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STUDENT NUM: 22055625

I have chosen to do my photo essay on a free choice topic because with this topic I get to put
everything that I love together. I get to talk about stereotype and my family, the topic is not limiting
me to stick to one thing. For the last couple of years I have travelled a lot with my church and got to
learn new provinces and places together with my family as well. In this journey I was able to take
pictures mostly with my iPhone because I wanted to keep beautiful memories with me.

On September 9th I got to go with my family to Free State where the founder of Nazareth
Baptist Church was born. It was a magnificent journey and wonderful experience for me to
learn and witness the core things of our church. I couldn’t help myself but decided that I
need to take this picture especially for this assignment, photo essay. I just thought it amazing
that a place in a forest like in the above picture can be turned into something like a city in a
second just because of the people.
While I was in Free State I thought to myself that it would be a good thing to pick this picture
for my photo essay assignment as well. I think it a powerful picture and happy picture. It has
different warriors from all expect of provinces wearing they traditional wear with pride and
ready to celebrate a beautiful month it has been.

Here I was taking my sisters to Ntanda where only virgin girls go, it is like where all the girls
go emhlangeni but the only different is that this is the church one. I saw it fitting to capture
this picture as well. It beautiful, unifying, and educational.
On the above I have a picture of my own sisters. I had to take it because they love content,
and I was also helping myself for this assignment. I love seeing them happy so I think it was
a beautiful picture and memory to keep for when they get older or get married they will be
able to have a picture of them in they early stages of life in church.
I felt obliged to take this picture as memory as well. Girls normally ask me for random
pictures for content just as I have mentioned above that content matters to them. So I took
this pictures and kept it for those purposes. In this picture we have the young girls coming
back from Ntanda they are now in a que to get inside the kings yard.

This is quite a beautiful picture to have, it has a strong message and being covered in blue it
means a virgin girl has been awarded for keeping herself and getting married as a virgin.
This is a beautiful gestures from our king.
In all the pictures I have this one is a must have. My church is at a point where I think it has
conquered the world. King of the Zulus come to church to worship, kings of different tribes
come to worship, kings of the villages are always with us on a Saturday to worship,
ministers, politicians. All kind of status come to our church and sit with us to worship.
Presidents have come before and president Ramaphosa was there.
I had to bunk school just to take this picture of my aunt graduation ceremony. They say am
an expect in taking pictures so had to be there to make this day special by capturing this
memory. I didn’t mind bunking school and capturing this picture because I am inspired by my
aunt and I want to make sure that I keep her memories because her life is like a larder that is
climbed step by step.
I had to take this one, it my sister dressing my aunt for a church wedding. It beautiful I enjoy
capturing my aunts’ memories because just as I mentioned her life is climbed like a ladder
she skips nowhere. At this stage she has graduated and now she is getting married. How
could I have not captured this.

In conclusion this is my aunt together with her husband. I loved taking these pictures and I
enjoyed doing this assignment. It has enabled me to reflect and cherish the above moments.
Pictures enable us to capture moments that would have been long lost.

I Mnqobi Dudeni student number 22055625 declare that this is my own unaided work and at
no point have I plagiarized or taken someone else work in an impression to make it my own.

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