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Subject: Biochemistry

Topic: Lipids and lipids metabolism

MCQs,SEQs and Viva Questions

Submitted to Madam Nazia noor

Submitted by Group: one

Class Post RN BSc( First Prof)

Session 2022-2023
Lipids and lipids metabolism

Multiple choice question.

1. Ketogenesis is generation of ketone bodies from:

a) Acyl-CoA

b) Acetyl-CoA

c) Aryl-CoA

d) Alkyl-CoA

2. Ketone bodies include:

a) Acetone

b) Acetoacetate

c) B-hydroxy butyric acid

d) All of the above

3. Which of the following is a volatile substance:

a) Acetone

b) Phenol

c) Hydroxyl butyrate

d) Acetoacetate

4. Organs that can utilize energy formed in ketogenesis are:

a) Brain

b) Skeletal muscle

c) Heart

d) All of the above

5. Ketogenesis takes place in

a) Liver cells

b) Brain cells
c) Nerve cells

d) None of the above

6. The process of beta oxidation occurs at which carbon

a) carbon num 1

b) Carbon num 2

c) Carbon num 3

d) carbon num 4

7. Long chain fatty acids are activated in the cystol and then brought into mitochondria by

a) Fatty acyl coA

b) Acetyl-coA

c) Carnitine shuttle

d) Carnitine acyltransferase

8. In the first step Hydrogen is released which is taken up by FAD and become FADH by
which enzyme

a) Dehydrogenase

b) Enole hydra


c) Deaminase

9. From the complete oxidation of palmitic acid to CO2and H2O including TCA cycle
produces how many ATPS

a) 120

b) 130

c) 131

d) 121

10. Last step of beta oxidation is cleavage when the three remaining carbons are released

a) Glucose

b) Propionyl CoA

c) Ketoacyle
d) Hydroxy COA

11. Which enzyme catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2 (PGH2)
in the cyclooxygenase pathway?

a) Lipoxygenase

b) Phospholipase A2

c) Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1)

d) Cytochrome Pa4

12. Which class of eicosanoids is involved in promoting vasodilation, relaxation of vascular

smooth muscle, and inhibition of platelet aggregation?

a) Prostaglandins

b) Leukotrienes

c) Thromboxanes

d) Lipoxins

13. What role do lipoxins play in inflammation?

a) They promote inflammation.

b) They have anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving effects.

c) They induce bronchoconstriction.

d) They activate platelet aggregation.

14. Which enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of leukotrienes from arachidonic acid?

a) Cyclooxygenase

b) Lipoxygenase

c) Phospholipase A2

d) Cytochrome P450

15 .What is the primary mode of action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)?

a) Inhibition of leukotriene synthesis

b) Inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes

c) Activation of platelet aggregation

d) Promotion of vasodilation

16. Cholesterol is an important constituent of plasma membrane of

a) Animals

b) Plants

c) Fungi

d) All the above

17. Cholesterol biosynthesis takes place in

a) Cytoplasm and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

b) Cytoplasm and mitochondria

c) Cytoplasm and rough endoplasmic reticulum

d) Mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum

18. The major organ for cholesterol biosynthesis in mammals is

a) Liver

b) Kidney

c) Adipose tissues

d) Muscles

19. One of the following organs is not the major site of cholesterol biosynthesis

a) Liver

b) Gonads

c) Adrenal glands

d) Adipose tissue

20. The precursor of cholesterol is

a) Acetyl CoA

b) Fatty acid

c) Pyruvate

d) Malonyl CoA
21. These fatty acids do not contains double bonds

a) saturated fatty acids

b) unsaturated fatty acids

c) polysaturated fatty Acids

d) All Of above

22. Which of these is not a lipid?

a) Fats

b) Oils

c) Proteins

d) Waxes

23. The numbers of grams of iodine which is required to saturate the double bonds present
in 100g of fat,

a) iodine number

b) ester formation

c) detergents

d) fat numbers

24 .Out of following which have protective function in body


b) LDL

c) HDL

d) IDL and C

25. The conjugated form of bile salts are known as

a) secondary bile salt

b) Primary bike salt

c) both

d) none of them

26. Rancidity of lipids of lipid-rich foodstuff is because of

a) Reduction of fatty acids

b) Hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids

c) Dehydrogenation of saturated fatty acids

d) Oxidation of fatty acids

27. The normal level of serum cholesterol is_______________?

a) 260-360 mgs/100 ml

b) 100-140 mgs/100 ml

c) 150-250 mgs/100 ml

d) 80-250 mgs/100 ml

28. The lipid, which accumulates in fatty liver, is_______________?

a) Triglycerides

b) Lipoprotein

c) FFA

d) Cholesterol

29. Ketone bodies are normally synthesized from______________?

a) Acetyl-CoA

b) Glycerol

c) Glucose

d) Acetone

30 .Ketone bodies are by products of metabolism of_____________? •

a) Protein

b) Carbohydrate

c) Fat

d) All of the above

31. Lipid from tissue is carried to liver by_____________?


b) LDL

c) HDL

d) Chylomicrons

32. The human plasma lipoprotein containing the highest percentage of triacylglycerol by
weight is______________?
a) HDL

b) Chylomicrons


d) LDL

33. True about prostaglandins is______________?

a) Present in many tissues

b) Short acting

c) Some require C-AMP for their action

d) All are true

34. Which of the following is not a ketone body______________?

a) Acetoacetate

b) Acetic acid

c) Acetone

d) Beta hydroxybutyric acid

35. Ketone body formation takes place in_______________?

a) Liver

b) Spleen

c) Kidney

d) Blood

36. Which out of the following enzymes is defective in Gaucher’s disease?

a) β- Galactocerebosidase
b) Sphingomyelinase
c) Hexosaminidase A
d) β- Glucocerebrosidas
37. Fat storing cells of vertebrates are called

a) Hepatocytes

b) Asterocytes

c) Adipocytes

d) Melanocytes

39. The normal level of serum Total cholesterol is———–?

a) 150-220 mg/dl
b) 100-200 mg/dl
c) 1.5-2.5g/dl
d) 20-40 mg/dl
40. Beta-oxidation of fatty acids takes place at
a) Peroxisome

b) Mitochondria

c) Mitochondria and Peroxisome

d) Mitochondria, Peroxisome and E

Short questions…
1:what is carnitine shuttle?

2: which are the steps of beta oxidation?

3: what is net product of beta oxidation?

4: What is beta oxidation?

5: what is Beta oxidation of stearic Acid?

6: Explain the function of prostaglandins....?

7: Which hormones control the cholesterol synthesis..? Define the fate of cholesterol...?

8: Explain Ketogenesis?

9: write short note on chylomicrons?

10: write the functions of lipids?

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