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Language in Use: Present Simple and Present Easy


1 Choose the correct form of the Present Simple.

1. What do / does a nurse do? She help / helps people when they is / are sick.
2. I am / is a postal worker. I deliver / delivers mail.
3. He don’t / doesn’t work as a teacher. He are / is a bus driver.
4. David study / studies chemistry. He want / wants to be a scientist.
5. At the restaurant, Mrs. Brown cook / cooks and I wash / washes the dishes.

2 Put the words in order to form sentences with the Present Continuous.
1. Peter / now / football / playing / is /. Now Peter is playing football.
2. an article / am / I / at the moment / writing /. .
3. repairing / now / is / Rachel / the car /. .
4. TV / watching / at the moment / are / they / TV /. .
5. is / the table / now / he / setting /. .

3 Look and write sentences following the example. Use the words in the box.

bus driver get up early drive a bus

1. Jane is a bus driver.
She gets up early.
Now, she is driving a bus.

2. Anna, Sophia, Paul, and

Tim .
work in a restaurant prepare dinner
Now .

3. Mary . gardener
. go to work by bus
Now . plant flowers

4. I . technician like my job

. fix a computer
Now .

Language in Use: Present Simple and Present Continuous Pre-intermediate

1 Complete these sentences with the Present Simple.

1. What a nurse (do)? She (help) people when they
(be) sick.
2. I (be) a postal worker. I (deliver) mail.
3. He (not work) as a teacher. He (be) a bus driver.
4. David (study) chemistry. He (want) to be a scientist.
5. At the restaurant, Mrs. Brown (cook) and Julie (wash) the dishes.

2 Look at the pictures and write sentences following the example. Use the words below.

bus driver * gardener * technician * cook

fix * prepare * plant * drive

Jane Anna, Sophia, Paul, and Tim Mary I

1. Jane is a bus driver. Now she is driving a bus.

2. . Now .
3. . Now .
4. . Now .

3 Choose the correct option: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

This is Jane. She is a blogger. She (1) works / is working

from home. She (2) is getting / gets up at ten in the
morning. Then, she (3) washes / is washing her face and
(4) brushes / is brushing her teeth. She (5) gets / is
getting dressed and (6) has / is having a cup of tea and a
toast. She (7) starts / is starting to work.
Now she is at her desk, and she (8) sits / is sitting in front of
her computer. She (9) writes / is writing on her blog. She
(10) doesn’t like / isn’t liking to be interrupted. She
usually (11) works / is working until 2 pm. She loves her job.

Language in Use: Present Simple and Present Continuous Intermediate

1 Complete these sentences with the Present Simple, using the verbs below.

study * not work * cook * do * want * be * help * wash * deliver

1. A postal worker mail.

2. David chemistry because he to be a scientist.
3. At the restaurant, Mrs. Brown the meals and Julie the dishes.
4. What a nurse ? She people when they are sick.
5. He as a teacher. He a bus driver.

2 Write sentences in the Present Continuous.

1. Now / Peter / play / football. – Now Peter is playing football.

2. At the moment / I / write / an article. – .
3. Now / Rachel / repair / the car. – .
4. At the moment / they / watch / TV. – .
5. Now / he / set / the table. – .

3 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

This is Jane. She is a blogger. She (1) (work) from

home. She (2) (get) up at ten in the
morning. Then she (3) (wash) her face and
(4) (brush) her teeth. She (5) (get)
dressed and (6) (have) a cup of tea and a toast.
She (7) (start) to work. Now she is at her desk and she
(8) (sit) in front of her computer.
She (9) (write) on her blog. She
(10) (not like) to be interrupted. She usually
(11) (work) until 2 pm. She loves her job.

4 Peter is a football player. Imagine his daily routine and write a similar text to exercise 3.


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