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Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

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Extraction of foetal ECG from abdominal ECG by nonlinear

transformation and estimations
Rolant Gini John a,∗, K I Ramachandran b
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
Center for Computational Engineering & Networking (CEN), Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and objective: This paper proposes a simple yet effective method for the extraction of foetal
Received 18 February 2019 ECG from abdominal ECG which is necessary due to similar spatial and temporal content of mother and
Revised 13 April 2019
foetal ECG.
Accepted 20 April 2019
Methods: The proposed algorithm for extraction of foetal ECG (fECG) from abdominal signal uses single
channel. Pre-processing of abdominal ECG (abdECG) has been done to eliminate noise and condition the
Keywords: signal. The maternal ECG R-peaks have been detected based on thresholding, first order Gaussian differ-
Foetal ECG extraction entiation and zero cross detection on pre-processed signal. Having identified R-peaks and pre-processed
Maternal ECG signal as base, using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, one beat including QRS complex morphology of
Abdominal ECG
maternal ECG (mECG) has been constructed. Extraction of maternal ECG from abdECG is done based on
Foetal heart rate
the constructed beat, R-peak locations and its corresponding QRS complex of abdECG. Extracted mECG
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Non-invasive extraction has been cancelled from abdECG. This results in foetal ECG with residual noise. The noise has been re-
duced by Polynomial Approximation and Total Variation (PATV) to improve SNR. This approach ensures
no loss of partially or completely overlapped fECG signals due to mECG removal. The algorithm is tested
on three database namely daISy (DBI ), Physiobank challenge 2013 (DBII ) and abdominal and direct foetal
ECG database (adfecgdb) of Physiobank (DBIII ).
Results: The algorithm detected no false positives or false negatives with certain channel for DBI , DBII
and DBIII which shows that the proposed algorithm can achieve good performance. Overall accuracy and
sensitivity of the system is 98.53% and 100% for DBI . Best accuracy and sensitivity of 97.77% and 98.63%
are obtained for DBII . Best accuracy of 92.41% and sensitivity of 93.8% are obtained for DBIII . Correlation
coefficient between actual foetal heart rate (fHR) and estimated fHR of 0.66 for DBII and 0.59 for DBIII
is obtained. The method has obtained overall F1 score of 99.25% for DBI , 96.04% for DBII and 94.25% for
DBIII . It has obtained a best MSE of fHR and overall MSE of R-R interval which is 10.8bpm2 and 2.2 ms for
DBII , 12bpm2 and 2.14 ms for DBIII .
Conclusion: The results for different public databases show that the proposed method is capable of pro-
viding good results. The foetal QRS, R-peaks and R-R intervals have also been obtained in this method.
Thus, it gives a significant contribution in the required area of research.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction from the foetus due to obesity of mother in addition with com-
mon noises encountered by any other bio signals. Accurate detec-
Invasive methods are not recommended during prenatal exam- tion of the fECG and foetal heart rate (fHR) is the need of the hour
ination despite the high accuracy it provides. Therefore, the most to reduce the foetal mortality, which is mainly caused due to heart
resorted practice is the extraction of foetal ECG (fECG) using non- related birth defects. Foetal heart rate is one of the most impor-
invasive methods. Foetal ECG extraction has been an area of inten- tant factors that need to be monitored precisely, to ensure that
sive research. Since foetal ECG is acquired by non-invasive meth- the foetus remains healthy. General causes of Intra Uterine Foetal
ods, it is found to be contaminated with noise such as maternal Death (IUFD) include congenital anomaly, anaemia, cord accidents,
ECG (mECG), uterine contraction, very weakly propagated signal oligoamnios, etc., [1]. Congenital anomaly can be diagnosed and
treated with the aid of electro cardio gram (ECG) which shows
the manifestation in the morphology of cardiac electrical signal

Corresponding author. when there is a cardiac defect. ECG is also believed to carry much
E-mail address: (R.G. John).
0169-2607/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
194 R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

more information than conventional sonography methods to detect nent model [22], extended Kalman smoother (EKS) and template
congenital heart disease (CHD) [2,3]. Extraction of fECG by non- adaption (TA) method [23]. Each of the above mentioned meth-
invasive methods has been a field of intense study. Although dif- ods concentrates on different performance metrics. In the event
ferent kinds of algorithms exist to obtain the fECG, the complex- synchronous canceller algorithm, the repetitive disturbing noise is
ity associated is high. The fECG detected during the early stages of removed by the subtraction of a “cycle template” in an adaptive
pregnancy is critical in detecting congenital diseases in the foetus. manner. An indicator signal helps to remove the mECG signal. Al-
It is an exacting task to obtain the fECG during the early stages though the event synchronous canceller algorithm cancels out the
of pregnancy but the sooner the information has been extracted noise effectively, the background noise is almost ignored [8]. Also,
and analysed, the better the chances of giving proper treatment it requires a separate reference channel. The ICA algorithm on the
and delivering a healthy baby. ECG also gives information such as other hand, is good but requires the use of higher order statistics
the size and position of the heart chambers, the presence of any and high demanding in terms of computations [9]. Also, the se-
impairment in conduction system or in the muscles of the heart lection of channel plays an important role that impacts the fECG
[4]. Invasive methods were implemented by placing electrodes on extraction. The next algorithm, blind source separation is robust
the scalp of the foetus which may be risky for foetus and mother’s and successful but at the cost of very high computational complex-
health and also cannot be used during regular pregnancy tests [5]. ity. It extracts the required information without any prior knowl-
In order to avoid such risks, the focus has been shifted to non- edge of how the signals were mixed. A large number of samples
invasive methods of fECG extraction which is a safer method. Al- are required to reach accuracy, at a relatively high cost. Hence the
though several sophisticated algorithms exist to extract the foetal method is expensive [10,24].
ECG, obtaining a clear foetal ECG signal still remains a challenging The adaptive noise canceller algorithm, like the event syn-
task since the mother and foetal heart beat possess similar tem- chronous noise canceller requires an additional reference channel.
poral and spatial content. The required ECG of mother and foe- Also peak detection cannot be done directly; as a result of which,
tus lies in the same frequency range where simple filtering cannot an additional algorithm is required. Single channel methods such
extract the foetal ECG from the abdominal ECG. This paper pro- as polynomial network techniques for fECG extraction have also
poses a simple algorithm that extracts the fECG, even when there been studied [25], which can be used to non-linearly map the tho-
is a possibility of partially or fully overlapped fECG with mECG. racic ECG to the abdominal ECG signal and subtracting one from
The purpose of this algorithm is to maintain the accuracy of the the other. This method proposes a way to separate both overlap-
signal obtained and reduce the complexity to a sufficient extend. ping as well as non-overlapping fECG and mECG beats in a non-
Careful attention has been paid to avoid false positives and false iterative manner. However, the results are not practically effective
negatives. in the sense that the background noise including muscle noise and
The proposed method eliminates the maternal signal and ob- uterine contractions are completely ignored. Another method that
tains the foetal signal by removing remaining noise signals. The was studied includes a simple technique for mECG cancellation
noise signals present in the abdominal ECG (abdECG) are ma- with the help of R-peaks detection algorithms [26]. Although the
ternal electrocardiogram, Electro magneto gram (EMG) from the algorithm employed is based on simple cancellation and is effec-
chest wall, signal weakening due to obesity of mother or in- tive, overlapping fECG peaks cannot be detected using this method.
sufficient growth of the foetus or vernix caseosa (highly non- Even though several methods have been suggested for non-invasive
conducting layer) [6] which formed around the foetus, electrode foetal ECG detection, this field still remains an area where exten-
contact noise, power line interference, baseline wandering, instru- sive research needs to be done to become a part of regular clinic.
mentation noise, electro surgical noise, random electronic noise, Either the singular value decomposition method or combined
low signal to noise ratio of fECG compared to mECG [7] etc.,. One with smooth window [16] has been tested to detect the foetal ECG
of the major aspects to keep an eye out for is when the fECG is accurately even in a moderately high noise environment. The pro-
buried under the mECG. Even in this case, the algorithm detects cessing speed for this algorithm is very low and it is computation-
the presence of fECG signal and efficiently extracts it out. The fHR ally complex [11]. Fast ICA [14] reduces computational complexity
obtained by this method is accurate. Thus, the proposed method and fast compared with ICA. But the ambiguity exist in deciding
can also be employed to diagnose abnormalities in the foetus dur- the number of Eigen vector which corresponds to the mECG based
ing prenatal examination. The rest of the paper is structured in the on the higher difference between the Eigen values of the data co-
following manner: Section II gives the literature survey; Section III variance matrix in the pre-processing, number of iterations in post
describes the proposed method; Section IV describes the database processing in addition with the usage of all eight channel’s data.
used; Section V deals with results; Section VI deals with discus- ICA is combined with other techniques like synchronized averag-
sions and it is followed by conclusion in Section VII. ing [18] for improved performance. There are hardware implemen-
tations of the certain methods such as STAN monitors and Mon-
2. Background of fECG extraction ica AN24 [27], MindChild MERIDIAN Monitor [28] and Newer non
voltage foetal heart monitoring etc., [29,30].
Several methods that have been employed for the extraction of STAN monitor improved the monitoring efficiency by incorpo-
fECG have been studied, some of which make use of single chan- rating a proxy of the foetal ST-segment and there by improved the
nel electrocardiogram and some employ multi-channel data. Some detection accuracy. The STAN monitor is clinically successful but is
of the methods that have been proposed include the event syn- a failure in business. This is mainly due to the fact that it is not
chronous canceller algorithm [8], independent component analy- non-invasive and that more features of ECG waveform can be ex-
sis (ICA) [9], blind source separation [10], singular value decom- ploited [27].
position (SVD) [11] and adaptive noise canceller [12], extended Another type is the Monica AN24 monitor. The major challenge
kalman filter [13], fast independent component analysis (fast ICA) faced by it, is overwhelming of maternal ECG on foetal ECG wave-
[14], echo state neural network (ESN) based filtering [15], SVD and form, which has a voltage 100 times greater than its tiny foetal
smooth window (SW) combined [16], Signal quality assessment counterpart. In addition, ambient electrical noise generated by ma-
(SQA) and fine-tuning for maternal ECG (FTM) [17], synchronized ternal movement, other nearby electrical devices and the lights
averaging and ICA [18], FUSE algorithm [19] (combination of subset overhead also overwhelm the foetal ECG signal [28]. Algorithms
of ICA, template subtraction and Kalman filters), optimal principal to filter out the maternal ECG signal and ambient noise have
components [20], wavelet-based approach [21], Principal compo- been developed over past 30 years. But in recent days only, the
R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204 195

microprocessors have become capable of running these algorithms Filtered signal x[n] is subjected to normalisation process. Nor-
in real time and in an affordable manner [29]. malisation is done in order to limit the amplitudes of the signal at
A simple approach to identify the fECG is being discussed in unity in accordance with the highest amplitude. The transformed
this paper. Using this approach, the overlapped fECG were effec- signal will have the same energy at every scale. When the signal
tively identified with lesser computational steps. This approach is subjected to further filtering and processing, the signal tends to
also provides a degree of freedom in extracting the fECG from change the amplitude which can be avoided by this. It also facili-
abdECG wherever the electrode has been placed in the abdomen. tates a standard way of comparison [26]. The filtered signal x[n] is
Although this method approaches the problem using a single normalised as specified in (2) to get x˜ [n].
channel without the reference channel or data from additional
channels, this method yields very positive results in the extrac- x [n ]
x˜ [n] = (2)
tion of fECG in the overlapped and non-overlapped cases. This max N
n=1 (|x[n]| )
approach was tested on three different publicly available database
namely daISy database [31] (denoted as DBI in the discussions), The abdECG of channel 1 in DBI database which is used as
Physiobank challenge 2013 dataset [32] (denoted as DBII in the the input signal is shown in Fig. 2(a) and the normalised signal is
discussions) on fourteen recordings and abdominal and direct shown in Fig. 2(b) after normalising. Basic noise removal has been
foetal ECG database (adfecgdb) of Physiobank [33] (denoted as done with a BPF to remove the baseline wander and filter out the
DBIII in the discussions) on all recordings. high frequency noises as stated earlier. Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b) are in
different amplitude range, which cannot be compared directly. The
noise is not completely removed at this stage since there is a pos-
3. Methodology
sibility of fECG lies in the amplitude level of noise which may get
eliminated. In this method, Noise removal has been concentrated
The complete flow of the proposed method has been repre-
to improve signal to noise ratio only after the removal of maternal
sented with a block diagram as shown in Fig. 1.

3.1. Pre-processing
3.2. R-peaks detection
The channel under consideration for foetal ECG (fECG) extrac-
tion is corrupted with noise which has to be reduced for good The normalized signal ͠x [n] is subjected to thresholding and
accuracy. Hence, pre-processing is done. This is the first step in first order Gaussian differentiation (FOGD) process for detecting
the algorithm where the considered single-channel abdominal ECG the maternal ECG R-peaks.
(abdECG - represented as a[n]) to extract the required information A threshold is set according to the nature of the signal because
is conditioned by partially removing the noise. the amplitude of mECG has very high magnitude compared to the
A 15th order band pass filter f[n] (BPF) is designed with cut fECG. Therefore this technique consists of two different threshold
off frequencies that match the signal frequencies [34]. This filter is limits. One threshold limit for mother and the other is for foetus.
designed in order to eliminate a fair amount of baseline wander as Part of the signal above the threshold is taken into account as such
well as muscle noise which is in lower and/or higher frequencies. and it is the nonzero information which forms the Region of Inter-
It also eliminates the 50 Hz power-line noise [12]. The frequency est (ROI). Remaining part of the signal has been nullified.
descriptions of the filter used based on the signal and the filtering The threshold value has been assumed as a percentage of the
are as follows: maximum value of the signal to make R-peak detection adaptive.
First threshold (th_m) can be set at 70% of the maximum value of
Fs (Sampling Frequency) =250 Hz for DBI , 1 KHz for DBII and the normalised abdECG for maternal R-peak detection if the signal
DBIII is not too noisy. The general format of th_m is as given below in
f_cl (lower cut off frequency) = 5 Hz (3):
f_cu (upper cut off frequency) = 20 Hz
x [n ] = a [n ] ∗ f [n ] (1) th_m = (0.6 ± 0.1 )xmax(x˜ [n] ) (3)

Fig. 1. Block diagram of fECG extraction. abdECG: abdominal ECG and represented as a[n], mECG: Maternal ECG, FOGD: First order Gaussian Differentiator, ZC: Zero Crossing,
MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, PA: Polynomial Approximation, TV: Total Variation, fECG: foetal ECG, fHR: foetal Heart Rate.
196 R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

Fig. 2. (a) Channel 1 abdECG (input signal: a[n]) of DBI ; (b) Normalized and filtered abdECG: ͠x [n]. Y-axis represents the amplitude (μV).

The thresholding process generates ͠x [n] which consists of the detector after local maxima help in finding the exact R-peak loca-
signal only above th_m as specified in (4). tion even if it is a negative going QRS complexes where the maxi-
 mum values of R lie with the noise. The detected R-Peaks and the
0, x˜[n] < th_m

x[ n ] = (4) signal surrounded have been used [36] for Maximum Likelihood
x˜[n], otherwise Estimation (MLE) of mECG to construct single beat of the mother.

The ROI at the end of thresholding process gives the possible 3.3. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
locations of R-peaks of the mother from the abdECG and is given
by (5). Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) has been performed in
ROI = {xˆ [n]|xˆ [n] = 0} (5) order to generate a reference signal. The signal is subjected to MLE
in the region of each heart beats in order to obtain a reference
The second threshold which is used in R-peak identification of PQRST complex of the mECG. Single beat has been constructed us-
the foetus has to be set at an optimal percentage of the maximum ing MLE, based on the available abdECG nature to obtain the ref-
value of the fECG to avoid false negatives (FN) as well as false pos- erence signal. MLE is efficient for data having large samples and it
itives (FP) which influences the sensitivity and accuracy of fECG extricates all possible information from the data. This way of esti-
detection. To find the R-peaks of the mother in the ROI, the local mation does not depend on any additional reference data. Essen-
maxima [35] can be found as shown in (6) and the same location tially, MLE maximizes the likelihood function. Respective samples
has been tweaked up based on the zero crossing point after FOGD of every beat (denotes as y) have been consolidated as an array to
[34]. estimate each value of PQRST complex as shown in (8).
1+k2+1,M k2,m_loc M
N1 yki=1 = x˜ [j + k]k=−k1, j=[ m]_loc[1] (8)
m=1 = max {x
m_loc1M ˆ m [i]} (6) ,m=1
where k1 and k2 are the number of samples to be considered be-
where m is the number of non-zero envelops in the signal after fore and after the R-peak to construct PQRST. MLE is obtained by
thresholding and i is the number of samples consist in every non- maximizing the log-likelihood function, lnL(y|x) [37]. This is be-
zero envelope. At every ROI, the local maximum has been found cause the two functions, lnL(y|x) and L(y|x) are monotonically re-
which gives the indicative R-peak location. To find the exact R-peak lated to each other. Thus the same MLE estimate has been obtained
(denoted as r[n]) location in the narrowed area around m_loc1, by maximizing anyone.
the signal is passed through a FOGD and the zero crossing (ZC) of From the consolidated arrays of y, the maximum likelihood yˆ
the outcome has been studied. The zero crossing point in the nar- has been estimated for each values of PQRST as shown in (9). The
rowed ROI gives the exact location of the R-peaks of the mother. constructed beat has been shown in Fig. 3(c). In Fig. 3, x-axis is
The FOGD will change the peak point into a transition point from Sample number and y-axis is Amplitude (in NU – No Unit).
positive going pulse to negative going pulse. This has been a part  
of the nonlinear transformation. yˆ ki=1
= θˆ yi [m]M
m=1 = arg maxL (θ |yi ) (9)
The FOGD function {wd [m]; m = 1,2,3,…M1 -1} is gener-
yˆ gives the constructed beat of the mother. Thus with the iden-
ated using a differentiated M1 -point Gaussian window {w[m];
tified R-peaks, MLE has been used to form a PQRST complex by
m = 1,2,3,…, M1 }. The convolution of signal near the region of
considering the information around the R-peaks of every beat of
m_loc1 (i.e., r[n] and wd [m]) generates signal ͠wd [m] and is given
the signal and the likelihood exist between them.
by (7).
Using m_loc, normalised signal ͠x, R-peak amplitude of the cor-

 responding beats in ͠x, constructed mECG beat and its peak loca-
˜ d [m] =
w wd [k]r[m − k] (7) tion, mECG has been constructed as shown in (10).
Y[i + m]km2=−k1 = yˆ [m + k2 + 1] where i
This process retains the higher frequencies and attenuates the
= {m_loc[1], . . . .., m_loc[M]} (10)
lower frequencies. This results in retaining the QRS due to its high
frequency and thereby able to identify the R-peaks. The outcome Thus MLE provides a suitable method to model mECG, so it is
͠wd [m] of FOGD passes through the ZC detector to get the exact lo- a generic principle which is not patient centric. The constructed
cation of R-peaks in abdECG and is denoted as m_loc. FOGD and ZC mECG (Y) is shown in Fig. 3(a).
R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204 197

Fig. 3. DBI channel 1:- (a) Constructed reference of mECG by MLE; (b) Extracted fECG with R peaks marked; (c) Constructed Single beat of mECG.

3.4. Cancellation of mECG from abdECG subjected to the same process of R-peaks detection which was fol-
lowed in the mECG as shown in Fig. 1. Thresholding, FOGD and ZC
The constructed mECG by ML estimate has been subtracted detection are done and all the R-peaks of fECG are detected. The
from normalised abdECG signal as shown in (11). The resultant threshold used for foetal ECG is given by th_f as in (15). Threshold-
signal is a combination of fECG and noise. Thus mECG has been ing process used in fECG R-peaks detection is given by the below
removed from normalised abdECG and is shown in Fig. 3(b). This pseudo code.
method culls out the fECG signal even when it is buried in ab- N
dECG due to complete or partial overlap with the mECG and is th_f = (0.4 ± 0.2 )xmax(z˜ [n] ) (15)
not clearly visible. Thus this algorithm efficiently and accurately
detects the presence of fECG and extracts it out by avoiding false
positives and false negatives. Algorithm for thresholding in foetal ECG:

zi = x˜ i − Yi ; i = 1, 2, 3, . . . N (11) Inputs:
fet_ECG(extracted ͠z) = mECG and noise removed abdECG
N = Length of fet_ECG
3.5. Noise removal using polynomial approximation and total Outputs:
variation fet_peak_Region // Select region of interest to identify foetal R peak
threshold_foetal ≈ 40% of ͠z maximum
In polynomial approximation and total variation (PATV) algo-
fet_peak_region =1 to N
rithm [38], piecewise constant signal and polynomial signal have for i = 1 to N, increment by 1
been estimated simultaneously from a noisy additive mixture. The If fet_ECG > threshold_foetal
signal corrupted with noise is represented as follows fet_peak_region = fet_ECG // Marking the region of interest
z(n ) = p(n ) + b(n ) + w1 (n ); n = 0, . . . , N − 1 (12) End

In Eq. (12), the noisy signal z(n) has been expressed as a com- As stated earlier, the threshold value to be used in mECG and
bination of low order polynomial p(n) of order d  N, approx- fECG may vary since the fECG can be a signal of magnitude up
imately piecewise constant b(n) and stationary white Gaussian to 100 times smaller than the mECG. A threshold value of ≈ 40%
noise w1 (n). The signal z consists of smooth information which is used here. If required, further conditioning and elimination of
gives envelop of the signal, additive step discontinuity information noise in the resultant fECG can be done by another band pass fil-
and noise. S which is cumulative sum matrix, u of length (N-1) ter based on the signal. The signal obtained is subjected to R-peaks
where u ∈ RN-1 and orthogonal basis (G) (also known as vander- detection and then foetal heart rate (fHR) and R-R intervals are de-
monde matrix) of degree d polynomials have been calculated in termined. It is observed that a foetal R-peak is detected even in
an iterative process from z. Finally polynomial coefficients (c) and regions where fECG was buried in noise and was unable to be no-
the signal x1 have been found out by (13) and (14). ticed by the naked eye. Fig. 3(b) shows the extracted fECG signals
x1 = S u (13) with R-peaks marked. Extracted fECG signal, noise removed signal
using polynomial approximation and total variation with R-peaks
marks has been shown in Fig. 4. The foetal heart rate is calculated
c = GT ( z − x1 ) (14) as [10] in (16).
Using c, polynomial approximation of the signal z has been cal- Number of peaks detected
f HR = ∗ 60 (16)
culated. Using the polynomial approximation and x1 , the noiseless Duration of the signal
signal ͠z has been found out. The noise removed signal is shown in
Fig. 4(b) where Fig. 4(a) shows the extracted fECG signal. Vertical 4. Database
axis in Fig. 4 gives the amplitude in relative scale.
Three databases have been used in this work. The first database
3.6. Post-processing of the fECG, R-peaks detection and fHR is daISy database which is an eight channel recording with
determination 250 Hz sampling rate. It has a recording from mother’s thorax,
abdomen and its related information. First five channel record-
The obtained noiseless signal ͠z from PATV gives the noiseless ings are around the abdomen of the mother (denoted as channel
fECG and can do some filtering if required. Obtained fECG is then 1 - 5) and the next three channel recordings are in the thorax
198 R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

Fig. 4. (a) Extracted fECG of channel 1; (b) Noise removed fECG using PATV with R-peaks marked of channel 1 from DBI .

(channel 6 – 8). Out of five abdomen recording, only first three (FP) peaks and false negative (FN) peaks have been categorised as
abdomen channels provide clear information about the foetus. It defects. FP peaks are the peaks that are not pertain to the foetal
shows that those channel electrodes are near the foetus and re- and detected as foetal R-peak. FN peaks are the peaks that are per-
maining channel electrodes are far from the foetus to pick up the tain to the foetal R-peaks and not detected as foetal R-peak. Truly
lower strength signal. It has been denoted as DBI in the discus- detected (TD) peaks are the foetal R-peaks that are present and de-
sions. tected. The accuracy calculation has been done with a false positive
The second database used is Physionet challenge 2013 data set- consideration for channel 3 input which was avoided when worked
a. It has initial record of 25 and supplementary record of 50. Each by professional and may not be possible in real time extraction.
recoding is done for one minute at the sampling rate of 10 0 0 Hz. It Accuracy, sensitivity and other performance metrics are calcu-
consists of time, four channel recordings (AECG1 – AECG4) of ECG lated using formulas given below in Eqs. (17)–(20).
in the abdomen of the mother and annotations for the same. Some TD
fourteen recordings of this have been used in the proposed work to Accuracy = ∗ 100 (17)
(TD + FN + FP)
check its efficiency. It has been denoted as DBII in the discussions.
The third database used is Abdominal and Direct Foetal ECG TD
Sensitivity = ∗ 100 (18)
Database (adfecgdb) of physiobank. It has 5 recordings of women (TD + FN )
in labour during 38 to 41 weeks of gestation. Each recoding is done
for five minute at the sampling rate of 10 0 0 Hz with resolution of TD
PPV = ∗ 100 (19)
15bits. It has four channel recordings (denoted as Abdomen_1 to TD + FP
Abdomen_4) of ECG around the naval, one direct ECG recording of PPV ∗ Sensitivity 2 ∗ TD
foetus (scalp electrode which is represented as Direct_1) and anno- F1 = 2 ∗ = ∗ 100 (20)
PPV + Sensitivity 2 ∗ TD + FN + FP
tations for the same. All five recordings of this have been used in
the proposed work to check the efficiency. This database has been Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and F1 score are American Na-
denoted as DBIII in the discussions. tional Standards Institute/ The Association for the Advancement
of Medical Instrumentation (ANSI/AAMI) guideline for performance
5. Results measurement [16]. F1 gives the overall probability of correct fECG
detection and its QRS complex. It is used as an alternate for accu-
The foetal ECG and its related information have been ex- racy measurement.
tracted effectively from an abdominal signal by using the proposed The foetal heart rate has also been calculated as 132 bpm (beats
method. This proposed method has been implemented using MAT- per minute) for DBI and has been found to lie within the range of
LAB and the results are as follow. 120 to 160 bpm [36], which is the normal average range of foetal
A detailed analysis of channel 1, 2 and 3 of DBI (in Fig. 5) have heart. Noise analysis for the same database is shown in Fig. 6.
been done since only those electrodes have clear presence of fECG A detailed analysis of noise reduction has been shown in
out of 8 electrode signals. Channel 3 of DBI has been displayed Fig. 6 for all channels of DBI to show that polynomial approxima-
first since it is the most corrupted signal by noise compared to the tion and total variation (PATV) improves the fECG signal as well as
other two channels. Fig. 5(a) shows the input signal (the abdECG of its detection. PATV depends on various parameters like number of
channel 3) with extracted foetal beats (from the respective channel iterations (N1 ), λ, μ0 and μ1 which can influences the convergence
inputs) numbered and R-peaks locations indicated with circle (in of the algorithm to the specified solution [39]. The scalar param-
red). Similarly Fig. 5(b) is for channel 2 and Fig. 5(c) is for Channel eter λ has to be initialised to control the trade-off between signal
1. x-axis represents sample number and y-axis represents ampli- distortion and noise reduction. μ0 and μ1 are positive scalar pa-
tude (μV) in Fig. 5. rameters which affect the convergence speed of the solution but
Table 1 gives the condensed summary of effectiveness of the do not affect the solution of the problem. The effect of various pa-
technique for DBI . This method can achieve 100% accurate detec- rameters on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for DBI can be studied
tion and sensitivity (can be observed from Fig. 5) by critically op- from Fig. 6. Best SNR achieved is 14.7 dB. Peak detection and fECG
timising the algorithm to find the R-Peaks of the fECG which may extraction of other two databases are shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
change in dynamic estimation. The actual R-peaks have been com- Fig. 7 shows the input abdECG of a channel from a01 and
pared with the R-peaks detected by the algorithm. False positive a04 recordings with its detected R-peaks and annotated R-peaks
R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204 199

Table 1
Accuracy and sensitivity for DBI .

Ch. no Total peaks Peaks detected FP FN TD Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%)

1 22 22 0 0 22 100 100
2 22 22 0 0 22 100 100
3 22 22 1 0 22 95.6 100

Fig. 5. DBI with identified foetal R-peaks marked (by red circle):- (a) Channel 3 abdECG; (b) Channel 2 abdECG; (c) channel 1 abdECG.

Fig. 6. Number of iteration (N1 ) Vs. SNR: (a) Channel 1; (b) Channel 2; (c) Channel 3; (d) λ Vs. SNR for N1 =30.
200 R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

Fig. 7. DBII signal with identified foetal R-peaks and annotated foetal R-peaks marked: (a) AECG1 channel of a01 signal; (b) AECG4 channel of a04 signal.

Fig. 8. DBIII database: - a) Direct foetal ECG of r01 with identified R-peaks from abdomen_4 marked; b) Abdomen_4 channel of r01 with identified foetal R-peaks marked.

marked in it. It shows that the identification of the foetal peaks from which the extraction has been done. The identified R-peaks
is correctly done for DBII . Fig. 8(a) shows the scalp electrode sig- from the extraction also marked on the same signal. It proves that
nal of r01 recording with the identified foetal R-peaks from an ab- the algorithm is capable of extracting the fECG as well as its re-
domen electrode (Abdomen_4 channel) marked on it. It shows that lated information for DBIII .
the R-peaks have been identified correct from the abdomen signal. The accuracy, sensitivity and other parameters of DBII and DBIII
Fig. 8(b) shows Abdomen_4 channel recording of the same data for some duration have been listed in Tables 2 and 3. It can be

Table 2
Accuracy, sensitivity, fHR and R-R interval for DBIII .

Data set Name Abdomen Lead Name TD FP FN Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) fHR (in bpm) R-R Interval (in seconds)

r01 Abdomen_1 20 3 2 80.00 90.91 120 0.5

Abdomen_2 19 2 3 79.17 86.36 114 0.53
Abdomen_3 22 2 0 91.67 100 132 0.45
Abdomen_4 21 0 1 95.45 95.45 126 0.48
r04 Abdomen_4 19 0 2 90.48 90.48 114 0.53
r07 Abdomen_1 19 3 1 82.61 95.00 114 0.53
r08 Abdomen_1 19 0 3 86.36 86.36 114 0.53
r10 Abdomen_1 21 1 1 91.30 95.45 126 0.48
Abdomen_2 21 2 1 87.50 95.45 126 0.48
Abdomen_4 20 3 2 80.00 90.91 120 0.5
R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204 201

Table 3
Accuracy, sensitivity, fHR and R-R interval for some recordings of DBII .

Data set name Abdomen lead name TD FP FN Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) fHR (in bpm) R-R Interval (in sec)

a01 AECG 1 22 0 0 100 100 132 0.45

a02 AECG 1 22 2 5 75.86 81.48 132 0.45
a03 AECG 4 21 0 1 95.45 95.45 126 0.48
a04 AECG 4 21 0 0 100 100 126 0.48
a05 AECG 4 20 1 1 90.91 95.24 120 0.50
a06 AECG 1 23 1 2 88.46 92.00 138 0.43
a07 AECG 1 20 2 2 83.33 90.91 120 0.50
a08 AECG 1 21 0 0 100 100 126 0.48
AECG 4 21 0 0 100 100 126 0.48
a09 AECG 1 17 1 5 73.91 77.27 102 0.59
a10 AECG 1 27 0 0 100 100 162 0.37
a11 AECG 1 23 0 0 100 100 138 0.43
a12 AECG 1 23 0 0 100 100 138 0.43
AECG 4 23 0 0 100 100 138 0.43
a14 AECG 1 21 0 0 100 100 126 0.48
AECG 2 21 0 0 100 100 126 0.48
a15 AECG 1 22 0 1 95.65 95.65 132 0.45
AECG 4 23 1 0 95.83 100 138 0.43

Table 4
Occurrence of false positives/ negatives and occurrence of complete and partial overlap of DBI :- Analysis.

Channel Possible Error / Overlap Occurrences Avoided False Detection of fECG Detection despite Partial/
number Positive/False Negative (Yes/No) Complete overlap
Beat FP/ FN avoided

3 1 Yes False Positive – –

3 2 Yes False Negative – –
3 5 Yes False Positive Yes Partial Overlap
3 10 – – Yes Partial Overlap
3 12 Yes False Positive – –
3 17 Yes False Positive Yes Complete Overlap
3 19 Yes False Positive – –
3 20 – – Yes Partial Overlap
3 22 – – Yes Partial Overlap
2 3 – – Yes Partial Overlap
2 6 – – Yes Partial Overlap
2 15 Yes False Positive –
2 16 Yes False Positive –
2 22 – – Yes Partial Overlap
1 2 – – Yes Partial Overlap
1 5 Yes False Positive – –
1 10 – – Yes Partial Overlap
1 15 – – Yes Complete Overlap
1 17 – – Yes Partial Overlap
1 20 Yes False Negative – –
1 22 – – Yes Partial Overlap

observed from the tables that a very good sensitivity and accuracy been efficient in certain aspects compared with the other. Best
is possible from different channels of a recording at a time. r07 performance mentioned in the table means only the good perfor-
performance in Table 2 is listed for different time period than the mance (i.e., fHR > 110 bpm). Overall performances listed out in the
others. tables include the signal which does not even give minimum fHR
of 110 bpm. One such performance has been shown for a09 record-
6. Discussion ing of DBII in Table 3.
There are noises like baseline wander, respiration noise etc.,
Table 4 shows the areas where there is a posibility of error which can affect the fECG extraction most. One such signal and
which has been overcome by this algorithm in channels 1, 2 and its identified fECG R-peaks with its annotated R-peaks have been
3 of DBI . shown in Fig. 9.
Analysis of channel 3 is as follows: In Fig. 5, false positives are It can be noted from Fig. 9 that there is 1 FP (around 1 s) and
possible and avoided at beats 1, 5, 12, 17 and 19. A false negative is 1 FN (around 1.5 s) in the result which leads to an accuracy of
possible at beat 2 but the algorithm detects the fECG even in this 90.9% and sensitivity of 95.24%. Even with those noises, the ob-
case. There is a partial overlap of mECG and fECG around beats tained accuracy and sensitivity is good. There are also possibilities
5, 10, 20 and 22, yet no detection error occurs. Even in the case of of FP and FN around time periods 1.7 s and 1.85 s in this signal
complete overlap at beat 17, the fECG R-peak has been detected. All which are neighboured with noise and have been smoothened out
cases which influence the detection, accuracy, efficiency and other due to effective noise removal done by PATV. Else noise (peak af-
performance parameters for remaining channel’s output of DBI in ter the fECG R-peak) occurs around time period 1.7 s and a noise
Fig. 5 are tabulated in Table 4. (peak around before the actual fECG R-peak) occurred around time
The performances of different methods for different signals period 1.85 s may get detected as fECG R-peaks which is not actual
have been analysed in Tables 5 and 6. The proposed method has foetal R-peaks and can lead to false negatives also. But sometime,
202 R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204

Table 5
Overall statistical analysis for DBI , DBII and DBIII .

MSE_HR (in MSE_RR (in

Methods F1 score (in%) Sensitivity (%) PPV (%) Accuracy (%) bpm2 ) ms)

ESN [15] 90.20 91.4 88.9 – – –

Least mean square (LMS) [15] 87.9 89.3 86.5 – – –
Recursive least square (RLS) [15] 88.2 89.7 86.8 – – –
TS [15] 89.3 89.9 88.8 – – –
FUSE [19] 95 95.6 94.3 – – –
FUSE – SMOOTH [19] 96 95.9 96 – – –
Optimal principle component selection [20] Only Best 89.8 89.3 90.5 – – –
SVD and SW combined [16] r01 signals 99.61 99.53 99.69 99.22 – –
SVD and SW combined [16] r07 signals 99.28 99.2 99.36 98.57 – –
Template adaption [23] TA 97.3 ± 10.8 97.4 ± 11.0 97.2 ± 10.7 96.0 ± 13.4 – –
Extended Kalman smoother [23] EKS 93.0 ± 20.3 93.1 ± 20.3 92.8 ± 20.3 91.2 ± 23.2 – –
FTM [17] without SQA 84.9 – – – 185.6 19.4
FTM [17] with SAQ 93.9 – – – 47.5 7.6
Principal component model [22] – 95 – – – 4.84
Proposed Method DBI (Average 99.25 100 98.55 98.53 0 0
of Channel 1,
2 & 3)
Proposed Method DBII (Best) 98.85 98.63 99.52 97.77 10.8 0.17
DBII (Overall) 96.04 94.86 97.41 92.8 156.85 2.22
Proposed Method DBIII (Best) 96.04 93.8 98.48 92.41 12 0.3
DBIII 94.25 92.55 96.36 88.48 108 2.14

Table 6
Additional statistical analysis for DBII and DBIII .

Methods Correlation between FHR Median sensitivity Median positive predictivity

Synchronized averaging [18] – 0.982 0.976

Wavelet-based approach [21] 0.48 – –
Wavelet-based approach [21] fHR >110bpm 0.73 – –
Proposed Method DBII (Best) 0.97 0.99 0.989
DBII (Overall) 0.66 0.956 0.97
Proposed Method DBIII (Best) 0.94 0.954 0.99
DBIII (overall) 0.59 0.95 0.97

Fig. 9. AECG2 channel of a08 signal from DBII with identified foetal R-peaks and annotated foetal R-peaks marked.

it may require additional operations for removal of some noises required. Fig. 10(a) shows the abdomen electrode signal of a06
before extraction [40,41] i.e., in the pre-processing stage. recording from DBII which is used as the input signal and Fig. 10(b)
Most of the methods like efficient wavelet based ECG process- shows the constructed maternal ECG from the abdomen electrode
ing for single lead fHR extraction [42] have acquired only the foetal signal a06.
heart rate and other parameters but no fECG signal. Some methods
also require multiple channels to achieve good results. So the pro- 7. Conclusion
posed work proves to be a required development in this area of
research, since it is capable of extracting the fHR as well as fECG A simple approach has been used in this paper for extracting
with good accuracy and less computation time by using single lead a distinct foetal ECG from the mother. It is obtained by eliminat-
abdECG where the same can be observed from the results and dis- ing the mECG from the abdominal ECG. The algorithm performs
cussions. Concentration in extraction of mECG, noise removal, ex- well even for extracting the fECG beat which was partially or com-
traction of fECG and its related information has been carried out pletely overlapped. The foetus position and orientation with re-
with equality to ensure the performance of the proposed algo- spect to the abdomen’s surface of the mother is dynamic in time
rithm. Quality of mECG signal extraction shown in Fig. 10 ensures which gets reflected in the acquired signal by change in shape,
the availability of remaining information for good extraction of the amplitude and pulse generated. The same can be observed in the
R.G. John and K.I. Ramachandran / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 175 (2019) 193–204 203

Fig. 10. (a) AECG1 of a06 (input abdomen signal after normalization stage) from DBII ; (b) Extracted mECG from the abdomen signal AECG1 of a06. Vertical axis gives the
amplitude (in NU).

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