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10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets

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H E L L O A L L , H E R E I N T H I S B L O G W H AT I A M T R Y I N G T O D O I S T O B R I N G A L L S O U R C E S O F V E D I C
A S T R O L O G Y T H A T I H A V E C O M E A C R O S S . T H I S M AY I N C L U D E A R T I C L E S O F M A N Y E M I N E N T A S T R O L O G E R S
W H I C H C O U L D B E V E R Y H E L P F U L F O R M A N Y A S T R O L O G Y S T U D E N T S A S I M Y S E L F, A P U Z Z L E D S T U D E N T O F
T H I S S U P R E M E LY D I V I N E S C I E N C E . . . I F Y O U B E L I E V E S C I E N C E I S T R U T H Y O U H A V E T O B E L I E V E V E D I C
A S T R O L O G Y A L S O TO B E T R U E . .

T H U R S D A Y, J A N U A R Y 3 1 , 2 0 0 8 BLOG ARCHIVE

Education And Planets ► 2014 (10)

THE SUN ▼ 2008 (13)

Knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Inclination towards political science and ▼ January (13)
related subjects Karakas-Sarajit Poddar

Upapada and Marriage

The Sun is the source of knowledge and hence can confer the highest
Education And Planets
knowledge, the knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Maharshi Jaimini says
Sun also indicate social. Saravali
Sāravalī - Kalyana VarmaIndex of
Sun being the Raja yoga karaka, it confers the knowledge of political Chapters with Cap...
science and related subjects. Sun gives vitality to otherwise inert world Arudha Lagna(AL)-Pt.Sanjay Rath
and hence it can confer knowledge of things, which is linked to vitality
Bhrigu Samhita
such as Medicine etc.
Brihat Parashara Hora shasthra
Sun is the leader among all the planets and hence all of them rotate Brihat Parashara Hora shasthra
around the Sun. Thus sun governs Diplomacy, Arbitration, and Vedic astrology and Livelihood-
Leadership etc. Indu Guha
Vyaya Bhava – Twelfth House
Among metals Sun rules gold and hence it gives the knowledge of Gold
Mladen Lubura The 12t...
jewellery and Bullion.
Love Marriages

Sun has the fire of tapas and hence can indicate Meditation or related Houses
discipline of mind control. As the Sun rules rhythm it confers the
knowledge of Musician and Instrumentalist. It also gives the knowledge
regarding wool, Grass.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:
1. The Sun in swamsa makes the native a keen government/political VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE
worker and good at social service.

2. The Sun in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Vedas and the Bhagvat

(a) There are six systems of Indian philosophy including Vaisheshika,

Nyaya, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta. The Vedas refer to
the four primary texts of Hinduism namely the Rig, Yajur, Sama and
Atharva Veda while the Vedanta includes the various Upanishads
culminating in the Bhagvat Gita of Sri Krishna. 1/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets
(b) Parasara adds that Sun in the fifth gives knowledge of music &

Anything to do with food and Dairy products.

Moon is the karaka for mind and hence indicates disciplines such as
Psychology, psychoanalysis or any studies related to Mind. Being the
giver of food and the prime sustainer in this world it shows disciplines
which is related to food products such as hotel management, catering,
bakery, confectionery or dairy products and also clothes. It is a watery
planet and hence shows knowledge related to water such as ship, sailing,
laundry, liquor, and pearl or other sea products. As the key sustainer it
shows studies related to agriculture or horticulture.

Being the karaka of mind and imagination it signifies Humour

(Cartoonist), Poetry, singing or such works, which brings one to highlight
in public forum. Here we should remember that Moon is also the
bestower of fame. This is because fame comes due to the influence on
the mind of the public, which is signified by Moon.

Moon is also the karaka for mother and hence is very caring. All such
disciplines such as Nursing and house keeping, baby sitting which deals
with caring for someone is ruled by Moon. Moon also signifies
bureaucracy and social service.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras

The Moon in the 1st/5th gives knowledge of the Samkhya and yoga
philosophies besides history (rhetorics & music) or produces a singer
and can make one a good author

Engineering or such technical disciplines, logic

Mars is a fiery planet and by nature is a Kshatriya. The ability governed

by Mars is that of logical and analytical reasoning. It shows the ability to
break down a complex problem into smaller parts and then finding the
solution based on that. This why it rules the disciplines such as
engineering or such technical disciplines, which is based on logic and
analytical reasoning. Being a fiery planet and a Kshatriya it signifies
studies or disciplines involving fire, feats of valour, military studies etc.

Mars also governs the land and metal, and hence gives the knowledge of
metallurgy, mineral, building construction etc.

Being a fiery planet, Mars can also give the knowledge of Jyotisha. When
it joins Jupiter is generates the fruitful Guru-Mangala yoga which confers
the native the highest knowledge of Jyotisha as both planet show 2/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets
amalgamation of intuition and logical reasoning.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:

1. Mars in svamsa gives expertise in metallurgy or in arms and warfare or
in matters related to fire.

2. A logician is indicated by Mars in the 1st/ 5th. Parasara adds legal

knowledge and jurisprudence (Pt. Sanjay Rath)

Mercury’s karakatwa is communication and speech and hence it governs
Communication through electronic such as telephone or through other
media such as news such as journalism and reporting, posts,
documentary filmmaking. As books is one of the medium of
communication he governs disciplines such as Library science, books
writing, authorship, knowledge of literature and linguistics, publication,
printing, stationery, documentation, teaching, accountancy, clerical
studies such as stenography.

Being the governor of speech it shows Language related studies and

Interpretation. This is why Mercury also governs Mantras and astrology.
He also governs trade and commerce, thus it confers the knowledge of
the same.

Among all things Mercury also governs mental dexterity, which means
how fast we can frame and express our thought process into different
medium (Language is one among them). Thus it also shows disciplines,
which show the expression of the thinking process such as
Mathematician, Poet, Artist, Sculptor, Writer etc.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:

1. Mercury in Swamsa gives business acumen and produces a skilled
trader or a weaver, sculptor or one well versed in social and legal norms.

2. Mercury instead (of Jupiter or Venus in the 1st/ 5th houses) also
indicates an author, but with even lesser capability. The number of
natural benefics in the Swamsa or 5th house will determine the
capabilities of the author. The presence of the Moon (Mind) is the primary
factor Jupiter, Venus & Mercury give writing abilities, but in a decreasing

3. ‘Mimamsa’ is one of the six systems of Indian Philosophy. Mercury in

the 1st/5th from the swamsa indicates a mimamsaka or involvement in
interpretation of text/available literature etc.

This planet represents the divine disciplines such as Sanskrit, Vedas and
Shastras, Finance related subjects, high level strategy. 3/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets

Jupiter is foremost of among giver of the knowledge of Apara vidya. The

knowledge, which is never destroyed in the cosmic cycle of birth and
death. He is the Devaguru and hence the bestower of the supreme and
divine knowledge of Vedas and shastra (Scriptures). He governs the
divine languages such as Sanskrit and divine disciplines such as Jyotish
or the Discipline of Light.

Being a karaka for wealth or dhana karaka, Jupiter Governs the Finance
related subjects such as financial management, banking, Economics etc.

Jupiter rules the Dhi. Dhi is the principle, which differentiates us from
animals. Dhi is the power of discrimination through knowledge. That is
why Jupiter gives very high knowledge of Philosophy. Jupiter governs
the disciplines of high-level strategy like Business Strategy, Strategies of
War, Growth strategies of nations etc, as they require high-level thinking.
Hence, he signifies those disciplines, which lead to consultants,
advisors, counsellors, scientist, and Philosopher.

Jupiter shows the direction of life trough the knowledge it confers and
hence all the disciplines, which is directing towards showing the right
path such as Journalist, Judges, Lawyer, Psychologist, Psychoanalyst,
Teacher, Preacher etc. are governed by Jupiter

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras

1. Jupiter in svamsa makes a karmayogi who will excel in any field due to
his intelligence or one interested in philosophy and religious or a priest.

2. An excellent author is indicated by the presence of Moon & Jupiter in

svamsa or the fifth there from.

3. Jupiter indicate a grammarian, knowledge of religious scriptures (like

Vedas, Bible, Quoran etc) and a philosopher & Vendantist.

4. Jupiter joining/aspecting the above planets in the 1st/ 5th will give all
around knowledge, both traditional and modern and proficiency in at
least one branch.

Knowledge of Shastras, Knowledge of beauty products such as
garments, perfumes etc, various forms of Arts, Private sector and
management skills, eye for detail.

Venus is the Guru of the Asura and very knowledgeable and hence can
confer the knowledge of Shastras. It can make one a author and as
Jaimini says he is conferred the knowledge of poetry and makes the
native a eloquent speaker and knowledgeable critic. However unlike
Jupiter, the knowledge is mostly useful for living a good life in this world.

Venus signifies all the materials of luxury and hence can confer the 4/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets
knowledge of beauty products such as garments, perfumes etc. Venus
rules all the forms of art as this can be used for attracting others. Thus
various forms of Arts and studies on music, acting, theatre and cinema,
singing, dancing, poetry, drama, fashion designing, beautician or working
with beauty products Apparel and textiles, and interior decoration are
signified by Venus.

Venus rules the real world strategies and hence signify the knowledge of
private sector and rules the operation level management skills. Venus
also signifies an eye for detail.

As the significator of luxury Venus also rules the knowledge of precious

stones and precious metals etc. Being the significator of Vehicles, it
signifies elephant, horses, and conveyances. The combination of Moon
and Venus can signify sailing or navigation.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:

1. The aspect of Venus (on the Moon in the fourth) will surely produces a

2. The full Moon and Venus is svamsa give all luxuries of life and an
educationist is produced.

3. Venus in svamsa indicates a government or political official or a

passionate person who virile up to a hundred years.

4. Venus instead (or Jupiter in the 1st/ 5th house) also indicates an
author, but of lesser capability.

5. Venus in svamsa or 5th indicates a poet, an eloquent speaker or a

knowledge critic.

Tradition studies or studies belonging to traditions; Jupiter & Saturn give
Brahma Yoga (Yoga granting Knowledge from Tradition).

Saturn is a great teacher. It teaches through punishment and making one

realise the purpose of life. Hence, it signifies philosophy and spiritualism.
Saturn is very old and is orthodox and thus it signifies knowledge
passing down from tradition. The deity of Saturn is Brahma who is the
creator of this world in the form of Prajapati. Thus Saturn signifies the
knowledge of creation. When coupled with devaguru Brhaspati, it
generates fruitful Brahma yoga which grants the fine knowledge of
creation and also shows passing down of knowledge from tradition
through a Guru (Jupiter)

Saturn rules the minerals which are extracted from the earth and hence
signify all fuels including coal, petrol, mining of these fuels, minerals and
metals. 5/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets
Saturn rules the excretory system in the human body whose prime
responsibility is to clean the system from any poison or garbage and
hence all such disciplines which is related to cleaning of a place or thing
such as, drainage system, plumbing, garbage collection and disposal etc.
is signified by Saturn.

Saturn is a hard worker and signify heavy labour or the studies/

knowledge related to that such as agriculture, carpentry, blacksmith,
artisan, mechanic, handy craft, factory etc

Saturn is extremely cold. This is borne out of the fact that it rules two
signs of the zodiac, which corresponds to winter or extreme cold. Thus it
signify Ice manufacturing, Refrigeration and preservation.

Big Machines, Big bombs such as atomic and nuclear bombs etc,
espionage, abstract mathematician.

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:

Rahu in svamsa produces a bowman or a thief. He may earn by dacoity
or by cheating or he maybe capable of handling very poisonous and
dangerous chemicals, medicines etc or an expert in
metals/manufacturing activities.

As Maharishi Jaimini says Rahu shows research studies and

mathematics. Rahu can give knowledge on big machines, their
manufacture and trade; big bombs such as atomic and nuclear bombs.

It also signify and can signify studies or knowledge on imports (as

opposite to Ketu who signify exports), secret societies, working with
leather goods, mining (sanivat Rahu, like Saturn, Rahu also rules
mining), wealth or minerals extracted from below the ground. It also
signify poisonous substances including drugs etc.

Rahu signify the crime of every form.

High precision machines such as watches and computers,
mathematicians, statistician or an astrologer

Quotes from Jaimini Sutras:

1. Ketu in svamsa indicates one who will earn through elephants or
maybe a thief or a swindler.

2. Ketu in the 1st/ 5th gives mathematical ability. This is important for
astrology as well. Rahu indicates capability for research and
mathematics. 6/14
10/28/23, 2:56 PM Vedic Astrology: Education And Planets
Maharishi Jaimini says that Ketu indicate making or the knowledge of
watches. In the modern context this can be extended to the knowledge of
high precision machines such as watches, computers etc. Ketu also
gives the knowledge of mathematics, statistics and astrology.

Ketu also signify exports, counter-espionage, terrorism, spiritualism,

animal and elephant trading/ riding and dealing with bone, ivory, horn or
similar articles.

Excerpts from Varga Chakra (Siddhamsa by Sarajit Poddar)

P O S T E D B Y V I N U AT 3 : 3 1 P M


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MARCH 6, 2019 AT 6:20 PM

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