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4/13/2020 algorithm - Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies - Stack Overflow


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Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies

Asked 8 years, 6 months ago Active 3 years, 6 months ago Viewed 8k times

I have below merge sort program in algorithms book, it is mentioned that The main problem is
that merging two sorted lists requires linear extra memory, and the additional work spent copying
4 to the temporary array and back, throughout the algorithm, has the effect of slowing down the sort
considerably. This copying can be avoided by judiciously switching the roles of "a" and
"tmp_array" at alternate levels of the recursion.

My question is what does author mean "copying can be avoided by judiciously switching the roles
1 of a and tmp_array at alternate levels of the recursion" and how it is possible in following code?
Request to show an example how we can achieve this?

void mergesort( input_type a[], unsigned int n ) {

input_type *tmp_array;
tmp_array = (input_type *) malloc( (n+1) * sizeof (input_type) );
m_sort( a, tmp_array, 1, n );
free( tmp_array );

void m_sort( input_type a[], input_type tmp_array[ ], int left, int right ) {

int center;
if( left < right ) {

center = (left + right) / 2;

m_sort( a, tmp_array, left, center );
m_sort( a, tmp_array, center+1, right );
merge( a, tmp_array, left, center+1, right );

void merge( input_type a[ ], input_type tmp_array[ ], int l_pos, int r_pos, int
right_end ) {

int i, left_end, num_elements, tmp_pos;

left_end = r_pos - 1;
tmp_pos = l_pos;
num_elements = right_end - l_pos + 1;

/* main loop */
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while(. ( 1_pos <= left_end ) && ( r_pos <= right_end ) ) 1/6
4/13/2020 algorithm - Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies - Stack Overflow

if( a[1_pos] <= a[r_pos] )

tmp_array[tmp_pos++] = a[l_pos++];
tmp_array[tmp_pos++] = a[r_pos++];

while( l_pos <= left_end ) /* copy rest of first half */

tmp_array[tmp_pos++] = a[l_pos++];

while( r_pos <= right_end ) /* copy rest of second half */

tmp_array[tmp_pos++] = a[r_pos++];

/* copy tmp_array back */

for(i=1; i <= num_elements; i++, right_end-- )
a[right_end] = tmp_array[right_end];


edited Sep 28 '11 at 3:10 asked Sep 28 '11 at 2:54

ninjagecko venkysmarty
68.9k 20 118 131 9,343 19 74 151

4 Answers Active Oldest Votes

I'm going to assume that, without looking at this code, it is performing merge sort by declaring a
contiguous block of memory the same size as the original.
9 So normally merge sort is like this:

split array in half

sort half-arrays by recursively invoking MergeSort on them
merge half-arrays back

I'm assuming it's recursive, so no copies will be done before we're sorting sub-arrays of size 2.
Now what happens?

_ means it is memory we have available, but we don't care about the data in it

8 5 2 3 1 7 4 6
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Begin recursive calls:

recursive call 1:
(8 5 2 3) (1 7 4 6)
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _

our Termsrecursive
of 2: 2/6
4/13/2020 algorithm - Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies - Stack Overflow
((8 5) (2 3)) ((1 7) (4 6))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

recursive call 3:
(((8) (5))((2) (3)))(((1) (7))((4) (6)))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Recursive calls resolving with merging, PLUS COPYING (slower method):

merge for call 3, using temp space:

(((8) (5))((2) (3)))(((1) (7))((4) (6))) --\ perform merge
(( 5 8 )( 2 3 ))(( 1 7 )( 4 6 )) <--/ operation

UNNECESSARY: copy back:

(( 5 8 )( 2 3 ))(( 1 7 )( 4 6 )) <--\ copy and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --/ ignore old

merge for call 2, using temp space:

(( 5 8 )( 2 3 ))(( 1 7 )( 4 6 )) --\ perform merge
( 2 3 5 8 )( 1 4 6 7 ) <--/ operation

UNNECESSARY: copy back:

( 2 3 5 8 )( 1 4 6 7 ) <--\ copy and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --/ ignore old

merge for call 1, using temp space:

( 2 3 5 8 )( 1 4 6 7 ) --\ perform merge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <--/ operation

UNNECESSARY: copy back:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <--\ copy and
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --/ ignore old

What the author is suggesting Recursive calls resolving with merging, WITHOUT COPYING
(faster method):

merge for call 3, using temp space:

(((8) (5))((2) (3)))(((1) (7))((4) (6))) --\ perform merge
(( 5 8 )( 2 3 ))(( 1 7 )( 4 6 )) <--/ operation

merge for call 2, using old array as temp space:

( 2 3 5 8 )( 1 4 6 7 ) <--\ perform merge
(( 5 8 )( 2 3 ))(( 1 7 )( 4 6 )) --/ operation (backwards)

merge for call 1, using temp space:

( 2 3 5 8 )( 1 4 6 7 ) --\ perform merge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <--/ operation

There you go: you don't need to do copies as long as you perform each "level" of the merge-sort
tree in lock-step, as shown above.

You may have a minor issue of parity, also as demonstrated above. That is, your result may be in
your temp_array . You either have three options for dealing with this:

returning the temp_array as the answer, and release the old memory (if your application is
fine with that)
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perform thatcopy
a single array you have read and
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copy temp_array backPolicy
into, your
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4/13/2020 algorithm - Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies - Stack Overflow

allow yourself to consume a mere twice-as-much memory, and perform a single cycle of
merges from temp_array1 to temp_array2 then back to original_array , then release
temp_array2 . The parity issue should be resolved.

edited Sep 28 '11 at 3:39 answered Sep 28 '11 at 3:31

68.9k 20 118 131

Start by thinking of merge sort in this way.

2 0: Consider the input array A0 as a collection of ordered sequences of length 1.

1: Merge each consecutive pair of sequences from A0, constructing a new temporary array

2: Merge each consecutive pair of sequences from A1, constructing a new temporary array


Finish when the last iteration results in a single sequence.

Now, you can obviously get away with just a single temporary array by doing this:

0: Consider the input array A0 as a collection of ordered sequences of length 1.

1: Merge each consecutive pair of sequences from A0, constructing a new temporary array

2: Merge each consecutive pair of sequences from A1, overwriting A0 with the result.

3: Merge each consecutive pair of sequences from A0, overwriting A1 with the result.


Finish when the last iteration results in a single sequence.

Of course, you can be even smarter than this. If you want to be nicer to the cache, you might
decide to sort top-down, rather than bottom-up. In this case, it hopefully becomes obvious what
your textbook means when it refers to tracking the role of the arrays at different levels of

Hope this helps.

answered Sep 28 '11 at 3:20

4,887 3 18 25

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4/13/2020 algorithm - Understanding merge sort optimization: avoiding copies - Stack Overflow

public static void sort(ArrayList<Integer> input) {

1 mergeSort(input, 0, input.size() - 1);

* Sorts input and returns inversions number
* using classical divide and conquer approach
* @param input Input array
* @param start Start index
* @param end End index
* @return int
private static long mergeSort(ArrayList<Integer> input, int start, int end) {
if (end - start < 1) {
return 0;

long inversionsNumber = 0;

// 1. divide input into subtasks

int pivot = start + (int) Math.ceil((end - start) / 2);
if (end - start > 1) {
inversionsNumber += mergeSort(input, start, pivot);
inversionsNumber += mergeSort(input, pivot + 1, end);

// 2. Merge the results

int offset = 0;
int leftIndex = start;
int rightIndex = pivot + 1;
while (leftIndex <= pivot && rightIndex <= end) {
if (input.get(leftIndex + offset) <= input.get(rightIndex)) {
if (leftIndex < pivot) {
} else {

moveElement(input, rightIndex, leftIndex + offset);

inversionsNumber += rightIndex - leftIndex - offset;

return inversionsNumber;

private static void moveElement(ArrayList<Integer> input, int from, int to) {

assert 0 <= to;
assert to < from;
assert from < input.size();

int temp = input.get(from);

for (int i = from; i > to; i--) {
input.set(i, input.get(i - 1));
input.set(to, temp);
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Look at the very last part of the merge function. What if, instead of copying that data, you just
used the knowledge that the sorted part is now in tmp_array instead of a when the function
0 returns, and a is available for use as a temp.

Details are left as an exercise for the reader.

edited Sep 28 '11 at 4:45 answered Sep 28 '11 at 3:25

31.2k 11 77 134

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