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Mental Health

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, and dear students,


Imagine for a moment that our minds are like a garden—a garden where our thoughts, emotions,
and experiences grow. Just as we tend to take care of our flowers and plants in a garden, nurture
them with care, our mental health requires the same attention and care. In today's assembly, we're
going to explore the idea that mental health is just as vital as physical health, and it deserves the
same level of consideration.

Today, we're here to break the stigma surrounding mental health, to remind ourselves that it's okay
not to be okay sometimes, and to encourage open conversations about our mental well-being. Just
as we take pride in nurturing our bodies, let's also take pride in nurturing our minds. Together, we
will explore ways to maintain good mental health, support one another, and foster a school
environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

So, sit back, listen, and engage in today's assembly with an open heart and mind. Let's embark on a
journey to prioritize mental health, because just like a well-tended garden, a healthy mind can
bloom with endless possibilities.

With that I would like to invite our mental health ambassadors to come forward and pin up the
badges to Ma’am Principal, Ma’am Vice Principal and the entire faculty. These badges are purely
handmade and symbolize mental health awareness that can serve as powerful tools in reducing
stigma. They showcase dedication and hard work in promoting mental well-being, fostering a sense
of unity and support. As we come together to pin these badges, we do so with a melody in our
hearts. In perfect harmony with this momentous event, we invite you to enjoy a soul-stirring song
that will accompany the pinning.

Now we call upon our wellness messenger to say those unspoken words that you would prefer
hearing in your adversities

[ dance ]

The collaborative endeavours of our team have showcased exceptional creativity in the
meticulous crafting and customization of posters, demanding labor in fashioning badges for
our esteemed school faculty, countless hours devoted to practice, choreography,
synchronization, conceptualization and refinement of our dance team's performance, as
well as the tireless commitment to excellence demonstrated by our management team.
Together, these collective efforts have culminated in an unforgettable and extraordinary

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