers, who share our ideas of spirituality) is
making a big mistake of psychological dependence . The pacts of

belonging are established from the beginning and as such they weigh
on us. If we are part of it, get out of it as soon as possible by taking
refuge with a good spiritual father of the Catholic Church and make
amends with the promise to God to never be part of it again.

However, magic also becomes alchemy at a certain point. But what

alchemy are we talking about? There are various 'alchemies' and the
most dangerous are those that claim that we are the 'vessel' in which
ma er cooks. This kind of knowledge brings us back to what we said
about kundalini and the energy centers: they awaken energies that
are connected to the devil and as such dangerous since although they
seem to act according to an almost spiritual logic (with annexes and
connec)ons and interpola)ons of ancient doctrines such as those
taken from the East and which have also fascinated some theologians
of the Church) in them lies a sort of magical path that will lead those
who use it towards spiritual contor)ons and finally to possessions
since we open the way to very dangerous energe)c and therefore
thought currents, for which we will be able to operate in subtle
energe)c levels which are then locked up in our consciousness and as
such can be manipulated by demonic en))es that make us have
distorted, lascivious visions or percep)ons, o=en in which certain
tantras (or literary canons on the development of
superconsciousness) become the basis of improper alchemical

ADVICE: forget about this kind of alchemy that plays with internal
energies and the senses. This result is an extension of doctrines that
have not known Jesus as a source of Love and seek within themselves
the way to become "divine" like the so-called Devas, but then o=en
lead us into the worlds of demons.

In this context it is useful to talk about new age doctrines such as

Reiki, for example, in which the forces are managed by so-called
energies outside our body and coming from the astral (i.e. from the
etheric of the universe or fi=h element). The crea)on of such
doctrines always occurs through a prophet who has an inspira)on
perhaps during a spiritual retreat or is contacted by such en))es.
They are o=en born in the East since such experiences o=en happen
in parts of the planet not yet touched by Western tradi)on and
therefore s)ll "primi)ve" as they have not known Jesus. In this
Eastern context, the development of powers occurs through en))es
through a person . In the case of "etheric" energies that flow in the
body of the same person or master, they rely on the introduc)on of
seals or drawings from which this energy releases by invoca)on and
is transmi ed from the etheric to the master who in turn dispenses it
to the person for healing or for an ini)a)on into the discipleship cycle
of prac)ce. Some)mes quite important effects are obtained on some
subjects and where exactly does this flow of energy come from, which
could be a mix between prana and etheric? Those who are teachers

o=en take refuge behind an aura of humility but the courses have
their cost. O=en such masters are introduced into many other
esoteric doctrines with the result of influencing the (weak) subject to
follow the path of spiritual healing which some)mes leads to spiritual
confusion if not to the actual renuncia)on of faith in Jesus. Allured by
oriental incense and from situa)ons of false well-being, such
prac)ces o=en encounter ruptures in the psyche which lead people
to distance themselves from the Church and invest their )me in such
execu)ons which in turn lead to mental obscura)ons and true
possessions which are then expressed with frustra)on and therefore
with the ever-increasing recourse to doctrines far from the Church
which is considered an old decadent teaching.

ADVICE: Don't let any energy enter you at the hands of other people.
This "magical" effect is a sort of Wiccan spell in which they project
forces and en))es over which they themselves have no control. Then
there are some of those forces that will work, leaving you with doubts
about your belonging to the Body of Christ, trying to dismantle your
psychological and mental armament, your armor built by the
Sacraments, through s)muli, smells and sounds, to con)nue making
mistakes and end up on the road to perdi)on. .

These "so=" doctrines of the new age sooner or later lead us onto the
path of further explora)ons linked to the worlds of the East: perhaps
we move from etheric energy to Buddhism or Hinduism. The search
for such sensa)ons leads us to explore Eastern spiritual doctrines,
however linked to the worlds of demons. Don't you believe it? In
Tibetan Buddhism, for example, such prac)ces at a high level of
knowledge (as some would say) lead us to prac)ce for enlightenment
by doing rituals with demons (they jus)fy themselves by saying that
the demon is the ego that must be fact this ego is the
demon that then gradually takes possession of you) or with certain
en))es that have terrible and demonic figures (as can be seen in the
books and pain)ngs of these doctrines), keeping the person in
tension between the spiritual and the defeat of the ego to then
become enlightened like the masters of these doctrines who were
then siddhas (i.e. bearers of supernatural gi=s). Rites of propi)a)on
through en))es, of con)nuous ini)a)ons in which one is dedicated
to the en))es for which one is forced to carry out prac)ces for
con)nuous propi)a)on, for spiritual development, for the request of
even material goods... all this has a flavor of en))es whose origins
are unknown and which we would do well to leave in their Himalayan
temples. The myth of the Superman in the East is very well known: he
has developed his spiritual partnership with some en))es who
protect him through asce)c prac)ces, for which he obtains

miraculous powers. But even some magicians who work with en))es,
as here in the West, have almost the same results it seems to me. But
what are these en))es?


Well, we don't want to go too long in this li le text which must be a

minimum compendium to understand that many external prac)ces
of the Catholic Church (therefore universal) are nothing but the wiles
of demons to lead us to commit countless sins. In fact, we are not the
first to describe these dangers, we will not be the last. Don't waste
your )me with "doctrines that are of fallen angels", those that Lucifer
worries about using to take souls away from God who instead
implores His children to convert to Him alone and does so through
Jesus Christ who is truly the Son of God who came to earth and will
return shortly. Let us not let such lights obscure us from the Divine
Sun, turning our gaze towards nothingness as such ephemeral
prac)ces linked to our senses make us fail. Let us remember that
there is only one life. Do you know what the biggest decep)on is?
Thinking that one is reincarnated, as many especially Eastern
doctrines want. By doing this we will never be judged for our sins but
by reincarna)ng we will wait many lives before understanding the
lessons of life to evolve li le by li le, le<ng everything manifest itself
from life to life. Instead, there is only one life and there is only one

urgency: that of following the Catechism of the Holy Church. Even if

it must be almost annihilated by the interven)ons of the an)christ, it
will soon rise to a bright and completely spiritual future. She will strip
herself of the heavy a ributes that for two thousand years have
a ached themselves like ballast to her task which is only one: to be
the Bride of Christ and as such the Mother of all beings who must be
prepared for the perfec)on that is in the Heavens where God and the
Celes)al Court await us.

May Merciful God Bless you +

May Saint Michael the Archangel watch over us +

May the Most Holy Virgin Mary lead us to be her Son and Our Lord
Jesus Christ +

May Jesus Christ always remain in our hearts +

May the Angels of God bring the reading of this small document and
discernment to the people who find themselves in these areas. Let
them come out with all their might. They should immediately entrust
themselves to a good spiritual father of the Church and do penance
as soon as possible through confession and redemp)on with the

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