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NAME :...........................................................
SURNAME :………………………………………………………..
ID NUMBER :………………………………………………………..
STUDENT ID NUMBER :………………………………………………………..




Session I
Section 1
Listening 10 questions
Duration 15-20 minutes
Task 2 listening tracks played twice and multiple-choice questions

Section 2
Vocabulary 10 questions
Duration 15 minutes
Task Multiple-choice questions

Section 3
Use of English 20 questions
Duration 30 minutes
Task Cloze tests with multiple choices

Section 4
Dialogue Completion 10 questions
Duration 15 minutes
Task Multiple-choice questions

Section 5
Reading 20 questions
Duration 40 minutes
Part 1 Reading for gist: 5 questions
Part 2 Reading for specific information: 5 questions
Part 3 Reading comprehension: 10 questions


SECTION 1: Listening

Part 1
You will hear a man called Paul Hart talking about his trip to Africa with a team of scientists.
You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 1.
You will hear the recording twice. For the questions 1-8 choose A, B, or C. Each question is 1 pt.
1) Why did Paul choose the part of Africa he A It is good for walking.
B It will soon change.
C He had been there before.
2) What made the team’s journey slow? A clearing paths through the forest
B finding somewhere safe to camp
C carrying heavy equipment

Questions 3-6 are omitted from this sample.

Part 2
You will hear a conversation between Sophie and William. Match the statements with name of the person it
refers to (Sophie or William). There is one example (0).

0. has a mom who works in Birmingham ......Sophie.......

9. is a bit afraid of big cities ........................
10. would like to go to Birmingham with a map ........................

Questions 9-15 are omitted from this sample.


SECTION 2: Use of English

For questions 16-25, read the sentences and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap.

Part 1: Vocabulary

16. The generation ............... seems to be getting bigger and bigger in our day and age.

A) division B) partition C) gap D) separation

17. Love, hate, joy, grief, fear are all ______.

A) considerations B) indications C) emotions D) suggestions

Questions 18-25 are omitted from this sample.

Part 2: Use of English

For questions 26-45, read the texts and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap.

Scientists have been researching viable alternatives to petroleum ever since the “energy crisis” of the 1970s.
As a result, in recent years, the world market for wind turbines (26) ---- by an average of 40 per cent annually.
Last year alone, wind-power production worldwide (27) ---- by almost a third. (28) ---- wind plants you build,
the cheaper and more powerful you can make them. Turbine makers now (29) ---- giant machines that once
existed only in theory. Today one standard turbine can (30) ---- at least 1 megawatt of power, more than
double the amount produced 20 years ago. This is enough power for as many as 800 modern households.

26. a) wiII grow b) has grown c) will have grown d) would grow
27. a) decided b) fluctuated c) remained d) increased
28. a) The more b) As few c) How much d) The little
29. a) having produced b) had produced c) are producing d) would have to produce
30. a) repeat b) allow c) provide d) subtract

Questions 31-41 are omitted from this sample.

The J.F. Atlantic fur seal, a species known as Arctocephalus Philippii in zoology, (42) ---- plentiful off the coast
of southern Chile in the past. Then, it (43) ---- intensively for its skin and fur. Between 1797 and 1804, more
than 3 million individuals perished. This seal species (44) ---- extinct until its rediscovery in 1965. Lately, owing
to the measures taken, its population (45) ---- around 2,400 individuals.


42. a) was used to being b) is used to being c) used to be d) gets used to being
43. a) has been killed b) was killed c) died d) has died
44. a) believed to have been b) is believed to be c) believed to be d) was believed to be
45. a) has reached b) had reached c) was reaching d) has been reaching

Part 3: Dialogue Completion

For questions 46-55, read the dialogue and complete it with the best expression.

46. Kirn: Who's that package from?

Nancy: ...........
Kirn: Well then, let me have it so I can find out.

A) It's from your brother in France.

B) It's the stuff you ordered last week.
C) I'm sending my dad a present.
D) I don't know. It's addressed to you.

Questions 47-55 are omitted from this sample.


SECTION 3: Reading
For questions 56-60, read the given texts and choose the most appropriate answer.

PART I. Reading for Gist

56. Read the advert and choose the correct answer (A, B, or C).

351 Bunting Ave, Trifford TR6 1AG

We’re having a sale this weekend before moving house. Any reasonable offers
accepted for unwanted furniture, washing machine, etc., toys and bikes.
10-5 Sat & Sun

a) These people are selling things to get money for travelling.

b) These people sell toys, furniture and bicycles.
c) These people don't want to take all their furniture to their new home

Questions 57-60 are omitted from this sample.

PART II. Selective Reading

Four young Dubliners talk about the joys of cycling in the city. Read an article and for questions 61-65, choose
from the cyclists (A-D).

A. Erin
This old second-hand bike gets me from A to В all right because you don’t need flashy sets of gears or anything
like that in a city this size and it makes it less of a target for thieves. But having said that, mine’s a very bright
colour – it cheers me up, especially when I have to cycle home in the pouring rain. I’ve always thought that
the bike was a good reflection of the real me actually, and I usually wear jeans when I’m cycling. I might need
to rethink that though because I’ve just started my own company, and my outlook on life has changed a little.
There may be times when I need to turn up looking a bit more elegant! I’d say to anyone thinking of getting a
bike, make sure the saddle’s right before you part with your money. If you’re going to use it a lot, you don’t
want to get sore.

В. Luke
I bought my bike from an Internet auction site and had to have it shipped from Germany in pieces. I then paid
to have it assembled here in Dublin – but it was worth it. I use it every day and tend to wear everyday clothes
and try and dodge the showers. I cycle all over the city because it’s much quicker than walking and you don’t
get snarled up in the traffic, which can be a pain in a motor vehicle. At least on a bike you can keep moving.
The only tip I’d give to novice cyclists round here is keep a lookout for drivers turning left, it’s easy for them to
miss you because you can see what they’re doing but they can’t necessarily see you. I worked briefly as a cycle
courier — delivering letters and stuff. It was fun, but I wouldn’t recommend making a career out of it!

C. Claire
My parents picked this bike up for me in New York. It’s a red and black cruiser with a burger-shaped bell —
some of my friends think that’s a bit uncool, but I don’t really go along with that idea. I’ve got two helmets, a
summer and a winter version but I still get too hot on really sunny days. Still, you can’t really do without one,
can you? I cycle down to college in no time at all, but the uphill trek home takes me around thirty-five minutes.


I only take the bus if it’s wet. It’s quicker, but on the bike I can make my own mind up about when I travel. I
cycle in high heels, which you might think would be tricky, but is actually easier than walking any distance in
them. But I wouldn’t really recommend them to other cyclists.

D. Kieran
My bike’s an early 1980s racer and I bought it off an old man who sells junk out of his garage. He reckoned it
had once belonged to a professional cycling champion, but I think he was making it up. I was looking for old
cameras, but when I saw it I couldn’t resist it. It did get stolen on one occasion, but then later that week I saw
someone riding it up my street. I grabbed him and gave him his taxi fare home so that I could take it back. My
advice to cyclists would be to wear fluorescent armbands, especially at night or in poor weather conditions.
They’re less uncomfortable than the waistcoats or jackets in the same material. I’ve just invested in special
raingear actually, but I don’t find it very comfortable, to be honest, because as soon as the sun comes out, you
feel overdressed.

61. Which cyclist feels that cycling is less frustrating than driving?
a) Erin b) Luke c) Claire d) Kieran
62. Which cyclist was once the victim of bike crime?
a) Erin b) Luke c) Claire d) Kieran
63. Which cyclist accepts the need to wear uncomfortable safety equipment?
a) Erin b) Luke c) Claire d) Kieran

Questions 64-65 are omitted from this sample.

PART III. Reading Comprehension

Read the following texts for questions 66-70, and choose the correct alternative (A,B,C or D).

People do not need to be in close physical contact to feel “connected” emotionally. Over the years, various
means of communication have been used to enable human beings to keep in contact with one another.
Letters, telegrams and telephones have allowed individuals located in different places to share news and to
interact with family, friends and business relationships. In today’s world, with more and more people on the
move, long-distance communication has become even more important. At the same time, changes in
technology, particularly the introduction of computers and the increasing use of electronic mail, have made it
easier than ever to stay in contact. There are two main reasons why e-mail has become so widespread: time
and money. Although mail service and telephones can be found almost everywhere, a letter can take a long
time to arrive and phone calls are often quite expensive. E-mail seems to be replacing other forms of
communication for many purposes. As the use of computers has spread, many people use e-mail rather than
regular mail to send personal messages. Because it has become so easy to send pictures and information via
the Internet, it has also become commonplace to use e-mail in business. E-mail has even given rise to a new
type of communication, the “chat room,” where groups of people who do not know each other personally can
talk about topics of mutual interest. While some people are enthusiastic about communication in the modern
age, others regret the growing depersonalization brought on by the use of e-mail. Communication has become
so easy and yet so removed from the normal process of face-to-face interaction that researchers have
concluded that a whole new culture of communication may be forming.

66. The main idea of the article is that ____.

a) these days people do not communicate enough
b) modern communication methods cost too much
c) letters and phone calls are more effective
d) e-mail is changing the way we communicate


67. According to the text, modern communications enable people to ____.

a) see each other more often
b) write more letters and telegrams
c) keep in touch with each other
d) move from place to place quickly

68. In comparison with a telephone call, an e-mail is ____.

a) more reliable b) more personal c) slower d) cheaper

69. ____ is a type of communication made possible by e-mail.

a) A personal message c) Long-distance discussion
b) A chat room d) Sending information

70. The word “mutual” is closest in meaning to ____.

a) common b) individual c) various d) flexible

Questions 71-75 are omitted from this sample.

You have reached the end of the test.

Please check your answers.


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