Chapter2 Ws2.answers

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First Term-2023

Subject- IT
Chapter 2: Hardware and Software worksheet-2 Answers
Name: ____________________ Year 12 A/G – Grade 11, 12 A/G

1. Explain how the following tasks are carried out using utility software:
(a) data compression

Data compression reduces the overall number of bits and bytes in a file
A lot of data in computer files is redundant, with the same information listed
over and over again
File compression programs remove the redundancy
A lossless file compression program uses codes to represent repeated
When decompressed, the codes are replaced with the original text
Compression can be either lossless or lossy, where repeated parts are

(b) disk formatting

Low-level formatting divides the disk surface into tracks, sectors and
This is done by magnetising the disk areas using the write heads
Tracks are numbered starting from 0
When the head goes from one track to the next, it leaves a gap
Each track is organised into numbered sectors, starting at 1 and separated
by gaps
The purpose of low-level formatting is to prepare the disk surface to receive
data/allow the user to save data/files
High-level formatting creates a file system on the disk
This allows the operating system to use the disk space to store and access

(c) file deletion.

Deleting a file consists of removing the file name and address from a table
which stores data about the file
The space on the disk where the file was located is now available for future
use by other files
Moving a file to trash/recycle bin simply alters the directory path to indicate
that the file has been temporarily deleted
It is only deleted in as much as the software shows it in the trash
can/recycle bin rather than in a normal folder
Only when the file is deleted from the trash/recycle bin is the file removed
from the table and the file's disk space is marked as available for reuse
3. Joan has written some gaming software in a high-level programming
language. She intends to publish and sell copies of the game. She wants to test it
on her computer. The software will be converted into a lower-level language.
Evaluate, by weighing up the advantages and disadvantages, the use of a
compiler for this Purpose

Once the program is already compiled into machine language, there is no
translation software that the user has to keep up to date
Compiled software can run faster than interpreted software
Compiling a program is a much quicker process than interpreting
Compilers also improve security for programmers by making it much harder to
copy Joan's code
Can only be used on one operating system .
Joan's target audience will have different computers and operating systems .
Will need to use an interpreter if she wishes to share the software
It is slow/more difficult to debug the program the whole program needs to be
compiled again after an error is corrected
It uses up more memory than an interpreter as the whole program has to be
Once compiled, any changes to the original high-level code will require the
program to be compiled again .

(c). Many software developers use a command line interface (CLI).
Evaluate, by weighing up the advantages and disadvantages, a CLI compared to
a graphical user interface (GUI).
With a CLI the processing speed tends to be faster than GUI
A CLI uses less memory/resource as it doesn’t need to store WIMP features
CLI doesn’t require graphics software or a high-resolution monitor
CLI is less likely to change over time whereas GUIs tend to change regularly,
meaning less need to learn how to use a new system
CLI users only need to utilise a keyboard to navigate the interface, often
resulting in faster performance
Taking a hand off the keyboard to move the mouse is slower than using a
CLI for many users
CLI requires the user to have to learn many commands unlike GUI
CLI commands can be slower to input particularly for inexperienced users long
lines of text need to be entered rather than a few clicks of a mouse
CLI commands are more difficult to edit
With a CLI it is more difficult to view different items on one screen when
A CLI is often very basic and can be more of a strain on a user's vision
More likely to make mistakes typing commands.
5. Describe the differences between system software and application software.
Include features and examples of each type of software in your answer.
System software acts as an interface between application software and
hardware of the computer
Application software acts as an interface between user and system software
System software is designed to manage the system resources and provides a
platform for application software to run
Application software is designed for the users to perform their specific tasks
System software takes care of memory management/protection/security of the
System software starts running when the system is turned on, and runs till the
system is shut down
Application software runs as and when the user requests
A system is unable to run without system software
Application software is not required to run the system; it is user specific and is
designed to meet the requirements of the user
System software is general purpose whereas application software has a
specific purpose
System software examples: operating systems, utilities, compilers,
interpreters, linkers, device drivers .
Application software examples: spreadsheets, databases, word processing,
animation software, video editing software etc.
6. A company owner wishes to buy software to use to produce advertising
materials for her company.
She can either buy custom written software or off-the-shelf software.
(a) Describe three benefits of using custom written software.
It is designed specifically for the task
There will be no unnecessary features
It does not have to be adapted for use
Programmers are available to make any required modifications to the software
Programmers will ensure that it is compatible with the existing system and
(b) Describe three benefits of using off-the-shelf software.
Software is cheaper to buy as it is mass produced
It will be available straight away
Testing has been rigorously carried out by the developers so there are
unlikely to be any bugs
There will be many sources of support including helplines with

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